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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2015 in all areas

  1. Ah so you openly invite unknown people to tresspass on your property? Sounds like a bad idea so many levels.
    5 points
  2. Survival is more about your knowledge and attitude than the gear you have. You can have all the gear in the world but if you do not know how to use it or think you are going to die then you will. But if you have the skills and the will to survive you generally will. Look at all the indigenous people in the world that, literally, have no survival gear and are able to survive and even thrive the some of the most inhospitable places on the planet.
    4 points
  3. PROTECTING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN Donald J. Trump on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.   The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans. The Constitution doesn’t create that right – it ensures that the government can’t take it away. Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’s purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves and our families. This is about self-defense, plain and simple.   It’s been said that the Second Amendment is America’s first freedom. That’s because the Right to Keep and Bear Arms protects all our other rights. We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment. Protecting that freedom is imperative. Here’s how we will do that:   Enforce The Laws On The Books   We need to get serious about prosecuting violent criminals. The Obama administration’s record on that is abysmal. Violent crime in cities like Baltimore, Chicago and many others is out of control. Drug dealers and gang members are given a slap on the wrist and turned loose on the street. This needs to stop.   Several years ago there was a tremendous program in Richmond, Virginia called Project Exile. It said that if a violent felon uses a gun to commit a crime, you will be prosecuted in federal court and go to prison for five years – no parole or early release. Obama’s former Attorney General, Eric Holder, called that a “cookie cutter” program. That’s ridiculous. I call that program a success. Murders committed with guns in Richmond decreased by over 60% when Project Exile was in place – in the first two years of the program alone, 350 armed felons were taken off the street.   Why does that matter to law-abiding gun owners? Because they’re the ones who anti-gun politicians and the media blame when criminals misuse guns. We need to bring back and expand programs like Project Exile and get gang members and drug dealers off the street. When we do, crime will go down and our cities and communities will be safer places to live.   Here’s another important way to fight crime – empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves. Law enforcement is great, they do a tremendous job, but they can’t be everywhere all of the time. Our personal protection is ultimately up to us. That’s why I’m a gun owner, that’s why I have a concealed carry permit, and that’s why tens of millions of Americans have concealed carry permits as well. It’s just common sense. To make America great again, we’re going to go after criminals and put the law back on the side of the law-abiding.   Fix Our Broken Mental Health System   Let’s be clear about this. Our mental health system is broken. It needs to be fixed. Too many politicians have ignored this problem for too long.   All of the tragic mass murders that occurred in the past several years have something in common – there were red flags that were ignored. We can’t allow that to continue. We need to expand treatment programs, because most people with mental health problems aren’t violent, they just need help. But for those who are violent, a danger to themselves or others, we need to get them off the street before they can terrorize our communities. This is just common sense.   And why does this matter to law-abiding gun owners? Once again, because they get blamed by anti-gun politicians, gun control groups and the media for the acts of deranged madmen. When one of these tragedies occurs, we can count on two things: one, that opponents of gun rights will immediately exploit it to push their political agenda; and two, that none of their so-called “solutions” would have prevented the tragedy in the first place. They’ve even admitted it.   We need real solutions to address real problems. Not grandstanding or political agendas.   Defend The Rights of Law-Abiding Gun Owners   GUN AND MAGAZINE BANS. Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like “assault weapons”, “military-style weapons” and “high capacity magazines” to confuse people. What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own.   BACKGROUND CHECKS. There has been a national background check system in place since 1998. Every time a person buys a gun from a federally licensed gun dealer – which is the overwhelming majority of all gun purchases – they go through a federal background check. Study after study has shown that very few criminals are stupid enough to try and pass a background check – they get their guns from friends/family members or by stealing them. So the overwhelming majority of people who go through background checks are law-abiding gun owners. When the system was created, gun owners were promised that it would be instant, accurate and fair. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case today. Too many states are failing to put criminal and mental health records into the system – and it should go without saying that a system’s only going to be as effective as the records that are put into it. What we need to do is fix the system we have and make it work as intended. What we don’t need to do is expand a broken system.   NATIONAL RIGHT TO CARRY. The right of self-defense doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway. That’s why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states. A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state. If we can do that for driving – which is a privilege, not a right – then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege.   MILITARY BASES AND RECRUITING CENTERS. Banning our military from carrying firearms on bases and at recruiting centers is ridiculous. We train our military how to safely and responsibly use firearms, but our current policies leave them defenseless. To make America great again, we need a strong military. To have a strong military, we need to allow them to defend themselves.    
    3 points
  4. I’m not sure I understand what happened here? You hid stuff on your property and registered it somewhere or gave clues to someone playing a game? Someone came to your property. They were carrying big azz knives, but you recommend carrying a gun when you are out doing whatever it I these individuals are doing. Instead of your first thought being these people were playing the game you are participating in, your first thoughts were to get a rifle, go outside and have your wife call 911. I have some questions but I’m not sure I understand what I am reading.
    3 points
  5. That was pretty terrible, but I like the effort. 
    3 points
  6. Got this completed and I am happy with it! Now just to get some SMKs and start testing loads.... Savage 10T - this is a Cabela's exclusive, basically the 10FCP-SR but without the threaded barrel. 24" 5R heavy barrel, accu-stock, accu-trigger (very light break). Tactical bolt. Came with a 4 round magazine and I ordered an extra 10 round from Savage. Came with an EGW 0moa base. I took it off and replaced with a Seekins Precision 20moa base. The Seekins rings were sold out when I ordered, so went with the Vortex Precision Matched low rings (made by Seekins, were basically the same price). Harris 6-9" bipod, notched legs. I debated over a scope, was leaning towards a Vortex PST 6-24x50 as I think they are excellent quality and a great price. But I kept researching and called SWFA to get their opinion on the Vortex vs a Leupold VX-3 vs a Zeiss Conquest HD5. They suggested the Sightron SIII which had popped up in my research multiple times, people saying it was a much higher quality glass than Vortex. SWFA had a demo model of the Sightron 6-24x50 MOA for a great price so I snapped it up. 30MM MOA/MOA non-illuminated (model SIIISS624X50LRMOA). I took it out today after mounting everything and put 60 rounds through it. Using the bipod and a rear bag I dialed in at 100 yards (a couple groups below using PMC 147gr, Federal Gold Medal Match 168gr and 175gr) and then rang some steel at 300 yards. Now I just need to get some loads worked up and more range time. I still have 10 of the 175gr Gold Medal Match and will try to get some reloads done before next range trip. But I plan to take my Caldwell front bag and use it instead of the bipod to get a truer feel for what the rifle will group at. Shooting groups off of the bipod and Caldwell rear bag at 100 yards. PMC 147gr FMJ, 5 shots: Federal Gold Medal Match 168gr (Sierra Match King), 5 shot group: Federal Gold Medal Match 175gr, 5 shot group: Federal Gold Medal Match 168gr, 10 shot group:
    2 points
  7. Still in the area. I really would like a shot at this deer come Saturday.
    2 points
  8. Haha I was thinking "90???" Very glad it was set on Houston and not here!
    2 points
  9. I could go to Memphis and feel secure in this. :rofl:
    2 points
  10.     Yes, but how much of it do you believe? 
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Just a couple from the local high school band.
    2 points
  13.   Hell, you can hunt bear here with a .25acp derringer if you want. I think that would make things a lot more fair, actually. ;)   - OS
    2 points
  14. Green River Gun Club will be hosting their annual Night Match on Saturday, September 26th, 2015. Come on out to test your skills and tactics shooting in low light conditions with the weapon setup of your choice (well at least for most of the stages anyways as a couple have been adjusted to force you to adapt to when Murphy's Law applies.) Details are as follows: $15 entry fee 4pm setup 6:30pm MANDATORY SHOOTERS MEETING (if you do not attend this meeting you will not be allowed to shoot) Shooting will start at dark. We will be using IDPA-like rules for the shooting and scoring of this match.  (Some liberties have been taken on the stage design of Stage 4 with respect to the number of non-threats allowed.) For safety reasons we do require that you have previous experience shooting IDPA matches if you are going to shoot this match. There are 3 divisions for pistols and 1 division for rifles/carbines. You can choose to shoot pistols only, rifles only, or shoot both if you want. The rifle portion of the match will be shot after the pistol shooters in each squad have finished that stage and before moving on to the next stage. Pistol Divisions: Hand-held light Weapon mounted light (you must have a holster that will accommodate the light) Weapon mounted laser/light (you must have a holster that will accommodate the laser/light) Rifle/carbine Division: Weapon mounted light The match will consist of 5 stages for the pistol shooters with a minimum round count of 74 rounds. The match will consist of 3 stages (Stages 3-5) for the rifle/carbine shooters with a minimum round count of 45 rounds.  (For safety reasons the rifle/carbine shooters will not use the lantern on stage 4 for illumination and Stage 5 will also be started outside the car from a low ready position.)   The stages have been posted on GRGC's website:   http://www.bggrgc.com/html/BG_GRGC_2015_Night_Match.html  
    1 point
  15. Thanks for posting the picture of the whole bow, it makes more sense now how it would line up!! Nice bow by the way and I'm pumped up for Saturday more every second that passes :up: I'm definitely going to check that sight out, do you remember what size yours is off hand?
    1 point
  16. In this pic of my bow, you can see how the rotational axis of the peep mounts along the string. This makes it impossible for the peep hole to "close up" if the the string is twisted to one side or the other. Man, I'm starting to get fired up about bow season now! :) She has a few years on her now, but the Martin Firecat is still holding up. Inspired by The Nuge... "Spirit of The Wild, baby!" Lol
    1 point
  17. Here's a pic of my peep sight. The thing I like about it is that I always have a perfect circle to sight through no matter what. Even if the string is twisted to one side, the peep is 100% reliable and round. It doesn't matter if one of the split strings is right down the middle of it because it's too close for your eye to focus on it (especially if both eyes are open). It's the only peep I'll use My son just recently got a bow and it had a self-aligning peep that only splits the string into 2 strands. It's fine if the string is not twisted, but miserable if not unusable if it is. The problem is if the string twists to one side, the round hole becomes an oval (or worse), and you can't see through it. I'm going to replace his with the RAD Trio like mine. Here is his peep sight: There are people that don't like the Trio 3-way split though, so YMMV
    1 point
  18. If he makes it......"HE GOT MY VOTE"....he's crude and rude but has BALLS. 
    1 point
  19. Who do I need to see about getting that 3:27 back
    1 point
  20. I had friends who played a long time ago. My basic understanding is that these caches are hidden all over the world and there are websites were you look up GPS coordinates. Then people try to find them and I think they leave a small item there. There isn't anyway on earth I'm putting coordinates and an open invatation treasure hunt on my land. As far as big knives, it's legal to carry any knife in Tennessee now, but not sure how that would work out on private land. I'm with the above, I'd don't think the game is fun if it ends with 911 and a rifle. I'd suggest removing the caches before somebody uses it as an excuse to case your place out. Sent from the backwoods
    1 point
  21. Shield. Or Glock 42/43... ya know... if you're... uh... into that kinda' thing.
    1 point
  22. Yeah, I'm going to give up shooting and focus on 8th floor towel tossing.
    1 point
  23.   I'm everywhere! There is no escape!
    1 point
  24. Good God my cup of jealousy overfloweth. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. I think he's legit...its not like we really have a choice unless people decide not to vote again like they did with Romney. That worked out oh so well lol
    1 point
  26. I'm looking forward to the season for sure. Unfortunately, the temp is forecast into the 90s on Sat. I'll probably work to finish some summer projects and wait till it cools off a bit before I hit the stand. Been shooting my bow and tuning my gear though. EDIT: Looks like it will be upper 70s on saturday :up: The weather app on my phone was still set to Houston from a recent trip I had there, so that's where I saw 90, lol
    1 point
  27. Great range toy.    As an old SF Weapons Sergeant told me at a live fire range in a former life...you need to treat the 249 like a bipolar girlfriend- finger f**k it to keep it running, and slap it when it's not working right.
    1 point
  28. FWIW, I'm not sure on using the suction cup with the hot stuff. The CA will have a fast flash point where it will start to harden quickly, maybe too quickly. Getting a suction cup stuck on the end wouldn't be much fun. I would also be concerned about the finish surrounding the crack. If you NEED the suction cup, I would recommend titebond wood glue for the operation. The cleanup will be easy and the bond should be sufficient.    Here's Dan Erlewine Showing how to clean up the super glue in the event  you get a bubble or run. He's doing it as part of the repair process for a poly finish on a guitar, but the razor blade trick and sanding is good info. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTVScFJoe24      To post pics on the main page they need to be hosted somewhere like photobucket.com or the like. You can only host them here on the classifieds. Maybe via PM. If you want to try and PM the photos to me I will host them and post them here for you. 
    1 point
  29. I have watched the first three episodes and I wonder how long that one guy is going to not want any guns around his family?  In some ways I like it more.  When Rick woke up the world he know was gone.  There was no question if the people could be helped.  In TWD there is no question walkers are no longer people.  This isn't true in Fear.  Hell as of "The Dog" they aren't even sure how it spreads.  The world hasn't completely fallen apart yet.  It is going that way quickly.  Things Rick and the other don't have to think about anymore they still have to worry about.  Example in TWD how many people have been killed and how many of them are worried a Cop is going to see it happen and arrest them?  In fear that is a very real possibility and being locked up for even a few days could be a death sentence.    Thanks Robert
    1 point
  30. Kris, that thing is Sweet!  :clap:   We need to find some old junkyard cars to light-up! 
    1 point
  31. that's a really great set up.  love the ak.   You should consider adding:   cash and maybe gold/silver- credit cards might not work.  couple bucks for fuel might save you some walking water carrier -  I have a few life straws but you cant rely on a water source to be near you at all times.  25 miles aint noting to laugh at and hydration is the key.  a metal canteen will allow you to boil water/cook as well.  tinder - cotton balls in vasaline work great.  I've started fires in pouring rain with cotton balls and a flint  aluminum foil - can use it to cook with or provide a semi sterile surface.  fold up a few square feet and wont take up much room. space blanket - cheap, light weight, and works.  can supplement a sleeping bag in extreme cold spork bug spray meds - aspirin and Phenergan     Maybe swap a few items out: electrical tape for duct tape - e tape is terrible if theres even a little moisture present.  d tape has more uses.  not too sure if you can get a really small roll of it though. tools for a good multi tool. - reduce weight and keep them centralized flashlight for a head lamp - hands free and most have a red lens built in    recommendations: chain knot the 550 chord.  once you take the tape off it will knot up and be a general pain in the ass.  the chain knot will make it more manageable and wont tangle up as bad. prep you cat tourniquet.  take the plastic off and loop one end through the buckle.  its a bad day if that thing needs to see daylight and time will be a factor if it does.    please don't underestimate lack of hydration.  guys die from that all the time and ive seen it twice. 
    1 point
  32. It won't make much difference at all. Always thought it should that way anyway.
    1 point
  33. I expect the anything named "Dixie" to come under scrutiny here and there before long.   - OS
    1 point
  34. It's amazing that the recent battle cries over flags and memorabilia are mostly vocal with minimal intelligent comment. I'm talking about the recent upheavals not the rest.But you don't see native Americans defacing or trying to destroy mt Rushmore or other artifacts in the west. The Native American people were raped, beaten down, and victimized in every way shape and form with the only repatriation being the ability to open casinos on tribal land..... No one has done anything about westboro baptist, where was the old douche buried that led all of the hatred against our soldiers?? Not a peep about him at all but nbf must be moved....puleeeeezzzz Next we'll hear that the prizes in cracker jacks are racially improper....
    1 point
  35. Can I brag on my personal trainer and mentor, Randy Harris? 14th in master ssp and 20th overall in ssp.
    1 point
  36. Stumbled into a few bottles of Weller 12 this evening, an old favorite that I haven't seen on the shelves in a few years. It will be nice to have a bottle back on the bar.
    1 point
  37. 12' of space with a jack Russel? One word: valium.
    1 point
  38. That's completely understandable. But a chicken?
    1 point
  39. I blame the US Supreme Court. Just a few years ago we'd have never had a story about two Johnsons fighting over a cock.
    1 point
  40. I think it means Dallas Cowboys fans are gay, but I hope not. I find that offensive and insulting. Don't you compare us to Cowboys fans. [emoji38][emoji38]
    1 point
  41. How about we talk about EVERYTHING in the press release for a minute? I'm now saving pennies for the Maxim 9 now. An integrally suppressed 9mm pistol that fits a standard holster and is hearing safe? That's huge. Technology will progress and it will become smaller and more aesthetically pleasing. If you remember the laser sight from the first Terminator, was the size of a hunting scope and required a belt mounted battery pack. Now they are so small you don't even know they are there. Pay attention to this technology. I think this is the next big thing. How about the micro Osprey .22 suppressor? That's tiny. Pocket pistol tiny. And it's modular like the Salvo 12. Make it short if you need to or long if you want more suppression. The Hybrid is what I like the most though. A .45/70 suppressor! I looked a few months ago for one and NOONE makes one, and only a few make .458socom suppressors and they are massive and small companies. How about the Radius? A rangefinder effective out to a mile that mounts on the firearm rail. This is pretty big as well. Lots of cool stuff coming out of Silencerco lately.
    1 point
  42. Just tried it today at strategic edge for the first time. http://youtu.be/bsN1h5pvZp4
    1 point
  43. Bacon grease. Smells heavenly when it heats up & muslims won't steal yer gun.
    1 point
  44. Well... at least it's safe to pour all over your girlfriend, if you can afford it :)
    1 point
  45. Thanks. This is what I'm going for. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/97/f0/3d/97f03da6e0ed7998b95d9f0b5a157408.jpg
    1 point
  46. Every now and then I'll snap off a good one. [URL=http://s779.photobucket.com/user/richarddacat/media/FLOWERS/daeb0e21-8ad0-4013-8b7c-5194032b65cc_zpsaqdv8spj.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  47.   A 9mm won't even hurt your nuts. A .45 will blow them plumb off
    1 point
  48. According to the hunting regs it appears that you can have a rifle in a boat:   Hunting From Motorized Vehicle or Vessel Where hunting is allowed from vessels, it is legal to hunt from any vessel, so long as the vessel is not under forward motion from any influence of mechanical means or sail. On private property, it is legal to hunt from any motorized vehicle (to include ATVs, golf carts, etc.), provided the vehicle is stationary. Nothing in the subsection shall be construed as authorizing hunting from a vessel, automobile, or other motor vehicle while under power. Nothing in this subsection permits hunting from or across a public road or right-of-way.    So as far as having ammo, I would guess it could be on the boat as well but the rifle probably has to be unloaded while underway.  Of course then you would have to be decked out in blaze orange, in season, and licensed, and it does not address SD issues.
    1 point
  49. Worst case scenario I'll just pour a cup of coffee and shoot from the deck. They taste the same either way. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
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