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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2015 in all areas

  1. A little boy in an Obama mask with a sign around his neck saying:  "IDIOT".  God Bless America!!!
    7 points
  2. Don't forget to set your clocks back.
    5 points
  3.   which Hooters?    I dunno about doing push-ups on a restroom floor, in a Hooters.   At any rate I would have proceeded to use the facilitates.  I don't play when I gotta pee.
    5 points
  4. 1/8" 01 tool steel professionally treated to a hardness of 61 at Peters Heat Treating. Approx. 11 1/2" long with a 6 1/2" blade that has a full flat grind that is a preverbial razor like cutter! Presentation grade Amboyna Burl scales with deco pins and a lanyard hole and mild Jimping should make the owner of this beauty very happy! A quick clean up of the blade and off to the sheath maker it goes! The Blue G-10 liners look just right! The balance on this knife is absolutely perfect! Sometimes it all comes together!! I really like this knife!!
    4 points
  5.   They live 3 doors down from me.  Next time I talk to his dad, I'll update this.  I thought his sign said, "Idiot" but my wife informs me that it said, "Village Idiot".  Hands down was the best costume of the night.
    4 points
  6. Did you give him a double amount of candy! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  7. Man that is awesome!  Was he taking candy from all the other kids and trying to redistribute it?
    3 points
  8. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_4462_zpsbdc85229.jpg.html][/URL] Here's an 1873 on a date with a J frame. :pleased:
    3 points
  9. This thread dedicated to all the folks who claim it doesn't matter who is elected.   The NFA, GCA, AWB etc dedicated specifically to gun owners who say the same.   - OS
    3 points
  10. A free gorilla inside every 22 lr brick that jumps out and bitchslapps someone for price gouging automatically '
    3 points
  11. For my birthday my brother gave me a Mosin nagant and my wife gave me a Springfield XDS-9 3.3, Yup I'd say it was a good day for sure.
    2 points
  12.   How in the heck did this story get past the editors at The Tribune????  Somebody must've been sleeping on the job!!!!
    2 points
  13. Anybody contacted whatshisname regarding this thread?   (Hoping for a repeat of the hilarity that ensued). Or did he get banned over it?   - OS
    2 points
  14. It's not taxable now.   If there were no plans to tax it in the future, there would be no reason to track it in the first place.
    2 points
  15. Well, I hold no ill feelings towards anyone expressing their views on this issue at all. I am very proud of how the American people have gotten behind our troops and veterans 150% for sure. I also remember a more darker side of the American people back when I came home. We were met and the airport by crowds throwing tomatoes and eggs at us and calling us baby killers. I was told by rank and file that it might be best if I arrived home wearing civilian clothes to avoid the carnage. I did not. I worn my Dress Whites as I departed the plane at Nashville International and there was not a tremendous amount of people there because it was raining but enough to get their point across. I never faltered as I walked the Airport but walked with my head up. Had to have my dress whites dry cleaned and I  was glad to have met Mr. Webster, the dry cleaner. He worked very hard to get my uniform especially clean and pressed at no charge to me. That is why I am like I am about any thing that might in the slightest way support our troops today even if just in SPIRIT!!!!   I have realized another thing as I think about back then and today. That is the very people that were at the airports back then throwing things an screaming baby killers, I often wonder how many of those same folks are now the same ones Welcoming home our vets of today? Ever think about the fact that those same people are welcoming home LOVED Ones today. I wonder how many of them remember another time they were welcoming home troops many years ago and now realize what is was like for Loved ones of troops returning from Nam and watching them go through that carnage. I didn't even let my family know when I would be arriving so they wouldn't be at the airport.  So yea, I am proud of every little thing I can do for the Vets Past , Present and future as long as I am breathing. So as for any ill feelings, I have non for anyone here. I was thrilled when he wrote and told me he would not be re-enlisting also. The recruiter promised him the moon to get his signature on that dotted line and he did not get one thing he was promised. They make the commercials on TV look so great and make promises they know they will not keep but sell them anyway.   Off my soap box now!!!!!!!.............. :hiding:  
    2 points
  16. I have a confused.  :ugh:  Do you want me to buy a big mac for a vet? Cause I can do that, but I'm just not quite sure if thats whats what here.   Please elaborate further so I can participate in this the 'buy number 4'.                   How ya been Dusty, have seen you about as much.
    2 points
  17.   Mine did not.  Was up doing school work for 12 hours yesterday, started work at 11pm and didn't get finished until almost 3am on the new time  let the dog out at 2am so I could sleep in.   and WTF happens at 5:30am every morning?  The dog.  The dog happens at 5:30am, her clock self-adjusted.
    2 points
  18. If you buy a real Colt, don't bother with the 'Cowboy' SAA.  It's modernized for less expensive production.   I have two Ubertis.  Well made and accurate reproductions.  I also have a Gen2 Colt SAA.  THAT is a work of art!!!
    2 points
  19. Bersaguy, don't take the comment above by 96r the wrong way. I generally share his sentiment, and it's hard not to be a little jaded about this kinda stuff for various reasons. We experienced the exact opposite of Vietnam vets, who were treated like dog crap upon returning. I constantly remember throughout the first few years of the war the amount of pro troop support flair was all over the place. A little less as the years went on. While I have no issue with people wanting to show their support, for us jaded guys we kinda look at that stuff as being a little empty. It's hard to explain. Especially after seeing all that stuff between 9/11 to about 2005, only to see the VA continue to be a corrupt mess, and politicians not getting their feet held to the fire about it for more than a day or two. By all means, buy green lights and spread the word. Don't take the kind of questioning above as harsh criticism against it; it's just the lens some of see it through due to our experience. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  20. You want a Colt, buy a Colt. Don't shortchange yourself. You can always get your money back if you decide to.
    2 points
  21.         You just can't make some people happy Bersaguy, I'm not saying the VA doesn't need reform, but anything I can do to show the respect to these returning Vets I will do. If some feel that saying "thanks for your service" or a "salute to service." is not well in tended then so be it.   I'm not looking to start a pissing contest here, it just brings back old feeling from 50 years back that should have died many years ago.   I got to go now, off to Wally World to find a green light bulb. :shhh:
    2 points
  22.   I know DST is supposed to be for the farmers or whatever, but I'm with ya...if we need an extra hour of daylight anywhere, it's at the end of the day during the winter.
    2 points
  23. Upon hearing about Daylight Savings Time for the first time an Indian Chief said. "Only the white man would think that you could cut a foot off of one end of a blanket, sew it on the other end and think you had a longer blanket" 
    2 points
  24. I was going to be a "Liberal" for halloween but my head would not fit up my A**.
    2 points
  25. Uberti El Patron in 45 Colt. It's a good 'un...
    2 points
  26. Parents not raising kids well is a shame. Just goes to show "it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun", now where did I hear that? :pleased:
    2 points
  27. I woulda dumped the whole dish out for little one. Heck yeah!
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. As mayor I don't think she has a lot of swing.  She's dangerous and should be watched though.  I hate that Nashville has grown the way it has and has been taken over by a bunch of rude liberals with out of state plates, most from the North.  It all started when the Titans got here and it's gone downhill every since.  Us natives are outnumbered by a bunch of Yankee liberals that want us to do their way, yeah, I'm a little bitter about it, sorry for the rant.  Oh yeah I also blame the sharp rise of housing cost on them as well.
    2 points
  30.   You gotta be kidding. Canned stuff, whether commercial or home, can last indefinitely. A can of tuna, green beans, whatever, is gonna taste pretty much the same after 5, 10 years, longer, whatever. Long as it doesn't develop a pin hole or something to spoil, it's gonna be okay.   - OS
    2 points
  31.   I meant accomplish as in what does it materially do.  It's not raising money for a good cause like the Fisher House, and it's not trying to reach a goal like cleaning up the VA.  Veterans are being remembered plenty if people look around.  Go to a sporting event and there is always some "salute to service."  To me, it seems like it makes those doing it feel better than those it purports to help.  What does the green light do that a yellow ribbon, or a "support our vets" bumper sticker doesn't already do?  Does the hashtag upgrade it or something?  People are starting to confuse awareness campaigns with real action, and nothing is getting done.   As to the thread on reaching out...a place like TGO with real people offering someone to talk to can do more than half the country putting out a green light in support.   For me, the real way to remember veterans is to keep the pressure to reform the VA, and to make sure they aren't sent to fight in stupid wars like you and I were.
    2 points
  32.   Pretty much, I have to work tonight because of it.  You would think by the year 2015 that system architects would construct their devices to acknowledge a time change, but apparently Homer Simpson is still the lead engineer at some of those companies.
    2 points
  33. F - daylight saving time! 
    2 points
  34. Personally, I think folks out in the country would band together much easier than folks in the cities (bigger cities, not talking about small towns). In the major metropolitan areas I think you'd see looting, robbery, burglary & even killing just to take someone else's supplies. There would be groups of people/neighbors who banded together, and they would probably out number the looters. Folks who live farther away from those bigger towns would see a small amount of looting/violence but I don't think they would tolerate it and would squash it rather quickly on their own. But eventually the survivors of the metro areas would have to start heading out of their metro areas to get what they're looking for. Then it would turn interesting. I know I need to load some more ammo, work on the food preps and chat more with the neighbors in my new neighborhood to feel them out a little. My biggest accomplishments this year have been relocating to a safer neighborhood & starting to get a little medical training under my belt. I plan on continuing that for as long as I can. Let's face it, you partake in dangerous activities and eventually your number is gonna get called. You either get lucky and it doesn't, or you're prepared when it does. I'd rather be lucky AND prepared if I can help it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  35.   Oh, it does for sure. On both sides of the coin, even.
    2 points
  36. There are a lot of people working in gun stores and pawn shops too that have attitudes. At the first sign of disrespectful or questionable attitude I'm out the door. Oh...and with my money still in my pocket!!
    2 points
  37. I don’t know this guy and have never been to his store, so this is not about him directly, but it seems when you own a gun store you can do and say pretty much anything you want, and change anything you want, and stay in business. The good news is that we are getting more and more FFL’s that actually have storefronts and good inventory. Competition should help the buyer.
    2 points
  38. Ok, maybe it's just me, but Glocks are ugly and meant to be ugly. That's the firearms equivalent of putting pearls on a pig.
    2 points
  39. As far as ugly Glocks go; Has anyone ever been on a job and said, "Hey Hank, check out my new Estwing framing hammer. See the sexy graceful lines, perfectly contoured grip. The fit and finish are superb wouldn't ya say?" No, that never happens. The definition of a perfect tool is one that works EVERY SINGLE TIME you use it. The slogan "Glock Perfection" is in reference to exactly what they are. Tools. Nothing classy or brag worthy, just tools that work every dang time.
    1 point
  40. This event was awesome!    I can't stop smiling so I might have to get my wife to slap me.     :)   :)   Being able to shoot full auto on the M60, SAW, AR, MP5, and Glock was incredible.    Thanks to everyone involved for putting this event together!     
    1 point
  41. Wing... We have several third generation Colt's and a second generation New Frontier... (...the first issue of 'em...)... The third generations are generally reasonably priced if ya call $1200 up "reasonable" (..i have trouble calling this reasonable, but that's just me...)... Ours were bought in the "old days" when ya could find 'em... If ya want a real Colt, its hard to beat the guys at Cherry's Fine Guns... We like 'em and do business with them from time to time... Here's their website url... http://cherrys.com/    leroy
    1 point
  42. Ever drive around, see a field full of deer & think: "I wonder who I have to talk to to get permission to hunt that?" Well, here you go. It's a little awkward to navigate & you really have to be sure of the property you're looking for, but it lists the landowner of ever parcel of private property in the State. Anything that doesn't have a name (as best as I can tell) is TWRA, TVA or WMA. :D http://tnmap.tn.gov/mobile/assessment/#mapPage
    1 point
  43. I meant to share these a while ago, and just remembered after going through my phone. I picked up a few of these knives in Afghanistan to give to some family members as souvenirs. Thought some might be interested in seeing the jingle knives some of the Afghans are rocking up in Balkh province. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. He bought blanks from Douglas and different places. I'll ask my buddy who the W is but the C is for Harry
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Ours went up 37% also. Affordable Care Act........My ass!   :censored: you Obama!!!
    1 point
  47. Tell me more about the screws you used, please. They look like hex screws and appear to fit inside finishing washers. I'd like to get my hands on some of those.
    1 point
  48. Hope you're not talking about TGC; those guys were always polite and helpful. The other one, which may or may not share space with a hardware store and a barber shop is to be avoided at all costs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  49.   Yep.   I'm glad I didn't take off work today to celebrate...
    1 point
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