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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2015 in all areas

  1. Should have driven to the police station. I have no issues with him firing warning shots, or even killing this lunatic with the bat, but don't drive back to your house. You don't want someone like that to know where you live. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  2. Y'all are using the wrong system. Mine tells me when misty or Sabrina are on stage at "The catch", and when Deja Vu is having a 2 for one special. Also sends an alert when 556 brass ammo price drops below 275.00 per 1000....
    4 points
  3. I'm looking for a show of hands.  Who here would prefer when purchasing a Benefactor membership on TGO to use a Credit/Debit Card through a processing company like Stripe or 2CheckOut as opposed to using a credit card (or existing account balance) through PayPal?   I am adding a poll to this question so if you're on TapaTalk just drop a reply in the thread or access the mobile version of this thread at http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/92050-show-of-hands-who-would-prefer-to-use-a-credit-card-over-paypal/     Edited to add:   Do not cast your vote on the notion that either of these choices is more or less "pro gun" than the other.  PayPal allows you to pay for a lot of things through them that are firearms related, firearms parts, etc. but just not BATFE regulated items like serialized components, NFA items, etc.   It's a fact of life that a lot of payment processing companies don't like that.  Neither Stripe or 2CheckOut support serialized item sales either and many banks are cracking down on it as well.  They're doing it not necessarily due to politics but also due to the fact that it's hard for them to keep tabs on jurisdictionally allowed sales which puts them at a risk of liability.
    3 points
  4. Would like to remind everyone in the NE Tennessee region that the Meadowview Convention Center show in Kingsport is Saturday and Sunday. I'll be walking around trying to sell my Vepr 12. Anyone else planning on going? I have found I like it better than the shows in Knoxville.
    2 points
  5. On my property I'm not going to turn my back or hide inside while someone is out there who has made it clear his intent to do me harm. I want him where I can see him and shoot him if decides to make good on his threat. I know enough to know that aggressors are emboldened by their victims fleeing. I'll not fault the victim here. He was on his property where he had a right to be. The aggressor could have ended it by simply leaving and moving on. The victim did that by going to his own dwelling. Once there, it changes the calculus of the scenario. The victim would not have been in the wrong to shoot this guy in the face. I would not have shown such restraint. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  6. That’s not correct. If you are justified in killing someone, you are justified in exhausting all other means available to you before doing that. Plenty of cops have fired warning shots; even in departments where it was a violation of department policy. Just because he was cited doesn’t mean he will be charged. I suspect that charge will be dropped. The DA will have a hard timer prosecuting the other guy for aggravated assault if they claim the guy with the gun was not in fear for his safety.
    2 points
  7. [URL=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mike243/media/joeys%20first%20deer_zpsebhimhnj.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  8.   You mean a "liberal"? Well even a liberal DA would have time arguing against the "BIDEN DEFENSE", But Joe told me to fire a warning shot. Now the liberal DA may argue that you are only allowed to do that with a double barrel shotgun.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIuk3G9Xixc
    2 points
  9. LLLLLLOOOOOLLLLL!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3rEKu2rJXE http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/11/robert-farago/dimitri-karas-rides-again/
    2 points
  10. So there you go. Sounds like the DA is another pro-crime douche nozzle, who doesn't like it when victims defend themselves. Unless there is something left out of the story, the victim should be facing no charges, regardless of how trivial the actual charges are. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. This happened a few hundred yards from my house.  I'm not usually an advocate of warning shots but everyone went home or to jail unharmed so I guess all is good.  Oh yeah, and I'm really getting tired of people from places like Michigan that want to come here and cause all sorts of trouble.
    2 points
  12. This one's about hunting. Hilarious. :rofl: http://youtu.be/M9gFRXw5-kI
    1 point
  13. [URL=http://s1074.photobucket.com/user/TrickyNickyII/media/A093D6A2-B0D4-46A1-9840-16518F340E48-742-000000B4447E5F92.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  14.   Some are not inclined to flee from their own property.  You can reverse quarterback the whole thing from first contact, and we don't even know if the guy knew he was being followed home -- but either way, once the guy was at home, I can certainly empathize with his standing his ground myself.   - OS
    1 point
  15. Come on OS, don't start that crap with me. Like I said, they don't have any of my bank info or anything else due to problems long ago. I no longer have an account with them. If I have no choice, then I have no choice. It's a last resort. I get emails every now and then to sign back up but that ain't happening. I do value TGO enough use my credit card through them, but that's it. Bersa apparently does the same thing and I'd say there are a few others here that do too. I see a big difference whether you do or not. I've paid my benefactor dues on here for the past 2 years and that is the only thing I've used them for since 2006 or so.
    1 point
  16. Dillons man, Dillons. Also help I dont shoot rifle much Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. 3,000,000 other people said the same thing in 2012 and now they're complaining because of what is going on.
    1 point
  18. Juste received my cans from Lexington Container. I'm very happy with their products. 
    1 point
  19. Here's a link to the construction of a nice one,. http://www.goodshomedesign.com/how-to-build-a-smokehouse/ [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/]post a picture[/url]
    1 point
  20. Depends on how much and what kind of meat you plan on smoking. The one we had on the farm always had Hams, Bacon slabs, jowl hanging from at least 2 250 lb hogs plus needed space in the smoke house for a salt box to pack the meat in salt a couple weeks prior to smoking. So a lot depends on what you plan on smoking and how much. Ours was built with rough sawmill lumber and tin roof with cracks between boards for smoke to escape. Don't see them much any more but a cool idea...........jmho
    1 point
  21. Only because they tend to spray and pray rather than aim - particularly in Vietnam. Can't say as I'd enjoy getting hit with either rifle round though, but the military being confined to FMJ throws out the 9mm for me. Personally, I'd like to see them have rounds that vaporize the enemy upon impact. :)
    1 point
  22. If you watch it pretty close it appears that both of the deer seem to realize he was trying to help them and they looked like they almost kind of settled down some. Might have just been from exhaustion cause the one was breathing really hard but glad it all turned out ok...... :up:
    1 point
  23.   Since the Glock 27 is the popular off duty pistol, it is more like Glock 17 & 26 or M&P full-size and compact. 
    1 point
  24. Yes leave it in the wax paper.   As for the fat I never add any fat. The ground I use is what I got straight from my processor. I'm pretty sure he adds some when they grind it.   Last year I got some of the venison made into reg. sausage, but we weren't all that crazy about it.  So the last few times I've made this sausage I used one lb. of reg. ground, & one lb. of that sausage. It seem to make little difference. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  25.   Thanks!  I'm glad you posted this because I remember you mentioning them before in other thread but couldn't find the info.    I need to send mine off.  
    1 point
  26. Glad he did it.  Can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing, although I may have let them tire themselves out some more.  I probably also would have used a sawzall if I had easy access to one.  They weren't going anywhere quick.
    1 point
  27. I've lived in Mt. Juliet since 1977 and that is exactly what happened.  People with money and a naive viewpoint left the hellholes they created, moved out here, and recreated them.  I'll never understand that.
    1 point
  28. Good point, I guess since I live in eastern TN I didn't really think about it. It's a solid 7 hrs away from where I am located though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. Everyone to their own opinion, but I had a bad experience with PayPal a couple of years ago and they were not helpful at all. I had to change my CC and bank accounts to stop using them and I still get crap on the old account which now has dead account info. It was while they were connected with Ebay. things may be different now, but I'm done with them.  
    1 point
  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkSJkgqVmHU&list=PLDXnVE6Om1SOfWOEL5LQNdr_mPxi4YwW6&index=12
    1 point
  31.     You can turn amber alerts off on your phone.  Look for something to the effect of "government or emergency alerts" in your settings.  That may impact weather alerts as well. 
    1 point
  32. I'll go with this. My uncle was involved in an SD shoot back in the '90s. Similar situation, where the guy followed him home, only it was late at night and the bad guy attempted to run him off the road several times (mistaken identity). After the third attempt to run him off the road, my uncle put his pistol out the window and fired several warning shots into the engine block (this is out in the country, dirt road). The pursuit continued until my uncle reached his property. Bad guy follows him onto property, gets out of his truck and proceeds to yell at my uncle that he's going to kill him. My uncle answers his remarks by shooting him three times. Bad guy makes it back to the truck and is able to drive his drunk ass to a hospital. Uncle calls Sheriff's Department, they put two and two together, conduct their investigation and recommend no charges for my uncle, and several charges for bad guy. DA gets ahold of it, does not pursue any charges against the bad guy, proceeds to charge my uncle with unlawful discharge of a firearm. Charges were eventually dropped after MADD got ahold of this. Bad guy had a BAC three times the legal limit when he made it to the hospital, admitted to driving and the trespass. This is the danger of liberal Yankee DAs who hates people who defend themselves. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33.   We can't know how he felt, maybe he was trying anything to keep from killing him first. No good deed goes unpunished, I would bring that up at a Mt. Juliet town meeting, I would advise someone not try to stop a life threatening situation by warning someone, just go ahead and kill them.
    1 point
  34. The owe me 1:05. that's all I could take. LOL
    1 point
  35. Sort of stupid to bring a club to a gun fight.
    1 point
  36. I don't care if my dog is an asset or liability. If he can't go, I don't want to go either.
    1 point
  37. I don't think it's a big deal to tell them, and do. Seen a video online where a ccl didn't tell them, they got out of the vehicle, gun showed in the belt and cop overreacted and situation escalated in 0.5 seconds. Just don't see it as a big deal, cops already have enough stuff going through their minds, openly informing them checks two boxes off the list 1. You do have a gun 2. You were open/honest about it.
    1 point
  38. Someone owes me 2:45 of my life back. Not sure how I am going to collect but I am sure it will be "neat" to see.
    1 point
  39. We have a Belgian Malions she is retired from the Chicago PD. I would not take any thing in the world for her at bed time she flows my son to bed lays down in front of his door and does not move till he wakes up if someone comes to the door she will bark one time then set there till they leave when I'm home she lays in the floor at my feet and watches tv she has never been high stung best dog ever
    1 point
  40.  Having worked a K-9 if chosen properly have a huge drive. So they will need plenty of attention and if they haven't been retired for awhile they will take adjustment to becoming retired just like a human.
    1 point
  41. Liberals are like a virus... they infect areas, ruin them... then move on to a new place and start over again.
    1 point
  42. Violent crimes by armed criminals don’t happen because of guns. The only way to survive a home invasion or an armed robbery is to comply (and hope they don’t kill you) or kill your attacker. I cannot for the life of me figure out how these people think disarming law abiding citizens will help. Are they so ignorant that they think criminals won’t be able to get guns? Drugs have been illegal for many years and most offenses are felonies; obviously getting drugs is easy. And I wish they would quit calling it the “Gun Show Loophole”. They aren’t interested in controlling the sale of guns at gun shows; they want to stop private sales; period. The very people that want more in-depth background checks are the same people that are not willing to do what that would require; open medical records to the government. (more than they already are) I would suggest this Mayor go on some street patrols; of course that won’t happen without an entourage of security. But maybe she could sit in on or view some interviews where she could truly look evil in the eye. I doubt this woman has any idea what it’s like on the streets of her own city. I wonder if she has thought about the last thoughts of the victims in shootings were they know they are going to die, because the cops are minutes away and they are in a gun free zone.... I have. The only way to stop an active shooter is with another active shooter.
    1 point
  43. I grew up in Mt. Juliet and spent a lot of time in Lebanon with my grand parents.  I've lived elsewhere since 2004 and moved back to Mt. Juliet this summer.  Well, Lebanon isn't the bigger of the two towns anymore and the whole county has been saturated with tons of people moving in from other places.  Unfortunatley it seems that most of them are yuppie liberals that didn't like it where they lived and want to make our home exactly like where they came from.  Mt. Juliet was more or less an agricultural community when I was growing up but now there are very few farms left.  We traded all of our farms for yuppie housing, if that's not depressing I don't know what is.  I did see a tractor on Mt. Juliet road between Walmart and Providence during rush hour, made me laugh when I thought about how many of those yuppies must be mad about being stuck behind a tractor.
    1 point
  44. Will his head explode if I tell him that I send money to the NRA? 
    1 point
  45.   Maybe the indiscriminate killing by humans?  At the very least it could explain less snakes seen around populated areas.
    1 point
  46. OOOOOOOhhhhhhh!   By far my most favorite bit of expanded universe knowledge.  Not as awesome as some things but knowledge is power...  R2D2 was never wiped.  Never.  He had full length records of events and conversations dating back to before Anakin was found.  ALL of it was intact.  Luke Skywalker never knew this until many many years later.  He could not access it because Anakin was a computer programming god.  HIs encryptions were unbeatable.  Luke finally managed to bypass some of it and used the force to get into other parts of it.  Eventually, he got to see his mother, his father their relationship and a like watching netflix to catch up on past seasons, he got to see the rise and fall of his father.  This was a MAJOR contributing factor why Luke became so powerful and decided to wipe clean the old order and rebuild an entirely new order.  Attachments are no longer forbidden, love and family are encouraged under his regime.     Seems silly to some but this part of the story like was HUGE to me.  Imagine getting to see a mother you never knew.  Getting to see the mistakes made and learn from them.  That's quite significant in my mind.
    1 point
  47. I just wish someone would give Comcast some competition so they would have to lower their prices. I thought that might happen with Google Fiber, but nope, Comcast just doubled the speed and moved on.
    1 point
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