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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2015 in all areas

  1. I do have a personal request fellows. On all of this Islam vs. Christianity vs. Catholic Church and whose Bible or Koran thumping abilities and self justification dialog ongoing here. This thread started as a commentary of a mass shooting with some good referred reports. You fellows have become preachy and borderline offensive in turning it into a religious tirade. For the love of Mike please knock it off and stop trying to rewrite what's done.  
    10 points
  2. For anyone trying to justify this because of the crusades let me dispel that as hogwash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo   Islam was attempting to take over the world and the crusades were in response to Islamic aggression not the other way around. Islam started it and the crusades tried to stop it. The crusades stopped almost immediately as soon as they started but jihad has not stopped once in 1,500 years. They will not stop until every one of us here are either Muslim or dead, period. And the worst part is a lot of Americans would rather live as a Muslim slave than be called a racist, islamaphobe or some other label.
    9 points
  3. When the cliff notes are available, let me know.
    8 points
  4. I love it when we all can get together for the Holidays. :pleased: :slapfight:
    8 points
  5. All this discussion of religion makes me wish Shepherd Master was still here. :D FWIW, I'm converting to Buddhism ;)
    6 points
  6. This whole thread is starting to go off the deep end, and before it does I'd like to say that Catholicism had its corruption, but you are a total fool if you don't think that every sect of Christianity has not had its share of leaders that were corrupted by the idea of power over masses. That being said, I refuse to subscribe to the idea that all Muslims are evil. The Old Testament has some raunchy stuff that can rival anything in the Quran. I guarantee a lot of you folks have tattoos, had premarital sex, eat shellfish, shave your beards, etc. too.. And just like the bible there are a lot of things that are not applicable to modern living and plenty of Muslims feel the same way. Chances are, Hamiid down the street doesn't want to behead your wife or enact Sharia law in Brentwood anymore than any Christian wants to enact some of the violent passages in the bible. They want us to hate them. They want us to hate the non-radical so as to justify radicalization. That is not the path, that is not love the way God teaches. We are at war with a radicalized form of a typically peaceful belief in modern times, we are not at war with all Muslims. They kill those that are not radical like them, and plenty of Muslims have fought and died for this country. Just saying.
    6 points
  7.    Maybe start teaching their followers to tolerate other religions, and that murdering them because they don't believe what they do is wrong. That would be a start.
    6 points
  8. That's exactly why I'm doing it. If we can view all who claim to be Muslims through one lens, why not all Christians? A lot of the responses here really strike me as being as unfounded as we rail against the left for being. "There's been another shooting, it involves guns. Therefore, we suggest removing all the guns, it will make some people feel better. We're not interested in freedom." "There's been another shooting, it involves Muslims. Therefore, we suggest removing all Muslims, it will make some people feel better. We're not interested in freedom." We need to take the emotion out of this and be logical, try to understand our enemy and how their thought process works. Otherwise we'll never get anywhere and be stuck in this quagmire until they detonate a dirty or chemical weapon, then we respond, then they respond, and we all end up dead. I doubt enough people ever decide to do that though, it's much easier to just be mad and see any attempt to learn about the enemy as weakness.
    5 points
  9. the real answers will be hard to find.  they will keep truth far away from us on this matter.  they had a plan to do great harm.  you don't build several "pipe" bombs for fun and keep them at home.  they had a mission/plan to do something.  but their plans changed for some unknown reason and they did this instead.  they had the gear, weapons, ammo, bombs, heavy vehicle, and go pro cameras.  all right out of the play book of the muslims terrorist.  but the government will not tell us that because they are afraid that the "bubba effect" will start.  
    5 points
  10. I'm going to go out on a limb and disagree with everyone else. I think it's a belt.
    5 points
  11.   Anytime someone suggests maybe we as a nation aren't the super greatest, most awesome inerrant country in the world people get upset. The idea that maybe we made our bed and now get to lie in it is more than some folks can handle.    Yes, Islam has been violent for a long time. Other countries have been screwing with Muslim countries for eons as well, playing one against the other, appointing and removing leaders as we saw fit, funding this group or that etc and never allowing them to mature because it didn't suit our needs at the time. Why did Bin Laden want to fly planes into the World Trade center instead of Moscow or Big Ben? Why was 9-11 the second attempt by Muslims to destroy the WTC? Because the US has been needling, poking, and prodding over there for a very long time and they're tired of it. A lot of the middle east sees the US as a bully, continually picking on them. I can understand why 40% of Muslims agreed with Bin Laden that they were tired of being pushed around by what they saw as some outsider picking on them.    Of course, that entire paragraph has hacked off the "YeehawNascarbarbecuefourwheeldrive" 'Mericans. How dare I insinuate that 'Merica was bad, or made a mistake.    Whether we did or didn't, that's how the people attacking us see it. I don't believe Islam is completely gentle and loving right now, but I also don't buy for a second that America is just some innocent bystanding victim in all this either. Just like Christians no longer stone adulterers to death, I believe that given time to grow on their own the radical portions of Islam will fade away as well. Nobody has 1,000 years for that to happen though, so we keep picking and prodding and putzing around over there to make things 'better'.
    4 points
  12. [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/app.php]screen capture[/url]
    4 points
  13.   Yeah I'm a hypocrite.  I don't care.  I'm tired of this.  It's senseless and idiotic.  It's a barbaric culture.  It can't be changed.  It's very naive to think that suddenly this group of people will become more civilized.  They have been fighting anybody and everybody for thousands of years.  Am I grouping them all together?  Yes I am.  I don't believe violent religions should be tolerated and Islam is violent.  
    4 points
  14. Does your car have anything that looks like this? If not, belt:)
    4 points
  15. this won't end well.        Freedom will be the big loser.
    4 points
  16. A nice Christmas gift headed to Wisconsin for a lucky guy. This is made from 3/16" thick 1095 carbon steel. It has IPE scales and copper pin and lanyard hole. IPE for those that don't know it the same wood very expensive decks and made from for it's durability and weather resistance. It's a very hard wood.....kind like grinding steel without the sparks. The OAL length is about 13" with a blade length right at 7 1/2". I think it would make a good camp knife, skinner of even a defensive knife. It's been double acid etched and has jimping for your thumb. [url=https://flic.kr/p/BeVAKr][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/BCRtes] [url=https://flic.kr/p/BLaeNA][/url]
    3 points
  17.   The entire post was spot on, but the part quoted above is what it all comes down to.       Pretty much.  You could grab a fire team at random from any of the infantry battalions on Fort Campbell, and have them take care of the same threat in about five minutes.  From Paris to California, too much risk aversion, not enough fire and maneuver is becoming the norm from the response teams.   I'm not trying to bash the police in this at all, but we need to be able to deal with these threats a good deal more proportionally.  Sooner or later the other guy is going to figure out just how much police manpower they can tie down with one event and plan multiple attacks in the same area based on that.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19.   To whom am I being condescending? Care to share my other idiotic posts?    I think you're taking this discussion way more seriously than I am. Lighten up, Francis. :)  :cheers:
    3 points
  20. I am actually thinking of having that on these knives, I am still checking into this
    3 points
  21. I agree, we need to leave it alone for about a thousand years or so...after we nuke it.
    3 points
  22. The only reports of three shooters were from a couple of folks in the building. Just like the reports of the Go Pros and bullet proof vests, they were apparently wrong. Hell, they also said it was three men. Also, only one person said Farook got mad at something and left, and one said he simply walked out after looking nervous for a while, so that's pretty much up in the air too.   Also apparently false was the guy who said someone got out of the SUV and ran away after the gunfire started,  tearing off gear and whatnot as he ran.   Which all just goes to show the unreliability of eye witnesses, especially when there's shooting involved.   - OS
    3 points
  23.   As I suspected, no bullet proof vests, confirmed at latest press conference just now. Just tactical molle type vests holding mags and whatnot.   That's always been the case with these reports in the media, they're always described as bullet proof, but never are.   No cameras. Just something else some "witness" "saw". None found on their bodies or anywhere else they've combed through. - OS
    3 points
  24.     Can you show me the difference between the peaceful fun loving gun owners and the ones that shoot up elementary schools and movie theaters?  Until you can, then I'd just like to ban all guns and string the owners up by their sacks.  
    3 points
  25. I'm not excusing anything, I just get tired of "All them Muslims is ba-yed, we gotta git 'em!" Islam is a few hundred years behind Christianity in its evolution, let's not pretend Christians have always been gentle and loving. It's just been a long time since the crusades so folks tend not to talk about it. I know, I know- "They started it!" Well that's the same thing they're saying. Who's been bombing, overthrowing, and otherwise screwing around in the Middle East for generations? Isis sounds just like the Republican Party to their followers- "Let's fight then there so we don't have to fight them here! God loves us, he's on our side, we will prevail!" :popcorn: I'm posting from my phone, hope the little popcorn smiley works. Can't find the poking with a stick one. :lol:
    3 points
  26.   They are describing their apartment as an IED factory. Perhaps Jihad Jo and Jihad Jane had another planed target but he changed it for some reason like, maybe he saw a better and easier opportunity to kill more infidels, and having a "CHRISTMAS" celebration, a christian holiday made him angry as a devout Muslim. Some thought it was a strange target at first but it was actually the perfect target, it doesn't matter what the event really is just so long as they can kill a large crowded group of infidels trapped in a room or building. The fact that there was a Christmas celebration made it all better to the Muslim terrorist. Home grown ISIS inspired or foreign infiltrators, it's still Islamic terrorism, no difference.  I'll spare everyone the photo of the female dog this time.
    3 points
  27. Probably belt related or maybe one of the belt driven accessories. Alternator possibly. If it's only when it rains though it's the belt. Either needs tightened up or replaced. Could be the tensioner getting weak as well.
    3 points
  28. Only when it rains? Sounds like it might be a belt slipping when it gets wet. Maybe check the tension and condition of the belts. That's my best guess anyway
    3 points
  29. Kindness & generosity repays kindness & generosity. Not to blow my own trumpet, but a couple of years ago I offered to process a friend's deer, as thanks for letting me hunt his property. I processed a lot more than I hunted, because to me, the opportunity was worth it. His thinking was the exact opposite. The permission cost him nothing but the processing saved him a fortune. Christmas last year, he presented me with a stainless butcher's table & a brand new chest freezer as thanks. As far as I'm concerned he has free deer processing for life. You get back what you give in this life.
    3 points
  30. This is my 4th attempt to get this thread to post so I'm going to cut it short.   Yesterday I tested 2 of the Magpul G17 mags and they worked just fine. Fit an finish was pretty cheap and worse than I was expecting from Magpul but I was happy there were zero malfunctions.   At $15 a piece you'll have to determine if these are worth giving a shot. CDNN always has factory Glock magazines for $19.99 so there isn't a ton of savings.   Personally, I think the Magpul mags would have more value if they were in the $12-13 price range.   Anyways, I just thought a few of you would find this valuable.    
    2 points
  31.   Yeah, I gave ya a like for the long one, as found a good bit of truth there, so I'll take some heat too. See my "pot to piss in" post above, which partially reflects some of your points. At the risk of being overly simplistic about it all, I'll add:   This all really first came to a head not to just Iran, but the Muslim world in general back when we so blatantly did the Shah Pahlavi thang. Cost Jimmy Peanut the White House and earned the US near universal hatred in the Muslim world all in one fell swoop. Not to mention the huge flip flops like supporting Saddam for many years, until we, um... didn't anymore and worse, hammered him for no good reason. And I don't even want to get started on the long unholy alliance we've had with the Saudis.  Lots of stuff like that over there for a hundred years or better. But once you do it in the TV era, let alone now in the Internet era, the word really gets around to the millions of little guys, who pass the hatred along to successive generations wrapped up part and parcel in the religious thang too.   So really, though, the practical upshot has been to help keep most Muslims in the MidEast poor by supporting the various strongarm tyrants that insured they stayed that way. Or embargoing the crap out of he ones we didn't control.  All because of oil and the big Risk board game to buffer out Russia where we could. If most Muslims had just been able to kick along at just half the level of the American poor, they'd probably have found another outlet for jihad somewhere along the way a few generations back.   But don't worry y'all, I'll still be poppin' dem caps for the Christian side if push comes to shove here before I get too old to do it. They hate agnostics almost as much as Jews and Christians, I'm sure. ;)   Seriously though, there ain't no middle ground now with what these humanoids have become. None at all. And now it's like fighting a war with non-uniformed combatants, you can't tell 'em apart even with a scorecard, and that means you can't truly trust any of them, or at least I can't.   - OS
    2 points
  32. Well, I looked at all the pictures and the one thing I am completely sure of is...........                     Ford SUV's are not bullet proof....................... :up:
    2 points
  33.   I'm sorry Blake but I couldn't disagree with you more. It sounds like you're blaming western countries for the violent behavior we are seeing. As we all know, Muslims have been violent for a long, long time. Far before the US and other countries got involved in the middle east. I agree we probably made things worse.   How do you explain all the violence and attacks that Muslims perform in other parts of the world that don't have their nose in the middle east? Hell, look at Africa. Anywhere there is a large concentration of Muslims is generally a pretty shitty part of the world.   While I'm not as extreme as some of the members here in thinking that all Muslims are horrible, I'm also not naïve enough to think that it's only a small minority that want to kill us. I will not claim to be an expert on Islam but everything I've read leaves me genuinely concerned with our future.   I keep thinking back to that survey of Muslims living in England. Over 40% admitted to sympathizing with Bin Laden. That's just the ones that answered honestly.
    2 points
  34. I have stopped carrying my little 380 in favor of my full size 1911 and three magazines. The 1911 is surprisingly slim.
    2 points
  35.   There was nothing but Catholicism for the first 1500 years of Christendom. Which is about the age of Islam now. So like Ford Guy mentions, they'll probably chill out, just give 'em time. ;)   - OS
    2 points
  36. 12 bombs in the house alone. Yeah, that's workplace violence alright.
    2 points
  37. It doesn't even take a GED in Islamic studies to see that all these folks cutting heads off ascribe to the Muslim faith and they've said the attacks will increase. Turns out one of these shooters yesterday also ascribed to the Muslim faith. When did common sense become bigotry? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  38. While I do stock some barter items I doubt if I'd be advertising it if you know what I mean. I'd only offer them to someone I'm comfortable with otherwise you may be subjecting yourself to bigger problems...just sayin'.
    2 points
  39. I do feel blessed to have the friends I have and I was very surprised to run into my buddy from Nam for sure. His gunship pull my team out of 2 different very hot zones that we may not have other wise made it out of. He was based in Chu Lai and that was our original base but we were all over most of the country doing recon missions and other operations.   We met up again about 15 years ago or so at a fishing tournament here in Gallatin and we both kept looking at each other and both knew that we knew each other from some place and both were trying to figure it out and it was funny because neither one of us wanted to ask the other and finally he broke the ice and asked me where he knew me from and I said I am not sure but we had met in the past. As we talked and I listened to his voice I ask him if he was in Nam and he began laughing and said yea and that is where we met. As time went on it was the first time either one of us felt comfortable talking about those times. Now we don't talk about them but what we are doing these days are more important to us.............. :up:
    2 points
  40. There is little doubt this is related to a terrorist attack. Of course ISIS is going to take claim for it regardless of which terrorist organization they may be affiliated with. ISIS has announced that if you cannot come here and fight kill infidels where ever you are. That should be evident his as it was a somewhat well planned attack. With that said the police are convinced it was only 2 shooters yet many witnesses say 3 shooters. I'm curious as to how many more are involved besides the 2 shooters. The neighbor that lived next to the house they found to be the shooters said she saw 3 or 4 middle eastern men coming and going at all hours and receiving many boxes being delivered. Now that they have taken the house I wonder how much more information the police and FBI now have that they have not shared with the public................ :shrug: :shrug:
    2 points
  41. Christianity has ALWAYS taught love. God's word hasn't changed. When men insert their own "wisdom" in the name of Christianity is when the gospel is perverted.
    2 points
  42. I believe you've confused apples with oranges. Islam TEACHES them to kill us. Christianity TEACHES love thy neighbor. I get tired of people blaming muslim murder on Christians, republicans, etc.
    2 points
  43.   I certainly didn't say that implying it was better from a family perspective.  I think everyone knew exactly what I meant.  
    2 points
  44. :lol: No, really. What do you want them to do?   I want them to leave.
    2 points
  45.   Well, the most likely thing that will happen to any one of us in the future is that assault weapons will be banned again.   Especially them Military and Police models -- hell, they're obviously deadlier than even a Bushmaster, I heard it on the news.     - OS
    2 points
  46. I agree. Belt or tensioner. But don't go to Auto Zone, their belts are junk. Go with OEM or Gates. 
    2 points
  47.   Well, 67 year old women have to obey the law, same as 67 year old Oh Shoot.   Pointing a gun at someone without justification and also endangering two frigging bystanders (another woman probably likely in her sixties or more and grandchild, btw) are both chargeable offenses. I see no reason that being 67, or being a woman, or being both, is worthy of an exception.   Suppose she accidentally triggered it and hit any one of the three ... should she still get special consideration because she's a 67 year old woman? What other offenses should a 67 year old woman be able to commit and walk scot free?   Now, if they want to drop the charges, or reduce to a handslap for disturbing the damn peace or something, whatever.  But at least she's had to go through hassle and apprehension of the process to orient her thinking on the matter -- in short,  I think it's only right and proper they've treated her equally under the law so far, 'cause I think they would have done the same to me.   - OS
    2 points
  48. 2 points
  49.   Not only is it the wrong word, but it's usually misspelled to boot. Just like you did. :)   - OS
    2 points
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