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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2015 in all areas

  1. She's going to kill me for this.... But I have to give it to her. My wife hates guns (Why she married me I still don't know). She came out to a photoshoot yesterday to support me and brought a book to read and she got asked to be a model shooting, thankfully she said yes and had an ok time. She didn't try to kill me on the ride home, so I guess it was bearable. Haha. She's shot with me at a range 4 times in the 6.5 years we have been married. So this was a big stepping stone. Plus she HATES AKs. Made for quite the experience.   https://youtu.be/JctwG689ovY  
    12 points
  2. The past few months have sucked a little more than others, having lost our 10-year-old male Doberman and our 10-year-old female Boston Terror [sic] within two months of each other. Bostons are highly social animals and become very attached to their people and to other animals that live with them. The vet says the Boston passed after the Doberman pretty much due to grief and depression. Very sad. After the Doberman passed, and before the Boston stopped eating, we contacted a few local rescues to see if we could find her another "big dog" friend. Sadly none of them responded to us quickly enough. MrsMonkeyMan put us in touch with a wonderful lady who owns a combination training org, breeder AND rescue of Dutch Shepherds and we seriously considered that as an option although my uncle in VA, a retired SWAT officer, K9 handler and trainer, told us that a Dutchie might be a little more "high octane" than we wanted. Others here with experience with the breed echoed those concerns in this thread too. While a Dutch Shep is not off the table entirely for us, one of the local rescues did get back in touch with us. To make a long story short, here is our new fur baby. We call her "Mina" as it's a perfectly good German name for a perfectly good German lass. She's about 5 years old and is even pedigreed. She learned her name quickly, has chosen me as "her person" in the family, and watches over our 2-yr old daughter like a guardian. She even endures my daughter laying on top of her. (I'm pretty sure she enjoys it)
    8 points
  3. Dogs are very cathartic when it comes to healing a hurt. My mother went ahead of me to be with our Lord back in September and it has been difficult getting used to the void that remains, especially now that the holidays are here. That being said...my wife and I rescued a GSD pup and named her Duchess Hilde von Wolfsburg...she was 5 weeks old when the rescue took place. She has East German and Russian bloodlines and is a silver and black shepherd. She started to thrive as soon as she arrived and has gained 10 lbs a month for the last 4 months. Duchess is a sweet girl and I know that God had her waiting for me to lick my sorrow away. Duchess at 5 weeks http:// Duchess at 12 weeks http:// Duchess at 16 weeks http://
    5 points
  4. I know a few people who have cut the cord to their TV.  Not one of them ever mentioned political viewpoints as a reason to do so. It is about money to keep the service.   It is prohibitively expensive for a lot of people,  I am pretty much there too.  The next time I see an increase from Comcast I will be calling to cancel my level of service to try to keep the bill affordable.
    4 points
  5. I've actually had flight attendants ask me to turn the oxygen down so everyone would go to sleep
    3 points
  6. Carrying a firearm on someone else's property is not a right, Constitutional or otherwise. It is a privilege extended to the guest by the property owner. This has been common law since the Magna Carta. As far as in laws go I would put it on him to be the bad guy. I would let him and her know that you carry to protect yourself AND them. Then tell them that if they insist that you still not carry in their house then tell that is not possible and that you prefer they come up your house instead.
    3 points
  7. 10 pt buck with a 43 Remington03A3 at 75-100 yards. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  8. Money and value influences why most people to cut the cord, I would think.   Money--some people just cannot afford the bill anymore.  Value (my case)--what I got for the money was not worth it.  I can afford to have cable, but I don't like wasting money on things I don't use.
    2 points
  9. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not calling you out or anything, but I'm having a very difficult time accepting she's not much of a shooter. This may also come off as a sexist comment as well, but typically, no lady is gonna grab an automatic rifle and have that much control. Muzzle discipline, trigger finger, leaning into it, she's really got it under control. I know it may not recoil like a BAR but I have seen multitudes of grown men at Knob Creek with much less control than she exhibits. She's quite capable and/or you are a helluva instructor.
    2 points
  10. Props for leaning forward. A lot women shoot on their heels.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Watched regular tv this week during thanksgiving, and what a pain just to sit through all the commercials. Not to mention having to channel surf again. I have been spoiled by my Roku's and Netflix/Hulu. I also like the fact, as the article started, I'm not supporting a bunch of networks that are actively campaigning against everything I believe.
    2 points
  13. We put up some Christmas decorations and I caught a black panther hiding in the bushes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  14. I scored a second piece of pecan pie.
    2 points
  15. Just got off a plane and am awaiting a connection, so I've had enough Jack Daniels to start ranting. I always sit in an aisle seat, so at least I have quick access to choke the life out of any person who decides today is the day for jihad and virgins. But crap guys. What the hell is the deal with people trying to barrel into the aisle as soon as the plane is stopped? We aren't going anywhere until the door opens, and even then, we have to wait for a bunch of people to deplane before the line starts moving. So there I am, sitting in my aisle seat whilst the occupants of the middle and window are acting like there is a place for me to go to in this aisle. It's simple effing math folks. If each row has six seats, and at each row there is only room for two people to occupy the aisle space, how are we to fit all 6 occupants into that space? This happens. Every. Expletiving. Flight. Am I the only one capable of figuring this out?? Life would be easier if I was a effing stupid as everyone else. Then I wouldn't know any better. Instead I have to get into these confrontations in very close quarters with idiots, and I tend to lose my cool, because it doesn't take a 180 IQ to figure this out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. I travel a lot. To be honest, I can't really complain too much. I have elite status and have global entry, so I always am TSA pre-check which means I don't wait in many lines. With that said, I still get annoyed by people who can't comprehend simple instructions. As for worrying about something happening on a flight, I don't. The simply isn't worth the energy. I do watch who gets on the flight though.
    2 points
  17.   Yes, they are very loud. And will alert you to everything. Like a branch falling in the woods, a car door slamming half a mile away, the wind blowing, whatever. Or anytime one gets separated from the others.   My prediction: you'll eat them all within a month. ;)   On that note, my great grandmother claimed they can have a gamy taste if they die when alarmed. So she used to sneak up behind one with hedge shears when it was due for the pot. :) :)   - OS
    2 points
  18. Just get a damn holster.  Spend $15 on this trash, another $22 on the kydex thing, and throw in some shipping charges. Next thing you know, you could have just bought a real holster. 
    2 points
  19. Make sure you pick a trust name that is reasonably short because the ENTIRE trust name must be engraved without any abbreviations. What must be engraved is the trust name, city and state. Example: The Smith Trust Knoxville, TN Even though you did not make the title 1 firearm you ARE the manufacturer of the SBR so, as the manufacturer, your information must also be engraved on the lower. If you want I can PM you my number and I can explain. BTW, John Wells did my trust and from the time I paid I had the trust in hand within 30 minutes. I had it notarized the next day and filed a few days later. John Well also quickly answered about a dozen questions I had.
    2 points
  20. I'm a forester, have a BS in Forest Resource Management and have been in the consulting business for 8 yrs. I've read some truths, halve truths and falsities in the posts above. First off the is considerable more money in sawtimber than pulpwood. Maybe not for a logger, but for a landowner, is much more. it is true that prices have fallen dramatically since the early 2000s and is directly tied to the housing market. I don't think I have ever heard of anyone ever bidding 1 mil dollars for an acre of timber, that is just a flat out exaggeration. Plus that timber was probably grown in a much more fertile range for walnut, like Missouri. Planting hardwood trees is a risk, they are expensive to buy, plant and maintain, it's a case of "have money to make money" Now on to the OPs original question. Yes you can cut down trees and haul them to the mill. But as an inexperienced seller you would be at the mercy of the mill. You would be surprised how the prices vary from species to species. Plus you have no way of knowing if they are scaling accurately, and paying market prices. Also make sure you contact the mill and ask of they are taking 'gatewood' which is wood delivered which they have not previously bought themselves. If not, you could waste a lot of time and energy cutting an hauling wood for nothing. At the very least you would need a stout tractor and a good truck and trailer just to get a few butt logs to the mill. You're not gonna get rich off 20-30 acres by any means, but you don't have to accept that fact that you have to push the trees over and burn them to clear land. Those trees do have value and you can capitalize on that with a little elbow grease, sweat, and ingenuity. If you have never felled a tree before, I would suggest getting some training. And I don't mean actual running of the saw, but actual techniques of felling trees. It can be VERY dangerous. Often it's not a matter of 'if' you get hurt, but 'when'. When looking for a tract to buy, ask when the last time it was logged, if they say anything less than 30yrs ago, I would assume the timber value is low. Trees take a long time to grow and often times cutting is a one generation pay check. Never just assume that because it has trees that it has timber value. Just some thoughts, I can add more as things come to mind Sent from my Mom's basement
    2 points
  21. So with all the big changes in my life in the last couple of months, I have decided to try a new hobby. I am really working on making every experience a good one, and keeping a positive attitude, and honestly, it is working great, even if I do have a bit of animosity still buried in my heart. I know it is unjustified, but I still won't drink a Dr Pepper...   It is an interest I have had nearly all my life, but it something I have never really acted on with any seriousness.   When I was in highschool a group of us decided we would make a band. We played at a couple of talent shows and when we were older a couple of 'teen clubs' and a bar. We did a college competition once, but we were way out of our league. I played the drums, and then later the bass, as no one else wanted to play bass, but drummers were easier to find. Honestly we weren't good, but we had a lot of fun doing it.   I always wanted to play the guitar. But as I was the guy that would get things done, it was easier to just pick up the bass than have a dozen guys all wanting to play the guitar and no one to drum or play bass. Well, fast forward twenty something years, and I have a daughter who decided she wanted to learn to play music.   So we signed her up for the local children's orchestra and bought her a violin. And a guitar. So that lead to me getting a guitar. And well, if there is one thing I understand, it is excess.   So a half of a dozen guitars later, I have one really great looking den/office.    The upside of this is that I have actually been practicing and learning.   Right now we are working on the 'cowboy chords.' A C D G E and transitioning between them. I actually feel like I have made more progress in the last month than I did in a few years of pretending when I was kid.   The next step I am going to is learning how to do my own set-up and intonation. I will wind up having more money in the proper tools than I currently do in my guinea pig Squier Bullet, but it will be a fun process and valuable if I decide down the road to upgrade past the $200 guitar mark. Or dump $400 into a $100 guitar...   Which lets be honest, anyone who knows me knows I am going to trick out the $100 guitar to get every last ounce of performance.
    1 point
  22. Followed up by the spectacular : "You're dad was an a$$hole"
    1 point
  23. Dare to be different! You can get a Whitney Wolverine (Olympic arms remake) for pretty close to your budget.
    1 point
  24.   She might hate guns, but she has lived with me for 7 years now. She's pretty used to stuff like this all over, me shooting and listening to me instruct people. I leave guns all over the house, and I have taught her proper control and safety if she needs to move one. She's pretty darn good at never touching that trigger until she's ready to fire. Never actually seen her screw that up moving a gun around the house so its not in her way anymore. She got a few pointers before she shot that with a Ruger 10/22, then jumped on this with little to no instruction besides me telling her it was full auto. I'm very proud of her, considering her hate for this stuff. She's smiling and laughing for the camera, and she thinks it's funny I put her in these situations were she gets stuck doing stuff she doesn't care to do. 
    1 point
  25.     Triple Digit Ride absolutely gets the award for best avatar, at least among those of us that are old school.  
    1 point
  26. I'm in.    Red Sleigh Down is probably my favorite South Park episode of all time.
    1 point
  27. Mine glow red at night, hard for anyone not to know I have them. The persons that need to be deterred are your neighbors, grand kids, their friends and they already know about them.
    1 point
  28. LOL y'all crack me up, I wish I had a plane full of you guys on every one of my flights, it would make my job ( airline captain) easier and more fun. Also as a deputy I agree with a lot of what everyone is saying, the majority of people loose their minds every time they get close to an airplane, not one day goes by by I don't want to bitch slap AND arrest some passengers...
    1 point
  29. Pretty much they gotcha for more expensive remanufactured rounds. The same company that owns them owns XTreme Bullets - so their "regular" stuff is xtreme bullets loaded into range brass they get on their brass trade in program. Hope it doesnt give you a buttload of FTFs and squibs like it did me. On of my FB friends had a family member of his get his hand blown up but a FM .40...granted thats what he gets for shooting 40, but if they make Jihadi 40 theyll make Jihadi anything lol. Ymmv Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. I think that's the entirety of the point.
    1 point
  31. Yep. I'm not gonna wait around to see what else he is gonna do. He has proven he has a handgun and is an immediate threat by killing someone. If I could get my firearm out I'd not be waiting to see what else he had planned. Sent from behind the anvil
    1 point
  32. I wouldn't recommend a PPK. A friend of mine has one. Overpriced and not all that great. Trigger is awful and reliability is iffy. If you want something similar, look at a Bersa. My dad has an older Colt Mustang. It's really nice. Smooth, small, and recoil is nil because it's recoil operated instead of blowback. All that said, I'd look at a small 9mm. Better energy and not much size trade-off.
    1 point
  33.   ^^THIS^^   If someone won't allow me to carry at their house, I don't go to their house. If they choose not to come to mine because I have a gun, I'm not gonna miss their conversation at Thanksgiving dinner anyway, LOL.
    1 point
  34.   I look at it this way as long a liberal does not show me his azz then I have no need to show them my dick....
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. I personally carry the .40, I don't rightly care where it came from or why they developed it.  I have seen what a 9mm, .40 and .45 can do, and I know what I can do with all three.  The G23 is a good, reliable, compact gun that I can engage targets with, carry comfortably, and it carries more than my 1911s.  I have no "favorite", I will carry what I feel the situation dictates, so many times the G23 stays in the truck and my xdm gets carried. If I come across another gun that can fill a niche at a good price, I'll get it, but since I have nothing to compensate for, it will probably be a .380 or 9mm.     I now of no one that will stand in front of even a .22; most crooks probably will be unconcerned in what caliber they are being confronted with.  So my feeling is that what ever caliber/gun combination you can consistently hit your target with is what you need to carry.  Now, SHTF is different than SD, and for that as I have mentioned elsewhere, I'll probably stick to 9mm and 5.56.
    1 point
  37. Sadly for me...I seem to like them all. The 9/40/45 that is. If you like the 40, and have guns for the cartridge, why change?   You've probably got a few rounds of 40 stashed as well. So you buy another gun with different caliber and need to buy more ammo.   If you just want to go to 9, just want to try one; if you can, get a 9mm pistol and shoot it for a while. Get a buddy or a member to go with you and shoot a 9 to see.   It might not be what you want...then again it might be.   But don't rush to change just for the sake of change.   I shoot a lot of 9 for range time, and my current personal favorites are a 9mm Shield and a PPQ M2 in 9. But I still have a couple of 40's.   Like you, I thought I'd just get out completely, but then shot a G24, the 6" 40, and found I really liked it. More as a range toy, but enough that I decided to keep it and the 40 ammo I already had. When it runs out, I might think again about dropping the 40. Not likely though.   And as Comms said, maybe you'd like going to 45. I said I would never own a 1911. boy did I screw that up. I've gotten fanatic about the frame and the 45.   Even looking into the PPQ 45 now.   But getting off track, like everything else in this world, it's what you want and like.
    1 point
  38.   Definitely not.    Go to .45  :)   No really, can't suggest weight but I have been carrying Hornaday Critical Defense +P, just my personal preference. Seen a few Youtube experts and many have different suggestions but you can't go wrong with Hornaday Critical Defense or Critical Duty in any caliber.
    1 point
  39. We had a loud loud truck come up in here about 1:30 one night and turn around, hey it happens. Then he sat there on the end of the drive way with his lights right on the house. Time to see what the hell was going on. I go outside with my rifle and my hand held light. Get halfway to him and light up the drivers door to get a look at the idiot. He backs up and high beams me and sees my rifle in my other hand and tears out down the road like a nascar driver.  Turned out to be the new boyfreind of the neighbor back in the woods. I told him that was a real good way to end up dead if someone was a shoot 1st, shoot some more and then try to ask a question or 2 kinda person.
    1 point
  40. I haven't touched a rifle this morning, but that's o.k. Little man got his first deer, a doe. 200+ yard shot. :up: [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_0096%202_zpsq12jqf9r.jpg.html][/URL] Of course my ol' pappy comes by with this monster 8 he killed this morning. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_0032%202_zpsykheoq0y.jpg.html][/URL] Despite the hot weather and gale force winds here, it's been a good morning. Time to make the jerky! :no1: I took off work next week, so maybe I'll get to hunt then.
    1 point
  41. The victim did not disappear.  He stayed and talked to the cops.  He did not talk to the media but I would not have either.
    1 point
  42. I agree. Also, I wonder what the chances are of this disappearing victim is one those "You got an extra dollar on ya?" after getting the light. After all, he just bought cigarettes and no lighter. And also you have to take into account that this particular Walmart has had more than its fair share of crime in the parking lot over the past year. Approaching an older lady in the parking lot for anything would make me think she's going to be frightened. To the point of fearing for her life? I don't know, because like you said I'm not her.
    1 point
  43. Here is all i got to say about any Keltec I've owned 4 of them https://youtu.be/WQ_GWPWapaQ
    1 point
  44. I don't know a thing about Alex Jones, but I did work in power production. The grid is a highly synchronized power source and it takes vast amounts of electronics and computers to keep it humming along. Everything in power production revolves around huge power transformers and power generators. Everything else in a powerhouse or substation are made to protect them. These items are very fickle and susceptible to catastrophic failure. They are not an on the shelf item. They are made to order with a 2 year turn around time to be built and another 6 to 9 months to be installed. Even in the simplest terms, it takes electricity to build them. It takes fuel for trucks to transport them and for cranes to install them. A grid failure would take all of this away and take years to repair if these shortcoming could be overcome. I realize this scenario is downplayed by many and there have been some improvements, but as a whole, the gird overloaded and very neglected. I'm sure they have their reasons for denying this though.
    1 point
  45.   You think you'll be safer on the move, in a country of no law and dwindling resources?  No, I'll take my chances in a place defensible with resources.  I've carried heavy things long distances.  You simply can't carry enough to survive long, and if you think you're going to "hunt" your dinner when 350,000,000 are trying to do the same thing, you're in for an empty belly.  White tail deer would go extinct in less than a month.  Birds, squirrels, rabbits, dogs, cats.... they'd be gone soon after.    I know what it's like to be out in the wilderness and only be able to eat or drink what you can find.  It isn't easy.  It's harder in the winter.  I would reckon impossible when tens of millions of people are trying to do the same thing you are.
    1 point
  46. Exactly. If this was a contest Garufa would win. It is the same with woman, all of them are beautiful, just some are more beautiful.
    1 point
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