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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2015 in all areas

  1. Go armed, folks.  Always.  Everywhere you can.
    17 points
  2. Yeah, I was stating that more as a matter of fact. The rest of my comment is what I didn't want misconstrued. To all the countries that have let these d-bags inside their borders, I'd like to quote the old fable about the snake I was told as a kid. A kid was walking down a road and found a snake, shivering and cold the snake begged the boy to pick him and put him in his jacket to keep him warm. The boy protested and said No you'll bite me. No I wont I swear. The boy did....and the snake bit him. As the boy died from the poison he says to the snake, I did everything you asked me to do and you promised not to hurt me. The snake replied, You KNEW I was a snake when you picked me up. Don't act so surprised.
    11 points
  3. Yep watching this too.     UNDERSTAND what I'm saying here.  This will turn out to have muslim ties.  The people that have been killed/injured did NOT deserve this in any way.  BUT, France as a whole deserve every bit of this.  They let the bastards in by the train load.  It will happen here and my heart breaks for the victims but as a WHOLE country, we will deserve it too.     We used to believe that Nazi germany was the worst enemy of the last few centuries.  I believe it is the filth of islam.  We are finding out the true evil that is Islam.  
    9 points
  4. Still better than being a sheep.
    7 points
  5. It's all a giant lie.  No way there was a shooting in France.  They have "common sense" gun laws you know.
    7 points
  6. Gentlemen, the knives have left the building, they are enroute to your homes. You will absolutely love them Dave and company as usual did an awesome job!
    7 points
  7. I know it has been mentioned before, but everyone should read "Day of Wrath" for a chillingly realistic scenario that would paralyze our country AND potentially provide the catalyst for more stringent gun control, at least in the more liberal areas.
    6 points
  8. France closed their borders. A bit late I'm afraid. Call me paranoid or whatever, but we need an immediate stoppage of border crossings. A moratorium on immigration, and a screeching halt applied to accepting the 50-100,000 refugees that is planned. I'm not against humanitarian aid, but it needs to be done carefully.
    6 points
  9. I just hope this is a wake up call to all countries that have opened their borders that they begin doing in their countries exactly what Trump wants to do here. Pack their :poop:  and ship their butts back where they came from. And to think Obama wants to bring in 100,000 of them to our country. This is our country and Obama owns very damn little of it.   That is something that should be voted on and not something he waves his pen at...........jmho
    5 points
  10.     I am shocked, shocked I tell you. Would have assumed one of the well known Christian, Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist terrorist cabals.   - OS
    5 points
  11. Yep, I'm an old bastage and kids are stupid.   Young fella came in the shop today, probably 18-19 yrs old.  I was working on my expedition trailer and had some tunes going.  Kid says:   "Who you listening to?  Never heard anything like it, that's cool!"   I say, "Umm, Iron Maiden."   "That's a band!!???  I thought it was just some cool T-shirts."   Nursing a hole in my tongue where I just bit through it, I politely told him to hit Amazon Prime music or iTunes and try listening to any one of their 16 albums.         Not a fan?  Sure, I get that.  To not even know they're a band but know they make cool t-shirts?  Wow.  
    4 points
  12. Until we and Western Europe start to play to win, this is going to continue.  Screw innocents and collateral damage.  Turn the middle east into glass and take the oil.    Some will say we are above that (or should be).  I say those who are willing to do what it takes wins.  War isn't pretty or nice.
    4 points
  13. This is by far the nicest knife I have ever owned, Dave knocked my custom knife order out of the park, the pictures do not do it justice, Cringe all you want this IS my carry knife
    4 points
  14.   Yep, redouble efforts to take your and my guns.   - OS
    4 points
  15. Which west? Certainly not Obama's.
    4 points
  16.   I agree.  If i see a guy with his hand in his purse I give him a wide berth.
    4 points
  17.   I think my point was more insidious. What we're seeing are the next generations of radicalized Muslims from even the most peaceable families that have been living in these various countries.   Meaning that being Islamic period means that x percentage will do this sort of thing in time. Everywhere.     Oh, not necessarily. Lots of us heathens will fight on your side too. :)   - OS
    3 points
  18.   AR in the truck these days... always.
    3 points
  19. Ever say "Hank Williams" and the person you're talking to responds with "Isn't he the football guy?"  :shake:   I'm just done with it. I don't talk about music anymore because I get sick of being asked who I'm talking about or hearing "Oh yeah, I love country music. Florida Georgia Line..."   Unless the next phrase is "died in a fire", I don't care what they did. Don't tell me you love country music and then stand there with a blank stare when someone says Keith Whitley, Randy Travis, Hank Snow, Roy Acuff, etc...stupid little hipster fags.    I'm done. I have 900 Hank songs on iTunes.  :wave:
    3 points
  20. One news agency said was that the captured terrorist claimed ISIS..... take that with a grain of salt. I just got home and turned on the news, after about 5 minutes the wife asked that I change it because it's depressing. After I told her she is watching the future unfold she said she worries about me and changed the channel. It's only a matter of time before it spreads to our shores. 
    3 points
  21. If I think I am going to die anyway I'm going down doing my best to take a few bad guys with me. Refuse to go quietly into the night.....JMHO
    3 points
  22.   As far as a heater on the person, I'm afraid "under-gunned" comes to mind for this type scenario.   - OS
    3 points
  23.   Yep, perhaps even more pertinent is the frog and the scorpion, since these Muslim scorpions are willing to drown in the stream along with their frog victims, as it is "their nature" to do so.   - OS
    3 points
  24.   Well, I have to admit that In A Gadda Da Vida was de rigueur for all us heads at the time. ;)   - OS
    3 points
  25. I'm old, like Jefferson Airplane, Country Joe and Fish, Sly and the Family Stone, Creedence Clearwater, Stones, Beatles type old.   For the most part, I don't know Iron Maiden from Metallica from Judas Priest from Black Sabbath from Deep Purple from ...   Somehow just never immersed myself in the 30 years or so of what is now classic heavy metal.   - OS
    3 points
  26. Guess what I just received by FedEX, one of two boxes in this picture, I have all of your knives and they will go out first thing in the AM
    3 points
  27. Maybe the guy needs a copy of this book: Oddly enough, the driver is in more danger than the kids, because LIONS EAT GIRAFFES!!!!!!!!
    3 points
  28. I'm no doctor but I married one, so if you need any advice or don't understand anything I'd be glad to help you get the right answers.  Of course this is if you want to share, if not, that is completely understandable.   Just know I'd gladly help.  
    3 points
  29. Culled this guy out of the gene pool this morning! Perfect morning to be out there. About a 15 yard shot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  30.   I don't always buy rats, but when I do, it's from strangers in parking lots at night.
    3 points
  31. I went in to this jail once to talk with the county Sherriff about some break-ins in the area while we were kayaking. I always thought the plaque on the door was simple and to the point. This used to be a "must do" photo for those long haired, hippie type, kayakers. (My friends) . The sheriff was a great guy. The place we had to park our cars for a trip down the Obed River was covered with busted auto glass. Instead of taking a chance on getting broke in to, I walked down the road and began knocking on doors. The first three houses basically slammed the door in my face. The next house had a yard full of young'uns and the lady answered the door in a wheel chair. I told her about the break-ins at the take out at Obed Junction and told her we would gladly pay her $10 per vehicle if we could park in her yard. She was delighted and for the next three years we would pay her to park and our vehicles were never bothered. The Sheriff said that was the best thing we could do and they were aware of the break ins at Obed Junction and they had park rangers patrolling the area.
    2 points
  32. INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — When to shoot and when not to shoot?  Follow the link to see the video.   http://wishtv.com/2015/11/11/to-shoot-or-not/     It’s a question that every police cadet is asked while in the academy. It’s a topic that is picked apart by the public every time an officer fires their gun. 24-Hour News 8 took a trip to IMPD’s Police Academy to find out how they train for these types of situations. It was a part of our Citizens Academy class and it was, to say the least, eye opening. Once there, IMPD Veteran Jeff Patterson explained how one of his jobs is to train cadets on the use of force, including firing their weapon. “What we’re going to prove now is if he decides to shoot you, he will win,” Patterson said, referencing a mock situation with a fake suspect. 24-Hour News 8’s Phil Sanchez stood there with his plastic gun in hand and pointed at the “suspect” who held his gun by his side. “As fast as he can he’s going to go bang, and the bang is the indicator that he pulled the trigger” Patterson said. Every time, Sanchez lost. Even when they didn’t fire, he lost. “Oh my God, why did you shoot me? I was going to run away. Decision making. That’s what we deal with as police officer every day,” Patterson said. The class was a game changer for some of Sanchez’s Citizens Academy classmates. People like Norma Evans Bruce. ‘I have a new respect for them, a new found respect, for them now,” Evans Bruce said. She said that prior to taking the class she was quick to blame the police for anything and everything. But not anymore. “There are different sides to every story, and until you understand what a person does, then you really can’t comment on it,” Evans Bruce added. Sanchez did that exercise at least 10 times — every time he lost. Now imagine if that was real? What would you do? The folks at the Police Academy urge you to sign up for the Citizens Academy and take part in these exercises.
    2 points
  33.   I already know it'll just make me mad, though.   - OS
    2 points
  34.   Obama is going to have a hard time bringing Syrian terrorists into the country now, no doubt the idiot will try though.
    2 points
  35.   Took just one armed man to take out the 2 jihadists in Texas at the Muhammad cartoon contest, if he hadn't been there, done that then they would have chosen a different target with tragic results but instead, 2 negative value life forms were eradicated instead of good people murdered. I truly believe in all the active shootings that has happened, if an armed person would have been close there would be a lot less good people murdered. It's a far better chance to stop one than everyone unarmed such as the case.
    2 points
  36. Remember a lot of old Baathist officers, Al Nusrs, AQI, AQAP, Abu Sayyaf, Boko Haram and more hardline Jihadi groups who have more than 2 decades each of fighting and planning against us have joined ISIS. This is careful planning that is befitting to their MO. The religious and attention getting stuff was the increased secterian violence, declaring a Caliphate, holding major terroritory and being as Salafist as possible - which they have done. The media, CENTCOM and the DoD overblow our gains - they counter all our propaganda, they trend all the time and now they are doing actual hardline Anti-Western stuff. That C4ISR cell has been in France probably since before the Hebdo and Train attacks - those were used to gain metrics and data. All the guys who get caught are also part of an more indepth SIGINT and HUMINT data product gathering process. This WILL get worse - 2 - 4 man hunter killer teams working in conjunction with a regional actor is one thing, those guys are bottom rung. Probably foreign fanatics. Suicide bombers will be next. Followed by hard target high kinetic stuff. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  37. Well I for one would love to take them up on that and level every square inch of ISIS held territory. You can't talk to these SOB's....you can't reason with them...you can't negotiate with them. All you can do is kill them.....every one of the SOB's.
    2 points
  38.   We're safe. I ain't from Frisco. Did try to drink my way through the town once though.
    2 points
  39. Killed 2 does opening morning for the freezer, so I was looking for horns this morning. Had 4 does come behind me about 25 yards in some thick brush and kept hearing a buck chasing and grunting every few steps. Never could see him. About 930 this 9 point came out the ridge to my left, found an opening about 30 yards away and when he came into it, I unloaded on him. Both deer last week where bang flops in the 4 wheeler trail. I paid for that today. He ran straight to the bottom of the ridge and died in the creek. It was either drag 150 yards straight up or about 4-500 yards down the creek, I chose the latter. I did jump a monster up out of the bottom dragging him out, one of the best deer I've ever seen while hunting. I know where I'll be come rifle season.
    2 points
  40. I've spent extended periods of time at altitude (over 10,000 feet) over the years.  Cardio now is really important as you prepare.  Like Rob said above, once you get out there it's all about hydration.  Hydrate. Hydrate. And, hydrate some more.  Water by itself is not only sufficient, but also ideal.
    2 points
  41.   This is a fallacy of the typical "bash the rich" philosophy they want you to have. They can't sell anything for three times what it's worth because they don't set the worth, we, the consumers do. When you buy something you are making a value statement about the product you are buying and the money with which you are paying. If you agree to the price asked, you are in essence saying the product is worth more to you than the money you have in your possession. The inverse is true of the seller, of course. If the producer is asking 3x what it is worth, he doesn't sell any and doesn't make any money. The only time this doesn't work properly is when the government intervenes and either forces you to buy a product, provides guarantees that the product will be paid for (see student loans), or artificially alters the price through tariffs, subsidies, etc.
    2 points
  42. As someone who teaches the HCP class and someone who has spent a large amount of time trying to educate myself on issues of use of force, I will tell you what I tell people in class.    If you are JUSTIFIED in pulling your gun you are justified in shooting them....period. There is no level of force that is "shooting but not really trying to hit them" which is what a warning shot is. Just like there is not a level of "shooting them just a little bit"....Deadly force is deadly force. and to intentionally OR KNOWINGLY use force that you knew could be deadly IS use of deadly force.  Legally it is almost always going to be looked at as either reckless endangerment (or some similarly worded offense) or even as evidence that the one who fired it was not in fear of grave bodily injury or death to the point that they NEEDED to shoot the BG. And if the level of fear (for a reasonable person) had not risen to that level then the use of the gun is not justified. You MIGHT get lucky and not get charged...but luck is not a strategy and you are a damn fool if you want to take those kind of chances with the legal system on purpose.    The other issue is where does the bullet end up? If you fire a warning shot that strikes someone then you are in for a really rough time. Accidentally shooting someone who did not need to be shot or even accidentally shooting the guy who NEEDED to be shot is still not OK. Self defense is an affirmative act.....not an accident. Massad Ayoob talks in his lectures in class about a guy in NY who is still sitting in jail because he said he "accidentally" shot the guy that was attacking him....when it goes down on paper as an accident you cannot claim self defense. So he is in jail for accidentally shooting someone.....even though the guy was attacking him and the guy needed to be shot. So if you fire a warning shot and it actually ricochets and hits someone then you are opening doors of legal Hell that you really don't ever want opened. Warning shots are just not a good idea......    So do what you want. But there is no level of fear where it is OK to fire a warning shot. That is NOT a level of the force continuum. Deadly force is either warranted or not...and firing a gun IS DEADLY FORCE. As a civilian your force continuum  pretty much goes from verbal to pepper spray (an irritant with no long lasting effects) to physical force with hands/feet to lethal force which would include ANY tool that could cause death...that means knives, clubs, guns, etc. Because you do not get the same training that police do the civilian use of an impact weapon will almost always be viewed as either aggravated assault at worst or lawful use of deadly force at best. Just like producing a knife...that is DEADLY FORCE and there is no level that is OK with "cutting them just a little". If you employ the blade it is either aggravated assault or it will be justified use of lethal force. Firing a gun to get someone's attention and or scare them is NOT in there anywhere. Might you escape without getting charged with something like reckless endangerment if you fire a warning shot? Yes....you might very well........ but that is an awful  risky proposition. Remember there is case law in TN where someone was convicted because they DIDN'T shoot someone who was threatening them and just produced the weapon to frighten them. 
    2 points
  43.   I don't think anyone will burn you over this. I think most would do the same thing or something similar. This day in time people must realize that many more people are legally carrying than say 10 years ago and if they even give a second thought to what they are doing they might not get shot. I will do what ever I need to if I feel my life is in danger of harm or death. That is called survival and normally is instinct to most people..............jmho 
    2 points
  44. +1. A lot will go into this - I do not know how charging for something like this works but I assume it is because it was on the road in broad daylight. We can quarterback this one all day, but my $0.02 is that if some dude is being a jackwagon on the road like cutting me off or tail gating me, then jumps out of his car and is coming towards me, I am not waiting to see if he wants to sell me cookies - I am blasting him. I got a 8 month pregnant wife and am not letting some jackass near. When I was working construction my dad and I were driving the work van and some jackass was tailgating us with his Charger through Harlem. At the next light on 2nd Ave he ran up, opened my door (passenger side) threatened to shoot us and then attempted to stab me afte I tried to kick him away. Only reason he failed is because my dad floored it in and sent homie rolling. If we werent living in a Commie state things would have ended poorly for him. (I blame the seatbelt for not being able to administer a proper Spartan kick to the face) Ive also been shot at in a car before, twice, and not work related - not fun. You dont have much time to react, so if someone is running towards my car all angry you best believe I am meeting him with overwhelming force. Forum lawyers burn me if you must. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  45. A friend of mine hunts the Wyoming side right above the state line. He took a great bull a few years ago. My only advice is to have a plan to get it out. Pack horses are a good option if you're familiar with horses, otherwise I'd hunt somewhere fairly close to vehicle access.
    2 points
  46. Maybe he was gonna punch her in the face and take her purse?
    2 points
  47. If you know where you are going, get good topo maps a gps and a good compass. It's easy to get turned around in the mountains. Make sure your in good shape cause at 9500 feet the air is thin and try to get there a few days early so u can cllimatize to the air and terrain.
    2 points
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