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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Told ya it was ugly horns. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  2. And people wonder why I carry a gun...
    4 points
  3. Maybe I am late to the discovery, however I wear my shirt tale in most of the time and I IWB carry. Its hard sometimes to tuck the shirt in between the holster and the inside of the pants, its a tight fit between the clips, kydex and the pants. Most of the time I just use a credit card to push the shirt tale in. Tonight, I made a major discovery, use a shoehorn. I did, and it was quick and easy. So maybe I am a dork, or I might be on to something, but I did want to share with the community. For some of you of the younger generation, you probably don't have a clue what a shoehorn is: [url=http://s963.photobucket.com/user/runco0318/media/shoehorn_zps05fpaaiq.jpg.html][/URL]
    3 points
  4.   That is a extremely bad analogy. A safety is a feature, not a critical function of a firearm. Breaks are critical for any vehicle period. A safety is closer to an air conditioner, radio, or at worse, air bags. If that were not the case then every glock and any other gun without a safety would be inherently dangerous.   A signed release stating that the safety is non functional and that the buyer is aware of it is all you need for legal reasons. Broken stuff is bought and sold all the time that way. Besides, if a person lets their kid get ahold of a loaded firearm with a broken safety and the kid shoots someone, I think they are going to have more legal issues to deal with than suing you over the safety.
    3 points
  5. Whaaa? My kids and I love that movie. If anything, I interpreted the plot to have a liberty-oriented subtext, as the plot centers around defeating an overbearing, militarized government which seeks to control the individual liberties of its citizens. Plus I do the Batman voice for my kids. Makes them crack up every time. Life is too short to be so serious 24/7. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  6. While I think this is a slippery slope, from the sounds of it, this establishment most likely knew exactly what was going on.  
    3 points
  7. Weller 12 hit the shelves in Knoxville this week.   Good luck in your pursuit.   Sorry I cannot be of more assistance this time.
    3 points
  8. It might just be me, but I'd not sell or trade until it was fixed regardless of the law.
    3 points
  9. If they want that, I want all of them to pack their bags and get the hell out of no only Tennessee but The United States of America and go the hell back where they came from. Muhammad maybe their gods messenger but he is not mine nor any of my family's. Jesus is Our Messenger to Our GOD so just pack your bags and get the hell out............Not my so humble opinion this time......... :mad: :mad: 
    3 points
  10. There's someone besides Hickcock45?
    2 points
  11.   Such old news, figgered everybody knows. Got any updates on how that War of Northern Aggression thang is going? ;) :)   - OS
    2 points
  12. For the uninitiated, don't let the "Outlaw" thing discourage you.  These things are FUN.  You young folks get there early to help set up: those things are heavy.  Put your gym membership to work. 
    2 points
  13. I got a couple clips of those at the house. :)
    2 points
  14. That's the first time I had ever seen anything like that at any theater and I saw it *after* my movie was finished. I would never let some pimple faced theater employee come near me with a wand.
    2 points
  15. That was my thought as well. His form may be a little off, but his weapons aren't. That slice on the 5 gal container was awesome.
    2 points
  16. Here's one I made up to sell on Etsy. It fits a Gransfors Bruk Small Forest Axe. I'm contemplating whether I should add a couple of small D rings to the back so it could be more easily lashed to a pack.
    2 points
  17. Say what you will, but he must know a thing or 2 about sharpening a blade. Most of those cuts were pretty clean.
    2 points
  18. Wait for it to come out at the Redbox and don't have to worry about being wanded.
    2 points
  19. From what I've seen they knew EXACTLY what was going on. I have no problems with this outcome.
    2 points
  20. My opinion from both sides.   As the seller or trader- I would make sure to inform the potential buyer that the safety did not function properly and with all the recent lawsuit buzz I would probably draw up a document stating such and make sure to have it signed and dated by both parties to have something in writing just in case. It might be butt wipe with ink on it in a court of law but I'd at least feel better about selling a "broken" gun.   As the buyer- I would expose it as a flaw in the gun and try to haggle you down with it :)  But I wouldn't preach law to you, however true or not. That approach never flies with me when I'm selling something.   Personally I would wait for another rainy day and attempt another fix of that safety. Or find someone who will :))
    2 points
  21. Dude is full of horse shoes from what I can see in my FFL regulations guide. I'll do a more through search and hopefully one or some of our vetted dealers here can clarify, but the whole thing seems super fishy to me. He's advising you that the sale is a crime, yet encouraging you to commit said crime by... selling it to him. Only for $100 less than advertised.     Riiiiiiiggggghhhhht. That makes perfect sense in crazy land.*     Now I will say I would personally spend the couple of bucks fixing the safety before I sold it, but then again thats in part because I too would low ball the hell out someone selling a broken  gun. I wouldn't try to piss down their neck and tell them it was raining, but I wouldn't buy one like that for anything less than a serious discount, existence of kits for pistols and all.           *Crazy Land.  Population: That guy.
    2 points
  22. Someone copied the tornado plan and pasted it into the "shooter" plan, it sounds like. 
    2 points
  23. Bulldoze the ones up on the road out off the side into the pit. They die when they splat. Backup and do it again as more come up the road. Use 2 or 3 hardened dozers to keep it cycling and cover one another.   Leave a few walkers in there to keep calling in more. Go back every few weeks/months and wash-rinse-repeat.   Set barricades at several points in case the road collapses when you're not there to watch.
    2 points
  24. I don't like other people making plans for me. 
    2 points
  25. Complaining that Franklin Gun overcharges is like complaining about a politician telling a lie. You know'd that before you went in that place. Won't surprise me a bit one day when they start charging a cover charge to walk in the door.
    2 points
  26. +1 for GunsNMore! John and Sheena are good people.
    1 point
  27.   Dang, can't I still get some love for not posting to a thread DATED LAST MAY?  :surrender:
    1 point
  28. IF Sanders won, he would be the first socialist elected POTUS since 2008.
    1 point
  29. Hes moderate like Biden --- you can shoot through the door at whoever with a shotgun but you can't defend yourself with a pistol from the guy bashing your head in.     Pistols to da face be bad.  Shotguns thru the door be ok.    This be common sense gun control.   Its not hard to understand at all ... whatever does not make sense, that is their stance.
    1 point
  30. 537 recovered guns seems like a lot to me. I doubt that 537 guns were sold illegally and then 100% of them recovered. Making a total WAG, I would assume maybe 10 - 20% of illegally sold guns are ever recovered. That would mean that the shop was selling upwards of 5000 guns illegally.   If there is any truth at all to the number when they say "537 guns were recovered at crime scenes" it was probably privately owned, legally sold private collections of people who were robbed. The police came to the house (crime scene) and found them safely locked in Joe-Bob's safe. Or they were stolen and recovered from pawn shops and returned to the owners. Heck, that could be like just 5 or 6 people if the robberies had happened in the TGO community.   :cool:
    1 point
  31. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. I doubt it's illegal, but it can definitely get you in hot water if something happens to the buyer if they are not notified (I see you did).  If you sell it as is, I would do a bill of sale and make sure they initial where you told them the safety does not work.  Broken things are sold all the time, yes even cars with no brakes, broken trans, motors etc.  You just have to notify the buyer what issues you KNOW about to at least have a defense if not to keep you out of court.  If I buy or sell something with something broken, I make sure the price reflects that either partially or in total depending on what is broken. 
    1 point
  33. If the gun shop was negligent in following the law with regards to background checks and straw purchases, by all means, crucify them.  But why was this established in a civil case and not a criminal one first?
    1 point
  34. Would you sell someone a car with no brakes, when it had brakes when it was sold to you?  Even if you informed the buyer your car had no brakes, I would get a written signed release document of some sort if you did want to repair it yourself.  Just makes very common sense.   This has liability written all over it, even if full disclosure.  Even this original posting is a forever a written record that could be subpoenaed as evidence of what you did.    Pay to have it fixed, problem solved. 
    1 point
  35. Agreed - likely on advice of the company lawyer so if someone does go postal they can claim they had a plan and try to avoid being sued for negligence
    1 point
  36. Haha I saw that too! Very Nice rig spots!!! Let's see if it fits while wearing the haji Jammie's!
    1 point
  37.     So just the finished is messed up?  Not worth sending it in.....   Just use some BBQ spray paint and call it a day.  If you run a suppressor very hard at all, the finish will wear.  Never dealt with their repair dept, but I'm sure it wouldn't take that long. 
    1 point
  38. I'd go to the lobby and ask to speak to a manager immediately because there is a potential for disaster. All the while I would be scoping out an escape path just in case.    One thing I see wrong with your scenario is that when the person opens the emergency exit it's going to set off an alarm. 
    1 point
  39. I've never been saltwater fishing until last week. Although it was too rough to go way out where the big ones are, we still had a great time fishing over a sunken barge. We had to throw back all the triggerfish and red snapper because they weren't in season. We caught them as fast as we could get a line in the water. My youngest son often caught them two at a time! Here's what we got to keep. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_0596_zpswqht4cyw.jpg.html][/URL] Sea bass, White snapper, and I forget what the one on the top right was. A restaurant next to the dock cooked them for us. Me with a red snapper. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_0588_zpslqc9mgrg.jpg.html][/URL] My older son with a Remora. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_0593_zps6ofgxtdu.jpg.html][/URL] My younger son with a triggerfish. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_0589_zpsfpu0ejxu.jpg.html][/URL] We must have caught close to 100 fish, and had a great time.
    1 point
  40. Did you even look at any threads in this subforum?
    1 point
  41. I am going to shoot as is for a few months and save up for a better stock. I was looking at an HS Precision. I will definitely look into getting the bolt knob you recommended. Looks like a decent alternative to cutting and threading the handle. Going to zero the scope this weekend and practice a little over the next few weeks. I am looking forward to rifle season, will be the first time I have hunted deer. Here is the rifle with the scope mounted Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. Well, I took down two coyote a couple Sundays ago. I noticed something moving through the brush at about 60 yards and figured it was a coyote. I gave it a couple good lip squeaks but it disappeared, but couldn't help but try one more time. The dog, keeping hits head on a swivel, walked right under my stand. Just as it passed under some tree canopy I pulled the bow and waited for it to pass. But as they do all to often it turned and started down the hill. With one more little squeak it came to a stop. At 12 yards I let the arrow fly, and luckily it hit perfectly. Reloading the bow to finish the hunt (because it was prime hunting time) I noticed movement coming up the hill. It was another coyote looking for Harry (coyote #1). I pulled back just before it stepped out. Taking a broadside shot... arrow #2 hit the mark. Two just inside of ten minutes. That's hard to beat. Then last Sunday a nice six came through, probably the same six I've seen a couple times, and I let him walk. Then a crazy looking nine came in. He had a nice body size but had a really ugly set of horns. I decided to let the Mathews eat. The first shot hit a small cluster of leaves. By small cluster I mean three. I was so fixed on the sights I didn't even see them. He spooked and ran toward me. The second shot hit the mark and he only ran about ten yards. Gotta admit it's been a good season so far.
    1 point
  43. Wow, that's really nice! It looks very functional and super high quality.
    1 point
  44. That is what we call a "rifle". :)
    1 point
  45. Banks are not off limits unless posted like any other biz. If you must leave a firearm in the car, small lockable safe is easy, 25 clams or so.   Speaking as a single guy, I have no choice but to "maintain possession" at all times, and don't see it as a hassle.   Domestic violence conviction = forever. - OS
    1 point
  46. I say let her visit. There can NEVER be enough reinforcement of the consequences of "bad decisions". That goes not only for all people but especially those at that age.
    1 point
  47. A child should have access to both parents unless one or both are abusing them. Life is about ups and downs, the sooner she learns that the better. Besides, it's not like she is an axe murderer, she screwed up and is receiving the consequences; a good lesson me thinks.
    1 point
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