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Absolutely 100% this. I consider myself a nonviolent person and do my best to arrange my life by the NAP (non-aggression principle). That said, once violence is justified, it is justified. Proportionality is a losing game. If you have to get into the fight, you don't use just enough force to end this fight, but as much as you think you need to end the next one and the one after that as well.7 points
My father taught me and I teach my children to take up for those who can't always take up for themselves. That being said, I would be proud if my so got suspended for stepping up in that situation.6 points
respectfully disagree .. the other guy isn't pulling HIS punches. You hit them as hard as you can as fast as you can until they surrender. He wasn't suspended for how hard he hit. All fighting is equal punishment. You gonna get kicked out if you fight. This is just because schools have given up and decided to ban everyone for everything, whether its eating a pop tart or hauling a box of wires and bombish looking stuff into the room, or getting into a fight, wearing clothing that the teacher does not like, and more. Its wrong, but that is how they do it because making an intelligent decision requires thinking, and thinking isn't encouraged. Thankfully suspension is harmless... unless you have like 50 of them ... you miss what, 1 week of class, which is like 15 min worth of catching up in actual material?5 points
Given the info and circumstances as presented, Cody did the right thing. Sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do; and maybe suffer the consequences.....unfairly. IMO he has my support. Sounds like a solid kid in the interview.5 points
In that situation I see no issue with the kid standing up for someone who cannot. As far as hitting him so hard, F'em. He's damn lucky it was only one punch. I think multiple would be warranted. But one punch was enough to end the situation and he had enough control to stop at that, good for him.3 points
Turtle 1 just flipped turtle 2 onto his back. Kind of a dick move if you ask me.3 points
3 points
We are now building the list. I wanted to file it, and am fleshing out the requirements as we go, I am not an attorney, but I am interested in getting to the point where we can be effective with the suit (I am seeking council as this progresses). One would think that he was among compatriots here, not before the bench yet. As you can tell from the thread, I am working my way though this, and as always, seeking interest is the first order of business in my mind. You want to file, jump in and have your own way.3 points
You know why you always take more than one church of Christ guy fishing with you, right? Because if you only take one, he'll drink all your beer.2 points
I found out last December I had type 2 diabetes and they put me on medications for it. I went on the diet they recommended and most of the foods taste like cardboard. I dropped about 25 lbs. I have had High Blood Pressure as it is hereditary in my family for most of my life. My body was destroyed back in 78 when I got pinned between a brick wall and run away pickup truck with no driver and doctors said about 60% of the bones in my body were either broke or fractured. Was operated on 4 times in less than a week just to keep me alive. Spent from April 17th till middle of November in St Thomas Hospital. Doctors told me I should have been killed with all the damage my body received. I no longer have a spline among other things I use to have. They told me that I would probably recover well till about 50 and then my bones would begin reminding me about that truck every day and rainy days would be worse. Well, it actually began to show up really a lot at age 55. If I walk to the mail box in front of my house and back without a cane I have to stop and rest because my body is hurting so bad. I have a great GP doctor and she tells me I need to exercise more and I raise up my right hand and open and close it 5 times into a fist and she laughs and says "Don't over do it". She knows I can't exercise but I can walk. I can walk into Walmart and take a cart and walk all over that store for hours pain free. Same with Krogers so that is how I exercise weekly. I do shop at Krogers but I just walk at Walmart. Now with all of that said. I wake up each morning morning and stick my finger and test my blood sugar before eating and coffee. My sugar has been in the safe range since I came home from hospital in December and went on the cardboard diet. Since i am somewhat of a chance taker and always have been I began moving away from the cardboard diet and went back to eating many of the foods I enjoyed before they told me I was diabetic. Since June I have been back almost 100% of my old diet and my sugar levels have actually dropped about 15 to 20 points below the cardboard diet every morning. I spoke with my doctor about it and she said as long as I don't gain the weight back I should be just fine. I gained back 1 pound is all. I am 67 years (young) old and according to the surgeons that have spent time walking around inside my body 10 times now including last January repairing things I should not even be here. I figure well if I should not be here but still am GOD has something in mind for me and I will be here until he punches my number so I am going to enjoy it while I'm here as best my body will allow me to............jmho........... :up: :up:2 points
So what happened to the POS that was beating the blind kid? Did him and his friends standing around that did nothing to stop it go to jail? We should be celebrating that a bully that would beat a blind kid got his azz severely beat and is in jail. Not feeling good that the person that stopped this criminal wasn’t suspended from school.2 points
Just read that Cody Pines did not get suspended. Not trying to be funny at all but it's ironic that the blind kid never saw it coming and neither did the bully. Nice job Mr. Pines.2 points
What's disappointing, but not surprising, is the number of kids just standing around watching.2 points
What happens when your number is "outside the reference range"? I do have a question though. Who the hell is this guy, in a white lab coat, standing in the corner of my bedroom holding one of those handheld tally counters. He seems awfully interested in my courting and mating habits. I do find it strange that he is wearing a TGO hat. I have tried talking to him but he just hides behind the curtain when he thinks I have seen him.2 points
2 points
For a primary carry; none. If I didn't have the money for a S&W or a Ruger it would be Charter Arms. I haven't seen or held a $200 Rock Island revolver but I'm guessing its not near on par with a S&W or a Ruger. If you are looking at J frame sizes, that means its a belly gun, not a range gun. Your life may depend on it; go with the proven performers.2 points
2 points
First, this wouldn't have been possible without Mikes help (Lawenforcement sales). Big thanks to him for all the help he's given me and work he's done. Next: I just finished it. (Still needs to be coated and that's it). ran some blanks through it and she worked perfect. Next, live ammo. Hopefully next weekend. Or I'll head up to strategic edge Monday or Wednesday to try it out if I have free time.1 point
I know there are several other folks here who also use TT Gunleather holsters. They have been a staple of mine for about 12 years now, and whenever I buy a handgun that I know I might carry, an order would go in to Tim Thurner for a new piece of leather to go on my hip. I have an order pending with them right now that should be about to ship so I checked their web site to see what orders were completed and going out now, and learned that just this past week they lost everything to a wildfire that swept through the valley where their home and shop was. The pictures of the devastation were horrible, as Tim and his family escaped with the clothes on their back and the family pets that they were able to quickly herd into the car. They've posted that they will rebuild and be back in business, but for now they are having to pick up the pieces and try to reassemble their lives. Terrible stuff. http://www.ttgunleather.com/ https://www.facebook.com/TTGunLeather-192428270824098/timeline/1 point
1 point
Cody Pines should get an award IMO. We need more kids like him. Warning: Violence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO9A-yn0Ob41 point
Congrats on moving to your new permanent site. Hopefully it will lead to growth and a great positive influence on the community.1 point
Using a drill is one of those things you either can do or can't. This thing ain't gonna help.1 point
I won't go into particulars but my brother next oldest to myself had Polio at age 5 and was crippled from that point on but able to function and attend school but walked with a limp and his arms and hands were quit a bit smaller than normal and yea, we had bullies back then also. I spent 8 years of Grammer school getting the sh-t pounded out of me by upper class bullies for sticking up for my brother but after all I was my brothers keeper. I was in 7th grade when my brother entered high school and I could no longer protect him but I had one ace in the hole. I had a buddy that was same age as my brother and he stepped up to become my brothers keeper till I reached high School. Thing is my friend was a freshman that stood 6'3" tall and weighed in about 240 and not even upper classmates wanted to mess with him. Once I made high school my brother had two keepers. Kids are mean for sure and it is not something new. It is just having more attention paid to it now than back then. Brother went on to finish high school and on to Junior college along with my buddy. doctors had told my parents he probably would not live past his early 20's but he went on to marry, have a family and passed away in his sleep at age 42 from heart failure. Lost him in June 1990, 2 days before his 43rd birthday................ :ugh:1 point
It is not rare just a little harder to get on a regular basis. You should be able to find it in most any liquor store. And if you did not know, the point of Ocean is to mimic the effect of shipping whisky on river barges back in the day. Now they take it a step further and float it over the equator a few times to cause temperature extremes and more sloshing around in the barrel. This adds to the body and flavor of the spirit.1 point
Yep, hope things work out for them. Folks if you have an order in with them at this time please give them time to recover.1 point
I see you're still being monitored the old fashioned way. The Jade Helm exercise was supposed to distribute nano-technology to all TGO members via jet airplane contrails, but some folks (like yourself) may have adequately tinfoiled their homes, keeping the nano-bots out. You're going to just have to let Jared do his job. Just don't let him near kids. ;)1 point
I would've jumped on top of the bully and did the "You got knocked the F*** out!" thing. Punching a blind kid, wtf. All fighting equal my ass, this just goes to show this school stupidity thing we talk about in so many threads. If that happened at our high school, that kid would have got an ovation when he walked in the next day, from teachers and students.1 point
1 point
People are awful. That has to be one of the worst things I have seen in a long time. Those responsible should be beat so badly that they will never be the same, both physically and mentally.1 point
Did anyone ever read "Lord of the Flies."? Kids, left unsupervised, can be the meanest animals on earth.1 point
The Keltec 32 is 6.6oz unloaded and thin as my cell phone and works. It is just too easy to drop into the pocket with a Desantis pocket holster. A friend of mine, a WWII Marine who is still alive and I have shot just about every type of .380 and .32 made out of several different pistols. Not scientifically but into catalogs, wet newspaper etc. What we figured is that it is best to use ball ammo in those two calibers, cause expansion worth anything isn't really happening and penetration isn't impressive. Just for grins we shot a 9mm Corbon +P when we were doing this and we were thunderstruck at what the Cor Bon did in comparison. However, being pragmatic and delusional, I figure 7 x .32ACP FMJs would be an unpleasant experience for the target and I can dump all 7 in a dinner plate at 5 yards as fast as I can pull the trigger, left or right handed one-handed, lying on my side or back. I can also do that with my own "uglified" Glock 19 which allows me a very useful "grab and go" grip one-handed either hand. If I were going to an orderly range just to shoot Modified Weaver strong hand two-hand I would have kept the Sig X-Five Tactical I had a few years ago. That was a pleasure to shoot but too darn big for anything but a range toy. I have two nice .22 pistols that satisfy any two-handed range shooting these days.1 point
1 point
Why would anyone do that to a blind kid anyway?1 point
Definately has his mind in the gutter :) http://youtu.be/XwslLBfFvJM1 point
Iconic handguns of the past hundred years: S&W DA revolver (hand ejector) Get a Mdl 19 1911 (which you already have) Browning Hi Power CZ 75 Sig 226 or a Single Action 220 or Sig X-Five Ruger MK series .22 Glock 19 Kel Tec .321 point
Been hanging out here since 17 June 2009. Little over 6 years now. Seems like a lot longer. lol I had just started my second series of chemo. Needed something to occupy myself and found this place one afternoon. It sure has been fun and interesting...to say the least. Seen a lot of guys come and some go. Some not voluntarily. Some provided a lot of that fun and interesting times. Like strel. Anyone remember him? Then there's Lenard Embody. The guy we all love to hate. But I sure wouldn't have like to have missed this place.1 point
One of the best schools on the planet... Intro http://www.brownells.com/.aspx/lid=11014/learn/ Index to all the videos... http://www.brownells.com/GunTech/how-to-build-an-ar/index.htm1 point
In no particular order, my list is: East German or Russian Makarov S&W 4506 Beretta M9 US issued 1911 S&W Model 29 Deagle in .50, chrome finished perfered Hi Power Walther p38 Walther PPK Colt Python All these would be range toys / collectibles. I pretty much have by HD / CCW needs locked down.1 point
Didnt want a plain polymer handguard and not fond of quad rails. The MI is keymod which will allow me to mount a light and possible handstop without having a cheese grater... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
Not sure if it is possible but if you want your AR to be 100% reliable in a SHTF I would see if an AK47 will fit inside the grip. That would be the one the to make my "fighting" AR more reliable. In all seriousness I would put a extractor spring, rubber o-ring, cam pin and disconnector in the grip. Those would fix 90% of the issues a currently reliable gun gun might have. And if you have room toss a spare bolt in there.1 point
1 point
Emails are easily trashed. Print out some of the anti-gun business cards and hand them over in person when you walk out. It's carries more weight if you address the issue in person.1 point
Well, I decided to get it. Not exactly what I was looking for, as I wanted one that was not so nice that I'd have reservations of hunting with it. However, I just thought it was too pretty and priced too well not to get it. It's the Cowboy Limited version in 44 mag. It has the cross bolt safety, but is still a "JM" gun built in North Haven. It came with an assortment of ammo too. Obligatory porn... [URL=http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/72-oj/media/1894c_zpspzeujl4l.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/72-oj/media/1894b_zpshrzj9ga8.jpeg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/72-oj/media/1894a_zpsghlprcwh.jpeg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/72-oj/media/ammo_zpsvmkqzpvf.jpeg.html][/URL] It has already made friends with my Marlin 30-30 and Henry Frontier 22... [URL=http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/72-oj/media/lever_zpsjwmmwm8p.jpeg.html][/URL]1 point
1 point
1 point
To put a little more meat on that bone, if a reasonable person would believe that a crime may have been commited then the officer has legal justification to detain a person. If a reasonable person would believe that a crime has been commited then the officer has legal grounds for arrest. Detention can only last long enough for a reasonable investigation to ascertain probable cause or not. If there's no probable cause, the detention is supposed to end and the person is free to go.1 point
When you are stopped for a traffic violation, that is an arrest and a release upon your giving your written promise to appear at the stipulated time and place to answer the charges. i.e. your signature. That's why traffic tickets aren't labeled "Traffic Ticket.' They're labeled "Notice to Appear.", "Promise to Appear." "Traffic Summons," and so on. That's also why you have to go to jail if you refuse to sign the ticket in a lot of states - you've refused to give your promise to appear and the law requires a physical arrest under that circumstance. The best advice I can give you is cooperate now and complain to the officer's supervisor later.1 point
No, it will take a lot more if you plan on using foreign magazines. The stock is the stock regardless if it has an American hinge or not. Basically these are the US made parts that are the easiest to replace to get the US part count high enough to use foreign magazines. Muzzle device Hammer Trigger Disconnect Pistol grip Stock If you are only going to use US made magazines then you can eliminate three of those things on the list. You can also replace the forearm with US made and it will replace one of the items on the list above. 922r must be complied by everyone, not just manufacturers or importers. And because you are making a rifle that could not be imported it must meet 922r. Here is what you can use to verify US parts counts. http://thegunwiki.com/Gunwiki/BuildAkVerifyCompliance ALL M92s have a slanted receiver. It is a 6 degree slant which is plenty to screw up how the stock looks and feels. It is possible to run it without the shim but your stock will have a significant downward slant to it. Better jump on it, they are in stock. http://stormwerkz.com/accessories/yugo-m92m85-tapered-shim/ Might be another year before they have them in stock again. I waited close to a year before I could get one.1 point
1 point
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