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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2015 in all areas
Hey guys. I wanted to say thanks again to Mike D. aka LawEnforcementSalesTN. A while back he offered a great flight simulator setup for fee in the Trading Post. I took him up on his generous offer and my now 15 year old daughter is 6 flight hours into her private pilot license! I just wanted to share this. I know I haven't been very active lately. I have been pretty busy and mostly too broke to shoot much lately. Here is one of the many reasons why. A pic of her very first lesson's preflight inspection: Thanks Mike! -southernasylum7 points
THANK YOU I don't know how you all do it everyday. I have family and friends that are Police, Fire fighters, and EMT The stuff you guys deal with daily not many people will ever know. I know this might be a strange post. But please know, there are people out there that really do appreciate what you all do.4 points
This scares me. We are in a very scary place right now as a nation and I am afraid our children or grand children will see the U.S. in the same state as Syria. The reason is the vast majority of countries on Earth do not like us. Even long time allies are wondering what is going on with us. And all of this weakening is not going unoticed by the other superpowers in the world, two of which are working closely together to achieve goals counter to ours and in the same region. Makes you wonder when it will happen. We are seeing Chinese and Russian submarines within miles of our coasts. They are, no doubt, working together. I have spoke to soldiers who killed Chinese nationals imbedded with the Taliban in Afghanistan. They were presumed to be "advisors" just like those we used in Vietnam. The Chinese are actively engaged in state sanctioned industrial espionage against the U.S and hold over 7% of the U.S. GDP as debt. We are where we are because of 100+ years of our meddling in other country's affairs. Many of those countries were never a threat to the U.S but we still invaded to force them to live like we do, or else. And because of our leader's policies we have more enemies today than any other time in our history. But what is worse than that is even those we once thought were allies are remaining silent on all of this. No one in Europe is prepared to even condemn the Russians who supply the vast majority of energy to the European Union. Everyday I get more and more scared. Our nation is so vulnerable right now. We, as a nation, are living paycheck to paycheck with our credit maxed out. Our military is the smallest it has been in a very long time. One of our biggest debt holders is working with our biggest threat. Our infrastructure is being held together with duct tape and bailing wire. We have citizens calling for the killing of other citizens for no other reason than being different with our government seemingly approving. Those that work are going broke to support those that don't. And the only thing that keeps this country civil, LE, is being ridiculed and killed for doing their best. Imagine a time when THEY decide enough is enough and either walk off the job. Without LE our nation would fall into turmoil that would make the civil war look like child's play. And all the while people are more concerned about some guy taking a bunch of dope and almost dying at a brothel than the threats to the country from here as well as from across the globe. If you want to take down a country you can't hope to defeat militarily you soften the country up from within. Turns its citizens against each other but even more importantly you turn the citizens against their government. It is all I can do to try to be prepared for what seems inevitable now. I am no where near prepared enough.4 points
3 points
Maybe Hillary should live by example and give up her lifetime provided by the US taxpayer Secret Service protection to encourage others to give up guns. Until that happens, I wouldn't take her very seriously. Hillary has a do as I say not as I do mentality.3 points
The very first high powered rifle I shot as a kid was my Dad's Savage Model 99e in .308 Win. Of course even then, it was amazing to watch my Dad shoot it, and train my younger brother and I the correct and safe way to handle weapons. I loved shooting his Rem 870, his Super Blackhawk .44 mag, his Security Six .357, his multiple .22 lr rifles and the Stevens 20 gauge single shot that was our first "my own" gun. But there was always "something" about that Savage. At that point in my life, I didn't have a favorite type of rifle as in bolt action vs lever action so I know it didn't have anything to do with my affection for this particular 99. I think most of it was just because it was Dad's, but a lot was because I watched him re-checker it and change the stock from the darker color to the almost blonde color that it has been most of it's life. In my 20's I slipped into the work, chase girls, drink beer, and hanging with friends mode. So my hunting and shooting days were very few and far between, something I regret to this day. As I entered my 30's all of that faded away and hunting & shooting became part of my desires again. Dad and I talked guns and ammo talk more than we ever had, and I'd missed that. Somewhere along the way I'd started messing with him saying "Dad, you know that ole Savage is just gathering dust. You need me to take care of it for you? <insert laugh>". He'd always come back with one of a hundred responses ranging from "I think I'm gonna get it out and clean it" to "You know, I believe I'm gonna deer hunt with that this year" and the occasional "Oh, you'll get it one of these days". The latter being the one that worried me because I didn't want to get it the way most children get their parents weapons, in a will. But the jokes have continued all this time and even in texts: "Dad, just wanted to see if y'all were coming down this weekend .308" or I'd text him and say "I have break coming up, call me at 3:08" and always made for good laughs but to no avail haha. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and Dad began asking about my Rem 700 SPS Tactical .308 and talking about getting one. We talked stock and optic options as well as pricing variances. I began online shopping and sending him info on different ways he could go. He came in town this past Tuesday to visit with us while my brother and his family were in town from San Diego. He'd also picked up my new bow and brought it in with him so I met him at Bass Pro after work and we talked a lot and looked at some rifles while shooting the crap about life happenings. We left empty handed, which never happens with us, and we'd decided to go to local gun shops on Thursday and Friday for more shopping and hands on. He ended up buying the SPS Wednesday while I was at work, so shopping was done haha. He had them mount his base, rings, and his Leupold scope when he picked it up. I told him that we'd sight it in Saturday while we were having a family get together in Whites Creek. Saturday morning comes and I've packed up a couple AR's and my Rem 700, a ton of ammo and targets for a day of shooting that I've been waiting for a LONG time. One with my brother and Dad being there at the same time. With my brother being in S.D. it's rare to have the time and place availability for us to shoot together. I show up at my sister's place, start unloading everything before Dad gets there and he pulls in shortly after. I meet him at the back of his truck and we're looking at his new rifle, as he grins and tells me he can't wait to shoot it. He's a Marine so I know he's excited :usa: Everyone spreads away from the truck tailgate and Dad says "Hey, I gotta talk to you about something when everyone leaves". I'm thinking of what I could have done to hear those words after all these years of no ass whoopins lol. He slides another rifle case towards the tailgate and starts to open it while speaking "Look, I know you've loved this rifle since you were a kid. I'm sure I'm gonna be happy with this new one. I know you'll appreciate it for what it is, and I know you'll take good care of it. Put it in the truck and take care of it." This is the part where I just stare at the rifle, then stare at Dad in pure disbelief for what seemed like 30 minutes but was in reality probably 2 minutes. If I'd had to guess how I would have reacted I would probably think big smile, screaming with excitement, telling him thank you a hundred times and hugging him and saying I love you and I'll take good care of it. Well, that is NOT what happened, I couldn't say anything, probably mumbled something I'm not sure followed by a "Are you serious or teasing me again?" Well it was real, I didn't touch the gun, I hugged him and thanked him and told him I loved him and that I was glad that he handed it to me and that I didn't have to wait until he was unable to use it anymore to get it. My arms were covered in goosebumps the entire time, he even noticed it and said "Damn, are you okay?" I told him I wasn't sure. I packed it in the truck, still not believing that I was taking it home. Then we got out the SPS's and sighted his in. It was dead on accurate and he was needless to say very excited with it! My brother came down in the field and shot it as well which made it the perfect day! Anyway, sorry it's so long but if someone bought me a Barrett .50 cal tomorrow it would not be a more exciting Show & Tell thread for me. I can't wait to shoot it, try out some different ammo in it, and will definitely be taking it in the woods this year to deer hunt once gun season opens up!! Signed, Happy Ain't The Word2 points
My cousin got his first deer with a bow. An 11 pointer. Little asshole. Lol2 points
Ditto the above. Also, if anyone backs out, hit me up I can cover a 2nd. I'll just tell my wife it is a Christmas present for the boy . . . [emoji2] what 12 month old doesn't need one? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk2 points
Okay, I give up. I,m ready to give up and sell my gun back to the government. I want at least $75 for it though. [url=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/New%20Gun_zpsu1q6bqvo.jpg.html][/URL] It's a new multi-caliber Higlocken Pointer.2 points
It is not strange. It is a fact that these men and women are at risk daily, and not enough seem to appreciate them. So...my thanks to you all as well.2 points
DO IIIIITTTTT!!! Mainly because I'm like 12 and love to see the drama. Otherwise it's probably a waste of your already limited time.2 points
It's been a while since this happened but yes, we had someone post a bunch of stuff for sale and then try to reverse charges a few months later. After going back and forth with the member's bank over it, I finally just told them to refund the person and I banned them permanently from the site. The more I think about the notion of just taking the high road, the more I think it's probably the right idea.2 points
I find it helpful to replace "opinion polls show" with "Americans that still have landlines that answer unsolicited phone calls from numbers they don't recognize think." It really helps put it all into perspective.2 points
Mine will be to you by the end of this week. If anyone backs out, they would be perfect candidates for TGO David's new Wall of Shame he's thinking about doing.2 points
2 points
A Federal gun ban would create a new group of criminals overnight. I can’t believe that could get passed through Congress. Of course Hillary would do it if she could; so would Obama. Neither of them gives a damn about the United States Constitution or an individual’s right to self-defense, and couldn’t care less if they violate it.2 points
Come and shoot some cardboard. We will have 5, 6 or even 7 great stages, rain or shine. Be there by 12:00 going hot by 12:30. 150 rds should do it but probably only 100, the more the better. New shooters are always welcome. Should be a nice! Sunday, keep your fingers crossed, see you there. Walden Ridge Shooting Range 1862 16th Model Rd Manchester,Tn 37355 Members $10 Nonmember $15 This is an IDPA event so concealment is needed. New shooters ( to the sport ) do not apply on concealment. You'll need 3 magazines ( 2 will work ) and some good holsters.1 point
I haven't been active on here much, sorry about that. I did do a Wally Walk. My permit arrived a few days later. Nothing awkward, it did feel weird in the way that I was suddenly aware that I didn't have to rely on Monkey for protection anymore. I now carry my Glock 29 daily. Everywhere I go. It's become a second skin to me. At home I wear it in a weird way. I have found tucking my holster into my sports bra while I am tending to chickens or yard work is convenient and it is super easy to draw if need be. I've also ordered a cancan concealment product as well which I really like. It is basically like a belt that is about 5" in height and snaps around your waist. It has silicone secure strips and it holds up to 3 guns. I have it set up to where I carry my 26 and my 29 at the same time with 2 extra magazines for each. Which is pretty rad to have that much protection and it isn't noticeable at all. It is a bit weird to get used to the cancan because if you have even the slightest bit of claustrophobia it will bother you a bit. But I am working on it. It sits very nicely on my waist/hips so that I can actually carry when wearing pants that cannot support a normal kydex holster.1 point
Justice Roberts, fine Constitution scholar that he is, missed the obvious point that if the ACA penalty is a tax, it's a direct tax since it's levied directly by the federal government onto individual citizens. The Constitution says that direct taxes must be apportioned - every citizen must pay the same amount. Since the ACA "tax" falls only on some citizens, it's obviously unconstitutional. But, "At this point in time, what does it matter?"1 point
Funny but interesting...from chan 5 bna NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Law enforcement agencies across Tennessee face a major weapons recall. The Department of Defense has sent a memo ordering agencies to return certain surplus military equipment deemed inappropriate for local law enforcement. The memo requires departments to return all bayonets, M-79 grenade launchers and tracked armored vehicles, like tanks, that were obtained through the federal military surplus program. NewsChannel 5 Investigates learned that four Tennessee law enforcement agencies must now return the bayonets they recently ordered through the program. "They have to return the equipment," said David Roberson with the Tennessee Department of General Services which oversees the military surplus program in Tennessee. "There aren't any exemptions being granted. An executive order has been issued." Five Tennessee law enforcement agencies must return grenade launchers that they received. And 11 departments must return tracked armored vehicles. Concern about the military surplus program rose after people witnessed the police response to protestors in Ferguson, Missouri. President Obama issued an Executive Order limiting the program and ordering this recall. NewsChannel 5 Investigates discovered many Tennessee departments have used the surplus program to order military equipment used to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. The departments obtain the equipment at little or no cost but must pay for transportation and maintenance. Our investigation discovered that the Tennessee Highway Patrol ordered 135 bayonets in 2009 from the military surplus program. The head of the THP, Col. Tracy Trott, told us last year that his department was getting out of the program and said it had no use for the bayonets. "They were getting all this junk," Trott said. "Tents, bayonets that I can't see any reasonable need for it." The recall does not include mine-resistant vehicles -- used overseas to protect soldiers from roadside bombs. Lebanon Public Safety was one of several local departments to get one of the vehicles. "The situations we would use this vehicle in is hostage negotiations," said Mike Justice with Lebanon Public Safety. All departments must return the items by April of next year.1 point
And thank you TnShooter83for starting this thread. I have many friends that are LE, firemen and EMT's and believe me they see the worst and sometimes a little of the good each and everyday. Thank you guys and gals for doing a thankless job!!!1 point
Something tells me your shooting days would be over if you bail on your daughter. hahah1 point
You say that but studies have proven that active imagination and especially reading (anything) is one of the best things you can do to fight Alzheimer's and dementia. So long as you don't end up in moms basement twenty three hours a day playing world of Warcraft on line, reading and and engaging your mind in occasional fiction is very healthy for your mind.1 point
The ATV riding trails are off Whippoorwill Road, just west of Hurricane Creek Road on the southern end of the park's land. I'm pretty sure that land is part of the park, but I can't be certain. I don't know if it's legal to ride there or not, but you can clearly see the trails and tire tracks on Google Maps satellite view. You could call the park office at 615-443-2769 and ask about that land and riding ATVs there. https://www.google.com/maps/@36.0390254,-86.3187714,18z/data=!3m1!1e31 point
Don't warn them. Vote out any incumbent in office from the top to the bottom, that is the ONLY way to fix this country. Even if it means voting for a democrat. An honest democrat that puts the country first is better than any corrupt republican. All politicians go to Washington to fix things but by the time their first term is over they have become corrupt. Vote in a fresh face then vote them out and replace them the next election cycle. Eventually they will get the idea that they cannot stay in Washington forever and get rich. But if that started happening they would change the laws so they could remain in office longer. Seriously, how corrupt is our system when a person spends $55 million dollars to get into a seat that pays a little over $100K? We had a representative do exactly that. It would take over 200 years for him to break even using his salary but we all know he paid $55 million to be able to become much, much richer because of all the corruption. I cannot seem to find it but it was a representative from the Midwest, like Minnesota or Iowa or Illinois or somewhere in that area. He, and his "donators", paid out $55 million dollars to secure the seat. That is also why you cannot find anyone in Washington to hold anyone else accountable. They all have their hands in the cookie jar. Not that hard to get rich when you know what is about to happen or you stack the laws in your favor.1 point
I love the pencil in the trigger guard touch. :)1 point
This topic was brought up on the Megan Kelly files on Fox last evening. It was discussed by about 3 + Megan one being from the Down Under Country. I had to laugh when he said that the people in the country have recovered back and now own about the same amount of guns they did back during confiscation but this time there are not quite as many shotguns and more Hi powered Rifles. Sounds like they may have a couple of those markets like Ted mentioned down there huh??? All that money the government spent back then buying old shot guns didn't do anything but give everyone money towards new and better weapons. Kind of Ironic huh??? More power to the people down under is all I can say............. :up: That should be proof enough that if people want to own guns they will own them one way or another. Also now the Australian government has no clue who all has them now because no one registered them like they did the first time. So now they can't come and take them like they could the first time............. :up:1 point
It's all big talk from her to a specific crowd of naive sheeple who actually believe she can do that and be successful. Wonder what the latest update on the New York Safe Act (90+% Non-Compliance) story is? You wont hear anything in the media because they are afraid to report the truth about it. On the other hand if it was slightly successful you would hear about it quite often, hyping it up to be very successful. If they can't pass a registration law in New York that works, they are truly idiots to think they can get a federal buy back to work. She wont propose that on a national forum without getting laughed at, she's playing to her base of liberal dolts.1 point
1 point
After much looking and tire kicking at the over priced usual haunts for used quality firearms I made a gunbroker purchase. I had a 50's model Belgium made Browning A5 for many years it was torn and tattered but served me well. Let it go in a moment of weakness and one of my other shotguns has been doing double duty for the last couple of years. I wasn't happy with that but managed. Found myself a 72 model in great shape at what I would consider a steal. I am looking forward to September 1. On a similar note I hear that the Montgomery county shooting complex has a nice range and offers sporting clays for even someone like myself who is normally a hunter not a "shooter". It is only 12 miles from my house I've passed it many times, anyone have any shotgunning experience there? I'd like to run my new toy thru the paces a bit. I did shoot a few in my back yard just to check operation since I bought a used sight unseen gun.1 point
It would be "interesting" reading, that's for sure.1 point
Does it say simply Hunter, or does it say Hunter Arms? I am assuming simply Hunter, and if so, watch this one on GB: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=5163208831 point
1 point
The M79s are still useful - granted they have some high speed Gucci drum-fed launchers now but for "poor" PDs those are pretty useful to shoot some 40mm CS canisters at hippies Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
Actually, they call cell phones now. My wife did a political survey just last week that came in on her cell phone.1 point
Morgan and guns. Seems a big continuity problem here regarding Morgan and guns. Thought idea was he didn't have any truck with them, yet: - When Carol is leading him on chain as ruse to get to the armory, you can clearly see a handgun in holster on his right side. (which the passing Wolves who give her kudos didn't notice either) - Then after Carol shoots the tied up Wolf that tried to kill Gabriel, she hands a handgun to both Morgan and Gabriel, Morgan gives his to Gabriel, saying something or other to the effect he doesn't believe in using them. But we already know he has one on his hip, which also begs the question of why she even gave him one in the first place? You can also see the heater on his hip toward the end when he and Carol are doing the aftermath walk around. WTF? - OS1 point
It's against the TGO TOS to discuss doing things that are against the law so I'm not divulging anything, though it would be safe to say that the day that they come to take ole 10-rings guns you will never see him make another post here.1 point
I agree, she should look into it; she should do a lifetime study on the buyback program in Australia, but I doubt they want her there.1 point
Its good to go You should melt all your 40 stuff and graduate to real man's 40 and get a 10mm [emoji6] [emoji56] [emoji13] Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
Colion Noir is usually spot on for my money. He's also great at reaching a younger and more diverse crowd, which can only help grow support for guns. Colion also knows how to use social media to its potential which I think is the way forward for the message. Take Facebook for example...Jerry Miculek has more "Likes" on his page at 473,803 vs. Colion's 277,005, but Colion's Facebook page has 70,343 "People Talking About This" to Jerry's 6,403. Big key to getting people to view his videos and into the cause.1 point
Just transfer it to my trust ...ill take care of it Or something Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
Have ot bead blasted and try this if you don't want to send it back http://www.eastwood.com/hotcoat-deluxe-powder-coat-kit.html1 point
Understandable. I'd just call em up and try to get an estimated turnaround. Or you could just dump about 5 mags and burn some more of the finish off :rock:1 point
Hell, most of mine look worse than that. Up to you, but I'd just throw some spray paint on it.1 point
Whaaa? My kids and I love that movie. If anything, I interpreted the plot to have a liberty-oriented subtext, as the plot centers around defeating an overbearing, militarized government which seeks to control the individual liberties of its citizens. Plus I do the Batman voice for my kids. Makes them crack up every time. Life is too short to be so serious 24/7. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I had the worst food poisoning of my life at tgi fridays. You couldn't pay me to eat there. Those officers were risking their lives just eating there. :)1 point
1 point
Opus. It looks like the beak of a certain cartoon penguin. :)1 point
I had friends who played a long time ago. My basic understanding is that these caches are hidden all over the world and there are websites were you look up GPS coordinates. Then people try to find them and I think they leave a small item there. There isn't anyway on earth I'm putting coordinates and an open invatation treasure hunt on my land. As far as big knives, it's legal to carry any knife in Tennessee now, but not sure how that would work out on private land. I'm with the above, I'd don't think the game is fun if it ends with 911 and a rifle. I'd suggest removing the caches before somebody uses it as an excuse to case your place out. Sent from the backwoods1 point
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