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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2015 in all areas

  1. I've been pretty good about the wait until now. Something about hearing that they are finally done and now I'm sitting here like this:
    4 points
  2. I'm a pretty private guy despite being at the front of TGO, so all I can say here is that this request is for me and my family and I'd appreciate any prayers you could offer today. Thanks.     Update 11/13/15...   Thanks all for the prayers.  Sometimes the answer we want isn't the one we get.  We're a little sadder in my household tonight but recognize that God is in control and are grateful for His many blessings.   I appreciate everyone who said a few words for us the past few days.  At this point we are simply looking for a period of restoration and healing.
    3 points
  3. Not sure why you asked us anyway. Seems like it would have been easier to ask your in house expert!
    3 points
  4. Thank you all for the prayers and responses to the thread.  The responses provide encouragement; the prayers provide the unseen.   This is a medical situation and right now we're just in a holding pattern.  More to come tomorrow but right now we simply have no news, good or bad.  I'd appreciate your continued consideration.
    3 points
  5. Wow, glad you were able to avert a disaster and rescue her. Just remember, Charlie don't surf neither. :usa:
    3 points
  6.   If she had just showed the firearm rather than pointing it him it perhaps/likely wouldn't have garnered the charge.   Pointing it at him once he actually moved away, and while standing next to a bystander was especially egregious, and this was the part that undoubtedly got the reckless endangerment count tacked on.   - OS
    3 points
  7. That's obivously a Direwolf! Lol. Serious note, holy Christ that is a big doggy. Definitely need to get a full body stuff for that thing! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  8.   I don't always buy rats, but when I do, it's from strangers in parking lots at night.
    3 points
  9. This is a Marble Pattern Carbon Fiber that Protech just started making, I have one coming to me with the TR4 knives I will be checking it out and deciding if this will be the next TGO knife, If this is it it will have the 3 Bullet design in gold on the blade, let me know your thoughts on it, I will not post an official thread until You Are all are ready
    2 points
  10. So Megyn Kelley likes to bang without making me wear a rubber? Nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. Thats what happens when you jump out your vehicle and run towards someones car. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  12. Hopefully, this case has garnered enough national attention for some guns rights organizations to make sure she has a decent attorney.    That set up.... buying cigarettes with no lighter sounds like BS... an alibi so he could defend his statement to a cop if things went south in his con or whatever he was doing. I'd like to know what priors this guy has. His retreating to a woman with a small child saying, "she pulled a gun on me" also sounds like a pre-planned action. This just doesn't smell right.    I read somewhere that the surveillance camera showed him walking by her and then coming back. Is that what happened or am I confusing this? I couldn't find any reference to it in the story or the TV news video. If that happened, it would be even more suspicious.   EDITED: Yes... I found it. EDITED AGAIN: Yeah, I agree she didn't handle this right, but she never fired the gun and there's no way a 67-year-old can draw a weapon with a threat 10 feet away.  
    2 points
  13. Guilty. I even managed to cut myself while trying to cut the excess off a dressing of another cut of mine.
    2 points
  14. Argh.....I like Cabelas so much more than Bass Pro. That sucks.
    2 points
  15. I went to Afghanistan for work and got to shoot one of those it appears. We met with a Green beret unit and they let us shoot a bunch of stuff and one of them was a 308 suppressed that looked just like one of those. Got to shoot some distance that I've never shot before. Cool rifle though 
    2 points
  16. First person who cuts themselves with it owes a case of beer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  17. You expect the democrats to oppose gun rights issues, but, here in Tennessee Republican lie to us more, at least the Democrats are honest in trying to take those rights away.
    2 points
  18. I think it was wrong for her to be charged. Common enough robbery prelude: "Hey Lady, ya got a light?" A distraction before a purse snatching in almost every case. If he was within 21 feet of her and aggressive and not stopping his approach when told to, he is in the wrong. You have less than two seconds to stop an assault from someone who gets within 21 feet of you. If it was the Police Officer himself that had been approached in such a manner, the officer would not hesitate to draw down on the aggressor. The woman did not shoot the perpetrator, she just stopped him. A reasonable person, the standard, would be scared out of her wits. Though arrested by the Officer, this is not the final word. The DA will have to get hold of it, and a Grand Jury. This will get No Billed by a Grand Jury. If it got that far, no Jury in the country would convict. IMO.
    2 points
  19. IN! Call me crazy, but I'd like to see a little more pizzazz. Regardless, take my money.
    2 points
  20. I'm not that smart on this but I have shot an M14 at 1000 yd sand while it was hitting the target, it was not accurate. I thought it was because the limits of the caliber were passed. Most folks were shooting a 300 win mag for 1k yds. Of course I could be wrong and I'm sure someone smarter will chime in. I would recommend an M1A modern day clone of the M14 for the sheer awesomeness of what it is and if necessary go with a bigger caliber on your build to meet your needs.
    2 points
  21.     To be fair, theres a world of difference between the average cop, and the average 67 year old lady. 
    2 points
  22.   If a cop, for whatever reason, catches a glimpse of hydrocodone (prescription or not), he isn't going to immediately think "drugs, shoot him!". If a cop, for whatever reason, catches a glimpse of a firearm unsuspectedly, his first reaction could very well be "gun, shoot him!". At minimum most officers would be put at extreme unease at such a situation. I know one thing, with my Wife and myself (and in this particular case two passengers in the back) parked on the side of a highway at 11:00 PM at night at the mercy of the officer, I want the officer to be as cool and calm as possible.   That's why I turned my dome light on, that's why I made sure my hands were clearly on the steering wheel holding my license and permit, and that's why I made sure to be as respectful and polite to the officer as possible. No, I don't keep my license, registration, or proof of insurance in the same compartment as my Glock 26. But to me, ultimately, it comes down to the fact that I have a permit and I believe it certainly will show up to the officer whenever he runs my license or tag. I am not an officer, have never been an officer, and will likely never be an officer, so I do not pretend to know exactly what an officer might think, but it is certainly a possibility that if they see I have a permit on their system yet I in no way acknowledge it to them voluntarily, they may question as to whether or not I am trying to hide anything (legal or not).   The bottom line is, you do whatever you think is best, I'll do what I think is best.
    2 points
  23. My kids mom/ ex has to go under for serious serious surgery tomm due to a build up of 3 tumors. Ovarian and pancreatic... And another mass. Don't know if it's the dirty c word or benign,but despite everything I've been through w her I need all the help I can get. Power of prayer assistance is appreciated, doc couldn't get her into surgery fast enough. Thanks in advance DB
    1 point
  24. Maybe it was the closest. Maybe he thought he had a lighter I haven't seen a cig lighter in a car in 10 years Maybe she looked like a smoker. [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. I haven't been hunting out there in over 20 years, but I hunted the southwest part.  My godfather lives in Blanca and I have wanted to join him in a hunt at least once more.  My only advice is to make sure to sight your rifle, 30-06 is fine, when you get there.  The altitude will change your POI enough to matter.
    1 point
  26.   If you're looking for a dedicated 1000 yard gun, and it has to be an AR-10 platform, I think $2500 should get you the gun, but you'll spend another $2k or more for glass on it.  If it's just for fun and only want to reach out on occasion to see if you can, then you might make that $2500 budget all together.  Just to be clear, I'm no F-class or regular big bore shooter, but regardless of what anyone may claim 1000 yards is a LONG way out there for most rifles (and shooters), especially gas guns.
    1 point
  27. I usually prefer the satin or stonewashed blades, but the first pic you posted with all black(dark) sure looks good.   Just throwing this out for thoughts, satin blade with dark handle.
    1 point
  28.   I got 3,000 rounds of .22LR there a couple of weeks ago at the cheapest price in America.   - OS
    1 point
  29. I use Ballistol in my knife shop on all my steel tools and blades. I love the stuff.
    1 point
  30. It's hard for me to talk someone out of a redbud; I always give preference to native species anyway. Twenty years ago we sold as many red maple and sugar maple varieties as we did other deciduous trees. I always thought tupelo trees were deserving of so much more credit than they were given, and I can say the same about bald cypress trees.
    1 point
  31. We use Ballistoil on our percussion revolvers and single actions we shoot black powder loads in... Ballistoil is water soluble and works great on them... We use the North-South Skirmish Association recipe for cleaning (...Murphys oil soap, hydrogen peroxide, windex without ammonia, and ethanol...) in equal parts for cleaning; then swab the cylinder and barrels down with the Ballistoil... The only thing ive noticed with it is that it does, in fact, stay exactly where ya put it... It will not "migrate" like some oils do... Make sure you completely cover whatever ya want to protect.. We learned this the hard way with a bit of rust on the muzzle of one of our percussion pistols... I always use Ballistoil on the inside parts, and wipe the outsides down with some sort of moisture displacing lube like Hoppes or whaever else is handy... I see this stuff as basically a lube for blackpowder firearms...    This has come up before... Ya may want to do a TGO search on Ballistoil...   Hope this helps a bit... leroy
    1 point
  32. Some have trouble in progressive presses with feeding issues.  Try a few hundred before jumping in.
    1 point
  33. This has been done before, but let’s update it for Veterans Day. NAVY Machinist Class A School, San Diego Ca. 1971-72 USS Ponce LPD-15 (now AFSB(I)-15) 1972-74 USS Holland AS-32 1974-75 AIR NATIONAL GUARD Illinois Air National Guard 183rd Fighter Wing, Springfield, IL. 1977-78
    1 point
  34. Wolves are native to Michigan, they then disappeared for a while and came back in the early 2000s. That ruling was overturned in July. http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2015/07/15/michigan-gray-wolf-hunt/30192533/ Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. I love every class I've taken from Tom. Nice review......especially liked the carbine comment.....;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. Just like the issue with the court clerk in Kentucky denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples, this is BS.  If a sheriff can choose to ignore a law, they can just as easily deny 2nd Amendment rights as protect them.  It's not new for elected and appointed law enforcement officials to deny carry permits, refuse to sign NFA applications, and threaten to ignore court rulings protecting gun rights.  This game of nullification is not a road we want to be going down, even if we agree with the underlying reasoning.   If you want to make the states' rights argument, this question was settled in 1865.
    1 point
  37. Wolves get really big, I've seen several of them up close.  The 120lb weight sounds about right.  Their bone structure is much larger than a typical dog... a wolf's skull and paws are at least 50% bigger than a typical large dog.  A wolf's fur is also very thick which makes them look bigger than their weight might imply. 
    1 point
  38. I have a CMMG MK3 CBR AR10 for sale for $1600 in the classifieds. You would have another $900 for good glass and a bipod. I ran it out to 800 yards (range limit) in Colorado. I have 2 and needed to pay for some new house stuff. I'd be happy to let ya take a look at it on Saturday when y'all get that ammo. Juuuuust sayin! I did the build thing on my 300 blk...it got over budget quick. But then again, my impulse control is novice level. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. Look up a Mk11/SASS build. Clone it - dont but one. Since its Delta Force Navy SEAL tacticool it calls for crazy prices. Think PSA is doing an AR10 build kit sale - Id buy that then throw an XLR Lite stock on it and a Noveske or Lilja barrel. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40. If switching to something from something could possibly be putting money in the pocket of buddies, couldn't sticking with something for 20 years also be putting money in the pocket of buddies? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. On the FBI switch? My take is that the FBI report specifies, in outrageous detail, exactly why they are switching. It's well rationalized, logical, and is something private sector trainers have known for 10+ years. Conspiracy theory? I suppose that if someone truly believes that switching calibers after 20+ years is some sort of payola scheme, there's noting logical to be said to convince them otherwise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. Am I the only one who sees the irony of folks opining about this who aren't Benefactors, when method of becoming a Benefactor is subject of thread? Especially the mostly pro-PayPal ones to boot?   - OS
    1 point
  43. I'll be damned if I'll turn and run on my own property. There wouldn't have been a warning shot though. You have a club in your hand and threaten me I'm shooting your ass. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Sent from behind the anvil
    1 point
  44. I see the next SCOTUS appointment(s) as the biggest deal going. If we have a liberal making those appts, then God help us.
    1 point
  45. Nice rifle and I enjoyed reading about that particular cartridge, I look forward to further postings on how everything does.
    1 point
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