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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2015 in all areas

  1. 60 minutes of my life I won't get back, back-to-back episodes that did very little for me.  Well, Maggie is pregnant, no suprise there.  Deanna going around shell-shocked, confirmed my suspicions, she was a Democrat while in Congress.
    5 points
  2. I finally got a weekend off after 7 straight 7 day weeks at work. I took the wife and hook up with my MC brothers and we did our annual USMC birthday party and Veterans day celebration and I got a mini vacation with my wife. You guys have a beautiful city and Beale Street is amazing. All the Patched brothers The cake, talking to some boot Marines after their ball, me and my sweetheart Sent from behind the anvil
    4 points
  3. I stay inside. :lol: :lol: A brick house is great at repelling wind.
    4 points
  4. Phil, your location lists you as living "somewhere in GA". I am a resident of Memphis and a contributing member (two levels above basic membership) of the zoo. I am asking you to put your stick away and leave this bear alone. You don't stand to actually suffer any inconvenience if it turns into a pissing contest. I DO. Currently it is an unenforced and unenforceable policy with no signage. I'm ok with leaving the status quo as is. If a local decides to engage this issue I will discuss with them tactics and why I feel the way I do, but at least they have some real skin in the game. As it stands now, you don't. To be blunt, you are simply an interloper, and an unwelcome one at that. Please walk away from this issue and leave it to those of us that live here to handle our own.
    4 points
  5.   That summary will save people some time if they just read that and skip watching the episode.  Last night was a wasted hour.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. My first thought after reading the title was, why would they wand people going into a seed and feed store?   I haven't seen many seed and feed stores that are open that late and that have bouncers but then again I'm from east tn.
    3 points
  8. ...In just a little over 6 months. Now that family and all know, I had to announce it here. I'm just a tad proud, ya see. I am a bit nervous, admittedly, but it's more wanting to be the best dad I can than anything. Here's the announcement my wife and I sent out. I think my new gun angle is everything has to be SBR'd...you know, so the kid can handle them easier! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  9.   I keep wanting to say, who cares what it looks like because it has a Cummins! :up: 
    2 points
  10. Boy that's really ugly change to what was a nice looking pickup.
    2 points
  11. Looks pretty cool but I honestly think I would like it better if you had just wrapped the shaft all the way up to the bottom of the hammer head and left the hammer head, itself, exposed. In some ways, I also think that would be a little more 'stealth', believe it or not, as someone seeing it might think 'neat idea for a cane' rather than 'he is trying to hide that hammer head for some reason.' Plus I think that bright, shiny ball peen hammer head makes an attractive handle. Someone with engraving skills (meaning someone other than me, for sure) could really make such a handle look super nice - and much less 'weapon like' - with just a few, traditional type details. Looks like I am not the only one to think of engraving a hammer head. I was envisioning something exactly like this and was a little surprised to find that someone had done it (found on the Internet - not my pic.) Now, imagine this as a walking cane handle (not sure but I think this one is still simply on a hammer type handle.)
    2 points
  12. The 17 is a decent platform, I had one for about a year. I bought the vltor setup, geissele trigger and the ggg charging handle - I say all that to say I tried to make it where I would like it.  I didn't ever get to that point. Like comms said the reciprocating charging handle is a pita and the barrel profile once warm does nothing for accuracy.   I sold mine and bought a LMT LM8MWS - same price range but it has been awesome out of the box since day 1.
    2 points
  13. Mazel Tov! I recently left a career of 16 years across three company merger/acquisitions myself. Its hads sometime to realize that your skills are unique and valuable - when its what you do every day it seems "normal" My new firm paid me a significant increase for those same skills which my prior employer had been slowly cutting benefits, increasing cost shares on benefits and very tiny raises. Sometimes its just time to move along.
    2 points
  14. Guess they don't want that #1 pick next year.
    2 points
  15. 90 days are over with. I got a 10% raise on Friday.   I was rather stoked.   We are hitting all of our growth targets as previously established. In addition I have cut the percentage of error from 3% to less than 1% on all entered work orders.                     And I have also become the go to guy for pricing guns. Nearly everyone in the company  is an outdoorsman. And apparently last year, they gave a rifle away at the Christmas party.    So I am pretty confident that I am where I belong. I am in a private company where I can talk one on one with the owner, who I report directly to, I get constant confirmation that I am doing a good job, and everyone else enjoys the same hobbies as I do.   Oh, and I am making more than I was at DPSG, by a large percentage.
    2 points
  16. I do love silly statements like this. It's what makes the "caliber war" threads so entertaining. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  17. So does this mean they will be releasing some of the 92 bazillion rounds of 40 call ammo they bought last year? It's surplus now, so we should be able to pick it up cheap. Right?
    2 points
  18. When I handle the M&P guns I always feel and see hints of cheapness. I don't put them on the same dependability level as Glock. Just my opinion. Several departments have abandoned the M&P line. Admittedly, some have left Glock but they still dominate the market.
    2 points
  19. Me and the GF love exploring new places. We have been to quite a few places so far this summer! Here's a few from this past summer. Roswell Mill- Roswell, GA Tallugha Gorge Sweetwater Creek Natchez Trace Bridge I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations for good places around here? I would really like to find some old abandoned buildings/houses in the woods to go explore. I found these on Instagram that are supposedly around Nashville. Does anybody know where these are? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. We have some Yellowstone,  it is on the shelf, less than $110. 
    1 point
  21. Next up in 2025. Shift to 45!
    1 point
  22. This is I believe the only school in Nashville. Below is a link to their patient services. UT has one also in Knoxville.   https://www.mmc.edu/education/sod/academicdepartments/sodclinicaldepartments/
    1 point
  23. good catch Tee. I had my suspicions as well, OP and I went back and forth via PM for the better part of a few hours when he posted this. I typed out multi paragraph responses, he would send back one or two sentence. It got really old really fast, but, I don't want to be the kind of guy who tells someone in crisis to pound sand, so on and on the game went.     OP, if you are reading this, go piss up a rope.
    1 point
  24. I've shot Federal 150 grain and 170 grain through it with consistent results.  Haven't tried any of my handloads yet because I wanted that out of the equation. There is a piece on the dovetail that adds additional elevation adjustment but that is as low as it gets as well.  The taller front sight is probably the best bet if I can get one to fit.  Just sent an email to Midwestern Gun Works customer service and will try to give Winchester  customer service a call as well. 
    1 point
  25. You should close this guys account, we are being trolled....   http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Parenting-Teens-12-17/Should-I-allow-my-daughter-to-visit-her-mother-in-jail/show/2014681
    1 point
  26. Once upon a time I put on my 3mm neoprene wetsuit under my camo.  It was the warmest I've ever been in the woods.     These days there are some great technical fabrics that will keep the wind at bay, but layers and loft are going to be your biggest friends.
    1 point
  27.   My guess is not very easily.   Probably as hard to do as pocket carry while seated.     That's when you revert to your BUG in your ankle holster.    :)   
    1 point
  28. My daughter isn't allowed to have toy guns at home. She has real guns, and has been shooting since she was four. She has asked for toy guns, and I explain to her that she can't have them as I want her to respect real firearms and treat them properly. That seemed to be the best way. She enjoys shooting and has shot many different guns over the last several years. As I carry, I never wanted to worry about how she would react to my gun, such as thinking it is a toy. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
    1 point
    1 point
  30. Some people just have to :stir:
    1 point
  31. I've been making dark and stormies with a Papa's Pilar 24 yr dark rum finished in bourbon barrels for a few months.  How's that for combining rum and bourbon?  It's pretty tasty stuff!!
    1 point
  32. Congratulations! When my wife told me she was pregnant, I told her if it's a boy I get a gun, and if it's a girl I get a bigger gun.
    1 point
  33. Thanks to my Saints pathetic defense (Ranked 31st thanks to Rob Ryan, you piece of :censored:) Mariota wasn't sacked and looked great on that game winning drive.  Credit to Titans defense for getting to Brees.  Hey Whisenhunt, still looking for a job?  How about being the DC for the Saints?  Can't do any worse than Ryan! :grouchy: 
    1 point
  34. Well this thread went from "I got fired" to "Hey look at my new life" Glad to see things going so well for yall.
    1 point
  35. As for Corner Creek, I said it is good. There is your review. But then I don't go in for the trendy overpriced stuff.       Moot point at the store now anyway.  It is all gone.  I sold the last 8 bottles today. We'll see next week if we can get another case.  I hope so.  I can sell it all day long when I point it out to our bourbon clients.  At it's price point it is impossible to beat.
    1 point
  36. [URL=http://s1074.photobucket.com/user/TrickyNickyII/media/A093D6A2-B0D4-46A1-9840-16518F340E48-742-000000B4447E5F92.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  37. I'm glad to see Chris finally getting his overdue accolades. It's about time someone put some country back in country music.
    1 point
  38.   The 223 AND the 9mm made sense for the military. More rounds = more hits, and the old stuff weighs twice as much. As much crap as our guys have to carry now, 308 would be a horrible choice for the average combat guy.   And... the guys in the Miami shootout would have still got their asses kicked if they were carrying 40... by one of those weak ass .223's
    1 point
  39. My company rented out the IMAX theater in Cool Springs for the release. That is all  :rock:
    1 point
  40. Just wait until you guys discover girls - they're way more interesting than fantasy sci-fi. ;)
    1 point
  41. I worry about some people . . .
    1 point
  42. Of Course I will have to see it and we have a Carmike theater here in Gallatin that is not posted nor do they wan nor do they have metal detectors last time my son in law and daughter was there both packing heaters 2 weeks ago. I will also buy it when it comes out on DVD as I do have the complete collection of them up to this one. I will be passing them down to my grand children's children. One thing I did notice in the trailer was all new costumes and was shocked and pleased to see Harrison Ford but with all that they are still flying the same space crafts which makes the movie more special. The Old Millennium Falcon was a sight to see again.......... :up:  :up: 
    1 point
  43. As far as I know, it is legal to carry.  I wouldn't call and ask because you know what the answer will be.  Just conceal and go about your business.
    1 point
  44. But you are more than capable of doing most things because you are level headed, don't get too worked up about things and can actually think, reason and solve things.
    1 point
  45.     That smells of an excuse for a "head count reduction".  I've lived through my share of those, and they suck.
    1 point
  46.   If you aren't on there already, get a LinkedIn account.  Lots of job listings are posted there, plus you can search the industry you're in and maybe something will come up.
    1 point
  47. I think the moral of this story is if you want to do business with a co-worker, do it off site.   Sorry you had to lose your job over it.
    1 point
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