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  1. 7 points
  2. I want one that can be modified to fix stupidity and lies......that would be a magic button.
    5 points
  3.      “If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull :poop: .” ― W.C. Fields
    4 points
  4. I have stopped carrying my little 380 in favor of my full size 1911 and three magazines. The 1911 is surprisingly slim.
    4 points
  5. 3 points
  6.   No, it's ManBearPig.  :)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf69EEL3WBk
    3 points
  7. Dear Santa,  My name is Craig and I'm 43 years old. I've been very very good this year and all I want is a bullet button and a hollywood magazine. Oh and world peace.   P.S. I'll leave cookies and milk out for you. P.P.S. if the dog knocks over the milk and eats the cookies remember that's him and shouldn't affect my presents at all.
    3 points
  8. I don't see it being much different being shot at whether it's a rifle or a pistol.  The shooter can't point and fire any more quickly with one over the other, and in the type of indoor environment where these shootings take place the range advantage of a rifle isn't really an issue.  The only advantage the shooter would have is magazine capacity, but based on some research I have read these shooters don't typically walk in and dump rounds rapid fire.  Instead, they walk around and select targets to shoot at so you should have the same amount of time to react whether the shooter has a long gun or a hand gun.  I'm also rethinking my carry method and strongly considering going back to my Sig P228 over the single stack 9mm I've been carrying.  If I'm going to be facing some ISIS ****bag armed to the teeth, I want as many rounds ready to deploy as possible.  I carried a 13 round P-229 on duty over a 7 shot compact 9mm pistol as a LEO in case I had to face down a serious threat, so if there is now a real possibility I will be facing a similar threat now, why would I do any differently?  Honestly, during an indoor event at close range, I'd rather have a shotgun than a rifle or a handgun, but since that's not viable I figure 15 rounds of 9mm that I can put downrange accurately is my best option.  Now, would I actively seek out the shooter and attempt to terminate the threat?  The answer is "maybe" depending on the circumstances.  If I feel I can find and maintain adequate cover and concealment, I very well might.  That's the former LEO in me, and I am the type that would want to do something to save people's lives if at all possible.  I am not going to put myself into the line of fire except in the most crucial of situations, such as to defend my family or some children.  At the end of the day, I figure it's the responsibility of adults to decide how best to secure their own safety and well-being.  If they chose to not carry a firearm for their own protection, I am not inclined to put my life at risk to save theirs.   A couple of other considerations:  1) These shooters typically seek out soft targets (a.k.a. so-called gun-free zones), so one has to decide what type of risk they are going to take when faced with the need to go to such a location.  2) You should have a plan in place on how to conduct yourself once law enforcement arrives.  The last thing you want is to be a visibly armed individual when a bunch of adrenaline fueled cops locked and loaded for a shootout come rushing into the venue.  They are not likely to be especially interested in spending much time determining whether the person holding a gun is a good guy or a bad guy and will very quickly terminate any perceived threat.  Doesn't do me much good to use my gun to defend myself only to be killed by the police when they show up.
    3 points
  9. That's very true. My point was that the general public doesn't truly have a thorough understanding of most subjects being discussed in the news. We are expecting to hear factually accurate information when we tune in. However, when we as viewers don't have a deep understanding of the subject being discussed, we have no idea we're being misinformed. Too many folks hear these talking heads spewing their trash, and they magically become the experts who need to share the [mis]information with everyone they know. Most people aren't nearly as smart as they think they are.
    3 points
  10. I don't know why do many folks believe their chance is "slim" when using a pistol to confront a person with an AK.  Yes, the obvious advantage goes to the person with the rifle, due to power, range and capacity.  However, those advantages are useless in the hands of someone unprepared/untrained to deal with being shot at.  These types are cowards who aren't looking for a fight; they're looking for a slaughter.  Whether they're armed with a military style rifle or a bazooka, 9mm still hurts.  It still has an effect on their ability to function and breathe.  Being shot at is an emotional event for those who aren't prepared for it, and for these types of people, chances are they have never been shot at before.  The only way they're going to find out how well they react when that first round comes screaming at them is once it actually happens.   Regardless of whether they shoot back, flee, give up or die in place, it will take the focus off slaughtering the sheep.  It will save lives, no question.  Certainly the smart people here have figured out that all these mass shootings have occurred in gun free zones.  That isn't by accident.  There is a reason there.
    3 points
  11. Where in the regs or not, I would just to be safe.
    3 points
  12.   Good tips for sure. I have made it a practice for many years to never sit with my back to any door or stand with my back to any door while I am in a business. I want to at all times know who or what is coming in the door. If you see guys coming towards the door with guns out long or short you begin moving right then to prepare for what is about to happen. Like many have said seconds can count in your favor if you stay crisp about your surrounding................. :up:
    3 points
  13. Found this video and thought a few of you might like to see it.   https://youtu.be/wQtfNMyWZaE
    2 points
  14. Hey all,  Tom in Williamson county here   with the craziness in todays world..   and a near death experience       decided its time to get protection for both me and the Mrs. (Both NEWBIES)   researching..  pistols and carry classes and ammo.. ranges   and $$$$   so far thinking  Springfield XD   not sure on Mod.2, xds  ,Xd   probably need to head to armory and try them .... let her try them too
    2 points
  15. That was fun. IDPA and Steel Challenge, I think I'm really gonna enjoy the Glock 34. Mark, it was fun shooting with you again. Sweet 9mm carbine.
    2 points
  16.   ...then tell him if he wants it to shoot well, "cleaning it religiously" shouldn't be looked at as a negative.  Direct gas AR's are his price range, and they get dirty.  He'll have to deal with it.
    2 points
  17.   Could be a Dogman bigfoot!     OP if you get pics I, like everyone else, would love to see them!
    2 points
  18. Saw this on FB. Just had to throw it in. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Wyatt%20and%20Doc_zpszok3elwu.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  19.     glad to read the retraction
    2 points
  20. He needs to get back on the drugs. He sucks at his job.
    2 points
  21. Congrats KahrMan.  My wife is happy I was slow to make a decision on this one.  My next knife will be a Protech with a Damascus blade.
    2 points
  22. THAT'S not a knife... :)
    2 points
  23. I believe the wolves don't expect sheepdogs among the sheep. Concealed is concealed and not many posted places have metal detectors.
    2 points
  24. Normally I don't chime in on stuff like this...but I can relate. True story when we lived in Valparaiso Indiana my wife would shop at a no frills grocery store called Town and County. It was a nice clean place no fancy coffee bars and such but good prices. We are a single income household by choice so my wife clips coupons. She usually has all the corresponding items placed together and her coupons organized. It might take the cashier an extra thirty seconds to ring her up. One day there was this fine upstanding entitlement person behind her in line with her Bridge card( Indiana's version of the ebt card) out who told her she needs to get the F out of her way and she ain't got time to be waiting on some cracker with coupons. Love my wife she told the little princess that when she starts paying for her own groceries she can complain. Until that time I suggest you close your legs keep your mouth shut and get a job.
    2 points
  25. I wish Zero would just get on with.    Just go ahead and declare 2A null and void.  Ban the ownership of any firearm.   Do it Barry,  you know you want to.   Lets bring this crap to a head.
    2 points
  26. While I agree that this type of test is extreme, the initial drop it in the mud puddle, definitely seems like something that could actually happen and it did cause a failure.  That says a lot more to me than "Hey look this broke after I threw it at something."    
    2 points
  27. While I do stock some barter items I doubt if I'd be advertising it if you know what I mean. I'd only offer them to someone I'm comfortable with otherwise you may be subjecting yourself to bigger problems...just sayin'.
    2 points
  28. This shall go into the annals of history as an example of why you shouldn't try to be an expert on something you know nothing about.   https://www.facebook.com/thegunvaultut/videos/1031663876877287/?pnref=story  
    1 point
  29. Christie "WILL NOT" win the primary so no worries here. He can't win the south, south west, mid west, or north west. All he could win is some of the north east and maybe California.
    1 point
  30.   No battlefields.  He's not basing it solely on this test....was on the fence anyway.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Gentlemen, I am not kidding here, when I was at Bladeshow last year and met Dave for the first time, I asked for him to pull out his carry knife for me to look at, he handed me a aluminum framed Carbon Fiber Chad Nichols Damascus bladed BR1 knife. I asked him if I could do a TGO run like that and he said NO, those blades were reserved for his High End custom knifes, but since he was the owner of the company, that was his knife, So when I decided to do this run he allowed me 3, one for myself and 2 others, I sent messages to two of my best customers on here and asked him to allow me 5, he agreed I just got another message from him and he said Merry Christmas TGO I will offer you up to 20 blades that way Guys, again I know $480.00 is a lot of money for a pocket knife, but for a Carbon Fiber BR1 Magic with a Chad Nichols Damascus blade, you will NEVER get another chance at this and for this low of a price I promise!
    1 point
  33. I would like to have it if stil available.
    1 point
  34. Been a good morning to sit in one of my heated blinds but my knees wouldn't have been happy if I'd have made the sit in a stand!
    1 point
  35. Got off work early enough on Friday afternoon to go sit in the stand.  About 10 minutes before the sun dropped below the horizon.  I see a huge doe prancing toward me.  Directly at me.   She gets within 30 yards, decides to stop and give me a perfect broad side shot.  I hit her in the kill zone.  She went about 20 yards and dropped.  Yaay, meat in the freezer.   I give her about 15 minutes to make sure she's dead before I approach her, so she doesn't jump up and run away (been burned before).  I roll her over and start to gut her.   "To my surprise, this doe's penis and testicle are staring me in the face.  I take another peek at her/his head.  The antlers had broken completely off. I'm estimating he was 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 years old, not full grown and easily mistaken for a large doe.   I guess he'll be as tender as an old doe.   Didn't hit his heart with the bullet.  However, the lungs were completely vaporized.  The 158 gr 357 JHPs did the trick.
    1 point
  36. You know, because of these knives I've gotten into buying even more expensive ones.  Ordered a HEST F Urban a couple weeks back.  It's getting to be as expensive as my guns.
    1 point
  37. I've heard that Kenny Loggins lurks around there. Watch Out!
    1 point
  38. yup.  for me it was the "right off the bat" factor that troubles me.  
    1 point
  39. Quoted just so I can say I participated in the longest post of TGO history. The letter intimidated the school district into offering an apology. In April 2013, the group's Michigan branch pushed for public schools in the city of Dearborn to accommodate Muslim students who wished to comfortably pray on school grounds and to allow Muslim students to leave early on Fridays for Jumu’ah prayers.[2] The school superintendant complied. CAIR also sends its own lecturers into the public schools to indoctrinate students with Islamist propaganda and wants Muslim educators to have a say in textbook selection, so as to spin the Islamist narrative in history and social studies texts. For example, on November 29, 2011 at Steinbrenner High School in Lutz, Florida, CAIR Florida executive director Hassan Shibly complied with a world history teacher's request that he teach more than 400 students not only about sharia law, but also about the mission of CAIR itself. CAIR also influences the education system by using the legal system to bully teachers who dare to discuss examples of terrorists committing violence in the name of Islam. For example, CAIR’s Washington state branch accused a well-respected Washington public school teacher of being “racist” when, while instructing her students about the dangers of bullying in October 2012, she used the Taliban and Hamas as examples of organizations that employ violence to “bully people.” CAIR called for a federal investigation and demanded information “regarding curriculum, approved texts and materials, internal correspondence, and past complaints against the district.” In June 2013, CAIR took an alternate, nondescript name: the Washington Trust Foundation, Inc Revelation That CAIR Has Been Illegally Hiding Funding from Foreign Sources Over the years, CAIR has made conflicting statements about funding it has received from sources overseas. In a press release issued just two months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, for instance, the organization asserted: “We do not support directly or indirectly, or receive support from, any overseas group or government.” By January 2009, however, CAIR claimed, “[T]here is nothing criminal or immoral about accepting donations from foreign nationals.… The U.S. government, corporations and non-profit organizations routinely receive money from foreign nationals.” Against that backdrop, in September 2013 the Daily Caller revealed that CAIR, for years, had been receiving large contributions from foreign entities and hiding them from the IRS by illegally shifting those funds between two separate bank accounts to circumvent U.S. law. A bit of background is necessary at this point: CAIR obtained a 501(c)(4) “social welfare” certification from the IRS in 1994. Contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations are usually not deductible as charitable contributions for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Moreover, 501(c)(4) groups are not required to publicly disclose the identity of their donors, with just a few exceptions. Eleven years later, in 2005, CAIR created what was supposed to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit “sister” organization known as the CAIR-Foundation, Inc., for the purpose of allowing its American donors to get tax deductions when giving to CAIR. Donations made to 501(c)(3) organizations are deductible to the full extent of the law as charitable contributions. It was not until 2007, however, that the CAIR-Foundation, Inc. officially secured its 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. Then, from 2008-2010, the CAIR-Foundation, Inc. never filed the IRS 990 forms that all 501(c)(3)s are required to file. Thus it was subsequently de-listed—i.e., it lost its 501(c)(3) status—in 2011. Meanwhile, the original 1994 CAIR maintained only one website, which listed itself (incorrectly) as a 501(c)(3) and made no distinction between its 501(c)(4) lobbying arm and its (de-listed) 501(c)(3) non-profit arm. IRS regulations stipulate that while an organization may have both 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) related entities, it must maintain a wall between the two—i.e., the entities must have separate bank accounts, boards of directors, financial books, and payrolls. But the two CAIR entities had none of these distinctions. To circumvent U.S. tax laws, said the Daily Caller, CAIR's 501(c)(4) entity had collected, without making any disclosure to the IRS, millions of dollars in contributions—and tens of millions of dollars in pledges—from large, anonymous donors. After depositing these funds into its 501(c)(4) bank account, CAIR promptly shifted the funds to its 501(c)(3) account, thereby (illegally) allowing the donors to remain anonymous and claim tax deductions for their contributions. Federal criminal statutes refer to this practice as “laundering” of funds.” Laundering foreign funds into a U.S. political non-profit in this manner constitutes a violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act, a 1938 law requiring “persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal.” Similarly, U.S. law prohibits the shifting of funds from overseas in order to avoid reporting them to the IRS. Some of CAIR's large, anonymous donors were based in Middle Eastern Muslim nations. Among those that gave unreported donations to CAIR during one particular five-year period were: the government of Qatar (which gave $405,000 during those years); the Saudi-based Kingdom Holding Company ($199,980); the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, or UAE ($219,563); and such additional UAE-based entities as the National Bank of Fujairah ($100,000), the Red Crescent Society ($99,985), and 
Bin Hammodah Properties ($44,985). As of September 2013, CAIR had met and coordinated with foreign principals on at least 35 occasions and engaged in more than 100 political influence operations on behalf of foreign principals in the United States. David Reaboi, vice president for strategic communications at the Center for Security Policy, said at that time: In a move that may have been related to CAIR's practice of secretly shifting foreign funds between its 501(c)(3) and its 501(c)(4), in June 2013 the organization quietly—with no formal announcement—adopted yet another alternate name: the Washington Trust Foundation, Inc. This appears to have been a sub rosa move that was not intended for public knowledge but was uncovered by investigative journalists. Indeed, CAIR's website made no mention of the name change, and no web page existed under the new name. CAIR's Philadelphia Office Hires Leftwing Jewish Activist On October 15, 2013, CAIR's Philadelphia office issued a press release announcing that it had hired Jacob Bender, a left-wing Jewish activist and filmmaker, as its new executive director. Bender, who has spent a good portion of his life denouncing the Jewish state, blames Israel for virtually all the problems encountered by Palestinians. In one letter to a newspaper, he writes, “The vast settlement project… is only the most visible manifestation of Israel’s four-decade long rule over Palestinian territory, an occupation that has included torture, political assassination, home demolitions and economic strangulation.” In another letter, he depicts “the growth of terrorism and Islamist extremism” as “a direct result of its oppression of the Palestinians.” The Alwaleed bin Talal Foundation was the top donor to Bender’s anti-Israel “documentary” film, Out of Cordoba. Another large donor of the film was the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). Another donor was the Alavi Foundation, an Iranian group that had its Manhattan office tower seized by the United States in September 2013, in what prosecutors described as the “country’s largest-ever terrorism-related forfeiture.” According to prosecutors, the foundation was engaged in money laundering for the government of Iran. Yet another donor was the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which took an active role in the distribution of Bender’s film. Former ISNA heads and current ISNA representatives, Muzammil Siddiqi and Sayyid Syeed, acted as advisors to the film. United Arab Emirates Designates CAIR As a Terrorist Group In mid-November 2014, the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) designated CAIR, the Muslim American Society (MAS), and more than 80 groups from other countries as terrorist organizations. Others on the list included ISIS; al Qaeda and its various branches; the Muslim Brotherhood and its branches; Britain’s Cordoba Foundation; the Muslim Association of Britain; and numerous European Muslim groups based in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Islam scholar Robert Spencer offered the following analysis of the UAE designation of CAIR: According to Middle East Forum president Daniel Pipes, "CAIR incites, funds, and does much more vis-à-vis terrorism." He elaborates that CAIR: (a) Apologizes for terrorist groups: Challenged repeatedly to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups, CAIR denounces the acts of violence but not their sponsors. ( B) Is connected to Hamas: Hamas, designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. and many other governments, indirectly created CAIR and the two groups remain tight. Examples: in 1994, CAIR head Nihad Awad publicly declared his support for Hamas; and the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), a Hamas front group, contributed $5,000 to CAIR; in turn, CAIR exploited the 9/11 attacks to raise money for HLF; and, this past August, demonstrators at a CAIR-sponsored rally in Florida proclaimed "We are Hamas!" (c) Settled a lawsuit: CAIR initiated a libel lawsuit in 2004 over five statements by a group called Anti-CAIR. But two years later, CAIR settled the suit with prejudice (meaning that it cannot be reopened), implicitly acknowledging the accuracy of Anti-CAIR's assertions, which included: "CAIR is a terrorist supporting front organization that is partially funded by terrorists"; "CAIR … is supported by terrorist supporting individuals, groups and countries"; "CAIR has proven links to, and was founded by, Islamic terrorists"; and "CAIR actively supports terrorists and terrorist supporting groups and nations." (d) Includes individuals accused of terrorism: At least seven board members or staff at CAIR have been arrested, denied entry to the US, or were indicted on or pled guilty to or were convicted of terrorist charges: Siraj Wahhaj, Bassem Khafagi, Randall ("Ismail") Royer, Ghassan Elashi, Rabih Haddad, Muthanna Al-Hanooti, and Nabil Sadoun. (e) Is in trouble with the law: Federal prosecutors in 2007 named CAIR (along with two other Islamic organizations) as "unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers" in a criminal conspiracy to support Hamas financially. In 2008, the FBI ended contacts with CAIR because of concern with its continuing terrorist ties. NOTES: [1] As scholar and former CIA operations officer Clare Lopez pointed out in response: [2] CAIR’s instructional material for teachers -- entitled “An Educator’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices” -- advises schools to permit Muslim students who wish to attend Friday congregational worship (known as Jum’ah) to “request a temporary release from school.”
    1 point
  40. So islamic terrorist had a few 1000 rounds, hope the government does not come to some of our houses.
    1 point
  41. If some retards are running around with AKs and SVests I am not sticking around. Yes 10mm is known to reduce mortals to piles of goo and gristle, however I will not try to tackle a hunter killer team bent on killing everyone. Only to have the wannabe SOF cop cavalry shoot me 320 times while mildly creaming their panties. Im tired of all this postulating and tactical planning it doesnt solve anything. Everyone is getting scared. Hold your family close and stay aware - but dont be a fool and think carrying a pistol be it a 9mm with a 33 rd mag or 10mm or 454 Cas is going to eliminate a threat. Get out of the danger zone and go home... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. Speed, audacity, surprise; use all three as best you can.  They're expecting the crowd to run away in a panic.  Don't do what they expect, and you can earn enough of an advantage to do what you can. 
    1 point
  43.   There's a healthy difference between military tactics when trading fire with a threat, and military tactics when dealing with the population at large.  As long as the .mil TTP's stay reserved for contact drills I'm fine with that.
    1 point
  44. After reading a lot of the news sites different articles over the last 2 days something about this attack has had a different effect on the general population.Reading a lot of the comments afterwards it appears that the American population is not buying the politicians anti gun rhetoric this time.I like a lot of the commentators feel that to enact any type of gun control would in fact make the people more vulnerable-not more safe.I guess what I am trying to say is that its about time some of these citizens are finally waking up to what the rest of us already were thinking.
    1 point
  45. Sometimes there are just no words you can say when it comes to real friends and I am blessed with some great ones. About three weeks ago my old worn out recliner took a dump and back broke on it. I called a buddy of mine with a pickup truck and asked if he could haul it off for me and he said yea about about 3 hours later he shows up with this which is a brand new Lazy Boy recliner. Puts it together and hauls the old one off and won't let me pay him a dime. Then Yesterday morning I discovered that my chest freezer had quit working and thankful everything was still froze. I called another friend that i knew had some space in his freezer and asked him if I could bring all my frozen stuff to his place till I could figure out what I could do about getting the old one fixed. He said give him about an hour and he would see about coming and getting all the stuff. About an hour later him and the guy that gave me the recliner showed up with this. Brand New one. I had to wait about 2 hours to transfer all my stuff over into it but didn't lose anything. Again I asked them to let me pay them and both of them just smiled and said thats what friends are for and climbed in the truck and left! Need I say anymore????
    1 point
  46. "Why aren't the Muslims speaking out against this? Do they support it?" "Why are the Muslims holding a press conference? Do they feel guilty?" :lol: No, really. What do you want them to do?
    1 point
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