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Absolutely. Vaccines are one of the greatest inventions in the history of mankind and there's no way I am going refuse medicine that saves literally millions upon millions of lives every year. Besides that, there are kids with cancer or that have received heart transplants and are taking immunosuppressants that are counting on all of us for herd immunity.8 points
7 points
Yes. Plus I am bringing in a nurse to the office to give them to all my employees if they want one.6 points
I already did. Whatever microchip tracking device the Government is putting into us, is already deep inside my arm by this point.4 points
This is impossible with modern flu shots. If your wife gets sick after getting the shot, she likely contracted the flu virus before or shortly after getting the shot. It takes a week or two to be effectively protected. My son caught it last year and this year. Last year he caught it before shots were available, and this year just before he was supposed to get it. Had he gotten the shot last week, he still would have gotten sick, and a lay person would attribute that to the flu shot. That isn't how it works. ETA: The vaccine isn't 100%. Not even close. So many people get the shot and get the flu anyway. This tends to be the argument for not getting a shot, which actually makes the flu spread even worse. If people would simply do a little research and accept that science holds more water than wives tales, we might save a few thousand lives this year.4 points
I say let her visit. There can NEVER be enough reinforcement of the consequences of "bad decisions". That goes not only for all people but especially those at that age.3 points
3 points
Wife and I will both have one. Seen too many deaths from influenza sequelae in the 55+ population (of which we are both members). TMFs observation about the "herd immunity" effect are quite valid.3 points
My wife and daughter already had their shots. My son was supposed to get his at school this week when they were doing them there. He caught the flu sometime last week and was down for 4 days. Neither my wife or daughter caught it from him. I know the perception is that the flu shot is not that effective when you just look at the percentages, but the more people who get the shot, the less it spreads. It's math.3 points
My MJ Looks a little different now with a Warrior bumper and Bushwhacker cut outs. [URL=http://s1170.photobucket.com/user/JeepMurphy/media/MJ/DSCN1643_zps5ttle2sn.jpg.html][/URL]3 points
I guess I will continue to be in the wrong crowd as often as possible............ :up:3 points
5/32" thick 1095 carbon steel with filework on the spine, Padauk scales and acid etched. It has a copper pin and lanyard hole. It's about 10 1/4" in OAL with a 5 1/2" blade. It's headed to Texas after Mark@Sea finished the sheath.2 points
If they would come up with a shot for East TN sinus issues, then I'd be first in line!2 points
2 points
A child should have access to both parents unless one or both are abusing them. Life is about ups and downs, the sooner she learns that the better. Besides, it's not like she is an axe murderer, she screwed up and is receiving the consequences; a good lesson me thinks.2 points
In general, people at Walmart are much more frightening than people at gun stores.2 points
What if an agoraphobic walks into a gun store? Would he still be the wrong crowd?2 points
Bad crowd? From what I have seen this crowd is made up of people who are responsible, honest, friendly, concerned with the evil in our world and government, willing to help those in need, but who happen to enjoy guns and like our founding fathers realize the need for guns in a free society. Bad crowd , if y'all don't mind I think I'll just continue to hang with y'all.2 points
Allow me to interpret their explanation into a REAL explanation.2 points
Just to add, over 30,000 of your fellow Americans will die this year from the flu. Many of them will be people with compromised immune systems who depend on herd immunity to protect them from contracting the virus. Since a good chunk of us here will get cancer at some point in our lives and will undergo chemo treatment, you might want to at least do some research on these vaccines to better understand them. I'm sure if your kid was getting chemo, your opinion on getting a simple vaccination would drastically change. http://www.healthline.com/health/flu-shot-side-effects#FluShots1 http://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/10-flu-myths2 points
"Does he throw holy water on you and see if you melt?" Now that's funny right there but I don't think he is looking for vampires, just Christians but with that in mind he might want to have a pet pig in the store while sale is going on or offer free pack of bacon with every purchase..................jmho2 points
Are you suggesting a Jewish person might lie about their faith in order to get that 5% discount? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
I've really heard the term "common sense gun laws" beaten to death in the past few days. I really believe that this phrase was coined to 1) insult anyone that does not agree with the proposed measures and 2) subtly convince the uneducated, uninformed and the fence sitters that going against the proposed measure would defy logic. I know that I am preaching to the choir here but only a fool would simply go along with any government proposal without examining the contents for themselves and drawing their own conclusions.2 points
I love their motto: "Eat in Peace." Because if they don't post, we'll come in like Yosemite Sam and blast the place up, just as has happened, what, zero times now?2 points
Close the gun store and rent the space to a "Massage Parlor" with a "Motel" next door. . . .1 point
Oh I could solve the national debt tomorrow, but I'd manage to piss off conservatives AND liberals alike ;)1 point
Here's a summary of CDC data encompassing the period 1976-77 through 2006-07. Excerpt: "A previous study (2) presented an average annual estimate of 25,420 influenza-associated respiratory and circulatory deaths during a 23-season period; this study estimated an average of 23,607 annual influenza-associated deaths using the same model but over a 31-year period. The findings in this report are similar to those of previous CDC studies (2,3) and other cross-decade studies that used similar models (4,7)." One thing you have to recognize is that true influenza infection results in widespread systemic effects:respiratory and circulatory most heavily affected, but you can also see renal, hepatic and even Central Nervous System (CNS) effects in some people. Therefore, the cause of death is more likely not "influenza" itself - it is a breakdown/overwhelming of one of the bodies primary systems (ie, pneumonia, cardiac/vascular failure, secondary infections (respiratory and otherwise) due to immunosuppression brought on by the overall degradation in health, etc). As earlier noted, true influenza infection is debilitating - you usually fell like you've been hit by a truck that then backed over you to see what he hit. Average recovery time for people otherwise generally healthy runs 3-4 days; if you have any kind of underlying health condition, that can double or more. This article provides estimates of the number of influenza cases, cases requiring medical intervention, and cases resulting in hospitalizations that were averted by the 2013-2014 vaccine (latest year for which data is compiled). During October 2013–May 2014, influenza vaccination resulted in an estimated 7.2 million fewer illnesses, 3.1 million fewer medically attended illnesses, and 90,068 fewer hospitalizations associated with influenza. In that vaccine year, the predominant strain was an influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 virus: H1N1 serotypes are generally associated with a lesser degree of hospitalization than the Influenza A H3N2 serotypes that have been predominant in most recent years.1 point
Masking tape is no match for fast moving bits. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk1 point
Dude you ain't lying...I feel like my head is about to explode. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk1 point
On the more traditional one first shown I think it would be handy to have the belt loops attached with only a single rivet on the bottom with enough space to swivel a bit. That way it would be possible to sit down easily without taking it off.1 point
Will not work for resizing lube. Additionally, you DO NOT want to use resizing lube in place of the astroglide. You can learn a lot in the TGO chatroom....1 point
1 point
Kydex with those high-end tomahawks. That's probably where I saw that. I wonder if you could do it with Velcro along the bottom? Pull the handle rearward and down and the bottom corner of the blade would pull through the Velcro.1 point
Motorcycles, guns and tattoos are clearly wrong crowd indicators. I must run with a rough crowd. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
For those of you that have Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gun-Free-Dining-144575962244929/timeline/ For those of you that don't: "GFDT will stop operating as of June 1, 2015. It has been difficult for us to continually update the changing policies of the hundreds of restaurants listed in our database, and to keep up with the many closings and new openings taking place in the restaurant industry. We want to thank all our supporters, and hope that you can all -- on your own -- ask restaurants that serve alcohol to post no-gun signs."1 point
The student clinic at my school has them already. I'm just going to knock it out when I go in for my annual checkup & blood work next week. If nothing else, I have to protect myself from all of you who don't get a shot.1 point
1 point
Ugh.... miss my Jeep. Poor decision making and no check from friends.... now I'm am Jeep'less To answer your question. They're pretty hard to kill actually. Look for big dents in the underside, bent things, take a few minutes and look at any fluids you can. If it's got carpet, look behind it to see if there's signs of being completely under water. There's other stuff that isn't that bad... but you can check to see if the hubs are gone, ball joints, etc....1 point
Should have listened to you on this one. There was already some loctite on the supplied screws. I thought that would be enough. Nope. I am starting to dial in the sight and wham, something hits me in the forehead. I thought it was a shell at first until I noticed the rmr was no longer on my gun. I guess I will go buy some loctite before I reinstall the sight.1 point
With bigger tires, I'd try to find one with a D44 rear axle. Look for signs of radiator and water pump leaks. I'm on my third radiator and 2nd water pump. The 4.0 motor is a beast. I've got a 2000 Sport myself.1 point
I think it looks Great. Maybe 2-loops a little bit wider to help distribute the weight.1 point
I best be quiet on this right now. Want to remain a member in good standings. All I have to say is make the Killing Fields Illegal and you should slow down and probably stop 90%+ of these type issues..................JMHO1 point
350 million guns, all the law abiding folks legally purchase, give away their privacy in the form of universal background checks, register their weapons and...mass shootings still occur. Next step sell the fact gun laws don't keep you safe from guns, begin confiscation since you know where to look. Guv'mint being so efficient and Americans being so law abiding,the get 90%...swords into ploughshares...victory! Except for the 35 million remaining in the hands of many BGs and of course, a disarmed population, which is the end game.1 point
1 point
Won't be a problem. I'd like to see 100 lever rifles in the classified; even if I was selling one as well.1 point
I find the whole argument ludicrous. Nature abhors a vacuum. ANY life that refuses to defend itself is culled at some point in time. The Natural right to self defense has pre-dated governments and indeed exists outside of government. It is an immutable and universal law, recognized in the Talmud, the Bible, in Lex Rex (1644), the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights, and even that decision is illuminated by the Federalist Papers numbers 28,29 and 48. I will not go where I cannot defend myself.1 point
1 point
If I'm reasonably well dressed and out eating I've started politely asking managers at places that are currently posted if they would like to change their mind to win a customer and get added to the "posted!" app as a non-posted alternative. I've had one business owner get angry b/c someone else had apparently stickered his business without asking him and one manager that removed the gunbuster while I stood there.(and it has stayed down) I've found that if they see the app and realize how easy it is for me to find a gun friendly alternative on the handy map and dine elsewhere(across the parking lot in some cases) that all of a sudden they don't so much like being on the list of restaurants I won't patronize. I've also talked to several that won't budge but I'm always very respectful of their opinions and thank them for taking the time to speak to a potential customer.1 point
I just looked up Crossville and Ruby Tuesday in town is posted. I have not been in there in a while, but I never noticed any signs before. I may have to swing by tomorrow and check the door and see if they posted since January when I was in last.1 point
What difference does it make if the feds know you have a gun? Do people really sit around in the dark stroking the stock of their gunshow bought AK thinking, They don't know about the precious...my precious. My God, no wonder the term "gun nut" is a negative connotation. We got a bunch 'tards acting like Sméagol.1 point
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