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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2015 in all areas

  1. And the ban hammer did smite the shepherd.
    14 points
  2. It was the right call, but at the same time I kind of hate that it ended so soon. It's like watching a bad weather car crash compilation on Youtube. :lol:
    8 points
  3. People...that is the gutter scum that walk, have gotten so brazen and disgusting now that about anything can happen.   An early morning smash like that...is almost commonplace lately.   As far as my gutter scum comment, that came from the disgust about a call I received this morning.   A cousin of mine called to tell me of a theft/desecration at an old family cemetery where a 4'x3'x5' lattice work cover had been stolen.    It was built in 1950 by my grandpa, and kept in good repair by him till he passed and a cousin and I took over the care of it. It covered the tiny grave and marker of my then 3 year old aunt who died of TB.   What kind of person(?) does something like this? Stealing from a cemetery?   I mean, Lord help us all, a couple of 2x4 posts and less than a sheet of flimsy lattice? There's no value here. No reason for this.   Sheer meanness or Heaven knows what. I certainly don't.   So...we will build it again. Out of respect for Pa, Ma, and little Eva.   Sorry for the hijack. It just sorta came out.
    8 points
  4. While I wont claim to be a religious scholar, I did have a religious education. Most of my bible seems to point towards the Gospel, and I'm definitely not seeing that here - either in this thread or in our actions towards those who aren't like us. Truthfully, my reading of the Old Testament seems to be pretty concerned with the treatment of the foreigner/strangers in our midst. There will always be folks who look to use religion to further their own power - I just don't see reading the bible like some secret code book pointing towards white conservative American superiority.
    7 points
  5. I wonder how the attackers age correspond to the formation of the European Union and the freedom of movement afterwards? That is after the immigration became more lax did the parents of these attackers move to EU with the intent of having their children fight at some point in the future.   I can guarantee that the Paris attackers have had some intense training or have been involved with the fighting before the attack. Even with a full auto AK you cannot just spray and pray and get the numbers they got without some sort of training. It would have taken a lot more ammunition than they could carry if they were not aiming and just spraying. Look at the shield used by the entry team and you will see they were able to return well aimed fire while being fired upon and that takes a certain amount of comfort to be able to be able to do that rather than try to escape or hide. At a bare minimum they were trained by someone who has the knowledge and skills to effectively run an AK but I believe these were experienced fighters. And the coordination between them all prior to and during the attack would involve a lot more people than just the attackers. Highly unlikely that the attackers constructed the suicide vests or procured the other weapons and equipment themselves. And to prove that there were more involved, the Polizei stopped a vehicle full of weapons and explosives that was headed to Paris in the hours following the attack.   And having the intestinal fortitude to stand toe to toe with authorities and exchange well aimed gun fire is another reason I believe they have been fighting in Syria. That takes more than just training to become comfortable with knowing you are going to die. Maybe it was just a bunch of really intense propaganda that made them comfortable with dying but I doubt it.   If you look at our recent Muslim attacks, Chattanooga and Texas, you will see the difference between well trained attackers and those who are not. In both of the attacks the death tolls could have been much, much worse had they had the same training, equipment and experience as the Paris attackers. Our attackers, so far, are not very well trained or equipped compared to the Paris attacks. So far our attacks, since 9/11, have been relatively inconsequential when you compare it to attacks in the rest of the world by the terrorists. I believe the reason why is the ease with which they can get real world experience in fighting compared to here. No one will know how they will act when faced with death unless they have been faced with death before. I do not believe they would try to carry out such a large, coordinated attack with terrorists who are untested under fire. But I can guarantee they are trying to change this. Plenty of soft targets that could result in numbers far greater than Paris or most other attacks in recent years.   I hope I am wrong but I believe the first major terrorist attack since 9/11 will involve our children. They know that would devastate the country more than anything else. Increasingly the terrorists are showing more and more interest in our children's schools. And that goes right along with what they do in other countries right now. They are constantly attacking and destroying schools in other countries so it will likely be the same here at some point. It has also been reported that elementary school blueprints have been found in terrorist hands. I hope it never happens but in the meantime we should be arming anyone who can protect our children. Pay the teachers extra for carrying, allow parents (who are trained and vetted) to protect the schools if they want to and make sure the RSOs have every piece of equipment they need to keep our children safe.   BTW, most of our attacks that people are considering "terrorist attacks" are not. Adam Lanza was just some crazy person and not a terrorist. Laughner was another crazy that was not a terrorist. Most of our attacks have been committed by crazy people because of a political agenda and not for religious reasons like the Paris attackers. All you have to do is look at the names to realize the majority of mass attacks in the United States have not been by jihadists. Yes there have been a few but they are relatively minor compared to most other attacks committed across the globe in the name of Allah. An attack on a mall like Nairobi, especially on Black Friday, would cripple the nation with fear and especially so if there were high numbers of victims or if something other than a firearms was used. Remember the hysteria the anthrax scare caused?   We are in a world war by every definition. The fight against the jihadist involves dozens of countries including world super powers. We need to start acting like this is a fight for our own survival, for our way of life and our freedoms because if we loose this war most of us here will be killed along with our families. I know I have a very, very uneasy feeling knowing our government, specifically our President, is not taking this threat very seriously. And because of his lackadaisical attitude towards all of this he is setting us up for a MAJOR attack.   We, as Americans, cannot expect to win a fight against these terrorists. It takes a Muslim to defeat a Muslim because every time we kill a Muslim the terrorists use it as propaganda to get more support for the fight against the west. At a bare minimum if we kill one then his family will be against us. We must use our influence to force our Muslim "allies", I used that term very loosely, to help us defeat ISIS because we cannot do it as non Muslim. Well we could but every country on the globe would condemn us for doing it.   Everyone should be carrying a firearm these days.
    6 points
  6. European Jesus tested way better with control groups. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  7. I just spoke with Dave, we will doing the Marble carbon fiber on a black frame with the choice of stonewashed or black blades He will be making samples
    5 points
  8. This is straight up Christian Identity teaching. So I'll go ahead and ask the elephant in the room directly so we can know with whom we are really dealing with here. What white supremacist orgs are you currently or have in the past been a member of? You can deny the source of your words, but as you referenced earlier in relation to the president, we will know by the fruits. Your poisonous fruit makes what you are abundantly clear. If you would kindly take that crap somewhere else it would be much appreciated. You will not find fertile soil for those rotten seeds here.
    5 points
  9.   He reminded me to be thankful for small blessings -- like sanity.  ;)   - OS
    4 points
  10. Empty the lawnmower & 3 mousetraps into a bowl, pour boiling water on it & slice in enough chillis to gag a yak. Lightly garnish with a sprinkling of fat. Serve at once with 2 twigs.
    4 points
  11. I'm driving on my way back from Savannah. I needed to boot him or I was going to be the one in the wreck.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. This got really crazy really quick...good DT work CZ, lol. To the original mantra of this thread; regardless of how/when these shooters got their training and radicalization, that is only a problem that is in Europe. In America we ALREADY have radicalized communities and groups - outside of Flint and Dearborne, Michigan. Rikers is almost all Muslim. Queens and parts of Harlem. South of D.C. Communities in Baltimore are hard core. South and West Philly and Temple U have hard core dudes...and that is only the ones I know about - there are obviously much more. Radicalization takes place here - it is generated by the Libs using words like "Islamaphobia" and "Racism" - they self perpetuate the "race war" and LOVE posting statistics about what "damage" WE as a Nation have wrought over there. Enter stage right the Caliphate - with the answers, super Salafist teachings, super land gains, brutality and high kinetic ops overseas run on a super slick social media platform and thats how it attracts people. They call for attacks overseas - training is pretty easy, there are quite an overwhelming amount of Muslims in the Army and Navy, but it does not take much to set up a course of fire/POI for yourself and teach yourself. However TMF is right - no unblooded guys would have been able to pull off what they did. Disregard the C4ISR cell that was obviously spot on - the fact these dudes could shoot, move, communicate and control the battlespace in 6 different locations and remain calm under pressure and inflict maximum damage and didnt lose thier nerve blowing themselves up - that does not come from a "tactical carbine class" So if we do see attacks from homegrown guys - unless they are augmented by FNs, it wont be as clean as the Paris attack was Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  14. Bob forgot his wedding anniversary and his wife was really pissed. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in less 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!" The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing since Friday.
    3 points
  15. This was going on in the UK after they started letting Muslims wear just about anything in their photo IDs. They are bringing up a good point, that religion (or one religion) should either not trump policies put in place for a reason, or that if it is okay for one group to do it, then it should be okay for all. These are not whackos wearing cookwear on their head just for the hell of it; they are making a a valid political statement. It won't be long before Muslims are suing to let women cover their faces for photo IDs and winning their suits. When that happens, pastafarians should be allowed to wear wet noodles over their face. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  16. This is a single warning to everyone to watch your rhetoric.
    3 points
  17. Sounds good to me. May they never find out if it works!
    3 points
  18. Devil's advocate here. Considering how the Feds handle the ingress/egress of people through the national borders and we have free movement throughout the states (no internal border checks at state borders) how exactly is any governor going to prevent the the settlement of refugees in their state? While they may prevent the utilization of state resources to aid their assimilation into local communities, I don't see how they can actually prevent settlement. It all smacks of political posturing to me more than anything else. It makes the 'Murica types pump their fists and go "hell yeah!" but doesn't actually mean anything.
    3 points
  19. Its hard not to say anything derogatory anymore about these yutzes in MO and the rest of the world..I am tired of having to make statements  so the rest of them do not get offended..I was not alive when slavery was common , I was not a slave driver and I do not  know half of the crapp that went on back then because its history and I am not interested in it.I hear enough of it from people.Get off of welfare, find a job and stop being a victim and stop whining how sttuff is around here..Least you are not wearing a burka.. yet:)
    3 points
  20. Summary I’m very satisfied with my purchase and would recommend this holster to anyone who needs match mine. I recommend this holster for a gun that uses Urban Carry’s size medium or smaller. There is a size chart on their web. I’m using an M&P Shield. It might work with an M&P Compact, definitely nothing bigger. This is an awesome solution for those who need to wear a shirt tucked in or are using it for a backup gun. My Kydex inside the waistband is more comfortable, though the slight decrease in comfort is a small price to pay for a solution that allows you to tuck in your shirt. Pro’s You can wear it with your shirt tucked in. This is by far the biggest advantage for me. This is great for those who have to wear their shirt tucked in at work. I believe this will allow for faster draw than an inside the waistband carried on the hip, more practice needed to verify. It stays hidden and no one will identify it. Great option for a backup gun, especially a smaller one. (If a uniform wearing LEO, make sure your belt has room and that your belt isn’t too wide) Black or brown is available Quality manufacturing with good leather. Cons I have to use pants that are 2” larger with the Urban Carry. This isn’t needed with my Kydex. This holster definitely takes practice with an UNLOADED gun. I found that I pointed it at myself until I figured it out. It presents the gun straight up at a higher level than what I’m used to - not a problem with sufficient training. It points at my leg when sitting down. The gun is totally enclosed in the holster, so this doesn’t concern me with a quality gun like an M&P Shield. Notes: Break the holster in before first use. Put a leather treatment such as Bick-4 on and let it soak in. Then, bend the holster in a multitude of directions with a focus on the seams. Excluding the time for the leather treatment to soak in, this take about 5 minutes. Here is how this will play out for me. I’ll use my Kydex inside the waistband holster when I don’t have to tuck my shirt in and the Urban Carry when I do. It’s very comfortable when driving or sitting at a desk. I believe you could draw it from any position in a jam, though it is meant to be drawn from a standing position. Any position other than standing would be a disadvantage. I’ve reviewed FBI statistics on when you are most likely to be in a violent confrontation. One of those is while driving. I don’t use this for defense when I’m wearing a seat belt. I have a full size M&P in the console for that. In summary, I'm really glad I bought the holster and will get years of use from days when I need to tuck my shirt in.
    2 points
  21. Marble carbon looks amazing to me.
    2 points
  22. Cerakote, amendment 2 custom coatings here on TGO does great work.
    2 points
  23. If it wasn't going to be a gift, I may consider using Krylon.
    2 points
  24. I still do not know what to think. So what WAS he? Orthodox Jew? Terrorist? Milk man? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  25. Like the late Lewis Grizzard, "I was intrigued, so I just waited." This isn't the first forum that's booted you. I'm certain we won't be the last. But, this pig eater is done with this.
    2 points
  26. You got that right. I can't recall where it is in The Bible right now, but it is written in the new testament that Jesus was plain-looking. I chuckle at the people who look at the painting, (well, copies of it anyway), of an artist's rendition of what Jesus looked like that was painted hundreds of years after He died and think it really is a picture of Jesus.
    2 points
  27. Who in their right mind would choose Sasha over Rosita? Lets see, A girl you already know and trust.  Tough as nails & much better in a close range scrap AND has not exhibited the first sign of a mental issue.     Abraham is an idiot.  
    2 points
  28. Seems since he likely had purely Levantine Jewish ancestry, Jesus would likely be a couple of shades too dark to pass a white supremacist's muster. Any number of mainstream Christians would probably be at least taken aback, too. :) FWIW, the BBC/Discovery forensic anthropology type "restoration": My Mom saw that special on TV and called it "sacrilegious". I think blue eyes would have helped, like Jeffery Hunter in "King of Kings" :) - OS
    2 points
  29.   Wow, "non-Caucasian peoples have no souls and therefore can never earn God's favor or be saved" and such.   And I thought maybe he was just a misguided Pastafarian or something. ;)   - OS
    2 points
  30. Death to these thieves! Preferably death involving a Spanish donkey or a judas chair.
    2 points
  31. This thread sure went side ways fast. I have to agree with CNB :stunned:
    2 points
  32. I'm not caught up on the conversation here, but I watched Sunday's episode last night. Who wrote the dialogue between Sasha and Abraham???? It was so bad that I felt like I was watching Bad Lip Reading.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR4lLJu_-wE
    2 points
  33. My better half was diagnosed with celiac disease, we were in for a shock. We're both Italian (at least part) and lived on pasta and bread. We too have adapted by necessity but sure do miss some fresh Italian bread! I'm offended by this clown mocking religion with pasta. She and her ilk have earned as much respect from me as the mentally defective john Kerry has. Actually a little more, at least she isn't posing.
    2 points
  34. So...quotes a lot of passages from the bible, going into lengthy detail about what it means, etc. Advocates going and shooting at buses full of refugees. Calls everyone else stupid and claims to be enlightened himself. Troll? Muslim? Instead of playing smoke and mirrors why not tell us what you really think. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  35. Im so glad you are here to enlighten all us simple folk.
    2 points
  36. I use 10 round mags on my .300Blk. Simply to save weight. I can carry spare mags more comfortably but in reality have never shot more than 3 times at any one deer and that was a scope issue.
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. Lmfao. Sometimes the entertainment on TGO is priceless :) :)
    2 points
  39. TSC is a good company.  I worked for them right out of college and managed a couple of their stores.  One of the best things they did was make every corporate employee, including the president, work in a store one week every year.  They wanted to make sure everybody in corporate new what it was like to work in a store so they would understand better how to help the stores.  It is fun making VP's stack feed.
    2 points
  40. Yeah. There hasn't been a lot of detail released yet. It'll be interesting to hear.
    1 point
  41. Oh my dog, I haven't laughed so hard in a while. That was HILARIOUS!
    1 point
  42. Just a note you can get a .300Blk upper for pretty cheap for hunting purposes. Won't be top of the line or anything but if you want to go that route check out radical firearms. I'm totally happy with mine.
    1 point
  43. I know some don't like The Yankee Marshal but he's spot on in this video.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpiYQQiAilg
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. The best part now is that everytime she talks to or looks at someone, she will know that they know she got knocked out. The comment she made that "No one has the right to beat me!" made her very easy to dislike.
    1 point
  46. Best news I've heard in a long time. It's about time someone takes her down a peg. This news made my day.
    1 point
  47. Yeah, I was stating that more as a matter of fact. The rest of my comment is what I didn't want misconstrued. To all the countries that have let these d-bags inside their borders, I'd like to quote the old fable about the snake I was told as a kid. A kid was walking down a road and found a snake, shivering and cold the snake begged the boy to pick him and put him in his jacket to keep him warm. The boy protested and said No you'll bite me. No I wont I swear. The boy did....and the snake bit him. As the boy died from the poison he says to the snake, I did everything you asked me to do and you promised not to hurt me. The snake replied, You KNEW I was a snake when you picked me up. Don't act so surprised.
    1 point
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