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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2015 in all areas
Colion Noir is usually spot on for my money. He's also great at reaching a younger and more diverse crowd, which can only help grow support for guns. Colion also knows how to use social media to its potential which I think is the way forward for the message. Take Facebook for example...Jerry Miculek has more "Likes" on his page at 473,803 vs. Colion's 277,005, but Colion's Facebook page has 70,343 "People Talking About This" to Jerry's 6,403. Big key to getting people to view his videos and into the cause.5 points
What is confidence? A Navy Seal walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance then casually looks at his new Apple watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?" "No," he replies, "just got this state-of-the-art Apple watch, and I was just testing it." The intrigued woman says, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?" He says, "It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically." The lady says, "What's it telling you now?" "Well, it says you're not wearing any panties." The woman giggles and replies, "Well it must be broken because I am wearing panties!" The Navy Seal smirks, taps his watch and says, "Darn thing's an hour fast." And that, my friends.......is Confidence!4 points
4 points
all the wal marts around my area never has anything. the same old group of old farts gets the ammo here. i hope they have to eat it.4 points
I searched for "Tennessee logo" in the threads and came up with zilch. Then I painstakingly read every thread all the way to June until I had to stick my finger into an electric lamp socket just to get my brain re-synched. I sent private messages to several in-the-know TGO member fanboys who searched their memories for a similar thread and all I got back was, "Why don't you grow a pair and step up with a new OP?" Ok, my fault that I didn't include monkeylizard and OS in that clique. I figured they'd be too busy reading the gun rags, waging caliber wars or having a beer with hickok45 to lower themselves to respond to a peon like me with only a measly thousand posts. So out went my manhood on the table and it got sliced up like a Thanksgiving turkey. I'm sure I'll heal after a few dozen Walker, Texas Ranger episodes and a sampling of every bottle in the whiskey and spirits thread. Or maybe get a new computer, change my username and email address and sign up as "Rawhead Tac-Man" and live the rest of my life in the basement with a neon Glock sign and R. Lee Ermey poster. But, I got a few replies to this new thread, so I really should be happy for now. :drama:4 points
:owned: What say we just forget the whole thing, huh fellas? I'll be spending the next few weeks on the Paper Doll Forum. When I get back, I'll put up my guns for sale to help pay for my Caitlyn Jenner operation. Toodle-oo.3 points
Blue collar worker you say. My perception is that the majority of the dem voters live in urban areas, and don't work. You know the low information crowd.3 points
The FSD shoot is to raise money for Toys for Tots. It's not a LE sanctioned or demonstration. I can assure everyone here none of these weapons are owned by any LE agency nor would they sponsor any such event... that, you can definitely thank the media for. We do hope to raise money for a good cause and let you folks shoot some guns you might not have had an opportunity to shoot before. None of us backing this are pocketing a cent from it. On top of that I'm sure it's going to cost us all several thousand in maintenance after the shoot. These things are not cheap to keep running and I'm not talking about the ammo. But come on JR, not you too ;o) .. et tu Brute ;o) ... As far as to why... I have to ask why not? We all remember the BOA robbery in LA with the full autos and the police were outgunned for over an hour? They were outgunned because of the touchy feely media pressure. You are correct though, the media has every department on their toes and under normal circumstances most of this weaponry would not be needed. Our SWAT only has a few select fire weapons but we ourselves have been in a few shootings recently where our deputies did not even have patrol rifles. Just by fate backup arrived who did and ended the firefight and we went home. I can tell you It's a daunting task to engage someone with a rifle, even a deer rifle and all you have is a G22. Is a 240B or SAW needed, 99.9% of the time heck no... I hope and pray they're never needed but at the same time I see nothing wrong with any agency being prepared. You don't normally need a sledgehammer to drive a thumbtack but if you show up and there's a railroad tie that needs hammering would be nice to have that sledgehammer. The same media that looks at that boat or any of our guns and says why would also be the one when 50 people are killed by some jacked up meth head with an arsenal at his disposal asking why we were not prepared for the worse. You can't win with these jerks and I for one don't waste an ounce of worry on what our leader thinks is too much... when he walks around without his secret service detail armed to the tee then he can throw stones at us. Our job is to protect the public and ALL of us go home... period... it's not supposed to be fair.. we don't start the fights but we are tasked with meeting force with force. We ARE responsible for every round that leaves any of our weapons and every officer knows that. Given this, media or not, I would never expect any LE agency, border or not, to roll up onto any public demonstration anywhere (not just TN) with a MRAP mounted with LMGs. Same token though, I'm sure the THP doesn't fire up the boat above when they want to check to be sure folks fishing licenses are up to date... these weapons have specific purposes and would be used in special circumstances. I'm sure Ferguson had much more firepower than they showed up with... but their officers riding up in MRAP with the crowd throwing rocks and god knows what, I don't see any harm in that at all. My media rant is why should those in charge of order be concerned with how they look when they're up against people who clearly have no issue with disobeying the laws.... The first level of force in any situation is officer presence... Hopefully that alone discourages most the rift raft... But even when THP boat is just being trailered down the interstate, it's serving a purpose in my mind...if nothing more it says don't start nothing, won't be nothing! I dig the bravos too! little jealous, would love to drop that sucker in at Watts Bar ;o)3 points
Such old news, figgered everybody knows. Got any updates on how that War of Northern Aggression thang is going? ;) :) - OS3 points
This is a Springfield 1863. I feel sure that it saw action in the civil war. Muzzle loaders were obsolete by the end of the war. Many were destroyed. Many were fitted with a trap door option. Many were taken by poor soldiers to hunt with, either as a rifle or shotgun conversion. The first pic shows the gun as a whole. The next one shows where the owner carved his initials in the gun, which I've seen in other period guns. The final one is the interesting one. There are three notches carved into the underside of the stock right in front of the butt plate. Of course, there is no way to say for sure what they represent, though it caught my attention and imagination.2 points
This is made from 1/4" thick 1095 carbon steel and is a whopping 17" long with a blade length on 12". It has red oak scales and SS pins and lanyard hole. It's double acid etched. It's headed to the sheath maker tomorrow for a sheath exactly like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcgbXSCyAMo2 points
Said something to her about her empty holster? Sounds like the woman was completely decked out in her mall ninja uniform. Ridiculous? Yes, but still not illegal. To my knowledge DMV employees are not peace officers.2 points
It's great that happened, however the reason that many do not help anymore isn't because they don't have a heart, but because of liability. People want to sue for anything now, looking for a payday. "Helping" someone now could very well mean loss of a job and costing their dept thousands or millions in lawsuits. If you try to pull someone out of a ditch and something on their car breaks, you get sued. If anything happens on their cars electrical system after he jumped them off, likely to be sued. My cousin(civilian non LEO) stopped to help someone on the side of the road, they pulled a gun on him, he threw his hands up in a natural reflex reaction ( like to stop it) and they shot him in the hand and drove off. He now has no use in that hand. Like I said, it's a risk stopping to help someone any more unless you happened to know them.2 points
Thanks for understanding, btq96r. I guess it's time I finally upgrade from this IBM PC Jr. :waiting:2 points
2 points
Shoot, that's pretty cool lookin! He probably wasn't ever gonna be prettier than he is now, might as well take him out of the gene pool. Make a cool European mount!2 points
Am I the only one that wonders why a state needs a logo? Our flag kinda has one built in with the 3 stars, no? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
Heck, I'm all for keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. I'm just not willing to give up my rights to accomplish that, plus that wouldn't accomplish that task anyway, IMO it's just an excuse to disarm America, Bernie isn't stupid he knows this. I noticed last night on the debate it was said several times that it wasn't their goal to infringe on the hunting traditions of America. These clowns need to realize that our gun rights have absolutely NOTHING to do with hunting.2 points
IF Sanders won, he would be the first socialist elected POTUS since 2008.2 points
For the uninitiated, don't let the "Outlaw" thing discourage you. These things are FUN. You young folks get there early to help set up: those things are heavy. Put your gym membership to work.2 points
Mixed feelings here. If they can prove that the shop was negligent, nail them to the wall. If they can't prove it, I say slippery slope. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Dude is full of horse shoes from what I can see in my FFL regulations guide. I'll do a more through search and hopefully one or some of our vetted dealers here can clarify, but the whole thing seems super fishy to me. He's advising you that the sale is a crime, yet encouraging you to commit said crime by... selling it to him. Only for $100 less than advertised. Riiiiiiiggggghhhhht. That makes perfect sense in crazy land.* Now I will say I would personally spend the couple of bucks fixing the safety before I sold it, but then again thats in part because I too would low ball the hell out someone selling a broken gun. I wouldn't try to piss down their neck and tell them it was raining, but I wouldn't buy one like that for anything less than a serious discount, existence of kits for pistols and all. *Crazy Land. Population: That guy.2 points
It might just be me, but I'd not sell or trade until it was fixed regardless of the law.2 points
I took the Grandsons out on the youth hunt (Cross Creeks) yesterday and all three tagged out in about 40 minutes. What an awesome day! (L) Tyler (second deer) (Middle) Adam First Deer (R) Devin second deer (First Buck) Tyler's doe went about 20 yards and the other two dropped where they stood with neck shots. We were about a mile from the truck and Grandpa and Dad got put through the paces getting the deer out! We have lots of work to do this morning. Have a blessed day Dave2 points
If they were going for the third grade look, they could have done it themselves. Heck it only took me 1 minute to come up with my third grade version.2 points
The very first high powered rifle I shot as a kid was my Dad's Savage Model 99e in .308 Win. Of course even then, it was amazing to watch my Dad shoot it, and train my younger brother and I the correct and safe way to handle weapons. I loved shooting his Rem 870, his Super Blackhawk .44 mag, his Security Six .357, his multiple .22 lr rifles and the Stevens 20 gauge single shot that was our first "my own" gun. But there was always "something" about that Savage. At that point in my life, I didn't have a favorite type of rifle as in bolt action vs lever action so I know it didn't have anything to do with my affection for this particular 99. I think most of it was just because it was Dad's, but a lot was because I watched him re-checker it and change the stock from the darker color to the almost blonde color that it has been most of it's life. In my 20's I slipped into the work, chase girls, drink beer, and hanging with friends mode. So my hunting and shooting days were very few and far between, something I regret to this day. As I entered my 30's all of that faded away and hunting & shooting became part of my desires again. Dad and I talked guns and ammo talk more than we ever had, and I'd missed that. Somewhere along the way I'd started messing with him saying "Dad, you know that ole Savage is just gathering dust. You need me to take care of it for you? <insert laugh>". He'd always come back with one of a hundred responses ranging from "I think I'm gonna get it out and clean it" to "You know, I believe I'm gonna deer hunt with that this year" and the occasional "Oh, you'll get it one of these days". The latter being the one that worried me because I didn't want to get it the way most children get their parents weapons, in a will. But the jokes have continued all this time and even in texts: "Dad, just wanted to see if y'all were coming down this weekend .308" or I'd text him and say "I have break coming up, call me at 3:08" and always made for good laughs but to no avail haha. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and Dad began asking about my Rem 700 SPS Tactical .308 and talking about getting one. We talked stock and optic options as well as pricing variances. I began online shopping and sending him info on different ways he could go. He came in town this past Tuesday to visit with us while my brother and his family were in town from San Diego. He'd also picked up my new bow and brought it in with him so I met him at Bass Pro after work and we talked a lot and looked at some rifles while shooting the crap about life happenings. We left empty handed, which never happens with us, and we'd decided to go to local gun shops on Thursday and Friday for more shopping and hands on. He ended up buying the SPS Wednesday while I was at work, so shopping was done haha. He had them mount his base, rings, and his Leupold scope when he picked it up. I told him that we'd sight it in Saturday while we were having a family get together in Whites Creek. Saturday morning comes and I've packed up a couple AR's and my Rem 700, a ton of ammo and targets for a day of shooting that I've been waiting for a LONG time. One with my brother and Dad being there at the same time. With my brother being in S.D. it's rare to have the time and place availability for us to shoot together. I show up at my sister's place, start unloading everything before Dad gets there and he pulls in shortly after. I meet him at the back of his truck and we're looking at his new rifle, as he grins and tells me he can't wait to shoot it. He's a Marine so I know he's excited :usa: Everyone spreads away from the truck tailgate and Dad says "Hey, I gotta talk to you about something when everyone leaves". I'm thinking of what I could have done to hear those words after all these years of no ass whoopins lol. He slides another rifle case towards the tailgate and starts to open it while speaking "Look, I know you've loved this rifle since you were a kid. I'm sure I'm gonna be happy with this new one. I know you'll appreciate it for what it is, and I know you'll take good care of it. Put it in the truck and take care of it." This is the part where I just stare at the rifle, then stare at Dad in pure disbelief for what seemed like 30 minutes but was in reality probably 2 minutes. If I'd had to guess how I would have reacted I would probably think big smile, screaming with excitement, telling him thank you a hundred times and hugging him and saying I love you and I'll take good care of it. Well, that is NOT what happened, I couldn't say anything, probably mumbled something I'm not sure followed by a "Are you serious or teasing me again?" Well it was real, I didn't touch the gun, I hugged him and thanked him and told him I loved him and that I was glad that he handed it to me and that I didn't have to wait until he was unable to use it anymore to get it. My arms were covered in goosebumps the entire time, he even noticed it and said "Damn, are you okay?" I told him I wasn't sure. I packed it in the truck, still not believing that I was taking it home. Then we got out the SPS's and sighted his in. It was dead on accurate and he was needless to say very excited with it! My brother came down in the field and shot it as well which made it the perfect day! Anyway, sorry it's so long but if someone bought me a Barrett .50 cal tomorrow it would not be a more exciting Show & Tell thread for me. I can't wait to shoot it, try out some different ammo in it, and will definitely be taking it in the woods this year to deer hunt once gun season opens up!! Signed, Happy Ain't The Word1 point
Driving back form Nashville today on I40 just west of Cookville, I saw something I haven't seen in a long time. I saw a State trooper on the side of the road with his lights on. After I moved to the left lane, I saw it didn't appear to be a traffic stop but more of offering assistance. Hopefully this is more common then my impression, but I saw a state trooper on the side of the road giving assistance to another motorist. I saw the Hoods of both cars up and what appeared to be a heavy gauge booster cables running between the 2 vehicles. Even though It wasn't, it could have just has easily been my wife or myself. So I just want to say thinks to the State Trooper just in case he/she happens to be a member here.1 point
Yes, post them. I got to see this. :lol: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I think I will be making this trip naked (gun less) unless there are a change of plans, I will have to go inside the beltway for sure and then go to Arlington. Plans can change and I do not want to be a news item or a topic of debate. Thanks for the replies.1 point
That depends on the gun. I find that GnL's cash price out the door is pretty dang close on many of the commodity guns like Glock. I think the last one I got up there ended up being $15 more than the best online price + shipping + transfer. Since they included a free range pass with purchase, that made them only $5 more and I got to walk out with it that day instead of waiting on the UPS guy.1 point
Headed to TX to hunt hogs next week.... then I'm going to try to track this dude down up in MD. He keeps showing up..... I'm dying over here!!!! Can't wait!1 point
Multiple times.....I have a client in Lexington that's pretty well connected when in comes to bourbon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
You might also try some natural lump charcoal. I have a Big Green Egg smoker and the BGE brand of charcoal is made by Royal Oak. It's all hardwoods, oak and hickory. You can purchase it online or at any Big Green Egg dealer. About $20 for a twenty pound bag. I've tried a lot of cheaper lump charcoals and found a lot of crap like nails and screws in the ash but never any problems out of the BGE brand. I've turned out some great BBQ tenderloin and shoulders. As soon as I fire it up my neighbors start coming out of the woodwork. You can't beat the flavor and it's easy to transport.1 point
Whaaa? My kids and I love that movie. If anything, I interpreted the plot to have a liberty-oriented subtext, as the plot centers around defeating an overbearing, militarized government which seeks to control the individual liberties of its citizens. Plus I do the Batman voice for my kids. Makes them crack up every time. Life is too short to be so serious 24/7. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
When I first heard about this I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. What is wrong with putting "Gun Oil" in the firearm section. Then I read what it is used for.......Now the person that brought it to whomever's attention what it was and used for just raised some eyebrows on how they knew.1 point
I wouldn't, but it sounds like the OP did. Until they get hit in the wallet it's going to keep going on.1 point
Maybe the blood flow it promotes is from the bad guy? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA It has to be the manufactures fault, everyone knows Wal-mart only hires the most intelligent people for their management team!!!!!1 point
My opinion from both sides. As the seller or trader- I would make sure to inform the potential buyer that the safety did not function properly and with all the recent lawsuit buzz I would probably draw up a document stating such and make sure to have it signed and dated by both parties to have something in writing just in case. It might be butt wipe with ink on it in a court of law but I'd at least feel better about selling a "broken" gun. As the buyer- I would expose it as a flaw in the gun and try to haggle you down with it :) But I wouldn't preach law to you, however true or not. That approach never flies with me when I'm selling something. Personally I would wait for another rainy day and attempt another fix of that safety. Or find someone who will :))1 point
I have always wanted a Colt Detective Special. So I was really thrilled when I was able to get a great deal on this Colt Police Positive MkV. In great shape, 4" barrel with full shroud... incredible trigger and great balance. Just really a joy to shoot. My boys are ecstatic about it. My 15 year old first comment was "The trigger... it feels so smooth!" Hahaha!!! Really tickled I was able to finally get a nice colt to play with. :) If you get a chance to to shoot one or better yet to own one don't pass up the chance. Thought you guys might enjoy the picture.1 point
Soon enough I will be traveling around the state at gun shows and will be selling Protech and eventually others I assure you I will give the best prices and service that you all will find anywhere1 point
1 point
All you need is a gilded slide, a mariachi hat, cowboy boots and 7 ounces of sweet Mexican black tar heroin and you have your Cartel leader starter pack! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
During my trek to find the IWB, I first stumbled into a heck of deal on Armslist of a Crossbreed, couldn't resist. Bought it, tried it, and never had 2nd thoughts. Now fast forward, since I have many flavors and desires in my ccw rotation, I ended up with around 7 or 8 of those Crossbreeds. Its no fluke. As Tony Tiger once said, they are GREAAAAT.1 point
1 point
1 point
I usually use Music City Pawn at $25 + $10 for background. The best this is they always call within 30 minutes of getting the gun in. I also recently used Saddle Shop for an outgoing at a good price and service. I just picked up a transfer using Northside Gun Shop in Columbia for +15 +$10 for background and they accept transfers from private parties.1 point
They only cost $200; many of us would have them if it was as simple as paying for one. They now check local zoning laws and have requirements that you are actively selling. I can’t have one in Murfreesboro in my home; I would have to have a business with a storefront. There are places that charge reasonable amounts. The places that have high charges don’t want your business. If the Feds want to require them they should be free. They can pay the FFL holders to process them, or make it part of the requirements for a license.1 point
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