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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2015 in all areas

  1.   "Ask a Russian engineer to design you a shoe, and he'll give you something that looks like the box the shoes came in. Ask him to design something that will slaughter Germans, and he turns into Thomas F##king Edison." - Neal Stephenson
    4 points
  2. The tinfoilhattery around here has reached epic proportions. Stop it.
    3 points
  3. The beast finally got here. Here he is in all his glory. The 2nd pic is with his little brother, G20. Now I just have to decide what optic to buy.
    2 points
  4.   Well I couldn't go see him today, I had to watch Gilligans Island, the episode where they almost got rescued and Gilligan messes it up and Mary Ann walks around in tight shorts.
    2 points
  5. Russians "firing it up @ 4:20"  That explains a LOT.  
    2 points
  6. Being in Franklin, you guys are almost guaranteed to run into Voldemort.  I wonder how he'll choose to be arrested.
    2 points
  7. Who else was rooting for the bear to take her pepper spray away from her and spray her with it? :D
    2 points
  8. Maybe we need to all bombard him now with his hypocracy on 2A and being able to carry anywhere.   http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/10/03/tennessee-lt-gov-ron-ramsey-says-fellow-christians-should-arm-themselves/?intcmp=hpbt2
    1 point
  9. Radio host Ralph Bristol will be making his fourth stop on Uncle Ralph’s “The 2nd Amendment IS Homeland Security” tour. This stop will be hosted by State Sen. Jack Johnson, and features entertainment by Adam Pope and Taylor Bennett.    “The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security,” is a family-friendly, inspirational, patriotic program with original music, history, personal stories, humor, love, grief, courage, anger and maybe even a dash of wisdom.   The public is invited and there’s no charge. Parking is plentiful. Feel free to bring lawn chairs. Get comfortable, enjoy the entertainment, and connect with 2nd Amendment practitioners and the people who know them best.   Reveille is 10-hundred hours on the 10th day of the 10th month of 2015.   Follow the tour on Facebook at “The 2nd Amendment IS Homeland Security"   Saturday, October 10th, 10:00am Williamson County Administrative Complex 1320 W Main St Franklin, Tennessee 37064
    1 point
  10. I am back home and probably will not be inside the city for another 15 years. Locking the thread.
    1 point
  11. Ah, industrial military complex. Peace and Co existence is bad for business.
    1 point
  12. LOL, I have been saying OBL was dead long before BHO stood at the podium and announced we got him. Like I have said before more than one person at more than one location and at more than one time told me it was believed OBL died of typhoid in 2005-2006 in the Tora Bora region. If that is true I am not sure why there would be a need to kill a bunch of SEALs to cover it up if OBL was not killed by them. If our administration wanted to they could have just said a team of SEALs killed OBL and left it at that.   BTW, where are you getting the information that all the SEALs on the OBL raid were killed?   I do not believe our government would kill a bunch of SEALs to cover the OBL raid up. I do not believe that OBL was killed in a raid or even by gunfire and when BHO announced it, and we did not have a body, my stomach turned. The reason is if the reports that he died of typhoid in 2005-2006 were wrong OBL could still be alive. And imagine the support OBL would get after BHO told the world we got him then OBL showed up at Mecca and proclaimed he has risen after being killed by the great infidel. I can guarantee if that did or does happen all the Muslim in the world will unite under him.   What I find troubling about the whole OBL thing is there is not a single piece of evidence to come out proving OBL was killed or is dead. Something else, there was a question as to the identity of the person that was killed. The reports were they did not have a tape measure to identify him. Seems to me that he would be easily identified by anyone who is on the raid but they needed a tape measure to identify the body.   No one will ever convince me that not a single person took at least one photo of him between the time we got him and lost him. And that brings up another question, why the hell would we bury at sea the most wanted man in the country and likely the world? We are not the only country looking for him so when we said we dropped him in the sea I am sure a lot of allies were at least thinking WTF did we do that for.
    1 point
  13. They forgot to show all that Russian firepower missing the target, hitting civilians, and the Russians claiming they got what they wanted anyway.
    1 point
  14. Does he realize that had this incident had happened at a Tennessee college, that there would have been a good chance of no one carrying even if they had a HCP?
    1 point
  15. So he is an opportunist. Capitalizing on the moment. To bad there doesn't seem to be anyone out there that represents interest other than their own.
    1 point
  16. Old hat story, but the space pen developed by nasa cost like a million to develop. The soviets used a pencil.
    1 point
  17. There was a cabin behind her, not a tent.
    1 point
  18. I don't see a handgun and spare ammo in there.
    1 point
  19. Cheap O LPK that came in it.  8.5 barrel  No last round installed till they perfect it   Going to get there GLF lower as soon as QCTen gets there stuff together for 10mm.
    1 point
  20. what a craphole that guy lives in
    1 point
  21.   Life membership only removes the renewal notices.  You get the rest of it, if not MORE of it, afterwards.   I think I will stop there before I say what I really think about the current leadership/behavior pattern.
    1 point
  22.   Also, his voting record apparently wasn't notably anti- gun. That somehow became a convenient meme somewhere along the way. NRA gave him A's and B's over his last decade in office.   - OS
    1 point
  23. Not sure if any of you all follow this guy's videos but they are hilarious. Here's his latest:   ***LANGUAGE WARNING***   https://www.facebook.com/ozzymanreviews/videos/937614109607790/?pnref=story
    1 point
  24. And he has yet to say a peep about the soldiers that just died in the c130 crash. I think he is going to go full throttle on this one, knowing he missed out on Sandy Hook, getting towards the end of his term too. More info needs to be leaked to fight off the barrage that is about to come towards us. I think they're going to try and act quickly before the full story gets out.
    1 point
  25. That would be called Planned Parenthood.
    1 point
  26. If you don't think Hillary would have someone knocked off, you need to read up on the trail of dead bodies of people she and Bill dealt with back in Arkansas.
    1 point
  27. Seems to be falling out of the news quickly as it turns out to be a 26 year old Muslim shooter. I totally tuned this out yesterday as I knew the talking heads were just shouting theories yesterday with no proof.  I don't want to want talking head soap operas.  I expected the story to change several times before any real information would be available.   The news and anti's where hoping for a semi normal person that snapped, however they got a Muslim shooter so they are now wanting to bury the news story with nothing to see here.     That is why I am late to even post in this thread.   Now the news barely even wants to cover the story of Chris Mintz.  I bet he doesn't get invited to the White House for a meet and greet with Obama.
    1 point
  28. I'll add one - if the boss is in your way, kneecap him & leave him for the paramedics.
    1 point
  29. Capitol said same price at their Springfield store,not close enough for me but if your near them.
    1 point
  30. "I crap in your general direction"
    1 point
  31. Poke the bear...Pay the price. Gosh...what a whiney female.
    1 point
  32. I wonder what would have really happened if those two Armed Vets would have made it to where all this was taking place rather than being herded into a classroom. I don't think if it were me I would have allowed the teacher to herd me into a room. I would have pulled my weapon and continued on to try and end what was going on. The last thing a shooter would be expecting in a GUN FREE ZONE is a trained guy with a gun. They said the school had one UNARMED Security Guard. I wonder what closet they found him in? i have said it a couple times in the past and I will say it again. Just one or two times is all it would take for an active shooter to enter a GUN FREE ZONE with plans of killing people only to find a couple Sheep Dogs popping caps in their a$$ taking them out and ending their Rampage as fast as it began. If there are fewer soft targets for these crazies to choose from there will be less of them taking place...............jmho
    1 point
  33.     Amen.  I can't fathom just standing there and taking it.   F that.  You might get me, but I'm not gonna make it easy.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yid-CW-O9Qw             That's the law in TN.  Oregon may or may not have a similar law. 
    1 point
  34. This year, I show no mercy. [URL=http://s75.photobucket.com/user/whiskey101/media/50cal.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  35. Season 1 was pretty good.  I have Season 2 in my Netflix cue, but no idea when I'll actually get around to it.  James Spader is one of my favorite actors, and delivers in this show.  Also, Megan Boone is isn't hard on the eyes. ;)   Recommend it if you want some entertainment, but start from Season 1...this isn't a show you can jump into anywhere.
    1 point
  36. Great find buddy! Like you, I love the old tube fed rifles.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38.   When there are no more crazy people with crazy motives?   - OS
    1 point
  39.   I'm betting it's not the gun. Dinky little grip. Even Hickok45 had a problem pulling his shots, and he's real good at it.
    1 point
  40. I got one of them from SOG.  Here's a link to some pics once cleaned up:   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/91166-my-sks/
    1 point
  41. I have no doubt you could make either work but neither is optimal for the 10mm   To get the best performance you're gonna need something slower like AA #7 or #9   Not to mention meter much better than those Unique corn flakes.    
    1 point
  42. Was randomly browsing gunbroker, and ran across this and bought it on a whim.... It should be in next week! Swedish Ljungman AG42 in 6.5x55 WIll post range report when I get the chance, I've heard good things
    1 point
  43. Did I say Christmas? These four are for one of my clients. The White scaled knife is for himself, the Buckeye Burl is for his father. The brushed Camo (striped) is for his Father- in law, and the red is for one of his buddies!! Should be a good Christmas!!
    1 point
  44. Bushnell TRS-25 or the Vortex are nice.
    1 point
  45. Nice, the 1,000 ways to dress up your SKS.  Guns are really mans version of Barbie dolls, we can dress them anyway we want. :up:
    1 point
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