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Man, it's been rough hunting up this this past week. I didn't draw the area I wanted & am familiar with, but the one next to it. The weather had been wet, but unseasonably warm this year & the migration is still very sporadic. I've been glassing my eyes out trying to find any antelope! Of course in the unit I wanted, the damn things are everywhere.... I managed to connect yesterday late in the afternoon with a group of 8 & selected the biggest of the bunch. Touched off the 6.5 at (I'm guessing) a hair under 300yds & lost her in the recoil. I honestly thought I'd missed & she'd bounded away. Turns out I hit her perfectly in the mid-shoulder & dropped her on the spot. I have to report, the 140gn Berger VLD did an amazing job. Hardly any meat loss, no exit & her insides were soup. I was skeptical of a bullet that advertises the fact that it penetrates a couple of inches & then sheds it's jacket, fully fragmenting the core. That just sounded counter intuitive to me, but dang! This thing is devastating!4 points
Isn't it ironic that law abiding gun owners are being attacked by someone who should rightly be in prison on several different offences?4 points
Just because you are a true believe doesn't mean that you want to die. God says to die is to gain: however, I still worry for my wife and family. I'm not afraid to die, but I do fear how I die. You can't reconcile forgiveness because you can't think as God does. That's a hard thing for people to grasp, and they complain that God doesn't do what we think God should do. Well, we aren't God. Again, this isn't a good venue for this kind of conversation. This is best done face-to-face with someone who's well-grounded in the Bible; not religion. God isn't about a religion; he's about a relationship.4 points
This morning, i did the best thing you can do in times like this... I donated $100 to the NRA. Suckit Hillary Cunton3 points
There are two in the picture. The black one is on the right.3 points
So this idiot thinks “common sense gun laws” is allowing victims to sue all the gun manufacturers (who did nothing wrong) out of existence? What a POS.3 points
Went out this morning and seen 5 Hogs. Two of them went "Wee, Wee, Wee", all the way to the cooler. This little sow dressed at 150 pounds taken during a LEGAL hunt . Have a blessed day! Dave2 points
2 points
To add to what bersa said above (..Whom I heartily agree with, i might add...)..Check this out... http://www.onenewsnow.com/politics-govt/2015/10/06/author-predicts-obama-wont-rescue-hillary?utm_source=OneNewsNow&utm_medium=email&utm_term=16782169&utm_content=767823660253&utm_campaign=21615 i think this is very possible and i love it, one bunch of thieves and demigogues fightin with another... watchin leroy2 points
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Comms.... Gonna try ta answer your questions with stuff directly from your questions below; but first a bit of background.... Ive shot and reloaded for the sig for several years... Got a Glock 33 and a "compact" (...4 inch bbl...) glock with standard glock barrels... Here goes: Hope this helps a bit... leroy2 points
IMHO I am going to have to agree that the .308 is what you are looking at. .270 is also something to look at. The Winchester ballistics calculator shows that the .270 is flatter than the .308 with more energy and velocity at 200 yards. I shoot both and they are both great rounds, radially available and cheaper that the 7mm Rem Mag that I also shoot.2 points
I force any gun banner i know to read a form 4473 and then tell me what other groups of people should be restricted beyond those already prohibited Shuts down their common sense bullsheet real fast2 points
She's trying to appeal to her base. She doesn't tell the truth about stuff though, so her words are all meaningless. I'm sure she would go full throttle towards gun control if given the chance. That's what liberals like her do. I'm still trying to figure out why she is not running her campaign from behind bars. It's amazing to me that she is not only a player but the front runner. Crazy2 points
I'll be the one. Whenever you have an Easter egg hunt for adults that ends up with Ar15s and calling 911 for Deputy assistance, you have a stupid game. Sorry, my opinion only.2 points
Guns fire one way...someone or something pulls the trigger. If no one or no thing pulls the trigger then they do not go off. It is pretty simple. I have carried pretty much daily (unless I'm so sick I don't leave the house) for the last 20 years and have yet to have a gun spontaneously go off no matter what kind of holster it was in or where it was oriented. So in a minimum of 7000 days of carrying loaded guns on my person and spent the last decade teaching classes all over the country with people carrying loaded guns on their person and I have yet to see a single "spontaneous discharge" where a gun "went off" in the holster for no reason. I have seen "negligent discharges" occur while people were handling guns but never saw one go off while it was secured in a holster. You know whose guns just spontaneously go off in holsters? NOBODY's. You know whose go off when holstering ? People who holster with finger on trigger and people who shove the gun unto a holster that has shirt tail or the edge of the holster itself (in the case of the ultra worn broken down old leather holsters or ultra cheap nylon holsters) or some other obstruction inside the holster that contacts the trigger are the people who have guns go off while holstering. That is what causes guns to go off in holsters ....something (or someone) pulls the trigger as the gun is inserted. How do we make sure it does not go off while holstering? Use a holster that does not collapse when the gun comes out. Keep your finger clear of the trigger guard and slowly and carefully insert the pistol after making sure that there are no obstructions (clothing, jacket toggles or drawstrings, keys, etc) that can come in contact with the trigger. Once it is in the holster don't touch it and simply go about your business. As long as the trigger does not get pressed it cannot go off. Only you will be able to decide whether appendix carry is right for you. If it is then rock on. If it is not...then rock on. It doesn't effect anyone else how YOU carry YOUR gun (as long as you do it safely) so choose what works and go forth and be armed.2 points
Saw this on FB today, a possible cougar sighting (panters to you natives), moutain lions if you think its older woman: http://www.tn.gov/twra/news/18363 [URL=http://s963.photobucket.com/user/runco0318/media/panter_zpsr0ac4oue.jpg.html][/URL] TWRA Receives Photo of What Appears to Be Cougar in West Tennessee Tuesday, October 06, 2015 | 8:36am TWRA Receives Photo of What Appears to Be Cougar in West Tennessee NASHVILLE --- The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency has received a photo of what appears to be a cougar (mountain lion) taken on a trail camera on private land in Obion County in West Tennessee. The photo is being analyzed by photo/graphics experts. It was taken shortly after 8 p.m. on the evening of Sept. 20. The trail camera date was incorrect stating it was taken on Sept. 19. An investigation to solidly confirm the sighting is ongoing, although a TWRA official was unable to recover any tracks, hair or other physical evidence. Like all wildlife species in Tennessee, cougars are classified as a protected species which cannot be hunted or killed until a hunting or trapping season is established by the Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission, the governing body of the TWRA. States with breeding populations of western mountain lions are Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas. There have been documented sightings of cougars in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Connecticut, and Kansas. Biologists believe these sightings were young males leaving their home ranges in search of new territory. These males have been known to travel hundreds of miles. TWRA biologists assure Tennesseans that in the event of a confirmation of one animal it does not mean there is an established population. A cougar sighting could easily be attributed to a transient young male or an illegal release of a captive animal. ---TWRA--- - See more at: http://www.tn.gov/twra/news/18363#sthash.kjv6rTju.dpuf1 point
How much is too much to pay for one with no box, glock 19 gen 2? It come with 5 mags, 2 OEM, 2 KCI, 1 30 round KCI, with about 2k down the pipe It's in good condition and mainly stayed in this guys bedside drawer, but he's upgrading to a Sig P320. Glocks are crazy reliable but he's asking 375.00 and doesnt seem to want to budge on the price. Should I pay it?1 point
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Glad to hear it! Was afraid it would be a total failure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Throwing rocks is a good starting point building hand eye coordination1 point
Reminder! Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
I was glad to see on the news last night that the military and the Governor of Tennessee has authorized that all military recruiters will now be allowed to again carry weapons while on duty in the Recruiting Offices. This was something that never should have been stopped but it took the death of 5 military personnel to get it done. It should have been done back at the Ft Hood Shooting but like normal Federal Government policies it takes an act of Congress to get anything changed. Glad to see the change for the better................jmho1 point
"but no way do they let her drag the party down with an arrest and a trial that will own the headlines worse than Casey Anthony". They went after Will Bill for his lying to the Congress about Monica and he was President so what makes anyone think she is so untouchable? Gosh, I didn't think anyone could drag down the party worse than Obama has but I guess there are still a few that think it would I guess.. I think in all honesty the News Medias are drooling all over themselves just hoping they do serve papers on her. That would really give them something exciting to talk about. I don't know why a very close adviser and friend would tell her to hire a real good criminal attorney if they didn't see something coming at her...............jmho1 point
6.5 CM is nice, if I didn't have my .270 I would jump on it. As it is I am now wrestling with the decision of going .308 or 6.5 CM in a Rugger Precision Rifle. Right now the .308 is winning due to the amount of brass I have and bullet choices for reloading but since I have a Rem 700 in .308 the 6.5 would add a new caliber which is how I lean when looking at new guns so the wrestling match continues.1 point
Both. I actually prefer the UTG as it has more surface area but it has a tendency to come off. The solid, screw-on is fine as well but don't torque down the screws to hard. They are kind of cheap and there is nothing but a small washer for the screw head to seat on with only rubber underneath.1 point
NICE! I'm headed to TX to hunt them (at night) in a few weeks! Pigs are open season year round in TN as I understand, and land owners can get a permit for night time removal if their land qualifies. The twra said they caught a bunch of jerks bringing them in and setting them loose so that there would be hunting for them. I'd love to get a lease somewhere in TN where I could bust deer, coyotes, pigs, and birds.1 point
Nice Pig. I don't understand why TWRA regulates hunting them like they do. If they are such a problem why not allow you to harvest them year round any way possible?1 point
Personally, I can't imagine putting out an open internet invite to come to my property for any reason, especially in today's world . I've never had a lot of faith in strangers anyway, until they prove to me they are not a threat. I've met some really good people selling things on Craigslist, but some people have died doing the exact same thing. If I have something to sell now, I meet someplace very public now with lots of traffic like a racetrac or similar place, and I go armed to the teeth. I'd rid myself of any activity that results in me having to go outside armed to investigate and calling 911.1 point
Cool. I guess my second impression when looking at your load list was "Where are you getting home from with all of that?". I stumbled across a reasonably good blog a while back, written by a former Marine, that has an article you might find helpful while sorting out your kit: How To Survive It1 point
I like D.M. Bullard. http://store.dmbullardleather.com/all-in-stock-holster/bodyguard-1911- For off the shelve Desantis makes excellent holsters. http://www.desantisholster.com/THUMB-BREAK-SCABBARD1 point
Can't give you any great information on the .357 Sig round, only my impressions. I owned a Glock 32 for a while. Very accurate round. It really did seem to make me a better shooter. But I did find the muzzle blast to be pretty potent, and the felt recoil was a bit too sharp and snappy( highly accurate and descriptive terms, aren't they) for my taste. I traded the gun on a Sig P220 Dark Elite and found I actually preferred the Glock. Who knows? I'm weird. I now have a G24 in 40, and bought a LW.357 barrel for it. I find the round is still a bit much for me, but the noise, smoke, and fireball from it on a dimly lit range make it worthwhile. I don't shoot it much, but if I ever need to stop a ghetto cruiser...I'm ready.1 point
I best be quiet on this right now. Want to remain a member in good standings. All I have to say is make the Killing Fields Illegal and you should slow down and probably stop 90%+ of these type issues..................JMHO1 point
Don't take it as being called out, take it as someone trying to look out for you.1 point
You can have your own opinion, but not your own facts. And you can't spell Peyton. :) - Tee Martin was the QB of the national championship team. - Fulmer beat FL 3 more times after Peyton - Fulmer beat Bama 6 more times after Peyton - OS1 point
This one is made from 1/8" 1095 carbon steel and has black canvas micarta scales with yellow G10 liners with kydex sheath. It has jimping on the spine just in front of the handle and up near the point for better grip during skinning. It's headed to Minnesota to it's new owner in a day or two.1 point
We still need to press the issue of Constitutional carry but you're right about it having little chance of passing, but not impossible in the future. I still think the biggest barricade standing in the way of Constitutional carry would be the loss of revenue the permit system generates. Last I read there are about 480,000 active HCP's in the state and that was some time back, I bet it's close to 500,000 now if not a little more. Even if you don't count the $115 for the initial fee, 1/2 million paying $50 renewal fee to the state generates $25 million in revenue every 4 years. While that may not be much for a state government it's not chump change. I'm assuming the legislature can use that money for anything they want to, I haven't heard or read if permit revenue was specifically delegated to any one department. The number 1 motivator to most all politicians no matter what party they belong to is $$$MONEY$$$. Actually giving up a sweet source of revenue/money is probably one of the most offensive, horrible, evil thoughts a career politician can have. EDIT: Here you go.1 point
Several things to consider..... Ramsey has influence to a point... I think the reality is that Haslam is the problem, not Ramsey... More than that, Beth Harwell is a problem too, but for a different reason... I think Haslam is thinkin senatorial and presidential thoughts... He has to look reasonable to everybody on both sides of everything... Ramsey is, I believe, Haslam's "lap dog"... I think he is bought and paid for in as far as Haslam is concerned, and, as such, will not do anything that smacks of clashing with him on anything... Said another way, he is doin all he can within the constraints he has on him... Sadly, that is the state of politics most everywhere, everybody is beholden to someone... The fact is also that the Tennessee Board of Regents is made up of a bunch of rich political activists and donors... Not all of them see guns as the answer to this problem... The fact is that rich folks by and large run the gubmt, like it or not... This campus carry thing has a set of formidable adversaries and Ramsey aint the main one... To say he is is to ignore lots of things that simply can't be ignored... I think the "campus carry" thing will have to be decided in the courts... It lets the political class off the hook... leroy Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
Gen2 to me are what made Glock who they are. As long as the gun is clean and free from monkey business (trigger, stippling, coating, etc.), then that is a good price, even w/o the mags. You can figure $20 each on the OEM mag, $10 ea on the KCI and $20 on the KCI large cap, so you getting the gun @ $375 less the $40 on mags (gun should could with 1 mag), so $335 not a bad deal at all. If you buy, and get sick, and you are traveling to E. Tenn, I would be obliged to help a feller out to recoup their investment ;)1 point
Thanks Brothers, this Grandpa is very proud! Have a blessed day Dave1 point
I took the Grandsons out on the youth hunt (Cross Creeks) yesterday and all three tagged out in about 40 minutes. What an awesome day! (L) Tyler (second deer) (Middle) Adam First Deer (R) Devin second deer (First Buck) Tyler's doe went about 20 yards and the other two dropped where they stood with neck shots. We were about a mile from the truck and Grandpa and Dad got put through the paces getting the deer out! We have lots of work to do this morning. Have a blessed day Dave1 point
How does a senator who isn't an anti-gunner defending himself support any of those statements? They are all true (Sen. Boxer has a carry permit) but this story has nothing to do with hypocritical leftists. Not everyone with a D next to their name is an anti-gunner.1 point
I would redefine your purpose for the bag. I see a lot of good idea fairy stuff in there. If it is a get home bag you need to focus on that. If it is an always be prepared bag you are doing awesome! In my opinion you should be able to move 20 miles on foot in 5 hours over improved roads. Double that if you are going through "the woods". If it is a get home bag I suggest the following. Add a pair of hiking boots. +1 extra socks +1 TP Maybe a small bottle of bug spray. Small like 1 - 2 ounces. Get waterproof topo maps. They will cost you a few bucks, but are worth it. I would ditch the stainless cup, Nalgene and Platypus in favor of something like a Stanley Adventure 32 oz Multi-use bottle/cup. Or if you are a baller get a titanium one. I would ditch the filter and rely on tablets or bleach with boiling as a back up for water purification. I would ditch the candles or road flares in favor of chemical warmers like Hot Hands. Ever tried to control shock on the move with candles or road flares? I would ditch the fire steel and get more Bic lighters. If you are worried about redundancy pack two. If you are worried about water intrusion put the second one in a waterproof container. If you are worried about cold put it in your armpit before use. Then I would put a 9V battery and some steel wool in my pack as an alternate. Esbit cubes and stove is killer. I would ditch the poncho, tarp and bivvy in favor or a set of lightweight Frogg Toggs. I think you are well covered with chemlights, a headlamp and a spare flashlight. Good job. I would discard your entire PSK. Insect headset looks like a pain in the butt. I would ditch the para cord in favor of a spool of 40# braided fishing line. I would ditch the waxed thread. Zipties and Gorilla tape are bomber. N95 mask is a good idea. Write in the rain paper is cool. Ditch the pen. Add a pencil or two. Ditch the sharpener, use your knife. Cool knife sharpener, hard to imagine you would need to sharpen a knife after only a few hours. Ditch the entire REI bag except the compass and add a few more Cliff bars.1 point
If they are looking for someone to blame then they can look in the mirror for voting for the traitors who make such laws. I can't see how that can be done even in New York. I know the hassle and money it takes just to own a gun is probably not worth it to many but DA's have the same rights as any other private citizen, no more no less. Just once I would like to see a group like the DA's in Long Island strike and throw the system in chaos there. Sometimes that is what it takes. Also lawyers refuse to take their place but there's not enough with the guts to do that.1 point
I recognize your explaining how you handled a situation on your own property where you were armed with an AR-15 and slung it muzzle down across your back when you observed the police arrive. Firstly I'm glad no one was injured. Secondly you have drawn as large a target across yourself as possible and cannot see what you've done. My first advice is remove the cache from your yard soonest. My second is to never, I repeat never go outside of your house armed to confront or investigate an intruder, particularly if your spouse is calling the police to report same. Had one of those kids been shot by the police it would have cost you everything you own. Had the police shot you once they noticed you moving with a rifle they would have been absolved. I personally think geo caching is a good thing but young people and newcomers who are bored don't pay attention to the time of night. You are far luckier in what happened in this incident then you realize. Take the good with the bad and hopefully learn something yourself here.1 point
I can certainly imagine the gawdawful legal mess that could come down on the property owner if he shot someone who was essentially invited to his property in the first place via the geocache, even if the situation did somehow evolve into what would otherwise have been perhaps a legitimate self defense response. Just really grays the whole scenario up beau coup. - OS1 point
The only way to avoid the word game is to say all city, county, or state owned or operated property.1 point
My belly gets in the way for appendix carry. Plus I don't like it digging into my leg when sitting. I've found my favorite spot is about 3:30 or 4 o'clock, basically right behind my hip bone. Far enough back it doesn't dig in my hip, and enough forward it doesn't dig in my back when sitting in a chair.1 point
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