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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2015 in all areas
I'm shocked. Nashville wanted a liberal mayor and they got one. Give it a few years and it will be known as San Frannasville. It wasn't that many years ago Nashville was a pretty nice place.9 points
This was just the low hanging fruit. There are people actively working to get the fairgrounds shut down and sold off to their buddies in real estate development. Any dollars that they can shave off the operating revenues to make the fairgrounds look worse financially is of benefit to their plans. I expect to see other things get the boot too, or they'll use the lost gun show revenue as an excuse to raise the rates for everyone else, sending smaller events like the toy train show, or the bead show off to cheaper pastures. Then that revenue stream dries up. Wash-rinse-repeat. They won't stop until we have condos on that land.8 points
No one has addressed the real issue here, without Bill Goodmans, where can a fellow shopping plaza operator (that's mall ninja for you civilians) get his Chinese tacticrap, Pakistani knives and beef jerky?5 points
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I am fine with the rain, I am sick of it getting dark at 4:30. That is making me loose my mind!4 points
I quit drinking 35 years ago. I like to say it was for health reasons..........................My 2nd wife told me " If I came home drunk again she would kill me". I taught her to shoot, enough said.4 points
That's ok Mrs Monkey, just go for it cause it appears most everyone here has your back so just how much can MonkeyMan say when you have so many people to blame it on............... :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:3 points
Sounds like a red herring to me. As one "famous" commentator often says "Follow the money..." That's what this is all about. Metro government (and the real-estate developers) want the $$$ that redevelopment of the fairgrounds will provide. Charging a substantial parking fee didn't discourage people. Allowing income producing activities to operate there isn't supporting this plan either. Plus they have financed expensive convention facilities that need paying activities to meet the bills. If you don't like what Nashville is becoming spending your money outside "Metropolitan Nashville/Davidson County" is the most powerful protest you can make. I recall very well when Nashville had a total hold on retail. Remember when Church Street was the place? Then the malls, several of which are about ghost towns today or have been converted to office/medical facilities. With the development of retail/restaurants/etc. in the surrounding counties Metro Nashville is no longer the 8,000 pound gorilla that they still see themselves to be.3 points
Chronic Lurk-aholic.......... :rofl: Did you do that Varmint? or did Macgyver do it? Either way, that's a good one after reading you OP.3 points
This could be a good thing. I was never a fan of the location, and I'm sure they'll find another venue rather quickly.3 points
Today is the first day in over a week we've had temps above freezing- might see 33* today, lows have been 0-2. Accumulated about 6-8" of snow over the last 10 days or so as well but the wind is clearing it out. 50+ mph gusts today. So it's raining, you said? :lol:3 points
3 points
All legalities aside, I highly doubt any owner of a CNC mill will make time for you. Having run one for many years, I know first hand they stay running all the time. If they aren't making chips, they are costing the company money. Billing out anywhere from $100/hr to over $500/hr depending on the job and complexity, they don't have time for piddly little trifles. One shop I worked had a five axis machine that billed out more in an hour than I made after taxes in a week AND this was over 10 years ago.3 points
Oh no, I've got plans with my new friends above! You're babysitting! LOL3 points
If Bill Goodman doesn't mind coming to Dickson, I've got a 60,000 sq ft warehouse that I would love to put him in. If anybody knows how to contact them, I'd be interested. I've actually thought of doing a gun show myself but don't even know where to get started.2 points
Everybody but liberal politicians and mainstream media's already pinged on the fact the entire clock incident was staged. I like the fifteen million dollars demand and written letters of apology to. Karma...it has an intresting way of manifesting itself.2 points
That clears it up, you didn't order it ................You just bought it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rock:2 points
Exactly. This effort should be put towards drug sells and welfare fraud.2 points
Well, he texted me the gun was in stock and price and asked if I wanted it and all I replied was "yes". So I didn't really officially order it, I just yes'd it.2 points
If you didn't like going that's fine but RK and Goodman wouldn't be there unless some money was to be made. Our city just cut off a bunch of small businesses and got another win for the anti-gun crowd. I don't see the excitment. Yeah, I know the city hates the fairgrounds and gun shows and wants to develop the area. At the rate of welfare benefits being handed out I wouldn't be surprised to see govt. housing planned for this area, then they can cover up whats really underneath the surface.2 points
Well. at least you can't call us worthless..............We can always be used as bad examples!!!!!!!! :pleased:2 points
I can't worry about a bunch of nutjobs and terrorists....especially to the point that they interfere with my life. All I can do is be diligent, armed and go about my life.2 points
If gun shows had anything worth going for, I'd be upset about this. But as it stands, this is like getting upset that banks have less people working as tellers when the ATM works just fine.2 points
2 points
We haven't had a good salmonella outbreak in a while...2 points
Here is another monster from the caney. 12lbs, caught over the summer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
This was caught a couple days ago. 30" brown. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Are you suggesting that randomly jabbing a paper clip into a deadbolt WON'T cause it to open? :lies:2 points
2 points
I laughed at the running over motorcycles comment haha I was thinking the same. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
My Santa shops this early ... My wife is always saying there isn't a "safe" way to combine two particular interests of mine ... guns and bourbon/whiskey. Well Santa had the right answer with his gift: whiskey bullets! And also a credit card survival tool I had mentioned in a thread some time back. I couldn't be more pleased with my Santa. He did a great job!! :) thank you!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Under the radar, off the books secret squirrel stuff -- ya can't overthrow the gummit if they know what you have and all that. ;) - OS2 points
Clearly this matches me well. As for Monkey, sadly someone beat me to Yukon Cornelius for him. Given the fact that they're long lost brothers. LOL Also, I secretly wanted to use this one for myself because I laughed so hard I almost died. [URL=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/tumblr_m2ytm460kA1runhn6o1_500_zps3jclgzf4.png.html][/URL] To the mods: if this is inappropriate I will totally delete but I am thinking it's too good to be "bad"....2 points
Yes. The 80% lower bit has pretty much been good only for those selling them. JMO2 points
I decided about two months ago I needed something smaller for EDC, this is what I came up with. G43 equipped with a Streamlight TLR-6 and a gjohnsoniv custom IWB leather holster. I have been carrying this set up every day for a good month now. Only thing I have found to complain about is how small and light this setup is compared to my full size M&P 9. I find my self checking to make sure it is still there lol. Here are some pictures to look at [url="[url="http://s864.photobucket.com/user/mackdoc1102/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20151201_114429_zpsofqad4zq.jpg.html%22%5D"]http://s864.photobucket.com/user/mackdoc1102/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20151201_114429_zpsofqad4zq.jpg.html"]1 point
Only took him one month to figure out an islamic country sucks! Maybe he can invent a time machine now1 point
I don't understand how Nashville is a part of Tennessee.1 point
Just swap frames with me! My cursed small hands dont like the full size frame Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
I thought Secession II was pretty good. I may have to read the first again though. Looks like Zach and Sam are getting pretty close. Wink. Wink.1 point
Just found out the wife bought me some ammo cans from Academy. $10 each with free shipping. How the hell did they ship me TWENTY ammo cans for free? I thought this was a great deal for NEW 50 cal ammo cans and I didn't have to pay admission and parking to a gunshow to get em.1 point
Yep. We got ours at Home Depot. I linked the Amazon site since they were a little cheaper. The good thing about the Home Depot route is you can check it out in person to see if you wanted to purchase, and it would be easier to return if you didn't like it.1 point
1 point
Or SARS. I was in Singapore when that crap started. It was a bit of a pain to get out of there because of it.1 point
Congrats on the new toy, that is a smokin deal! I paid over 6-bills for my M&P 9 Compact w/ 1 17rd mag (and extended cover, but that was only like 20-bucks!), after sales-tax. Very happy with the piece as well. Unfortunately, I don't qualify for that discount, that's a very VERY good deal. - K1 point
I really like the PPS, but I personally find the very similar sized S&W Shield much nicer to shoot. The grip also fits me better. I would try both and compare if you like the size of the PPS.1 point
I saw the interview on the news last night and I do have mixed thoughts on this issue but after listening to other witnesses at the scene I'm gonna say she is going to be charged as stated. I only have a few questions at this point that seems odd and that is the guy approaching a woman loading groceries in her car and he approaches a complete stranger and asks for a light for a cigarette and then later cannot be found to be interviewed by news media for comment. They didn't have any trouble finding so called witnesses but not the guy that called 911? They also have a video of the entire incident that I would like to see. There is a few questions I would like answered before passing any type of judgement in the case...............jmho1 point
Anyone read "The Road"? I wanted to, but ended up watching the movie 1st.1 point
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