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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2015 in all areas

  1. I just have to give you guys some news about why I support Pro Tech knives. They are one of the few American companies that have integrity and care about their customers. Not only do they build my favorite automatic knives as well as fixed blades, but they are truly some fine folks Last month my wife organized a silent auction to benefit the Teens to fund their Church camp fees, I sent Dave a letter that my wife prepared and forgot all about it, three days later my wife received an email with a tracking number, I honestly expected T shirts or something, What came were two God Son knives, I was floored that they would donate these and they helped some people out believe me, the last TGO TR4 I had to send out, I asked Dave to mail it out for me as it goes to a member here that is deployed, Dave just sent me an email confirming that he shipped his knife and told me since the man was Down range he figured he could use a good fixed blade knife, Dave included a Brand new Spindrift in his package, that my friends is a $400 knife I own one and absolutely love it I don't care if you buy these knives from me or Blade HQ or whoever, but please support these folks as there is NO better knife company in the World!
    12 points
  2. I understood about 20 words from that, and three of them were Ashley Madison and porn. I hate to think what that says about me.
    10 points
  3. I know one thing.....I'll never consider Islam as anything but a terrorist cult and I've never been fond of cults.The writing is on the wall for all to see....those moooslim dipsticks put it there. It's either them or me and as I still walk and breath I will never let them own me......just sayin'. Not bravado.....not internet hogwash....just fact and I don't care who believes it or not. I've had a good life growing up in this country, served 26 years in the military defending it and I don't care how many leftist moron politicians and moooslim jihadists hate the fact I love what this country was and don't intend to bow over to people that want to change it. The leftist politicians can go to hell along with their jihad buddies.
    6 points
  4. But we will not let them in because they are NOT Muslim.   I posted that video a while back. They are using the old school tactic of out breeding the host country. They have been doing it here for decades and we WILL see exactly what has happened in video in the streets here. There will be fighting in the streets and those who are against our enemies will be persecuted by our government. They will come here buy up arms to kill us and when they do it will be the guns, the NRA or white privilege that will be blamed. Those who want to destroy us will demand action and they will get it.   Our government will coddle and protect them as they destroy this country. As I said we will continue to pacify these animals until they kill every single one of us. The ONLY way to stop people who want to kill you is to kill them first, period. If there is one thing the US is good at it is wholesale killing of people, we should be doing that instead of playing these silly games. There should be so many bombs being dropped right now that they will blot out the sun.   We MUST lock down the borders NOW. Not a single soul should be allowed in this country from this point forward.
    6 points
  5. This is one time I believe I agree with Isis.
    4 points
  6. They should have just wrote a letter to the POTUS. He would have sent Kerry to escort them in.
    4 points
  7.   I would think you would not be in an trouble. Now if you have a copy of our Constitution, your DD214 or own a gun you are already considered a "domestic terrorist". Hillary has already said gun owners are terrorists so I fully expect to see her throw the entire federal government at us if she gets into office.    We cannot allow her to get into office, no matter what. We must ALL pick the most popular conservative candidate and vote for him. If you have to hold your nose then do it but do not allow her to become president.
    4 points
  8. Nukes will not end this war and the only thing it will do is turn the world against us.   Now is the time to demand that every Muslim country declare that they are either with us or against us and nothing in between. If they are with us they MUST prove it by actions and if they will not clearly say they are with us then they are the enemy and we should declare war upon those Muslim countries unwilling to help us rid the world of these extremists. At a bare minimum we MUST suspend aid for any country that is unwilling to stand with us. Right now we give aid to those who hate us hoping the almighty greenback will win them over but it never does. All it does is piss them off even more when we do not send more, more, more aid. With the money we send to those countries that we do not consider allies we could fix the problems our veterans are having.   If we cannot find, or influence, a Muslim ally to do what needs to be done then we MUST do it ourselves. Now is not the time to sit on our hands and wait. We must do whatever we can do RIGHT NOW to safeguard our way of life but more importantly to safeguard our children. They are planning to attack our children because they know that will bring us to our knees. They also know that in doing so our leadership will use it to disarm us which plays right into what our Muslim aggressors, and their allies, want.   For the US to win we MUST do things that will change us all and turn our stomachs, no other way. The only way to end this is to do exactly to them what they are threatening to do to us. If they are threatening, planning or try kill our kids then we must do the same to them. This war is unwinnable until we come to terms with the fact we must kill every single person who wants to kill us. And right now we, as a nation, are unwilling to do that. We want to use the words of pacifists when dealing with them. What we need is a leader who will stand in front of the world and declare war, war on every single person who wishes harm upon the US or its citizens. We need a leader that will tell the world that if they continue their aggression that we will kill their children, their wives and their families. Then our leader must have the intestinal fortitude to actually follow through and not repeatedly draw imaginary lines in the sand every time our bluff is called. Right now we do not have any leader who will do this and the world knows it.   But to do that we must commit and I mean REALLY commit. Everyone in the nation MUST come together as one but we cannot even get our citizens to come together without arguing over everything. We MUST suspend the PC bullshit we are seeing here and call people what they are. We cannot win unless we come together as a nation and that will not happen for many lifetimes, if ever. And to prevent our children from knowing war we MUST defeat our enemies and do so NOW and with everything we have rather than our current policy of "just barely enough". We must never accept any form of surrender and fight until one of us is gone from the face of the earth. But what is going to happen is the continued pacification of those who want to kill us. We will continue to send aid and arms to our killers until we take our last dying breath as a nation.     They get to become one of the 72 virgins so they can be raped for all eternity.
    4 points
  9. Hey, my name is Spence from clarksville, TN. I've been into guns since I came from the womb. I compete in IDPA and spend alot of time at Montgomery county shooting complex. I got more guns than I wish to list, but I'll share a few of my favorite. Colt AR-15 9mm SBR with a tirant (super fun gun) Glock 19 (placed 2nd in IL IDPA state championship marksman ssp) Luger P-08 I came here interested in joining a gun forum and actual found someone that use to work in a building next door to me. So I figure why not.
    3 points
  10. My 11 year old and I will be using a Winchester 94 carbine 30/30.  Its short, no scope, and easy/light to carry.  Just need a sling.  He is the hunter, I am just there for the memory he will retain forever!
    3 points
  11. I wish I could "Apple command, option, escape" when some people are talking too.
    3 points
  12. I wish control + put more money into my account.  :(
    3 points
  13.   Off the subject, but what hasn't been off the subject in this thread, but this is literally great.
    3 points
  14. Hey gotta fund those Form 4s somehow... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  15. Give me a break, guys. No one will know the time or place. It's been the end of days forever it seems. Next thing you know some of you fellers will be throwing out hard dates and trying to sell TGO prayer cloths with a 1-800 number.
    3 points
  16. Anonymous is also trying to make themselves a force in the protest scene, as seen with their OpFerguson efforts.  Essentially, they want to stir things up, then watch what burns in some kind of anarchy theory.  While their results are so-so, their ability to help push information or disinformation as you see it is through social media is legit.
    2 points
  17. So far? 'Bout 2,000 years. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  18. Always wanted a cat survelliance package Do they take Prince Ethiopian Promissary Notes? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  19. The Punisher TR4 is my first ProTech knife. I love it so much I know its far from being my last. You definitely made me a Protech fan now, and its great to know they are a company that goes that extra mile.
    2 points
  20. The philosophers have it right. Only the dead have seen the end of war...   I'm about as religious as they come, but don't really get these "last days" conversations as anything other than a way for somebody who's selling something to make some money off of people who want to believe in something.  Religious profiteers, I guess?   That said, I'm a church of Christ guy who's looking forward to the start of Advent in a couple of weeks - so maybe the end times are at hand :)
    2 points
  21. Syrians with stolen passports caught trying to enter US,.....What a surprise!!!   http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/11/18/syrians-with-stolen-passports-caught-before-trying-to-enter-us-police-say/
    2 points
  22. so basically end of days is for however long someone want to reference it being?   Every side will have a difference answer.   Them people have been killing and fighting since the beginning of time.  It will never stop.
    2 points
  23. WHHOOPPPEEE! I like this!   Thanks...lame old me didn't know.
    2 points
  24. I was watching a foreign news cast and they brought up something that I thought was genius. I thought to myself that it is something that we should be doing here.   There is a push by some people in other countries to change what is taught to our children and with all the change we are seeing recently why not do the same here. In addition to reading, writing and arithmetic we should also be teaching our children basic first aid in schools.   I am not talking about starting IV's, minor surgery or doing a tracheotomies but basic first aid. Like teaching children CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and the basics of how to stop bleeding. Do a basic lifesaving course to teach the ABCs of saving someone.   Imagine how many lives could be saved if everyone in this country had a basic understanding of first aid.
    2 points
  25. All you have to do is look at all they are saying now to realize this is a war, a war that has involved most of the world for at least the last 1,000 years. They have been waging war for a very, very long time and now they are here knocking at our door and what are we going to do? That's right, open the door and let them in. And what sickens me is we cannot come together as a nation to defeat a common enemy. We have Americans who would rather see this be a nation of Islam than be a nation of Americans. I would rather be dead than bow to anyone against my will. We have leaders who ARE committing treason by allowing our enemies to come into our country. John Kerry is now rationalizing the attack on Charlie Hebdo attack implying the attack was justified and that they should not have insulted Mohammed. Imagine that will go over well with the French. I swear our leadership is doing everything in their power to destroy my country. Here is a video that details the Muslim aggression, yes I have posted it before. They have been at war for ~1,400+ years and we have sat idly by while they have gotten stronger and stronger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo  Now, because we have sat idly by, they are on our shores. They are planning, equipping and preparing for their final battle with the "great infidel" and most Americans refuse to acknowledge it. All you have to do is listen to them because they are telling us EXACTLY what they are going to do to us and we are too arrogant to believe they actually could be successful.   At this point I am not sure we can win because no one is willing to do what MUST be done to win.  
    2 points
  26. We get hit with an EMP I'll open my safe with a crowbar and carry my guns everywhere with me.
    2 points
  27. Yup. I use a mix of corn cob and walnut media. I got about a dozen bottles of Black Magic car wax for free when Autozone stopped carrying that specific item years ago. I squirt maybe a table spoon of that in every 2nd or 3rd batch. Love it. Slick, shiny brass. One piece of advice that I'm sure goes without saying... but here goes... squirt the polish into the media and let it tumble for a few minutes BEFORE dumping in your brass.
    2 points
  28. Marble Carbon Fiber combo is where it's at!
    2 points
  29. Glad it worked out. Make sure you take everything. Man hoards like a squirrel. God love him.
    2 points
  30. I watched, it was pretty cool with some nice choreography.     I will go in record as saying, this HAS to have been written by some hippie.  Denial of a creator and the complete absence of of firearms?  Not a very believable scenario.  I can believe everything I've seen on the Walking Dead before I believe I'll see a southern plantation ran by a fella with a Georgian accent and not a single gun on the premises.  
    2 points
  31. According to other reports it appears the 72 virgins they are all getting are a bunch of hackers who call themselves Anonymous.
    2 points
  32.   Can you actually believe what the hell he said? I could not imagine ANY American say what he said, especially after we were attacked.
    1 point
  33. Sam Hoster in Gallatin, Tn. About 20 miles or so. Goes by Custom Defense.   He is great.
    1 point
  34. Went yesterday and picked it up, hassel free and enjoyed the trip.
    1 point
  35. Want school kids to learn it?  Get certified as an instructor and go teach them for free.  That's about the only way it'll happen in a school. The only formal instruction I had was in scouts.  Otherwise it was just the experience of watching Mom bandage me up repeatedly. 
    1 point
  36. I use both of those in my Glock 20 and 40.  No complaints at all.  Runs good and is accurate.  
    1 point
  37. wait, that link takes you to another link that talks about a former pornstar who also wears a strainer.... so this became this and did this sigh,
    1 point
  38.   He reminded me to be thankful for small blessings -- like sanity.  ;)   - OS
    1 point
  39. Yeah AJ likes to roll like Barney Miller from time to time...........just kidding....   Seriously though AJ, I'll bet you'd have really enjoyed Tom's revolver class. you could have put the SP101 through its paces.  Sorry I didn't think to call you about that and mention it....it just slipped my mind......I was planning to go and take my 686 and give it a workout, but the Wife told me she was spiriting me away to Pigeon Forge that weekend for my birthday so I had no choice but to comply....priorities you know  ;)
    1 point
  40.   Yes, he's hitting on her. She didn't exactly say no, just that he needs to evolve a bit more or some such, and he agreed.   - OS
    1 point
  41. Bob forgot his wedding anniversary and his wife was really pissed. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in less 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!" The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing since Friday.
    1 point
  42. I know some don't like The Yankee Marshal but he's spot on in this video.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpiYQQiAilg
    1 point
  43. https://youtu.be/0ttGgIQpAUc De Staat: Witchdoctor
    1 point
  44. Shot placement is king. And at the range, I always hit that paper right between the eyes. But in real life, with adrenaline pumping and the threat moving, I doubt I can tag him in the eye every time. (I hope you are picking up on my sarcasm here) I feel pretty much all of the major calibers 9mm and above give a similar opportunity for incapacitation if the bullet goes where it needs to. More chances means more better, imho. My first gun was a .40, and for years that's what I bought for defensive purposes. All of my M&Ps are .40s. I have had a change of mind on this over the past year (and not because of the FBI) and am moving to 9mm. Oh, and the cheaper ammo doesn't hurt!
    1 point
  45. OK ABN...., I'll send payment using Friends & Family. Let me know when you are finish with the coating. I can pick it up when I come over for the lowers we talked about. Thanks, D. Mark
    1 point
  46. Pics or it didn't happen!!! :)
    1 point
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