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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2015 in all areas

  1. Carrying a firearm on someone else's property is not a right, Constitutional or otherwise. It is a privilege extended to the guest by the property owner. This has been common law since the Magna Carta. As far as in laws go I would put it on him to be the bad guy. I would let him and her know that you carry to protect yourself AND them. Then tell them that if they insist that you still not carry in their house then tell that is not possible and that you prefer they come up your house instead.
    8 points
  2. You've already answered your own question. How you choose to protect yourself and your family is no ones business but your own. If you're carrying concealed no one is the wiser. Me being me however, I would probably have to open carry around them just to watch their heads explode. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  3. Nothing screams heirloom like a Smith and Wesson revolver. A quality 1911 would be second but not by much. I still have the first gun I hunted with on my own, an old Stevens rolling block 22. Killed a ground hog when I was probably 8. Spent the day trying to get close enough and finally got him. Although it is in really rough shape, 8 year olds don't really clean, it is the most important gun to me.
    8 points
  4. My son missed a 8pointer last Saturday, made good this morning.
    8 points
  5. Well, supersonic 300BO works well on deer. I've been reluctant to build me an upper until I saw what this one would do I built my dad. He took this one a few minutes ago at around 75 yards. It took one step and dropped DRT. Ignore the funky long muzzle brake thing. It's something he made that he thinks looks cool lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  6. 5 points
  7. What if my level of feeling protected by a gun is complicated by their views of them being anti gun and I have to be around them. In a perfect world I would choose to be around like minded people but I'm talking about a few family members who are liberal and yes its my brother and his wife. Do I conceal and not let them know I carry or do I just leave it in my vehicle until I leave? I'm leaning toward not telling them as if it is concealed then nobody should know but me.
    3 points
  8. I just happened to be driving through Nashville today and there just so happens to be two Dick's just off the interstate (the sporting goods store). Scored 4 Federal Champion 525 bulk packs. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!
    3 points
  9. Just going to put this here.
    3 points
  10. 10 pt buck with a 43 Remington03A3 at 75-100 yards. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. First, I am NOT affiliated with this guy in any way. I'm always looking for nice, better ways to store reloads. I've been through lots of options from bulky and difficult to store plastic boxes, to home made boxes, you name it. I found this guy by chance while digging around the web. He's right here middle TN too, so your money stays local. I just ordered a pack of 9mm boxes and .308's. The pistol ammo boxes are made like the old WWII era 45 ball ammo boxes. (50) rounds upright with leafs that fold over and inside. Looks good to me, we will find out. For anyone interested, I'll post a little review when my order comes in. http://www.repackbox.com
    2 points
  12. Nothing about feeling unsafe, visited my brother last month. 17 miles from the nearest town. I carried the whole time. He doesn't mind but his girlfriend is totally anti, I told him from the start that I am who I am and I'm too dang old to change now. He agreed but said she might say something, which she didn't. I'm sorry but in today's climate with all the crazy shooting going on, I'd rather piss someone off than take a chance on someone catching me unarmed. Heck, I've got 2 in my bathroom, 1 my wife can get to and one nobody knows about but me. Staying armed is a way of life, if I'm expected to accept having the gay lifestyle shoved down my throat then they can expect me to stand my ground about my God given rights. Stepping down off the soapbox now.
    2 points
  13.   At 84 years old many are not going to embrace the digital age... They simply want/need POWER, VOLUME, CHANNEL
    2 points
  14. He is 84 years old, and has killed 3 deer this season.  If it makes him happy, then who cares.   BTW, he stays in the woods 3-4 days at a time. Can't hunt post sundown.
    2 points
  15. My only suggestion is to stay out of the woods. Really, a TV?
    2 points
  16. Don't show me your ____ and I will not show you my ____...
    2 points
  17. In to buy cheap Eotech. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. It's a good show, although the basic premise is not very plausible, i.e. the D-Day landings fail and that somehow leads to the complete victory in WWII of both Germany and Japan.  Having said that, a lot of very good shows require a great deal of "suspension of disbelief", this doesn't keep many, including myself, from enjoying the show ...
    2 points
  20.   Wasn't black, was it? ;)   Another rare wanderer I guess, if indeed it was snapped where stated.   The skeptic part always has to wonder : No EXIF embedded in those particular JPEGs or other real proof of course. Dunno how TWRA verified that other one not long ago but they had to be pert sure to admit it I guess. I must note these pix and the vid were certainly framed pretty well for an animal that just happened to stop and do its thing for a bit -- pretty long odds on that from a stationary pointed camera would seem to me, but anything's possible I reckon, maybe some scent was put there or something. Looks like a rather tight shot too, not the wider focal length you'd usually have a game camera set on? Maybe cropped?   If we ever see evidence of a breeding population, that would be something indeed.   Beautiful animal.  I think we should try to reestablish them here in quantity. Forget them pussy elks, lets get something back in the woods where it means something serious to be an outdoorsman again! ;)   - OS
    1 point
  21.   It's a woman thing buddy. My wife can do a better job spending...uh, I mean saving than I tell her I do on guns and ammo.
    1 point
  22. I saw some trail cam pics of Bigfoot last year. I believe they came out of Smith County.
    1 point
  23. Nothing yet. I am trying to buy my Humminbird Helix 7 SI but the website is struggling. I did fish today and caught 13 striper, 3 crappie and a nice Large mouth today. 
    1 point
  24.   There might be something more precise  but I generally just try different combos on Expedia and look for common flight numbers etc....
    1 point
  25. Maybe not a killer deal, but got a below retail price on the new PPQ45. I'm happy with it. Now if I just had it in hand. Edit. Hopefully will have it by this coming Wednesday. But with the season shipping and all the BF shopping...?
    1 point
  26. I guess they are legal to kill since they don't exist! Nice pic!
    1 point
  27. This problem was created by the customers, not the airlines. People complain flights are too expensive, so airlines go ala cart to give more choice. Then people say the airlines are nickel and diming. Cheap doesn't mean value. Too many people expect first class service on a cargo ticket.
    1 point
  28. Their house, their rules. Respect their domain and they should respect yours. If either of you can't show that respect, don't go. This is their house, not just a social gathering.
    1 point
  29. You don't choose an heirloom gun. It chooses you.
    1 point
  30. If they are liberals I have a difficult time considering them as family.
    1 point
  31.   Optimism without evidence isn't logical, and pessimism has the additional saving grace of lessening the most bitter of disappointments. ;)   - OS
    1 point
  32.   I Hillary is elected, over 10 years minimum from now?   - OS
    1 point
  33. I would list the characteristics of your loved one, and match those up to the gun.    Example, was he into classics or cutting edge, did he like to hunt or shoot, was he a big man (then 45), was he rugged, or well refined.................
    1 point
  34. I tell everybody they can take me as I am or learn to deal with it.
    1 point
  35. Add  a 10 point buck to my count.  Biggest deer I ever got.   It was a sweet 25 yard shot.   Dad got an 8 point back in Muzzle loader season that had a bigger rack but my 10 point was the heaviest deer I have ever got.  Estimate 175 to 200 pounds.   2 bad, it broke one of his antlers as it fell or hit a tree.  A neighbor kid that was in the area hunting found it for me.  So I am able to count the full 10, with out the missing part I think I would have had to count it as a 7 point. I will try to get a picture shared later.
    1 point
  36. I think a good quality 1911 would be awesome. If I have kids I already determined I'd like to pass down something like this Dan Wesson. This can be purchased for around $1,200.
    1 point
  37.   There is one book, "The Man in the High Castle", by P. K. Dick.  It also has some ambiguity in it, the author always claimed there was to be a sequel, but never wrote it.  The TV series is different enough that it's possible it will continue with a second season.  BTW, a lot of Dick's novels and stories dealt with alternate realities and different timelines, a major theme in many of them is that reality itself is subjective and impossible to prove.  The movies "Blade Runner", "Total Recall", "Screamers", "A Scanner Darkly", "Minority Report", "Next" and several others were all adapted from his works.
    1 point
  38. About 10-12 years ago I got in on a group buy and picked up three EOTech 512s at a really great price. One went on a rifle right then and is still in use.. One has been on several different rifles over the years and currently sits atop my Socom 16.. The third, still new in the box, was used as partial payment on a rifle I bought last year and I was credited 1 1/2 times what I paid for it.  All three still work perfectly. I understand that real battlefield conditions can be hard on equipment and failures do occur. But for my uses, the EOTechs have done very well.  So rather than just saying EOTechs suck, I think the real issue here is that the company hid a known problem.  
    1 point
  39. It might be that the officer may not want his nice gesture known to all his fellow officers so I would try and see a way to make gift card that he can use personally and just say Thank you for your kindness to so-n-so in a Christmas card. Wait until a time when he can be approached and hand it to him, say thanks and walk away. A Prepaid Visa Gift card might be nice in a card..............just my :2cents: 
    1 point
  40. I'll echo the email to the boss. I see a lot of cops in our local Cracker Barrel, gift card there wouldn't be bad. Use it to eat with or if you don't like their food, buy a family gift in the store.
    1 point
  41. I still like my Eotech.  One of the few red dots I can see reasonably well given my astigmatism.  
    1 point
  42. A couple of weekends ago I had a puncture in a tire that could not be repaired. It was a Cooper CS4 that I didn’t know at the time had been discontinued. I was out going to places and couldn’t believe that some tire stores were closed on Saturday. I bought the tires at Sears but they didn’t have them in stock, they said they could order it. I needed it that day. The wife was calling around and called Discount Tire, they told her they could order it and when she told them I needed it that day; they told her to tell me to come in and they would put a used tire on that would be safe until the new tire came in; that’s what they did. Tires are like guns to me; I know what I want and it’s just a matter of finding the best price on that particular item. I replace my tires every 50K, so next time I will find out if they have the best price. They told me on Saturday the tire would be there Wednesday; it didn’t come in until the following Monday. That pissed me off a little until I found out it was discontinued; so I guess that’s okay.
    1 point
  43. Hey guys, Got a USPSA Classifier Match this Saturday at Rockcastle Shooting Center. Six stages: 4 classifiers, 2 other courses all in the top bays.  Registration at http://www.matchsignup.org  .  Registration opens Nov. 23rd. and ends about 5:00am Match day. You may pay online by paypal or credit card.  You may pay at check in at hotel lobby with cash only.  Check in is between 8:30am and 9:30am. Shooters meeting at 9:45am at the bays. Match starts at 10:00am.  This would be a great time for all the new shooters to get classified.   See you at the range, Sue
    1 point
  44. Horse hucky. I don't know that I'd try to go for machine gun like double bass hits, but I don't see you as the heavy metal type anyway :D. If your expectation is to have fun and develop, I can't see how anyone would be too old to start or restart an instrument IMO.
    1 point
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