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Exactly. What it will cost me to get shots for the whole office is less than what I would lose if I have one developer out for only one day. Of course I am doing this to keep my employees healthy. It's just a happy coincidence that it protects the bottom line. [emoji3]6 points
5/32" thick 1095 carbon steel with filework on the spine, Padauk scales and acid etched. It has a copper pin and lanyard hole. It's about 10 1/4" in OAL with a 5 1/2" blade. It's headed to Texas after Mark@Sea finished the sheath.3 points
The most important thing is just to get out and DO IT! Don't wait until you are "ready", just show up at the next match with whatever gear you have, tell them you're new, and watch everyone fall all over themselves to help you.3 points
3 points
I think that TMF and Wingshooter could both be correct. You can't get the flu from a flu shot (flu shot - dead virus, nasal spray - weakened live virus), but you can get flu symptoms from the flu shot. I regularly experience this when I get a flu shot (on medicine that suppresses my immune system). From WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/prevention-15/vaccines/fact-sheet-vaccines "If you get the flu shot, you might have a mild fever and feel tired or achy after you get vaccinated. Some people also have soreness, redness, or swelling where they got their shot. These problems aren’t serious and don’t last long." So you don't get the flu, but can feel bad after getting the shot. I usually feel bad for a couple of days, but I get the shot every year. Worth it to me to have a fighting chance of avoiding the full-blown flu.2 points
2 points
I attempt to stay away from zealots of any stripe, crazy people and drug addicts. These classes of folks tend to be unpredictable which means they are dangerous.2 points
I'm your huckleberry. I want to see Curly Bill sitting on the White House steps when Obama leaves and say "well bye".2 points
Well...that's interesting. But more to the point. I will not attend. Say what you will, that's all for me and RK Shows.2 points
Comms, Not sure if you watched any of the reloading vids on you tube. Type a search with press you want to see and you get an idea of what you have to go through. "Most" of the videos are really educational and you also get an opinion of the operators good and bad of the press they run. I shoot mostly pistol and reload on a Dillon SDB. It's been a very reliable press and has the no BS warranty which is a plus ! The die sets are only usable in the SDB press. Extra tool heads make caliber change over faster and less trouble as your setting don't change. Used presses and die sets are always found fer sale and save you some $$ from new, but not to much . With the amount of pistol shooting you do it's a good option in a progressive press. The Dillon 550 uses same dies as all the other presses and tool heads save time in change over. Yes you have to rotate the plate but once you establish a routine it will pump out Ammo. If you are wanting to speed load, then save your self lots of trouble and just purchase Ammo ! NEVER BE IN A HURRY TO RELOAD ! If time is an issue, and you don't have much time, DRIVE FAST to your local store and buy ammo. Just my $.02 worth. Be safe always, Mike2 points
In general, people at Walmart are much more frightening than people at gun stores.2 points
Allow me to interpret their explanation into a REAL explanation.2 points
Are you suggesting a Jewish person might lie about their faith in order to get that 5% discount? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
1 point
Poll seems to be gone now. They now have one about driving in the county to see the leave change. Thanks Robert1 point
Depends on whether you're talking about Prayer Rugs 'R Us or Menorah Mart...I'd hate to miss out on that discount.1 point
I never have and got the flu only once that I can recall as a child. I never gave much thought to it as my immune system seems to work abnormally well, I seldom get sick and kick infections usually in a week or less and rarely need antibiotics. With that in mind I have never given any thought on how it may effect others if I am a carrier of sorts. I'll have to think it over a bit more, but at least I see a point to doing it now when I never had before.1 point
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That reminds me of a guy I used to work with. He had a favorite saying. "If you believe that, then my ass is an ice cream freezer.....You want a cone?" LOL.1 point
Just look at Trump or PT Barnum. "There is no such thing as bad publicity." However that phrase doesn't quite jive with what I learned in the Army's PSYOP school. In any case BigK nailed this one. Contextually, culturally and geographically - Christian discount probably wins the day for the store owner on several fronts including the till.1 point
After reading the story, watching videos, and reading comments here on TGO and all over the web, I am impressed with how the shop's idea has turned out. Best case scenario: small town gun shop owner implements a capitalistic idea that he believes will gain him national attention, increase his foot traffic, make his little shop famous, and improve his bottom-line. Worst case scenario: small town gun shop owner hates other religions, offers Christians discount the unintended result of which gains him national attention, increases his foot traffic, makes his little shop famous, and improves his bottom-line I don't care which is the case or if it's somewhere in the middle..I call it a HUGE win for this guy. The risk of losing any of his customer base vs gaining more customers/supports is statistically insignificant.1 point
1 point
K191145 I love your Real explanation. I wanted to add another, maybe all the posted restaurants were tired of being robbed and or their un armed customers being strong armed or robbed in the parking lots ! AS A GUN OWNER, I think the no guns allowed sign is very offensive and should be replaced with a much more friendly SHEEP symbol on the door ! I believe all the anti gun crowd, liberals would also go along with this as just Seeing that gun signe gives them chills, disrupts their thoughts, makes their tummy so hurt and affects their evenings dine out with their other liberal friends. So you think SHEEP STICKERS should be the universal less offensive fer all symbol ? Mike1 point
I have recently acquired another JMB design. This particular gun's serial number puts it in the 1908-1909 production. It is chambered in 25 auto. Can't wait to shoot it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Kudos to this business. We need more businesses that are not afraid to be politically correct. Is it not wonderful that a business can say this and advertise this? If this business was in other countries say the middle east, the business would have been burnt down along with its owner likely being beheaded. Maybe in time, that will happen here in the good ole USA, but not today. I go out of my way to patronize certain businesses like Chick-Fi-Lay, Hobby Lobby and Tyson Foods.1 point
For my $0.02, I would talk to a child psychologist, and maybe even have your daughter attend a session with one first to gauge if she's ready. The part where you mention she is making jokes about this has me wondering if the reality of it all has sunk in yet to her. Depending on how much she's been shielded from the visuals of all this, having it hit like a dropkick when she see's her mother in a prison uniform would be impactful to her, to your wife on the other end, and to you in the middle of it all. I'd seek to avoid that first and foremost. If your wife was away for longer it would be an issue you would have to deal with, but six months is very manageable to hold off on the visitation if that's best for your daughter. Hell, Soldiers go longer than that on overseas tours before they get leave or their unit comes home, so this is something you family can recover from when the time comes to welcome your wife back home. Best of luck with it all.1 point
You need to do what feels right to you you know your wife and daughter better than any one. It will be good for your wife to see her family as much as possible. Your daughter will see a side of the world most adults never see. It will teach her some valuable lessons about family and consequences that she will never forget that she will take through the rest of her life. As far as your wife is concerned if she is going to County lock up it will be easier than state. She will be put in general population. Tell her to keep her head down and mouth shut do as she us told. My father is a CO TDOC he say the women's prison is a s&>\ hole it was a mens prison that the state closed remodeled and reopen as the women's prison. Good luck to you and your family ya'll will be in my family's prayers. GOD BLESS1 point
call parkers safe and security. he is a member here too. arron will not blow smoke when it comes to safes. he is also just down the road from nashville.1 point
Depends on the circumstances, some people need killing.1 point
We home school. My son knows that anyone near a gov school is of the wrong crowd.1 point
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1 point
Will not work for resizing lube. Additionally, you DO NOT want to use resizing lube in place of the astroglide. You can learn a lot in the TGO chatroom....1 point
1 point
doctors are a very liberal bunch. I can't figure out why, maybe they spend so long in collegiate institutions they get indoctrinated? My wife comes home every day saying "so and so said Bernie Sanders this, or Megan Berry that". And they assume my wife is just a socialist in waiting like them. She just ignores them as she's not the type to argue politics or similar, especially at work. They all pretty much don't breach the topic with me :D1 point
Yes. Makes the gun function with blanks. Creates backpressure in the barrel so the gas system will function.1 point
Motorcycles, guns and tattoos are clearly wrong crowd indicators. I must run with a rough crowd. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Heaven forbid if you ride your motorcycle to a gun store.1 point
1 point
I guess I will continue to be in the wrong crowd as often as possible............ :up:1 point
It's certainly leaner than farm-raised pork, but it's a lot tastier! Raising pigs for the table is about as easy as any livestock can get, but you need good fences. Very good fences. Buried at least 3' deep & 4' tall. There isn't much a determined & motivated pig can't escape from. Also, they're not easy to slaughter. Mostly because in the time it takes to grow them from seed bacon to healthy eating weight, you'll bond with them. They have very individual & obvious personalities & it's very hard not to fall in love with the damn things.1 point
I wasn't hungry until I saw this posting. Hogs to me always = bacon. Ahhhhh Bacon.1 point
Look for oil leaks at the rear main seal and check the frame for rust, at the rear before the frame bends up for the axle.1 point
If I'm around I'm down for it. I travel a lot, but I live no more than an hour from several places in south Florida that have monster hogs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
Don't take it as being called out, take it as someone trying to look out for you.1 point
Keltec p32 for when you want a gun but don't want to feel the gun at all. 9oz loaded with 8 rounds. That said I carry my g43 all the time.1 point
And I have been wondering why my guns continue to rust when using this stuff. I guess I have been using it on the wrong gun the whole time. :) In all seriousness I think I have looked at it while in Walmart sporting goods but I never read the back. It is going to be hilarious when I ask the clerk to read me the instructions.1 point
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