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I firmly believe our military should advertise all munitions are dipped in pork fat. I ain't kidding. Screw the Muzzies. ( i am not sure who coined that word but I like it) Until they go on air and vilify Muslim terrorists I believe that are all the same. I don't know who this was but a guy spoke on one of the fake news networks and said something to the effect that you never hear anyone yell " Hooray Jesus" before killing people.5 points
Keeping 40 has been known to cause brain damage, penile tumors and dysentary...just saying Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk5 points
Don't worry about which way the wind blows, do like me, I keep them all in my stable: 9mm, 40, 45, 357Sig, 10mm. I'm not a wheel man, or I would have 38SPL, 357Mag, 44, etc. This way I am covered whatever side of the bed I wake upon.5 points
I'm here guys, I'm on the boat all is good I was in a crappy country in Africa on the way the Cape Town when some locals detained me for a few minutes and wanted my things, I did not give them anything but they scored 20 dollars, and I was not shot so life is good Thank you all for your concern but this could have ended much worse, I am sailing from Cape Town to Rotterdam, Be back before Christmas,5 points
Shot my biggest ever doe this afternoon. A buddy & I went to his place to set another ladder stand up & she wandered out 350yds into a field, daring me to take a pop at her. I obliged. The 6.5 Berger VLD did the business. I don't have a scale to weigh her, but after dressing out it took both of us to get her in the back of Tracey's truck!4 points
I went through this. I settled on 9mm and .45ACP for the most part, but still have a few .40SW around for the sake of utility. I typically carry 9mm in either a Glock 19 or HK VP9. The reasons I chose 9mm are the same reasons most folks do: I don't believe in stopping power fairy tales I prefer to take 2 more rounds of capacity over 1 step up in caliber It is cheaper to practice with Recoil is less which means split times are faster for me It's generally lighter to carry and the firearms can be smaller I'm not here to throw rocks at anyone who chooses to believe that .40SW is superior. Mathematically it *should* be, however physiologically -- when the bullet strikes meat -- the degree of superiority is not all that great. Choose what you like. Get good at shooting it. Shoot the hell out of it. And always carry it.4 points
I had a .40 and sold it all, then I missed it. So I am back in the .40 game again.3 points
I sold my first bottle of Van Winkle tonight. I have stayed out of it. But I have a customer who seeks me out about every week and asks if we have any Elmer. I always tell him no and we chuckle. I keep telling the guy to keep on asking as some day it will show up. He then buys something else. Tonight he showed up and asked about Elmer. I told him no but thanks for coming in. And told him if he wanted I had a bottle of 12 year old Van Winkle for him, if he was interested. He grabbed his chest and took a step back. It was sort of funny. Was happy to sell it to him. He also bought a handle of Jack. Told me he could not wait to take a pic and text his buddies about what he got. It made tonights shift fun.3 points
Shooting anyone for revving their engine in your driveway will get you tossed in prison.3 points
Yes! A converter. You have confessed your sins and must now exorcise the Demon of False Ballistics and Wimpy Round! You can pour over wound channels, ballistics tests, chronographs...all sorts of stuff. End of the day when push comes to shove and someone needs to die all that matters is Shot Placement. If you do (smartly) switch over to 9mm then Hornady Crit Defense 147gr +P will put shock and awe into someone quick. Thats the only SD ammo Ive played with a ton but honestly a few rounds of 115gr ball will so the trick. 9mm gives you comprable ballistics, increased ammunition capacity, slightly less weight, and you will probably attract all the single ladies at the range when they see you dont carry a 40 My solution is add 1 to 9mm, and shoot a real mans .40 caliber in either 10mm or 357SIG But seriously melt that G23, pick up a 17 or 19 and load it with crit defense. Or if you want to be in your birthday suit get a G43 and do the same with ammo Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk3 points
As I have read in many other posts in this section, glasses are a key part of or survival preparedness in any situation. I try to keep a spare set in the truck, my BOB and one at work. As anyone with glasses knows this can get expensive, and if you are talking about the long haul in hazardous situations you need multiple pair. I recently purchased a pair of glasses from Zenni Optical. The price was $76.78 with the best lenses, best coating, nice frames, two sets of clip on sunshades and all the bells and whistles. This would have cost me over 300 at Wally World. I was skeptical, but when they arrived, I could see great out of them and they have held up to my 2 year old wearing them. $76.78 is still a good chunk of change if you want 4 pair as back ups, so I logged on and bought a pair for as cheep as I could. This was the result. I had a pair of glasses shipped to my house for $16.85 that I can see great out of. If would have bought multiple pairs at one time shipping would have been the same. I you need to add to glasses to you survival preparedness supply, or just buy new glasses, I highly recommend Zenni optical. Full disclosure, their factories are located in other countries, but if I am in a situation where glasses will no longer be made, I need to be able to see.2 points
As seen here: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B001T7QJ9O?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00 I know that these earmuffs are a very common piece of kit, and a more than a few of you will either have a pair, or know someone who does. So, why the review? Simple, I've had my pair for over five years, and they've held up fantastically, despite me being an idiot recently. Now, while I do rotate them with a Peltor 6s pair, my Howard Leight's have seen more than the expected use I thought I'd get out of them when I bought a pair in early 2010. I bought them for use while traveling between Iraq & Kuwait, brought them back home and have used them at the range countless times, and even loaned them to others for shooting, but their toughness was recently shown to me. I would have taken them to Afghanistan as well, but forgot to set them aside when movers packed up my apartment, so I had to get the Peltors to take there. But back to the Howard Leight's. I like to wear them with my earbuds on underneath while I mow the lawn. Well, a few weeks ago, I left them outside after forgetting them when putting my mower back in the storage closet outside of my house. Literally left them outside for a week an a half, and those of you in Middle Tennessee know we've seen plenty of rain and temperature changes. When I saw them out there, I thought for sure the electronic features of them were gone, and at best they were just another normal pair...I was wrong. They fired right up, and the noise reduction feature works just fine like before. These things can handle my whoops moment and still keep going. So, while I still use my Peltors as my primary range kit, my Howard Leight's have more than earned a place in my kit bag, and I wanted to share this in case anyone was wondering if they are worth the price. Your results may vary, but I'd give them the BTQ thumbs up.2 points
So glad to find this resource! I have already enjoyed digging through prior posts and look forward to spending more time here. I am a long-time gun owner from a long family history of military, law enforcement, and competitve shooters. Don't let the bruingeek name fool you...I may have a slide rule hanging from my belt and pens in my pocket protector but I still love the sport of shooting :cool:. Just this year, I moved from being a revolver owner to a semi-automatic owner and am enjoying time on the range more than ever. 'Wishing everyone the best for the holiday season! Be safe out there, Paul2 points
I've been blessed to be able to hunt a farm for years and the place has become absolutely over run with deer. Unfortunately I have very little free time to hunt during the week. I've already bagged 3 deer this year and there will be plenty more. The land owner has asked me to kill as many deer as possible because they are destroying his crops. Due to my work schedule I get to hunt for a couple of hours before work and I don't get off until after dark so I have zero time to process the deer in the daylight and I'm just not desperate enough to do it by flashlight. So... If anyone wants a whole deer (I may even leave tenderloins in) let me know. I'm planning on hunting this place a lot throughout the season and a lot of deer will be coming off of it. The deer will have to be picked up in Mount Juliet around 6:30 in the evenings.2 points
See Yeun's little spot during Into The Badlands break? "So glad to be back..." Definitely setting up the long con -- or if not and he ain't gone by the season finale, whole thing is just an extended red herring. Which might be the cheapest shot of all. :) - OS2 points
The are a lot of fox squirrels where I hunt. I bigger concentration of them than anywhere else I've ever seen. I had one in the tree right above me this morning and the little butthead crapped on me. Felt and heard something hit the sleeve of my jacket and looked down to find a pea sized turd. I think he was laughing at me.2 points
2 points
New release from ELO. Sounds like 1974 (which IMHO is a good thing) :pleased: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM34A80RTv42 points
Your Profile name at top of forum page : Client Area See if there is a pending renewal notice. If so click that. If not go to Purchases and click on the last one you paid for, should be a Renew button. If all fails therein, guess you can just go to TGO Store and start over with a new one? - OS2 points
Reply to Sonny Crockett, Check out the following link for more information on Custom shop guns. http://www.czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=57901.0 May want to do a little research before posting a question like that. I know I would :) :down: As you can see, this one that was for sale at Bud's, says nothing about different trigger http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/21_82/products_id/715000920/CZ+75+COMPACT+CUSTOM+14%2B1+9MM+3.8%22+Night+Sights ...."This CZ Custom Shop firearm, includes the following features:- P-01 Style Frame with Rail and Manual Safety.- Shadow Hammer installed-CZ Custom Tuned Action-Stainless Steel Guide rod-Polished Barrel Hood-Checkered Coco-Bolo wooden grips-Meprolight Night Sights."..... Just some thoughts. Trooper Joe2 points
Gill nets have been used for may years by commercial fishing industry and as long as they have a license and only place the gill nets in designated areas allowed by TWRA there is really nothing any one can do to prevent it. Back when I was fishing almost daily I would find many gill nets located in areas that were legal according to TWRA . I did have a run in with one commercial fisherman but I was totally within my rights to do what I did and he ended up losing his license over it. This was on Old Hickory lake. I was running down main channel and saw a Loon all tangled in the net and could tell it had been in it quite some time. I stopped and put the trolling motor down and trolled over and took a pair of scissors and had to cut a part of the net about 10 foot square out and then bring the bird on board to care fully get the bird out and release it. (By the way Loons are not very friendly) I finally released the bird and began to continue on my way. Down stream about 1/4 mile I ran up on another net that had a Green Head Mallard all tangled up in the net and I preceded to take the same action again to release the duck. Just about that time the fisherman showed up as I was untangling the duck on the deck of my boat. He was raising all kinds of hell about me destroying an 800.00 net for the sake of a damn bird. I told him if he was with his nets as is required by law I would not have had to cut them. He was getting very irate so I took out my cell phone for which I have TWRA on speed dial and I called them and just so happens they have a boat about 3 miles from my location. He shows up while this guy is reading me the riot act about what he is going to do to me while I am still carefully cutting the duck out of the net on my boat deck. Only one that got arrested was him and his nets were all confiscated by TWRA and he lost his commercial license for 5 years. If you find wild life in any of the gill nets call the TWRA and give them location of the nets and wild life trapped in them. They don't agree with Commercial fisherman and gill netting and will normally respond pretty quick. Just my experience with gill nets..................and my :2cents:2 points
Deer tenderloin and biscuits sure made a good breakfast this morning! :up: :up:2 points
Got a button. A 7 that I've seen several times came in on the trail of the doe I shot, then a button meet him from the opposite direction, they mingled for several minutes in some tall grass until the button finally have me a clear shot. I've let that 7 walk 3 times now, it's starting to get a little easier, if he can make it to next year he may turn out to be a really nice deer. He's got a good y'all rack, it's just narrow.2 points
One doe down, waiting to see if her sister she came in with wanders back. Funny thing is I'm hunting a field where I have 300 yard shots, this one came in from the fence row behind me and I shot at about 30 yards.2 points
LOL! I dunno, the HP turned that thing into mashed potatoes! Sucker flew apart into about a million pieces, was pretty funny. Wifey wasn't too happy.... those were thanksgiving taters! Last time she'll send me to Aldi's when I go to the range! - K2 points
If I was going out to confront a unknown vehicle I'd definitely be armed. Why wouldn't you be? Armed is not the same as shooting. I don't want a drunk driver in my driveway. That SOB is likely to hit a tree trying to get away. I am not a huge fan of the kid's dog but she is a good early alert.2 points
Knoxville. If you are offered one for more money you are being ripped off. All of our spirits have the same percent of mark up. We do not rip people off. Other stores have different ideas on how to price product.2 points
why convert to 9mm? .40 is as good or better. And you are already set up to shoot the stuff.2 points
WTF is wrong with people? How does anyone see a 7 year old and think "boy I'd like for screw her!" How do multiple people think the same thing? I'd be happy to pull the trigger on them. Save everyone effort. Nah, on second thought a bullet is too good for them. A .22 is worth more. Kill them with fire.2 points
I think it would have just as effective to have previousy shown Glenn to survive but be trapped under the dumpster; it would still have been a cliffhanger without the shenanigans.1 point
Guns are always for sale in Nashville. Free venison is available in Nashville....... :rant: I'm gonna have to move to Nashville!!! LOL That is a generous offer. :up: Wish I was closer.1 point
I got family heading to Lafayette this week for Thanksgiving. I'd be glad to send these over so you can try them out if you'd like. You're welcome to take them out in the field if you like. My dad got a pair of the Nikon Acculon 8x24's recently. How they got that much brightness out of a pair of glasses that small amazes me, but I wouldn't turn those down for their size (pocketable) either. I don't know how they'd fair at either end of legal light, but they've been great when I've looked through them.1 point
I personally carry the .40, I don't rightly care where it came from or why they developed it. I have seen what a 9mm, .40 and .45 can do, and I know what I can do with all three. The G23 is a good, reliable, compact gun that I can engage targets with, carry comfortably, and it carries more than my 1911s. I have no "favorite", I will carry what I feel the situation dictates, so many times the G23 stays in the truck and my xdm gets carried. If I come across another gun that can fill a niche at a good price, I'll get it, but since I have nothing to compensate for, it will probably be a .380 or 9mm. I now of no one that will stand in front of even a .22; most crooks probably will be unconcerned in what caliber they are being confronted with. So my feeling is that what ever caliber/gun combination you can consistently hit your target with is what you need to carry. Now, SHTF is different than SD, and for that as I have mentioned elsewhere, I'll probably stick to 9mm and 5.56.1 point
1 point
Do you have a central HVAC system? If so, have you tried just running the fan w/the heat turned off? Depending on where your return is it might work especially if it's near the wood stove. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk1 point
Closing this one out with good news. I worked with my old gunsmith to get the right size sight by shooting a group an doing the calculations. He had the right one on-hand but the dovetail was still too wide but with some peening and got it to fit solidly. The height calculations were spot on with the elevation coming in 1/2 inch low on the first shot because the sight was a little taller than required. Now to load up some ammo and re-zero with handloads. Thanks to everybody for your help on this one.1 point
How about telling her you need it because should your lives ever be in danger it's an excellent method of self defense? Does she not enjoy shooting? These kind of post always perplex me when I read them. Heck. In our house, I'm the one who has to be physically stopped from buying the guns. I'm 99% convinced I'm just not a "normal" woman.1 point
Keep the 23 get a drop in barrel to convert to 9mm and a couple of 9mm mags and be dual caliber. I have been running a drop in barrel in idpa with no feed issues1 point
FYI: I tried going the budget route.... and ended up buying a second spotting scope later in the $400 range. What caliber are you checking targets on at 200-300yds? .308 or 30-06 are much easier to see than smaller calibers. If you want to see .223 holes at 200-300yds, asking a budget spotting scope to do that is asking a lot. -shoot 'n see targets will help.1 point
1 point
I have more 9mm and 38 guns , but I am still an advocate of having a variety of calibers. The flat point of the 40s&w cartridge and the longer case make for a larger opening of the hollow point which is why I think you never hear of a bad performing 40 round. I actually get a little bit more velocity out of my 180 gr Speer and Federal self defense loads than my favorite 147 gr Ranger 9mm. All of these were acquired during my law enforcement days. Some of the 135 gr 40s were not fun but are equivalent to 125 gr 357 mag energy levels. I find the 180 gr loads very pleasant and comparable to 45acp recoil, but most people agree the 165 gr 40 and the 124gr 9mm to be the sweet spot. I have some 40 caliber guns that have so many rounds through them flawlessly I just can't justify giving them up especially considering their 9mm equivalents shoot nearly the same for me. I have never thought that it was wise to have only one caliber in your arsenal. Now remember there was a time not to long ago you couldn't find 9mm ammunition on shelves. Our state has an enormous following of law enforcement with 40, 357, and 45acp over 9mm which should influence your platform to a degree. While 9mm has gained a little steam in the South with police departments, Georgia State Patrol has already experienced one alarming failure to incapacitate this year with an officer involved shooting and 9mm in Tift County. It was a suspect that took a round to the face and lived. In fact, he put up an intense struggle I was told.1 point
they are virtually identical in performance in every way that matters. The 40 has slightly more "physics" but is far less flexible for creative ammo. 9 is slightly cheaper and easier to find in good times, but its not enough to make a decision by that -- and 40 is easier to find after an ammo run, slightly. If invested, there is little reason to swap. What is your motivation?1 point
Hey just an FYI, that Adele album dropped! I'd wait a few more days maybe and see if a deluxe version comes. They always have a few acoustic songs and she's best that way.1 point
1 point
Agree with you. I have had some of the same experience. Best mags on the market for Sigs are Mec Gar!1 point
I love the look of the Skinner, but having to change to a taller front is a pain. Working out what height you need is a lesson in trigonometry I could've lived without. I've got a Williams on my current 336a & I really like the adjustability & ease of mounting. Plus, Murphy being the sumbitch he is, if I knock, break or otherwise screw it into a cocked hat, it's 2 screws to whip it off & I've still got the originals to fall back on.1 point
1 point
Gaaaah, will you people stop lying? The gubmint done told me it was gonna be cheaper, so I know this a load o' bull. Sheesh. :rofl:1 point
1 point
Y'all did know JB was at the Ryman last April? I did because I was there. [emoji3]1 point
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