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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2015 in all areas
5 points
I had an Metro Nashville LEO stop and help me when I blew a radiator hose on McGavock Pike one morning. Couldn't get the bad hose clamp to work and lost a lot of coolant. He took the time to drive me to a nearby auto parts place, wait for them to open (early AM) and drive me back to my car. He didn;t have to do that, he could have just as easily called a tow truck. He wasn't on patrol as he was on the way to practice exiting a helicopter on a rope. I have the utmost respect for our police force. You might have a bad apple sometimes, but most are great people doing a tough job with little thanks. What kind of society would we be without them,4 points
You'll pass out long before you are ever arrested and prosecuted for violating 922r. Who checks these things?3 points
Told ya it was ugly horns. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
True. I've been tempted by several items from them, but just haven't wanted to give the asking price. And in spite of my handle, I'd buy a CZ75 before the SOG Hipower pricing. But I want a shooter, not a collector piece.2 points
SOG may be charging that much since they went to all the effort of taking actual photos and posting them of the thing. This seems to be a new development. Seems to me SOG has always been a bit on the high side for their "collector" pieces.2 points
Using the same source to fund two addictions is sometimes a problem. I recently found another gun I had to have. Glad I had paid for the TR4 in advance.2 points
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2 points
I'm guessing this was not even on the weird radar of the DMV workers.2 points
I too, see this country spiraling down towards civil unrest and I think the ones in power at the moment, are perpetuating that spiral with their rhetoric. I don't think anyone really wants to see the result either. All this talk about Australian like gun control, which really means gun confiscation, may be the first real effort to push the right into open rebellion, depending on how the 2016 elections go.2 points
Call the TWRA, I have heard of them retrieving deer in these situations. I know of one such instance personally. It's worth a shot so that the deer isn't wasted.2 points
I am offering unwanted and unsolicited advise here...so hold on to your wallets. Guys, if you are fence-sitting on getting one of these knives...read this. I am not a big-time knife collector. I don't know crap about much at all truthfully. But if you are thinking about ordering one of the TR4 knives...don't hesitate on it. You won't get a better production made knife at this kind of price. These are solid, well made knives, and they are great looking. Quality shows in each build. They open with a good solid feel and close easily. The finish is awesome on them. And they are sharp! Both literally and figuratively! The only way you will get a knife of the same quality will be to go to a custom knifemaker and get a one-off model. I know this because I do have a couple of nice pieces from Kim Breed and an A.G. Russell. I have had a couple of early Randall knives but let them get away. In short, these are some great knives for pocket carry or just to say you have a nice little collection. You have 1 day left. Get off the pot!2 points
I don’t know why people get so paranoid about drones. They are great recreational toys and used in legitimate business. Like guns, (or most anything else) they have the potential for abuse, but that needs to be dealt with when it happens. If someone destroys my property while I am using it lawfully, they will be arrested and prosecuted as fully as I can make happen.2 points
Bighting pretty good this morning. - on the south bank starting about 3/4 mile below the club all the way down to Alan Jackson's old house on the lake. BAIT: THE bait this morning was: Chartreuse Buzz bait (they consistently hit 2 or 3 blade) w/ white trailer. METHOD: slow burble just at the surface. They hit 4-12 feet from the bank every time. -might want to keep the trailer short - I missed several hook-ups... probably just me... but could've missed them because the fish were not huge and my trailer was too long. Good luck!1 point
Wow, didn't know these commanded that kind of price. I believe I have one of the "made in Belgium" High Powers.1 point
I would have been all over any $300 S&W! . I think with a little effort your Dan Wesson will go $400-$450.1 point
99's are the best! Let's keep that our little secret, huh? :up: :up: [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_2385_zpsddff940f.jpg.html][/URL] Proof that they work.1 point
Fished JPP today. Started for bass and ended catching crappie. Caught one small spot and that was it. Switched to crappie and finally found some brush holding them. Caught 5 keepers and probably about the same in shorts. I also lost 4 and missed a ton, lots of pecks and short strikes. Might have been due to the cold front. If you have never used side/down scan it's amazing, cuts down on a lot of waisted time fishing fruitless waters.1 point
Yes, but that's because I keep it at the 3 o'clock instead of at 4-5 like most IWB's. If I had it at zero cant at 4-5, I'm sure it wouldn't be as easy, but I also wouldn't rule out being able to get a good grip and a fast enough draw. Of course, that would required about a hundred iterations with a snapcap in the magazine to test out. The reason I keep it at 3 o'clock is that I find that if I slide it back, it prints...probably since my belly is taking up most of the real estate under my shirt these days. :D1 point
Now I want a Glock 34 and a RMR after today... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
He's been threatening to veto the bill for weeks now. Not clear on why but there's a good chance this might be a victim of collateral damage.1 point
Yea. You can see where I ended up... I let some actuary do all the work and pick and choose the stocks in a fund. I buy the fund, someone who has the time and training picks the actual stocks, and we all make money. The penny stuff was fun but after 5 years I still had the same couple hundred bucks I started with (not counting the once in a lifetime ford thing I mentioned -- those things happen once a decade, where the outside world has a direct and predictable influence on prices make it easy to figure out).1 point
I like seeing dead coyotes, but with the price of arrows and broadheads now, are they really worth it?1 point
Temperature wise I'd say it's right on the edge of spoilage, it's going to depend a lot on whether the carcass is in the sun or shade. Not sure how I would feel about eating something buzzards have been eating on though.1 point
1 point
Just sayin, ARs can be had around $500 now. Maybe a little less if you try hard enough. Some argue acceptable for deer around 100yds or a little more. Accessories are dirt cheap right now, too. If you were thinking of possible 7.62x39 for possible HD scenario, then penetrating multiple walls in obviously not a concern, so .223/5.56 is still ok. As for the possible deer hunting, I feel comfortable in saying that in general you will probably find noticeably greater accuracy potential with the AR platform than the SKS. My 2 cents :-)1 point
I'll just leave this here. David, feel free to use this in exchange for $46,003.00. ($1 for each bullet hole)1 point
You are in Tennessee; you pull a sword and you will get shot. Don't bring a knife (or sword) to a gun fight.1 point
The SOG one has a FN roll mark and "Made in Belgium" where the Buds' HP is a newer production Browning (the importer) "Made in Belgium, Assembled in Portugal" firearm. FN began assembling HPs in Portugal in the early 70s. The HPs roll marked FN were made in Belgium and assembled in Portugal but never marked like the Browning ones. The only guns roll marked "assembled in Portugal" are the Browning brands intended for the US. So to some collectors, the SOG HP is higher value because it is the non-US model for the Europe market.1 point
Reloaded for Glocks in 9mm, 40 S&W, 10mm and 45 ACP. Bullets were lead, plated, coated and jacketed. Never had a problem with the bullets or brass. Reloaded the fired Glock brass. I do not go over max published loads!!!1 point
But wait... there's more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCb1KnTEOlg1 point
If only he could cut his calories this well. I'm sorry, I went there :D1 point
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1 point
I know back in the day when I messed with them it was easy to turn $100 into $200. I wouldn't dare "invest" much into them. I have safer funds for that. I'm just wanting a way to generate a little extra spending money. I have an optionsXpress.com account ($8.95 commission, no fees and no minimum account balance). There are penny stocks doubling all the time. There are also penny stocks hitting rock bottom all the time, too :nervous: I was just curious if anyone had a favorite site that consistantly suggested good picks. That's a good point made though that the penny stocks are not really analyzed very much.1 point
I hope they hear it. Do it now. The odds of this ever being a gun owners victory will get slim if the Dem's win the white house again. We have a Judge who won't be there in a few more years. The next new one will not be on our side.1 point
All of it swells at the base mildly in my Glocks(g35,g29,g17). But it isn't anything that normal resizing doesn't fix. Even my hot 10mm brass survives multiple loadings.1 point
The days of logic and common sense are long gone my friend. (Not directed towards Gotthegoods) :)1 point
Picked up a bottle of this tonight. I really like it. Smooth and slow heat build up in the back of your throat and nose. Not sure if it is worth the extra over the Reserve but it is a nice sippin bourbon.1 point
Actually, that Comp-Tac looks exactly like what I want. Thanks, tarheelbball! As I said, I have an inexpensive Tagua soft leather that has zero cant, and it has been VERY comfortable. No gouging whatsoever, lol. It's just impossible to reholster as it completely collapses when the gun is removed.1 point
1 point
The light bar is probably for safety. People lock themselves out of their cars in some crazy places. If she's popping the lock at night, some bright yellow beacons could help her from getting run over while doing her job. To be fair, putting one on a white Impala with black wheels does smack a bit of trying to llok like a police cruiser, but plenty of security companies do the same thing. It's not against any law. Still, she needs to step up her game. Badges are so last decade. Now it's all abouth the sash. Bonus for her, the edging and lettering are reflective, so extra safety at night. My favorite part of that picture is that the guy is wearing a Brownell's Law Enforcement shirt. Doh!1 point
1 point
Shoot, that's pretty cool lookin! He probably wasn't ever gonna be prettier than he is now, might as well take him out of the gene pool. Make a cool European mount!1 point
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1 point
Close the so called gun show loop hole. What excuse will they use when that is a big fail? If my neighbor and I want to trade guns who would know? How would anyone prove anything. It is so dumb it is laughable that she thinks this will do anything. It is pandering. A person intent on killing will get it done anyway.1 point
That price for a new logo was absurd. $46k for what is essentially a 12yr old level of graphic design? They could have had a held a contest for high school & college students with a $500 gift card as a reward and gotten some decent submissions. They need to probe hard between who had authorization for that contract and the people of the agency it went to for links. If this was simple stupidity and not corruption in some way I'll be...well, still pissed, but astoundingly pissed instead of same old corruption pissed.1 point
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