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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2015 in all areas

  1. A little boy in an Obama mask with a sign around his neck saying:  "IDIOT".  God Bless America!!!
    9 points
  2. F - daylight saving time! 
    4 points
  3. I set my clock back to April. It's warmer, longer.
    3 points
  4. Well as best I can tell 96r it is a to show our veterans that they are being remembered which to me means a heck of a lot. It is just a little reaching out to let a down and out vet see a green light and know it represents an American that appreciates all he/she gave for Love of Country. I would have thought that was pretty well self explanatory but maybe not to some.Was there not a thread on here only about a week ago about reaching out to our Veterans?................. :shrug: :shrug:
    3 points
  5. I posted "tread lightly" as s reminder to EVERYONE that this will not turn into another "all cops are bad" thread. I think by this time we all know where everyone stands on LE. And I do not care how badly these kids screwed up it is still pretty sad that they lost their lives. And over what would have amounted to a ticket. Everyone involved could have reacted better. I blame EVERYONE involved, the kids and the cops, for the outcome. Yeah the kids could have acted better but so could the cops in both videos. I can say, without a doubt, before I attempted to extract ANYONE, especially an argumentative teenager, I would have waited for another officer. Backup was less than a minute away and the kid was not posing a threat while engaged in videoing the officer. The kid wears the brunt of the responsibility for his death but I also know that kids do stupid things because they lack maturity or the wisdom that comes with age. Also, if the officer knew people were flashing him over the lights on the new patrol car why even bother with a traffic stop? That is the single biggest problem I have. Almost like the officer was using the lights, intentionally or not, as a reason for a stop that I believe should have never happened. Yes, if that was the first car to flash then yeah pull them over but the officer already knew the reason why the kid flashed him and used that as probable cause to stop the kid. I think that will play a major role in all of this. The officer should not be charged criminally but he should never be in any position of authority again. You could definitely see him getting upset and it was his emotions, not an actual threat, that prompted him to arrest the kid before backup arrived. I would have just stood there and let the kid continue to video me until backup arrived. You can never have enough witnesses.
    3 points
  6. Knowing him, I will practically guarantee it didn't. :lol: :lol:
    3 points
  7.   I was on my work laptop...how do you think I feel? Surprisingly, it passed the porn filter.
    3 points
  8. Latex Gloves Next time you use a pair of rubber gloves, you're going to smile when you think of this: A dentist noticed that his next patient, a little old lady, was nervous, so he decided to tell her a little joke as he put on his gloves. ' Do you know how they make these gloves? ' he asked. ' No, I don't, ' she replied. ' Well, ' he spoofed, ' there's a building in Canada with a big tank of latex, and workers of all hand sizes walk up to the tank, dip in their hands, let them dry, then peel off the gloves and throw them into boxes  of the right size. ' She didn't crack a smile. ' Oh, well. I tried, ' he thought. But five minutes later, during a delicate portion of the procedure, she burst out laughing. ' What's so funny? ' he asked. ' I was just envisioning how condoms are made! ' (Gotta watch those little old ladies! Their minds are always working!)
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I woulda dumped the whole dish out for little one. Heck yeah!
    2 points
  11.   Those are completely arbitrary, based on some worst case projection for durability of the container, and "best freshness", based on some insurance standard or whatever I'm sure.  As long as air doesn't get into the can, it's safe. I had some big cans of chili that got stashed and forgotten once, well over 5 years old. Was fine. Tasted same as ones bought yesterday.   Home canned is same. Long as seal is intact, not sure there really is a practical limit, at least as far as the safety of eating it.   - OS
    2 points
  12. As mayor I don't think she has a lot of swing.  She's dangerous and should be watched though.  I hate that Nashville has grown the way it has and has been taken over by a bunch of rude liberals with out of state plates, most from the North.  It all started when the Titans got here and it's gone downhill every since.  Us natives are outnumbered by a bunch of Yankee liberals that want us to do their way, yeah, I'm a little bitter about it, sorry for the rant.  Oh yeah I also blame the sharp rise of housing cost on them as well.
    2 points
  13. I have great respect for all LEO's and I would not bash any LEO for doing his job with a cool head and good judgment, which the large majority of LEO's are good people that want to do the right thing. Looking at these videos I did come to the conclusion that the Kid was very much a smart ass wanting to make a video so he could brag to his buddies and did share the fault, but the LEO fired his weapon purely out of anger due to the fact that he shot an unarmed teen 7 times.....Ridiculous if you ask me. The second one had no right to fire. The car was already past him and he knew he was not in danger.   I would like to commend the Hamilton County Sheriffs Office for something that happened recently in Soddy Daisy. They found a trailer that had been stolen and the thief drove by while they were there. He ran and after chasing him a short distance, they broke off the chase because of the driver's speed and recklessness. They found him a short time later at a friends house and took him into custody without incident. THAT'S something they should all be proud of.
    2 points
  14. I have said for a very long time that the 300 Blackout is the PERFECT caliber for end of times. It is much easier to cast bullets for than 5.56. It is more miserly with the powder than 5.56, develops similar energy with 1/3 less powder. The parent case, 5.56, can be found anywhere guns are shot. It will easily cycle with subsonic bullets in an AR then fire supersonic bullets without issue. It can be loaded with 0 buck balls for taking small game. Oh, and one more thing, it can do most of this while using blackpowder now.   Not many calibers are as useful or as versatile as the 300 Blackout.   And with a rethink of how to use the 300 Blackout it becomes much more of a viable long range caliber as well. Right now everyone I know, with the exception of a few, load either lightweight supersonic rounds or heavy subsonic rounds. The lightweight rounds run out of steam pretty quickly and the heavy bullets start out without a lot of steam but hang onto the steam a lot longer. But what about loading those really heavy bullets at max velocity? Using a 220 SMK loaded to 1,400 fps (which is doable) that bullet will remain supersonic past 500 yards and at 500 yards it has over 200 foot pounds more energy than a 125 loaded to maximum pressures.   Right now there are 3-5 of us testing to see where the middle is. That is the middle between lightweight bullets and heavy bullets loaded at max to determine how far a supersonic bullet will go out of a Blackout. We are thinking that using a 175-180 bullet will yield the longest supersonic range. Imagine taking a standard AR 15 and using it in the same role as most people use AR10's. I have said that the 300 Blackout is like a 308 Winchester minus 275 yards. We are trying all the traditional powders as well as some not so traditional, like blackpowder, powders. I recently did some testing and was amazed that almost all of the "5.56" powders ran my Blackout. I also have some great loads using Blue Dot which has traditionally been used solely for pistols but cycles my 300 Blackout AR without issue. But that makes sense because the 300 Blackout is nothing more than a pistol caliber. 45 ACP cases hold more than a 300 Blackout and 357 magnum is nearly identical. So if you view the 300 as a pistol caliber the powder choices grow substantially.   We never expected BP to be ideal but considering you can find all the components to make it at most pharmacies BP would be a great alternative when nothing else is available.
    2 points
  15. I guess the easiest way to explain it would be to say the Japanese decided to make a fancy alternative to the tube sock.
    2 points
  16. I'm of the opinion that they don't actually live here but people from Arkansas drop them off on the shoulder of the road while passing through.
    2 points
  17. I would take different approach. Ask buyer if he would take a Benjamin to leave it like it is and if they agree, walk away without the headache.
    2 points
  18.     facts should not place anyone in an unfair light.  Facts are what they are.  We draw conclusions.
    2 points
  19.   I don't believe it, I think a trucker from Texas is driving up and down the interstate throwing out dead armadillo's as a joke.
    2 points
  20. I thought this was one of the best video's of yours I have seen.    :hat:  (loved the General Lee bit) I see nothing bashing LEO here.  Nothing less than an assessment I agree with in these two cases.  Kid #1, dumbass,  Kid #2 did not try to run the cop over.   Dolomite is his own man, I take his 'tread lightly" comment as advice only.   :shrug:  Cop threads here can die a bloody death, to use a poorly played pun.    :shhh:   I like that you want to do a political video channel. By political I assumed it would be about elected officials not roadside stops or drug stings. It won't end well here if your political channel is cop themed. I am not a defender of the police. I am no enemy of the police.  But threads here about LEO while well intentioned have a tendency to violate TOS as some point. Not that the OP violates it but surely someone will come along and run their mouth (fingers) and end the thread.   I think you have better topics we would like to watch than roadside stops.   :2cents:
    2 points
  21. it looks nice and good definition in the dex, I wouldn't use alcohol on the leather to try and remove the ink marks.  From the looks of it the leather has not been treated with any neats foot oil,  in the event it hasn't I would treat it with some, and it will have a tendency to darken the leather some and might hide the ink marks, or you might be stuck living with it.  
    2 points
  22. I have a lot of thoughts and I’d like to openly discuss them; but this isn’t the place for it. I have never asked a mod to lock a thread, but I would ask you to shut this down yourself; it can’t end well.
    2 points
  23. I've not had any personal probs with them, but I found the "now you see it, now you don't" nature of their .22 stuff pretty off putting, back when I was looking.  Would appear off and on any number of times just within one day. Also the "back door" shopping cart hack they didn't fix for a good while.   All of this seems to be due to sub par inventory and ordering IT stuff, and sounds like it's still a problem.   Larry touts their sooper dooper shipping system upgrade, but sounds like a few bucks ought to have been put into better real time inventory control.   - OS
    2 points
  24.   I just wish I wasn't logged into amazon when I looked it up. Now my recommendations are going to be fucked up for a while.   :yum:
    2 points
  25. Wing... We have several Cimmaron percussion revolvers... They are excellent revolvers... Cimmarons are made by Uberti (... Or used ta be...)... The only qualm I have with them is cosmetic... The frames aren't really cased; so ya don't get the beautiful cases colors (... By the way, neither is Ruger... They are chemically colored to get the colors...)... We have "real colts, as well as the cimmarons and Rugers... For the money, I don't think ya can beat the Cimmarons... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Let us know how those things work out.
    1 point
  27. Will his head explode if I tell him that I send money to the NRA? 
    1 point
  28. It was great John.  So different from normal USPSA matches it took the edge off.    Thanks to you and Terry for the set up work. C
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. When Eugene finally admitted to not knowing what the cure is, Abraham said something like "I wasted 2 years of my life."  So I'm assuming it's been at least 2 years. And I don't know of any canned goods that last 2 years so they better look for a military base and load up on MRE's.
    1 point
  31. It is an ongoing program that will continue to show support to our Veterans!!!
    1 point
  32. I think the state will limit her affect on guns.
    1 point
  33. I was also looking for a good light that's very bright and durable, but not too big and bulky that I wouldn't want to carry it on my belt. I like the looks and features of the LA Police Gear Operator L2, but I was torn between that one and the Streamlight Protac 2L. So....I ordered them both. :) When I get them in I'll do a side by side comparison and post it here.
    1 point
  34. My usually reply to an inspection is "now you know". I don't fix anything on the inspection. They saw the gate when they viewed the house. It is what it is. Had one that found some old termite damage in the detached garage. Buyer asked for a termite service to come out. I told him I'd pay the first $20 since that's what it would cost to buy some bug b gone. We closed a couple weeks later and all I did was spray bug b gone.
    1 point
  35. If you ever been around Centenial park, San Franville does seem rather appropriate.
    1 point
  36. From what you've told us about him and the fact that he clearly has a healthy sense of humor like yourself (see General Lee video), I'm looking forward to seeing videos that include your dad.   As far as this video goes, you mirrored my reaction to both videos almost 100%. I would only add that in attempting to stop the criminal in the second vdeo, any claim that he was in danger of being run over was due to HIMSELF attempting to step in front of the fleeing vehicle. I'm of the opinion that there are millions of interactions between LEOs and civilians daily and that only a VERY small handful include the officer doing anything wrong. The number that make the news represent such a statistically insignificant proportion of those interactions that drawing a conclusion about cops from those news articles is willfully ignorant and dangerous to the public good. 
    1 point
  37. Fitty, I was not saying you were bashing LEOs, as others have said, these threads turn bad sometimes. There are threads on here that have been locked because things went to bashing, some fast, some went for days. I do like the video, you are getting good at making them.
    1 point
  38. Thank you   And I wouldn't do that, and thank you.
    1 point
  39. My biggest take away was you explaining how your dad pulled you over and evacuated your reaction, basically a mini AAR. My kids and I talk about issues as soon as it's reported, then visit it weeks later to see how our views remained the same or changed. I believe like the huge gap of haves and have nots, there is a gap of kids with adult guidance and those without......
    1 point
  40. Got to thinking about this... since I'm on my own this year, no gifts for me.  Gonna spend some of that saved $ and buy stuffed animals (or maybe some cheap gifts) and give them out around Christmas time when we walk over to the Vandy children's hospital for lunches.  There's always some families in there with the kids from an appointment that look like they could use some excitement.
    1 point
  41. I too confirmed my data was there, I served from 85 to 05. If she isn't there she didn't serve as Dolomite states.
    1 point
  42. That under folder stock is worth a lot.
    1 point
  43. Sweet, I just got in on this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. The link works for me. I'm not a member or subscriber to that fish wrapper.
    1 point
  45. Great match, hope to see more in the future. Apparently I shoot better when its dark and can't see my sights.
    1 point
  46. Although bolt-actions are incredibly simple they require far more skill than slapping together an AR.  First you'll need to find a barrel that fits with the correct threading.  I don't know anything about buying Mauser action barrels but am pretty sure a barrel in that caliber will most likely be a custom job......more than the cost of an entire Mosin rifle.   The barrel on bolt-actions such as this are screwed in and held on with nothing more than good old-fashioned tension.  There aren't any screws, pins, gas tube or anything else to hold it in place.  It has to be screwed down tight!  You'll need some kind of barrel or receiver wrench to do it right....then there's the headspacing.  That will require not only gauges but a lathe to tune the barrel face if needed to adjust it correctly.   Not saying it's not doable,  just thinking it will be really expensive.
    1 point
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