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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2015 in all areas
Just got off a plane and am awaiting a connection, so I've had enough Jack Daniels to start ranting. I always sit in an aisle seat, so at least I have quick access to choke the life out of any person who decides today is the day for jihad and virgins. But crap guys. What the hell is the deal with people trying to barrel into the aisle as soon as the plane is stopped? We aren't going anywhere until the door opens, and even then, we have to wait for a bunch of people to deplane before the line starts moving. So there I am, sitting in my aisle seat whilst the occupants of the middle and window are acting like there is a place for me to go to in this aisle. It's simple effing math folks. If each row has six seats, and at each row there is only room for two people to occupy the aisle space, how are we to fit all 6 occupants into that space? This happens. Every. Expletiving. Flight. Am I the only one capable of figuring this out?? Life would be easier if I was a effing stupid as everyone else. Then I wouldn't know any better. Instead I have to get into these confrontations in very close quarters with idiots, and I tend to lose my cool, because it doesn't take a 180 IQ to figure this out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk6 points
Whatever you do. don't "build" an AR before you know it you'll have 5 . That ruger AR will be great .4 points
I picked up this... A LT OBR. I am a little excited about this one. Now I have to buy a bunch of goodies for it.3 points
I had some really nice Burl Maple stashed so I thought I would put it to use!! Jimping and acid etching almost make this one too pretty to use!!3 points
Nope, it's because British gangsters don't carry guns, they use very loud whistles instead ...3 points
TMF, I can relate. I am usually in business so not as bad, but even then, the guy who got on last that had to put his luggage 5 rows behind him and then expects everyone to move out of his way so he can go get his bag and be first off annoys the crap out of me. Same goes for the luggage carousel. If people could simply stand 10 ft back and only go get their bag when it gets to them, we wouldn't have people lookinglike storks trying to crane their neck out to catch a peek for that ever elusive black bag that they can't seem to figure out if it is theirs or not. And if we want biggest pet peeves, it's the family of 10 clueless, once a year flyers. whom think a 10 year old is a child for preboarding.3 points
Everybody is in a hurry to go no where...I had a guy ask me on a plane in Vegas if I was and I quote "are you going to get up or what?" my official response... "If I were to stand up, which I'm not...where the hell would I go once I stand up?"3 points
I cannot begin to tell you the kind act that happened to me today. Partly because it's top secret and partly because it's just not super important. What I will tell you is this; I am always amazed at the people I meet on TGO. Sure there's bickering or jabs. But the smart people, the good people and the kind people that are members on this forum is beyond amazing. I've met a whopping grand total of 5 members now and they've all been a pleasure to meet. 6 soon if/when Comms ever gets off his duff and comes to collect the brass. LOL So thank you, because this is a pretty good group of good doobies.2 points
If it gets so bad I have to use all I have loaded...........well, you all can have it! I don't want to be here.2 points
This would be the reason flying is hard for me sometimes. I've put hands on people. Just over a year ago I snatched some Indian guy up by his shirt who cut in line at a baggage counter. I've have a couple other incidents. I have no self control when it comes to people who lack consideration. I'm working on it. Every day is a struggle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
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I heard the they were changing their name because they are embarrassed. They are dropping the "Washington"2 points
As someone else mentioned, I guess the American military better get PC, eh: Apache, Comanche, Chinook, Lakota, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Tomahawk, Black Hawk (Indian chief), Geronimo (mission name to kill Bin Laden), etc. - OS2 points
We now have An AR in the safe. Again another great experience with Guns and Leather. For a low end Ar or so they say Ruger seems to have done it right. It seems to feed a lot of varieties with out issue. Overall very happy with it although I was really surprised to see it did not come with a Ruger mag.1 point
Check out the production on this - pretty sleek. Everyone doubting their grasp on geopolitics and battle space tactics can take a seat. 4 minute video - they even call out Clinton which is pretty funny. http://heavy.com/news/2015/11/new-isis-islamic-state-news-pictures-videos-no-respite-english-language-propaganda-full-uncensored-youtube-daesh/ Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
The more I look at the stainless and carbon fiber, the better looking it gets!1 point
Yep, sure is, but Mr. Monkey is going to be doing it for himself. We just finished an AR for me. [URL=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/IMG_0582_zpshpczsmrq.jpg.html][/URL] I named her Olive Oyl. It's good luck to name things right? LOL I told him what you said. He has a long way to go. He ordered his rifle today but he's going to be making so many changes he will have his work cut out!1 point
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When it comes to nickel Smiths they are worth a little more than the same gun blued, but only if it is mint. When a factory nickel Smith is worn you almost can't give it away; the same if it is an aftermarket nickel job. A really sharp and flawless S&W 29-2 should be worth around 750-850 with the original wood target stocks.1 point
I do mean this year. I got a 6 year and 1 month permit to get me to my 50th birthday and I think I saw the mail notice in the filing cabinet at home the other day looking for something else. I will check. JTM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I like the part where they called out big govt and corporations. Guess the libertarians will join them now. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
I have my renewal right now. I will try to scan it and upload tomorrow. Message or quote me tomorrow to remind me and I'll do it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Going to have to give the Trijicon MRO a spin now. Wonder how this'll go.1 point
I am by no means an expert on firearms or ballistics, but best I figure it would suck pretty bad to get hit with any of them. If you're not a good shot, especially with someone swinging a hammer at your face and those sort of situations, then it's best to have the most rounds you can. If you're cool as a cucumber in the face of disaster, make the biggest holes you can and get creative shooting folks in the dick and such just to prove your point. The best argument I've seen for switching from 1 caliber to another is for uniformity in the household amongst multiple shooters to have a single caliber. That makes total sense to me, that or just satisfying the itch to buy more guns.1 point
I did mine last May and renewed in the DOT office because of extended permit to match up dates on my DL and I may still have at home(wife is a pack rat). I will check and see and scan if I do.1 point
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I've said it before, there are things worse than dying. I'll fight, but there is a limit to the worlds devolution that I want to live through1 point
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Flying internationally tomorrow. Will be in the Atlanta airport for a connection on one of the busiest flying days of the year (this Wednesday). I don't pay much mind to these non-specific warnings. I'm always on watch regardless, and the law of averages is on my side. I've learned to be vigilant, but also accept that there are things I can't prevent or avoid; I'm not adjusting my lifestyle out of fear. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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I didn't used to care for these fancy doodad knives..... I'm in for #33 again though with a black blade. Lol.1 point
So you found the chick comment ridiculous too? Amazingly not funny... But it could be coming from someone with weak wrist who doesn't like 10mm?1 point
It's hard to beat the SIG P220 as a companion to your Glock 21. It's what John Moses Browning might have come up with 80 years later after he built the 1911 if he had lived so long.1 point
Agreed. Plus, if you get to shoot someone in the dick I think you have pretty much unlocked an achievement. Terrorists, home invaders and other body-armor turds need to consider that before engaging in shenanigans. Might I get shot in the dick for this? If the answer is "YES" then go back and re-think your strategy.1 point
No need to apologize. Thanks for being willing to help keep the lights on here! :)1 point
Pulled up to my spot this morning and spotted a deer while I was standing by the truck getting dressed went ahead and took it it is already in the cooler processed, headed to work, not a bad way to start a work day.1 point
I'm in again for #44 with black blade. Thanks again Willis.1 point
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I was watching a foreign news cast and they brought up something that I thought was genius. I thought to myself that it is something that we should be doing here. There is a push by some people in other countries to change what is taught to our children and with all the change we are seeing recently why not do the same here. In addition to reading, writing and arithmetic we should also be teaching our children basic first aid in schools. I am not talking about starting IV's, minor surgery or doing a tracheotomies but basic first aid. Like teaching children CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and the basics of how to stop bleeding. Do a basic lifesaving course to teach the ABCs of saving someone. Imagine how many lives could be saved if everyone in this country had a basic understanding of first aid.1 point
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Just a note you can get a .300Blk upper for pretty cheap for hunting purposes. Won't be top of the line or anything but if you want to go that route check out radical firearms. I'm totally happy with mine.1 point
Its part of the socialist experiment! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
Thought the same thing years back, & can't remember if someone here mentioned it or where the info came from, but their employees work on a profit-sharing model. That's why they move so fast. Their employees will never slow down. Hell, about 2 years ago I was at the store near old hickory and nolensville rd. The guy at the counter had a bunch of scars on this hand and we started comparing scars/war stories, he said he worked late one night, got in an accident on the way home & was messed up pretty bad. The president of the company found out about it and flew a top notch hand surgeon out to the guy and assist with the surgery while he was in the hospital. What says more about them, is that they don't go around bragging about that kind of thing, if the employee didn't tell people, very few would ever know. Sounds like they really invest in their employees.1 point
I took the Grandsons out on the youth hunt (Cross Creeks) yesterday and all three tagged out in about 40 minutes. What an awesome day! (L) Tyler (second deer) (Middle) Adam First Deer (R) Devin second deer (First Buck) Tyler's doe went about 20 yards and the other two dropped where they stood with neck shots. We were about a mile from the truck and Grandpa and Dad got put through the paces getting the deer out! We have lots of work to do this morning. Have a blessed day Dave1 point
Hi Leprechaun! I recently moved my family from (Rochester) NY to TN. Great decision, you won't regret it! There are gun shops all around, 2nd only to churches. Most shops offer the 8-hour gun-safety course for $40-45, the pre-requisite to getting licensed for carry in TN. After the course, it's a trip to the county Courthouse for permit application. FYI, you can get Class III weapons in TN. Good times! Folks here are considerably more friendly than what you and I are used to, but they do cock their head and look at you funny once you open your mouth. Casually mention you left NY to get away from all the whack-jobs and crazy politics, and they'll warm right up, and ask how cold it really gets up there. Got a friend outside Nashville (Lasscassis), also a transplant from NY. Nice country out that way. I'm outside Knoxville. Reminds me of the Finger Lakes and ADK's. Just gorgeous country here. Lush and green, fantastic weather. Have met a lot of transplants. So far we are very happy w/ the move. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions. C'mon now, the 9's aren't THAT bad, are they really? Hollow point is still going to leave a big hole on the way out, won't it? - K1 point
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