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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2015 in all areas

  1. I'm  great Grandpaw again as of yesterday. Grandaughter gave birth to healthy bouncing baby girl. 5lbs. 10 Oz. Mom and baby doing fine. Grandma more shook up than anyone.........lol. Pictures to follow when I get some..................... :up: :up:
    10 points
  2. Your gun=your way of selling.   Conversely, I ain't buying if you make me meet at a dealer for a transfer. It isn't the law, isn't necessary, and isn't worth my time.   I've sold hundreds of guns through the years with nary a problem. You hand me the cash; I hand you the gun. All that's necessary.
    3 points
  3. Gracious, and I thought some of the soccer stadium stampedes were bad.   Saudi Arabia: Stampede at hajj kills 717 pilgrims   http://isp.netscape.com/news/story.jsp?idq=/ff/story/1001/20150924/3477.htm   - OS    
    2 points
  4. got my approval last week...here is the finish product... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. I made it home safely. Neighbor grabbed me with a trailer. I might have limped it, but not in bumper to bumper traffic. I can shift without a clutch but idling in traffic is to hard on the trans. Glad everyone had a good day. Yeah that was me in the Leathernecks cut lionsfan. Funny how small the world is ain't it. Nothing anybody could have really done to help, but it's always nice when people stop and ask. As for a roadside repair, I considered bubblegum and some melted asphalt but didn't wanna use all my skills lol Sent from the backwoods
    2 points
  6. Shotgunshooter is actually the first person I've heard with complaints against the Federal ammo. On the other hand, I don't know a shooter who HASN'T had trouble with the bulk Winchester stuff. I have a feeling both boxes should work out great for you. I'm a sucker for anything blue in color, so that's mostly why I love the Rio stuff :-D
    2 points
  7. Really? Wow never would have guessed that.....not only are you preaching to the choir you are preaching to the arch bishop. By mentioning folks playing it as a game I was referring to those who ONLY play gun games and do not actually carry guns in a serious manner on a regular basis....and there are plenty of those people shooting Idpa......and USPSA for that matter. No one with more than 4 IQ points thinks IDPA is "real" or is "training" but some of us (including some founding members) think it still should represent real life a bit more than it presently does. Will it ever be real? Not unless there is a medic standing by...in fact it will never even be as real as competently run scripted force on force evolutions but those are impossible to make objectively scored contests out of. And in the end if it is scored it needs to be "fair" and everyone experience the same test in order to declare a winner and the numerical placement of runners up......but it would add a little more realism if the penalties for misses,hits on bystanders and hits outside the high thoraxic and head were higher than they presently are.....
    2 points
  8. When I read this I envisioned something like the World War Z movie with hordes of people trying to outrun the next.
    2 points
  9. I had a great time last night.  Thanks to you all for the pointers and the very welcoming environment.  See you next Wednesday.   Kevin Williams,
    2 points
  10. Huge props to Joe for shooting the entire match weak hand only given his right wrist is fractured. Way to stay in the game brother!
    2 points
  11. For a minute there...I thought you meant a miniature set of the Gatlin Brothers. lol   Awesome looking piece of work though.
    2 points
  12. My wife and I just took a trip to the Canadian Rockies and I doubt we will ever get over it. What an amazing and glorious place this place is to see. These pics were made with a Canon T5 Rebel and I'm still learning. Standing on the Bow River Bridge in Banff, Alberta. This is Spirit Island on Lake Maligne near Jasper National Park. Looking across the Bow River in Banff, Alberta. Moraine Lake Looking down the Bow Valley.
    2 points
  13. I think you will find that if you post it here, many of us will not go through the extra hassle of doing a transfer unless of course it was some super special gun.  It not only adds cost to the gun, it isn't required by law.  That being said, you have to do what you are comfortable with.     Requesting an HCP to be shown is not a big deal.  Asking many to sign a bill of sale will also limit you some.  It isn't that any of us are trying to hide something, it is simply that we don't like to share our private info.
    2 points
  14. It's not totally unreasonable, but there will be some potential buyers who will not want to do it simply because it isn't required.  You could require that your buyer have a Tennessee handgun carry permit.  That would at least let you know that they at some point passed a background check.  
    2 points
  15.     Same. Doubly so for anything involving the Irish Mob, some interesting stories to be told I'm betting. I bet it's good, Whitey was a vicious killer and Depp is a great actor. 
    2 points
  16. Compared to driving in San Diego, I hate most Tennessee drivers. I hated the grid lock in California but when traffic flowed everyone did 90+ mph on the interstates. Out here half the people are running 10 over, the other half are running 5 under. And way to many of them feel the need to ride the left lane or block you in because they feel the need to play speed patrol and slow you down for your own safety. I will say I've driven and ridden all over the country and there is nothing like running 90 in a turbo WRX on I-5 and it 9 lanes wide on each side, plus car pool lanes, and traffic almost bumper to bumper at those speeds. If you wanna crank the adrenaline even more do it on a beefed up bike made to lane split. Sent from the backwoods
    2 points
  17. Ain't promags made from recycled Pringles lids? At 95¢ you can't go wrong, if they don't fit a saiga break out the grinder. Eff it up, toss it. What's a dollar?
    1 point
  18.   Figured you would have been able to use your skills and fabricate a new part from concrete chips, bubble gum and your helmet strap.
    1 point
  19. Guess it's not true what they say about black men.
    1 point
  20. I bet if you have a hotel near the site you can make your whole fiscal year in that one week.
    1 point
  21. About time. When I shot trap, mid 1970's thru mid 1990's we just had a spotter stand behind the shooter, they can see where the shot and wad are going. You should pattern your trap or skeet shotgun just like you pattern your turkey gun. Most everyone reloaded at that time,  Winchester AA was the brand of choice 71/2 or 8 shot. I lived forty miles west of Chicago and we got our shooting supplies from a little dump just across the Wisconsin state line, called Gander Mountain. How things have changed :cheers:
    1 point
  22. Booths Bowery is still there, but it seems like every year it gets a little less attractive and accommodating. I found some pretty bad reviews online recently so was a little hesitate about recommending. Our Bar Down Under is almost in the same boat; I can't say it is what it used to be. North Turn, Aunt Catfish's, and Inlet Harbor are very popular and decent but not worth the usual wait. I would not recommend JB's Fish Camp as it very overrated, but Norwoods is great dining and very reasonably priced. Both of these are in New Smyrna. .
    1 point
  23. Yes the Remington shells are called Gun Clubs. Great shells and they are pretty much the same as an STS. I just received 30 flats of them. The Federal Top Gun aka Walmart Special are the worst shells on the market.
    1 point
  24.   Even though The Lone Ranger was cartoonish I still liked it, mainly because of Johnny Depp as Tonto who always had that dead Raven on his head. He made the movie watchable for me at least.
    1 point
  25. Still there and still excellent food!!!
    1 point
  26. Very nice! If it shoots half as good as it looks you should be very pleased.
    1 point
  27. I normally use advance auto. If you use the code trt41 it is $40 off $100 and free shipping over 75.
    1 point
  28. I wish I could give you some tips, but I don't think most of the places I went to are still around.  I lived in Daytona for college 20 years ago.  There was a place called Booth's Bowery though that used to have awesome wings.  Not sure if they are still there and if it is still any good, but may be worth a look if your in the mood.  They were on South Nova Rd in Port Orange.
    1 point
  29. Our Deck Down Under; http://www.ourdeckdu.com/ Its located on the inter-coastal waterway under the bridge at South Daytona   Boondocks; http://boondocks-restaurant.com/ located in Wilbur by the Sea,    Both of these places have really good seafood along with a laid back atmosphere.   Stop and see the lighthouse and museum at Ponce Inlet; http://ponceinlet.org/   All these places are located in the same general area on the South end of Daytona. If you run A1A south out of Daytona the lighthouse is at the end of the road at Ponce Inlet. 
    1 point
  30. My local Wallys have 100rd Federal packs for 21.97- $24.97 depending on the store, and it is flawless in every guns I've tried it in, to include 3 autos, a couple doubles, and at least a dozen pumps. Like you, I've sworn off the cheap Winchester stuff due to sticking in the chamber, etc. And not just in autos has it caused me frustration. I've missed more than a few 2nd clay pigeons because instead of a quick rack'n shoot like normal, I've had to take an extra second to manhandle the gun to get that sticky case out. My favorite target shell is Rio's cheap stuff. Beautiful blue case, brass base, 100% function. I usually pay $5.49/box, and have a huge pile of the stuff. The TN connection with them is nice, too. Academy has their Monarch dove loads on sale for $4.99/box, and so far it's been fine for me but I've only run it in a 930 auto, an 870, and an old Ithaca pump so far. That's the best deal I can think of. I believe the day of $3/box 12g is long gone. I'm still sitting on 4 flats I bought at Academy in Cool Springs when it was on sale for $2.38/box years ago. I may be through that in another year. I still buy shells like crazy though, because in a few more years when we'll be complaining about $10/box range shells, I'll just be caught up to the stuff I paid $5 for, lol!
    1 point
  31. Grab the cheap Walmart Federal. I picked some up a few months ago for under $30 a 100 round case out the door.   Winchester bulk pack can have issues with some semi auto guns.
    1 point
  32.   I watched that older Depp movie Blow on TV a week or so ago, I like Johnny Depp, this will be one of the few new movies out that I would want to see.
    1 point
  33. I actually got to hold 173rdABN's M249 today!   :cool:   
    1 point
  34. Coming at this as a serious gun carrier first, trainer second and gamer third I am glad to see it. If a hit in the abdomen is scored as only a half second lower than a round in the aorta then we are really not being very realistic with our scoring. We know that rounds in the area from diaphragm to neck are going to get best results with pistol bullets....everything else to the body is really a crap shoot as far as effectiveness. The target HAS already been changed once when they moved the minus 0 circle up a couple of inches. It used to be lower. So I think it is a good idea.And I would personally like to see misses more like 5 seconds (in the real world which idpa is supposed to replicate if you shoot it you buy it) and see hit on non threats at 10 seconds (or more) but I fear a lot of folks who just play it as a game and don't care about how it can be more realistic will not like it.
    1 point
  35. you remove the tension on the throttle cable and that lead/metal piece on the end just pulls out.at least it should.
    1 point
  36.   I was told just being a Knoxville resident is enough, and I guess presumably with permit.  After all, I "might" have wanted to go to the fair, but not unarmed.   - OS
    1 point
  37. Guys either you are terrible at Easter Egg hunting, or you are just lazy.  Buds in Sevierville is rarely out of 22LR.  Then Basspro is the same.  Each time I have been in Academy in Knoxville, they have some at the front desk.   I didn't need any ammo, I was fully stocked from years ago, however I couldn't resist the 10 bricks of CCI from PSA last week, and it arrived today.  Now if you are waiting on it to drop out of the sky and in your lap, I think you will complain.
    1 point
  38. Somebody has to pay for he transfer, ya know, like $15-50, depending on FFL. Plus the $10 TICS.   - OS
    1 point
  39. I’m not sure I understand what happened here? You hid stuff on your property and registered it somewhere or gave clues to someone playing a game? Someone came to your property. They were carrying big azz knives, but you recommend carrying a gun when you are out doing whatever it I these individuals are doing. Instead of your first thought being these people were playing the game you are participating in, your first thoughts were to get a rifle, go outside and have your wife call 911. I have some questions but I’m not sure I understand what I am reading.
    1 point
  40. You're using reason and logic again.... Those do not apply to legal matters, especially when the government is involved.
    1 point
  41. True, True most Marlin microgroove barrels have a slightly larger bore than Ballard rifling.   Chances are you would be better off with a .430 or .431 boolit.   A .429 should shoot but with the correct size you will have better accuracy with less fouling.
    1 point
  42. Have you slugged the barrel of your Marlin? Before I loaded any cast bullets, I would know the diameter of my barrel and mike the bullets to make sure the bullet caster got it right, and make sure that the bullets were a thou or two larger than the barrel diameter.
    1 point
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