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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2015 in all areas

  1. If he's gonna stand me up and ask, he better ask quick. Like was mentioned by someone else, I don't play lamb to slaughter very well. I may well die, but even if I'm unarmed I still have every intention of cramming my pocket knife or a pen or pencil or my thumb through your eye and into your brain and we can go meet God together. It's good to stand strong in faith, and I honestly don't know if I would say yes, but I'm probably gonna be thinking more of hurting him then trying to figure out the answer that nut job wants. I have no issue dying as long as I try and hopefully succed in taking that sonofabitch with me. I know where I stand with my God. Sent from behind the anvil
    8 points
  2. 10-15 people killed in one spot = national news. Same killed Every weekend in chicago...
    6 points
  3. This may sound old, too simple or general but every time something like this happens, my first thought about "why" goes way back to when I really believe we lost our moral compass.  We quit teaching our children responsibility and accountability.  We took morals out of our schools and instead of supporting our teachers ability to maintain civility and control in their classrooms, we started sueing them for looking at our kids sideways.   If I got spanked at school, I got spanked again when I got home.  No questions asked.      Our system of values went to "there is no absolute right and wrong".  We look for someone to blame for our woes.  It is no longer OUR OWN fault.   When I was young in the late 50's and 60's, my father had firearms in the house.  I was a small, skinny, nerdy kid who was bullied.  But I NEVER, EVER gave any thought of taking one of my fathers guns to school to "settle the score".   I know I am preaching to the choir here, but folks is isn't the guns.  My dad's guns were never locked up but I knew they were not toys and were not to be played with or touched. 
    4 points
  4. Apparently the answer to the age old question is, "Not always."
    3 points
  5. The comments are great.
    3 points
  6. I know this is for information and updates but I don't know why we mention this coward's name. We are just giving him what he wanted: attention. Let the coward be forgotten and rot. 
    3 points
  7. At what point would you begin to believe this crap is staged? :mad:   Either way, it's tragic for sure.   My children are about to inherit one screwed up world.
    3 points
  8. I've had a Fenix PD35 for 3-4 years now. Throw is around 200 yards at highest setting of 850 lumens. South off $100 too  :up:
    3 points
  9. LMAO     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU5cMZymSr0
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. That would be called Planned Parenthood.
    2 points
  12. If you don't think Hillary would have someone knocked off, you need to read up on the trail of dead bodies of people she and Bill dealt with back in Arkansas.
    2 points
  13. I have the X products Side Charge 9mm and its pretty slick. Its mounted on a QCTen lower AR pistol. I prefer it to the SIG MPX with the typical AR rear style. Makes it closer to the MP5k that I am use to that I can no longer afford :rofl: [url=http://s738.photobucket.com/user/llsvegas/media/IMG_1438.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  14. You guys can’t be serious? This is a Hoax or was planned, and Sandy Hook didn’t happen? I would hate to admit that I had so much hate in my heart for my government that I would think they planned or participated in any of this. Obama is a low life for using this and the past events for political gain; but involved? That’s ridiculous. Common sense should tell you how many people would need to be involved and keep their mouths shut; it just isn’t possible. It makes us all look ridiculous when the discussion goes that way.
    2 points
  15. Fucking white people.
    2 points
  16. Manufacturers can tell which wholesaler/distributor the gun went to based on S/N. The wholesaler can tell which retailer they sent it to. After that (in theory) it's a paper file hunt through the 4473s at the dealer.
    2 points
  17. Dave is at home recovering from surgery, but it's gonna be a long road to full recovery. He's in good spirits, though.
    2 points
  18. I thought that exact thought today.  Some say I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, I say they are crazy for not taking the conspiracy into consideration.  I've said it once and I'll say it again I don't think what we were told happened at Sandy hook was what actually took place at Sandy Hook.  I'll say the same about several other shootings as well.
    2 points
  19. Well, the timing has been impeccable with news cycles. We don't need to know what Vladimir Putin is up to....hey! look over here!!!!!!   Ginning up support for gun control is just a side benefit if it happens.   Obama didn't wait but a few scant hours before he began his tirade of lies and propaganda. He has no friggin' class.
    2 points
  20. I wonder what would have really happened if those two Armed Vets would have made it to where all this was taking place rather than being herded into a classroom. I don't think if it were me I would have allowed the teacher to herd me into a room. I would have pulled my weapon and continued on to try and end what was going on. The last thing a shooter would be expecting in a GUN FREE ZONE is a trained guy with a gun. They said the school had one UNARMED Security Guard. I wonder what closet they found him in? i have said it a couple times in the past and I will say it again. Just one or two times is all it would take for an active shooter to enter a GUN FREE ZONE with plans of killing people only to find a couple Sheep Dogs popping caps in their a$$ taking them out and ending their Rampage as fast as it began. If there are fewer soft targets for these crazies to choose from there will be less of them taking place...............jmho
    2 points
  21. I always wonder why this happens. Its one guy against say 20-30. If they were trained to rush the shooter? Less casualties?   I can't really add anything of value here. I was growing up in the the early 60's and the percent of households owning guns was higher than today. Inner cities were a mess like they are today. Mass casualty events like school shootings were very rare.   The culture and moral compass of the United States has changed. Political correctness, abortion, music, politics, Americas standing in the world, the quality of leadership and a million other things have contributed to where we are now. And bastards like this POS who killed these kids seem to be everywhere.  Sorry for the rant.
    2 points
  22. Oh and don't think my statement before means I would stand idly by as I watch others die. I can guarantee I would fight to the death to prevent me, or anyone else, from being murdered.   This is why you must ALWAYS have a means to defend yourself no matter where you are.   No matter what people may think you cannot talk your way out of something like this.
    2 points
  23.     Amen.  I can't fathom just standing there and taking it.   F that.  You might get me, but I'm not gonna make it easy.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yid-CW-O9Qw             That's the law in TN.  Oregon may or may not have a similar law. 
    2 points
  24. This year, I show no mercy. [URL=http://s75.photobucket.com/user/whiskey101/media/50cal.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  25. Anytime a politician uses the phrase 'common sense', I know it's all B.S. and I tune out.
    2 points
  26. They will still spin it to say we need to ban these "killing machines with ghost mag clips that go bang and shoot 700 bullet casings a second at high range very much speed!" Honestly this administration can get bent. All this PC crap, no one wants to take responsibility. This puke was probably on some sort of drugs because he was "depressed" Sally Rottencrotch wouldnt grease his chicken or had "ADHD" because he butt-chugs Monsters or Red Bulls. Then they will blame it on "big pharma" on the NRA, on Our Lord or on Donald Trump. The bodies arent even cold yet and fucktards like the Huff Post, Vice and our Salafist-In-Charge are politicizing it. Gun laws dont work. I have seen more NFA weapons growing up in the Bronx than legally. Every weekend someone I know has a another aquaintance that gets killed by someone and it doesnt even make the NY Post Obituary section. America is TOO used to blaming everything and everyone else, not taking responsibility and trying to make a political campaign about it. Fucking vultures. They can get fucked. Sorry in advance, but stuff like this pisses me the hell off. Prayers to the families and loved ones. ...Except the ATF agents there. Because the ATF can also get bent. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  27.   Took the words out of my mouth. Did not wait 1 min to turn it political. What a POS!
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29.   As always, victim's likely last thought --  "I wish I had a gun".   - OS
    2 points
  30.   Oregon AG says shooter in highest custody of all, ie dead.   - OS
    2 points
  31.   Carry permit secondary -- he simply needed a GUN!   - OS
    2 points
  32. Complaining that Franklin Gun overcharges is like complaining about a politician telling a lie. You know'd that before you went in that place. Won't surprise me a bit one day when they start charging a cover charge to walk in the door.
    2 points
  33. Radio host Ralph Bristol will be making his fourth stop on Uncle Ralph’s “The 2nd Amendment IS Homeland Security” tour. This stop will be hosted by State Sen. Jack Johnson, and features entertainment by Adam Pope and Taylor Bennett.    “The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security,” is a family-friendly, inspirational, patriotic program with original music, history, personal stories, humor, love, grief, courage, anger and maybe even a dash of wisdom.   The public is invited and there’s no charge. Parking is plentiful. Feel free to bring lawn chairs. Get comfortable, enjoy the entertainment, and connect with 2nd Amendment practitioners and the people who know them best.   Reveille is 10-hundred hours on the 10th day of the 10th month of 2015.   Follow the tour on Facebook at “The 2nd Amendment IS Homeland Security"   Saturday, October 10th, 10:00am Williamson County Administrative Complex 1320 W Main St Franklin, Tennessee 37064
    1 point
  34. With this cold front rolling in I'm really regretting not participating in archery season.  I think anyone that has a half decent spot should see some deer this weekend.
    1 point
  35. Poke the bear...Pay the price. Gosh...what a whiney female.
    1 point
  36. "Were there a shooting at our local school, I cannot fathom tearing the entire building down. It just doesn't make sense"      When the Government has something to hide they will not hold back anything to cover it up.
    1 point
  37. I agree with Lumber_Jack, it's gotta be after rush hour traffic. I know that's rough on some of the old folks that go to bed when the sun goes down, LOL.
    1 point
  38. Then there's this guy. Don't know exactly what he did or if his actions made any difference at all, but he wasn't going down w/o a fight. Hope he pulls through.   http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/oregon-college-shooting/oregon-shooting-heroic-veteran-chris-mintz-was-shot-7-times-n437291
    1 point
  39. Exactly. Statistics are used to show how unsafe those cities are because of the gun bans. Fact is Memphis is always at the top of the list (usually only beat out for the #1 position by Detroit) and it doesn’t have gun bans. Statistics are manipulated to show whatever the user wants to show. Many times they are simply made up. Both sides of the gun issue do it. I stand by one of the only true facts I know. The only way to stop an active shooter is with another active shooter.
    1 point
  40. I can, without a doubt, say I would NEVER admit to be part of any group a killer is looking for. Honor and faith is good and all but I would rather keep my mouth shut and survive than proudly proclaim something that gets me killed. No way I would ever martyr myself if I had another choice.
    1 point
  41. If you don't mind a SAO the Sig P238 is hard to beat. Great trigger, short reset, easy to rack (especially one handed) and very small. Only down side is it does have a manual safety that needs to be disengaged before firing. With you coming from a Glock it might not be the best choice though because it would require a lot of time training to get your muscle memory to remember to disengage the safety before firing.   Why not just get a Glock 42?
    1 point
  42. It's not so much that they would, but they can't. TN law says if you are involved in a justified shooting, you can't be charged with intent to carry.
    1 point
  43. Great 'lil home defense & occasionally throw-in-pocket during the summer months is my Model 36 "Chief's Special". Timeless J-Frame, nickel-plated w/ some stopping power, if needed. Plus the lady can have it in her purse/bag or just in her glove box / console. Very, very versatile. Still going strong ... not a new one, this one is from the early-70s.
    1 point
  44.   He did what he felt he needed to do.  I'd be politicizing it in his place, just for the other side.  Even if I don't agree, and know his statements were misleading, I'm still not upset he said them.  This thread got political at post #10, so why should we expect an actual politician to behave any differently?   It's just the world we live in.
    1 point
  45. I just had a blast on Facebook. Posted this...   Obama is on TV selling guns again.   And then, one of my Libtard buddies from Chicago posted this...   sooner or later America will wake up and stop putting these killing machines in the hands of crazy people.....even though your NRA will do everything possible to see that they can get them...    And then it was on! There was a TGO'er or two in the fray, and even more gun guys from across the country. I love Facebook! :)
    1 point
  46. All of these terrible incidents are the reason that college campuses should all campus carry. Just think how quickly this scum could have been killed and how many people's lives would have been saved if someone would have had a gun. Every shooting is just more reason for everyone to carry a gun.
    1 point
  47. One report I just read said that a student, who was in one of the classes, saw the professor get shot in the head and then the shooter ordered everyone to the ground and had them stand up one at a time and state their religion. If that is true, this story is going to get very interesting.
    1 point
  48. Again, this amazing site comes through to help someone. I've never been a member of a forum with such a diverse ability to help it's members. This is truly a very special place. :up:
    1 point
  49. American Rifleman is their "general topics" publication. It has handguns, long guns, historical pieces, and political stuff (ie Send us more money before Obama takes youre guns!!!OMG!!!WTF!!!BBQ!!!). I suspect that last part is in all of their magazines.
    1 point
  50. This^^^^. I was going to say it, but it's already been said.
    1 point
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