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I took the Grandsons out on the youth hunt (Cross Creeks) yesterday and all three tagged out in about 40 minutes. What an awesome day! (L) Tyler (second deer) (Middle) Adam First Deer (R) Devin second deer (First Buck) Tyler's doe went about 20 yards and the other two dropped where they stood with neck shots. We were about a mile from the truck and Grandpa and Dad got put through the paces getting the deer out! We have lots of work to do this morning. Have a blessed day Dave8 points
Getting my 5 month old grandson one next week. I was never aware of this until recently, what a bargain for $200.4 points
Some people justify abortion in their minds because they are told by pro-abortion folks the fetus is not really a life until it's viable outside the womb. They go on about their daily business since abortion was deemed legal by the courts. Taking something that anyone agrees is a problem but is disinterested in solving is drunk driving. Over 10,000 each year are killed by alcohol related accidents but were's the proportional outrage? It's crystal clear this is not about solving gun violence, it's all about disarming the general public.4 points
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So here was a college with about 3,000 students, multiple buildings, and ONE unarmed security guard to "protect" all of that?! And from what I've read there was a recent debate among the college administration on whether to employ "armed" guards and it was split 50/50 on whether to do so. They decided not to do so because "armed guards would change the culture of the campus." I think the culture of the campus is now changed forever.4 points
This one is made from 1/8" 1095 carbon steel and has black canvas micarta scales with yellow G10 liners with kydex sheath. It has jimping on the spine just in front of the handle and up near the point for better grip during skinning. It's headed to Minnesota to it's new owner in a day or two.3 points
It's projection - they can't wrap their brains around the idea that they might suffer random harm. Its this silly illusion of safety that the average liberal subjects themselves to and why they insist that the gubmint "do something• so they can feel all warm and safe. An abortion is a "choice" remember-so its a planned killing vs a random one.3 points
What I continue to find amazing is the hypocrisy in this country. 7-8 kids college kids are killed in this shooting and the left freaks out. Yet millions are aborted each year and the left defends planned parenthood. I really don't have that strong of opinion about abortion but I find this particularly frustrating.3 points
Finally got to take it to the range yesterday with a neighbor. My dad gave me his Sig 1911 C3. Absolutely awesome pistol. I am new to pistols, but this one is a dream to shoot. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48650659/Shooting/20151003_163531.mp4 Really grateful for this weapon. But now I need more. :D Brandon2 points
The beast finally got here. Here he is in all his glory. The 2nd pic is with his little brother, G20. Now I just have to decide what optic to buy.2 points
Found this today, whilst antelope hunting up in Wyoming. Perfect, un-chewed, unbroken 6 point.2 points
Stick a lens-looking thing on one of these and strap it to the same place. Problem solved. ;)2 points
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:) The silence is deafening here after dem Hawgs. I figger all the hard core fans are just too close to suicidal to post. :) - OS2 points
Last one I killed fell to 62gn from a .223 With any round, sub 2500fps, I'd be looking for a double lung shot & nothing else. Fast & light, go for the neck. Piggy's don't stand up well to any kind of hydrostatic shock near the spine.2 points
I can, without a doubt, say I would NEVER admit to be part of any group a killer is looking for. Honor and faith is good and all but I would rather keep my mouth shut and survive than proudly proclaim something that gets me killed. No way I would ever martyr myself if I had another choice.2 points
Two things I dread: (1) seeing pictures of myself and (2) telling folks about me. I'm not very pretty but may be interesting. I'll leave it up to your opinions. I'm a proud USAF and Air Guard veteran. I've driven the Alaskan Highway (Alcan) two times and lived in interior Alaska experiencing one of the coldest days in Alaskan history (January 30, 1989; -60 degrees F). During my military experience, I've flown in the following aircraft: OV-10A, F-16A/B, C130, C5, and C141. I've traveled to 11 countries and lived in five U.S. states. From the civilian side, I've obtained degrees from the two best SEC schools and been a supply chain manager going on 28 years working in many different industries and sizes of businesses. Currently, I manage global logistics and trade compliance for a company producing industrial and residential products. I look forward to learning more about guns, ammo, and whatever else the group wishes to discuss.1 point
Well, how about a relevant video ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgMXWRAedS8 This is why I always use a metal security box and cable lock....nothing is 100%, but I would have lost this camera, and several others through the years if I hadn't used some basic security. Shout out to http://www.camlockbox.com/ for great products....it's who I use, and I run over 27 cameras.1 point
I think with the difficulty we had getting the park carry law passed and signed into law shows the great difficulty we would have in legalizing carry in colleges and more so K-12 schools in this state with a handgun carry permit. You will never get college carry legalized in a Constitutional Carry law in this state. In roughly half the states you can carry on a college campus, with a license. Out of that half, maybe ten you can legally also carry in K-12 schools, again with a license. The politicians in this state somewhat tolerate the handgun carry permit system and like to throw a few crumbs toward improving it every so often so they get a vote. It is important to remember that the House Speaker and the Lt Gov/Senate Speaker could have never allowed a floor vote on park carry. The recent democratic house speaker never would allow floor votes on any bills that improved the handgun carry permit. I think you'd have a greater chance in dropping the 'no guns' signs penalties for people with permits and maybe college carry with permits before you would ever get Constitutional carry. With limited time during legislative session, that is what I would focus efforts lobbying for. Gun rights organizations just need to work the best way that they can with committee chairs and other key legislative leaders, especially with realistic bills that make sense in improving the permit system.1 point
Thanks R_Bert. Placed an order for my new camera tonight. I like the claymore idea. Bet TWRA would frown on that!1 point
The very best place I know of is The OK Corral in Woodbury. They have a three sided pit where you can go and let your inner Rambo let loose. It's a stretch, though you could go with a training partner, set up a few targets and train. Unless they've changed, The Nashville Armory allows shotguns. It has to be 00 buckshot and can't be steel. You might call ahead to make sure nothing has changed. One thing about The Armory - there is a line about six inches above the top of the target. If you shoot above the line it is $8 per hole, so you'll want to watch for that - though it would never be an issue if you are in control of your body and gun.1 point
Sorry for the loss of your father.... If they had been willed to me from my father there is absolutely no way I'd trade or sell any of them ever....1 point
Gen2 to me are what made Glock who they are. As long as the gun is clean and free from monkey business (trigger, stippling, coating, etc.), then that is a good price, even w/o the mags. You can figure $20 each on the OEM mag, $10 ea on the KCI and $20 on the KCI large cap, so you getting the gun @ $375 less the $40 on mags (gun should could with 1 mag), so $335 not a bad deal at all. If you buy, and get sick, and you are traveling to E. Tenn, I would be obliged to help a feller out to recoup their investment ;)1 point
You can always use the trick where you put out a cheapo camera as bait and have another well hidden camera close by to get pictures of the theif, just depends how bad you want to catch them and how much risk you are willing to take.1 point
Someone gets it, but liberals aren't the only "group" to subject themselves to that fantasy.1 point
Believe me, I will. This gun has a bit of a story behind it... I just really started getting to know my dad back in May (I'm 30), and we started because I found out he had been diagnosed with ALS. We are trying to make the most of what time he has left. The fun thing is that I am virtually his clone in many, many ways. I am also getting to know my two sisters through this process. All of the guns I currently own have come from a grandfather, my great-grandfather, my father-in-law, and my father. None of them will ever be sold. Brandon1 point
I waited till my boys and grandchildren show an interest in hunting and fishing before I spent the money and so far been lucky. All of them enjoy the sports of both Hunting and Fishing and bought my 10 year old grandson his last year and what does he do but a week after getting it, goes out and bags a 14 pointer................. :up: :up:1 point
Hozzie... Here's what you said in the first post.... Here's what you said on post #12.... Again... "No good deed goes unpunished"... There's no way for you to be satisfied... My point is that he, a "ratty polititian" is helpin all he can... Re-read this from post #11: RE: This... I got no problem with ya not believin... The First Amendment covers this as well... My point is that ya cant seem to leave it alone... Ya wear this "no god, no Christian thing" on your sleeve for a past time, and seem to snipe and whine about anyone that is... Looks ta me like the old "double standard" to me... While i'm on the subject; RE: ... "...completely ridiculous and offensive..."; i find the "no good deed goes unpunished" and the "Christian" thing "... completely ridiculous and offensive..." myself, so we are even now... We both think eachother are "completely ridiculous and offensive"... The point here is that ya cant seem to be placated nor satisfied... Ramsey stands up for a 2A issue and ya still bitch... Ya bitch more anytime the word "Christian" or "Judeo-Christian" is mentioned... That's the point... By the way, i never claim "victim status" and neither should anyone else... Thats what i think... We can agree to disagree on this but i reserve the right to have an opinion too.. leroy1 point
I'm continually amazed at the "no good deed (...or spoken truth...) goes unpunished in some quarters here... Ron Ramsey told the truth... My opinion is that it would have been better received if he had said "... Students should arm themselves..." instead of "....Christians should arm themselves..."... It's truly a fascinating phenomenon....I dont like career polititians any more than anyone else here does... I guess that ya could say im one of "...The Biggest Haters..." here... The sobering truth is that... A... He told the truth even though he is a "ratty polititian'... You need to take that at face value... B... The colleges are, in fact, a big lobby, and they have great influence and sway in this and other states... They get bowed to... Ramsey aint the cause of that, the idiot "educrats" are... They are the problem... not Ramsey... I cant help but think (...im very suspicious, ya understand...) that some folks who are vocally decryin this alleged "hyprocracy" on Ramsey's part; are really bitchin and are "repulsed" that he used the word "Christian"... Saying, in effect, that "Christians" are "lesser children" and, as such, are not "worthy" of saving... You know who you are... Remember this, the First Amendment allows for freedom of expression of religious beliefs (...or the lack of them...)... The Second provides that freedom of expression (...and all the ohers...)... That is all... watchin leroy1 point
My Daughter sent this to me last night...LOL https://youtu.be/_k1vO8aCCDY1 point
ramsey has proven to the citizens of TN, that he is no friend of gun owners. If his lips are moving, he's lying.1 point
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If a true military crimp is in place, it'll have to removed before re-priming, regardless of primer to be used.1 point
It's the file size for sure. I can post quite a few photo bucket pics in one reply because of how compressed the file is in photobucket. Mediafire has no compression "issue", but in turn you can post fewer pics per post with mediafire. Quality vs. Quantity is the tradeoff. Note the quality difference: Photobucket: Same picture using Mediafire, no compression. Compression kills quality.1 point
I used to carry Glock, then I carried an FN57, then I carried a snub 38 and kept a SW357 as a house gun. Not anymore. Gone back to 20 rounds. Times have changed. The Oregon shooter wore armor. It's going to take more than 5-6 rounds to take down an attacker who is set out to kill. Might take 12 rounds of suppression just to get a head shot. Nope, no more wheel guns for me. CZ P09 is my carry now.1 point
most devices let you adjust the image size so you don't take 10MB ++ images per click. Some more dumbed down devices refer to this as image quality (this isn't precisely wrong, but its not helpful to the user either). Very few images should use up more than 1/2 a megabyte for your general public show and tell when in compressed format (jpg, usually). Only if you NEED the extreme detail that allows you to count the threads in the clothing of everyone in the group picture should you have a 10-50 MB image. 1-5 MB is good for making an image that you intend to CROP for a high detail of something, for example if you were trying to show a small damage to a gun you were selling -- but you wouldn't post the entire image in that case, just the area of interest. Another setting that *some* devices have can control the jpeg compression. This varies from "lossless" (image is NOT damaged) low compression all the way up to pretty high (image is visibly distorted without zooming in). Middle settings have distortion when zoomed in for normal images (world around us) or a little distortion on specific image types (an image of text on a page, for example, stark changes in color with hard defined edges). So use a medium to high loss/damage setting for typical pictures of people and nature, and only use lossless for things with high detail and stark, un-natural color changes (no gradients between colors). So, as you can see, my approach to fixing the issue is to configure your device differently. Hope this helps?1 point
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hard to beat a j-frame for all your carry needs. I carried a model 36 for many mango seasons as my "bug" on my ankle while on the job. now with the lighter wheel guns it is easy to carry one. drop a speed strip in your pocket for one reload and all is well with the world. put on a tyler-t grip and the j-frame is even better.1 point
I know this is for information and updates but I don't know why we mention this coward's name. We are just giving him what he wanted: attention. Let the coward be forgotten and rot.1 point
As always, victim's likely last thought -- "I wish I had a gun". - OS1 point
....because my Ruger LCR is my only gun that will fit in my pocket.1 point
.... because it's lighter than my full size 1911 and conceals better in my summer wear.1 point
...because revolvers generally don't care if a less than optimal grip results in limpwristing. Revolvers don't care - and won't potentially fail to return to battery - if you have to jam them into an assailant's gut and pull the trigger (which, to me, is a more likely scenario than needing 15, 30, 45 rounds or more to resolve a 'serious social situation' as a civilian.) As long as the ammo is loaded to the correct length, revolvers don't care what the 'nose' profile of the bullet is, how large the HP cavity is or how sharp the boundaries of said cavity are as there is no feed ramp or similar for the ammo to hang up on. Any piece of machinery has to be maintained but revolvers don't care if you didn't get quite enough lube (or too much) on the slide rails because revolvers have no slide rails. No one is likely to accidentally forget to click the safety on a revolver off because there probably isn't a safety (I'm thinking of some single action .22 revolvers that do have safeties.) No one is likely to accidentally hit the mag release button and drop the mag in a revolver while nervous and under pressure despite spending lots of time in a calm, controlled environment training not to do so - because revolvers don't have mags to drop. Because I am neither police, military nor any, other personnel whose job may require them to move toward an assailant or group of assailants while accompanied by other, armed personnel who are similarly armed and who are on their side. The very fact that, in threads like this, there are always some folks who point out that revolvers can jam is, to me, a testament to revolver reliability. The instances of them jamming are sort of the exceptions that prove the rule in that case and are rare enough that people can mention them as specific occasions and/or specific guns. See, no one has to point out that semi-autos can (and likely will, at some point) jam, even if only due to an ammo issue or a magazine issue or a failure to clean issue or a failure to lube issue or a limpwristing issue or an issue of firing from an odd angle or...well, you get the point...because it happens so frequently with semiautos as to be almost a matter of course. Sure, clearing a semiauto jam might 'only' require a tap/rack but if your life is being immediately threatened then I doubt the assailant is just going to let you call a time out even for that two or three seconds the tap/rack will take - and certainly not long enough to allow you to change mags, etc. if the tap/rack doesn't do the trick. As for ammo capacity, well, if I am facing a threat so great and numerous that it is going to require 15, 30 or 45 rounds fired to stop the threat then most likely I am going to be dead before I run out of ammo. No matter how many rounds I have in my gun or on my belt I am only one person shooting one gun . If I am facing five or six armed assailants - meaning six people/six guns then all that ammo likely isn't going to make much difference. Now, do those factors stop me from carrying a high-cap semiatuo sometimes? Nope. Do I think semiautos are totally unreliable pieces of junk that are just waiting for the opportunity to get their owners killed? Nope. Do I think that the perceived 'advantages' of a semiauto over a revolver are often both overstated and over-rated when it comes to carry by a private citizen who is neither police nor military? Yep. Do I think that the advantages a revolver has over a semiatuo are likewise often ignored or under-rated? Yep. Do I think that both have relative advantages and disadvantages in comparison to the other? Sure. It's just that I believe that - again, when talking about carry by a private citizen for personal protection - the odds favoring one over the other work out to be just about even with personal preference, amount of practice with a particular platform, natural ability with a particular platform and similar, individual factors being more important than which platform is chosen.1 point
The front and rear extra large cocking serrations are interesting and look very functional1 point
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