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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2015 in all areas
Happy Guy Fawkes day. http://thefederalist.com/2015/11/05/guy-fawkes-call-your-office/5 points
Wow nearly 12k views to this thread! You all must want these knives as bad as I do, I guarantee whoever bought at least one will absolutely love it and wish they bought more as so many folks will be envious of this particular Bad ass version of the TR4!5 points
LLLLLLOOOOOLLLLL!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3rEKu2rJXE http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/11/robert-farago/dimitri-karas-rides-again/4 points
Because he wasn't in fear for his life when he fired. If he was truly in fear he would have shot to kill. The law is pretty clear you can only fire your weapon if you feel your life IS in danger. If you are firing a warning shot your life is clearly not in danger. Thanks Robert4 points
Should have driven to the police station. I have no issues with him firing warning shots, or even killing this lunatic with the bat, but don't drive back to your house. You don't want someone like that to know where you live. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
3 points
Sounds fair enough to me I guess. Sucks a bit regarding the citation, and ya wonder if simply showing the heater wouldn't have sufficed, but better than having to shoot the guy, and of course I wasn't there. - OS3 points
3 points
What's wrong with it? Ain't much to go wrong that can't be fixed at the kitchen table.3 points
I hope I am wrong but what is going to happen is we are all going to stand by our convictions and disqualify every candidate until we are only left with one choice. And because that is not the one that is nominated we will just stay home that way we can say we can't be blamed for Hillary. Heard that one, right after Obama won a guy said we can't blame him for it because he didn't vote. But I will be different. I will vote for anyone EXCEPT Christie. If the Republican party's best is Christie I am at a loss for what to say. We are being attacked on all fronts right now because we could not come together to elect ANYONE other than Obama. We let him get elected not once, but twice and I bet if he could run again he would win again. My only hope that we can get behind the person who is opposing Hillary and even if it is Christie I will vote for him to keep Hillary out. Hillary has said gun owners are terrorists so imagine how her terms will be for us and especially those of us who are vets. And if you are not a minority there is another check mark next to your name on the list.3 points
Language of the Left. "buy back" "gun safety" "common sense" "gun show loophole" "assault weapon" etc And number one on the hit parade: "We don't want to take your guns". (except this one and that one and this type and that type and ....) - OS2 points
2 points
While we're waiting on the OP's response, I will share something some of you may not know. I had a Yugo that REFUSED to cycle. Turns out the head space was out of spec. The Simonov rifle headspaces the rear bottom shoulder of the bolt against a square pin pressed into the receiver. And that pin wears, headspace increases. BUT, a square has four sides. Drive the pin out, use a smooth stone to deburr it and reinsert 90 degrees from the way it came out. Now you have a fresh shoulder to headspace on. Maybe you already knew that?? :popcorn:2 points
I don't care if my dog is an asset or liability. If he can't go, I don't want to go either.2 points
Very true. I meet people all the time who have never heard of the breed. But, as a pup this is why we thought he was a Mal,2 points
You can all give me your .40 ammo. I'll make sure it gets properly dispatched. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Its crippling everyone except those politicians that were NOT required to have it or even read it.2 points
This is what is called keeping your cool :cool: http://www.wimp.com/bear-seat/2 points
Request traffic school to keep it off your license record and off insurance. You probably have to go to court for that unfortunately.2 points
It's not taxable now. If there were no plans to tax it in the future, there would be no reason to track it in the first place.2 points
This thread dedicated to all the folks who claim it doesn't matter who is elected. The NFA, GCA, AWB etc dedicated specifically to gun owners who say the same. - OS2 points
Those of you who voted for free crap are getting what you deserve. Those of you who didn't....welcome to the reality created by those who did.2 points
So live and learn .. scratch a serial number into them next time, eh? - OS1 point
Hello from South Carolina. Retired Senior Citizen. Metallic and Shotshell reloader. Trap shooter. Gun Club Member. Just started on 22 tcm. Interested in comments from current tcm loaders.1 point
Umm....Don't laugh and be careful what you say out loud. It's already being talked about in the UK. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4581871.stm1 point
Mine didn't increase by some miracle. Our plant is large enough and very proactive by putting in clinic, etc etc. They kept BCBS from raising everything but our deductible which went up $100. ACA needs to go though, it's crippling the middle class. Sent from behind the anvil1 point
I had owned just cheap gerbers and kershaws before, cheap Walmart knives. After that smith I was a bit aggravated, so I went to Bass Pro and dropped right at $100 on a Benchmade Mini Griptilian. Best knife purchase made to date, that is one tough knife and I learned later that the Axis lock is one of if not THE best in the industry. Plus now you can get a Griptilian or Mini Griptilian with a S30V blade and the color of scales you want. There are also aftermarket parts made for them as they are so popular, clips, hardware, custom scales, custom blades, etc.1 point
No argument. Charge whatever the market will bear. Last night I learned that my defiant works quite well as a mower headlight. Tough to get finished mowing when it gets dark 45 mins after I get home. The kids thought it was great fun as well.1 point
I have never and will never automatically divulge that I have a permit or I am carrying. In every situation I've been in with LE they already knew I had a permit when they approached the car. And I was under the assumption they approach EVERY traffic stop like the driver could be armed anyway.1 point
My cousin bought both. He opted for the second version. I have shot them and find that they are very pleasant to handle, and for the money you cant beat it.1 point
I feel very fortunate to have had only 1 ticket over the years. 85 in a 70 reduced by a nice THP to 80 in a 70 which according to him at the time made it look better in court. Apparently 85 is wreckless driving whereas 80 you're just a speeding A-hole. He was correct, the judge was a black robed phallus who talked to me like I had intentionally ran down a child on crutches. Whatever, I done the only thing you could do which was bite my tongue, smile, pay the ticket, and then gladly accept the driving school option to keep it off my record. For me it was worth every penny and while the school taught me nothing the sting of having to shell out that coin did :)1 point
1 point
This would have had a better chance of not existing if people would've got over their "Romney isn't conservative enough" flu. Not conservative enough is much better than what is happening now. People better get off their asses this time and go vote and it doesn't matter who is on the ticket.1 point
Don't need to ban all knives, just the ones that can be used over and over again.1 point
I hate to say this but every Smith and Wesson knife that I have ever seen in my life ( Several) was not worth a darn, they lend their name to the cheapest manufactures in the world so that many folks that love their guns would buy them, unfortunately they do not use quality USA manufacturers But as for Blade HQ, before I became a dealer I bought at least 50 knives from them and every transaction was great,1 point
It's all a racket. I got a ticket for going 40 in a 20 (in a school zone) last year in Greenbriar. I was passing a semi that blocked the sign and I was simply doing the normal speed limit had it been any other time of the day. There were no flashing lights, etc to make it obvious. It was absolutely inadvertent, but ok it was what it was. They kind of make it a speed trap there anyway. I forget what the ticket was, but I received a piece of paper with the ticket recommending driving school. It was basically a similar amount to the ticket (~150), but of course it explained that it would keep it off of your record. I sent in money for both the ticket and the school and they sent me the money for the ticket back. Said I only needed to pay one or the other. I assumed I still had to pay for the ticket as well. To me, that almost seems unethical. I am guessing they pay something to the state on a ticket, but I am sure they keep all of the traffic school money. Needless to say, I went and spent my 8 hours and left none the wiser. They know money isn't the deterrent for most people, but 8 hours of boredom surely is. On the good side, I picked up my suppressor from G&L before the ticket.1 point
We've all had to work for stupid human bosses before. Dogs are no exception. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I'd think a TSA dog would be ruined by being around that stupidity and incompetence.1 point
why did you give him your permit to carry, there is no permit needed to carry in a vehicle provided you are legally allowed to own a gun? Unless you doubt you were doing 55 mph then why go to court to fight it? Take your lumps and move on. I think Judge's can do whatever they want in their courtroom.1 point
1 point
I can't speak to the condition of all the guns listed, but I do know a bit about 1911 pistols. Unfortunately, the pistol you have pictured has a commercial model (civilian) slide on an M1911 (GI issued) frame from the first big production run in 1913. Being mismatched or rebuilt (see below), this kills all the real collector value. Originality is key with collectible 1911s, so this is not going to be a $2,000 pistol. The frame looks to have been parkerized, pointing to an Arsenal Rebuild. The commercial slide might have been sourced after the original cracked from shooting over the years. Early model slides were not properly heat treated. This commercial model slide might have actually been used in the Arsenal rebuild, as there were times when the Army had to contract with Colt for new slides years down the road. The slide has 1946-1955 markings, however the "Calibre" spelling was supposedly discontinued in 1949. I know the Army had a contract for replacement slides in 1951, so there is a small chance that may be where this one came from, but with the "Calibre" spelling I don't think that is very likely. Also the finish looks different from the frame in the pictures. Both should be parkerized if it is an Arsenal Rebuild gun. The slide looks like it still has bluing left. Some folks can tell the difference from a commercial model slide and those sold to the Army in '51, but it would take a hands on inspection or some really, really, good photos. There are some differences in milling marks, but otherwise they look exactly the same. Keep in mind that the last M1911A1 pistol was produced in 1945. The military has operated on existing inventory since then. There are still old warhorses being used on deployments today even though the Beretta was adopted 30 years ago in 1985. So what you have with the 1911 is a shooter-grade pistol, but the right buyer might give a little bit more than a shooter price if the slide can be traced to an Arsenal rebuild. It's worth whatever someone will pay, but you may find that you have more value in parts than trying to sell the assembled pistol as is. I would encourage you to post very detailed pictures on 1911forum.com in the Vintage/USGI section. Make special note of all the markings and stamps on the frame and small parts, including the barrel. The magazine might also be valuable if of the right vintage. Some of the most well known collectors in the world are active on that site and will give you more guidance than I can.1 point
I've never made summer sausage, but I make a ton of different links every year. To start with, stay simple. Any store bought spice mix will be fine, although my preference is for the High Mountain seasonings. They're just right for the amount listed. A lot of spice blends are too strong & need to be cut back by around 1/3rd. I generally use 25% pork fat in my mixes. Make sure to grind it along with your venison to ensure an even mix. Last year I made up 20lb each of pork & sage, venison chorizo, venison apple & cranberry & spicy Italian. Smoked the chorizo cold for 6 hours too.1 point
Can you really trust any politician to do what they say they will do once elected? I think for the most part they all speak out both sides of their mouths and as the Indians use to say Speak with Forked Tongue!!!! They will tell you what they think you want to hear depending on who they are talking to just to get that vote! Once they get elected the very first time they automatically become eligible for all the benefits they will receive for life when they leave or get kicked out of office by the people that vote them out because of the first lies. We have a man in the Oval office that has blatantly lied to the American people with every speech he has ever made and everyone knows it yet no one in Washington does anything about it. His most recently lie arises last week with No Boots on the Ground in Syria he made in 2013. How about if you Like your Insurance you can keep it!!! that was a whopper that he knew was a lie yet he kept saying it. Now we have a Female Democrat running for President that has been caught in more lies than most can count and yet is still in the lead in the polls for her party. I say until the people begin to hold all of their feet to the fire it will remain a status Quo.......jmho1 point
One single phone call to FF, (Female on other end) was enough to never set foot in there for me.1 point
Ours went up 37% also. Affordable Care Act........My ass! :censored: you Obama!!!1 point
1 point
1 point
KPD did this on I-40 for a long time too. One time I drove by and someone had placed an entire box of Dunkin Donuts on the hood. Classic....1 point
Black lives only matter when white people are involved. When black people kill black people, it is not news because it does not support the narrative. In fact, it's racist to even bring this up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Morale is worth a lot... You might die anyway. Might as well have a friend along.1 point
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