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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2015 in all areas

  1.   If buying from a FFL in a store, show ID to confirm TN residency, fill out federal form 4473, pay an extra 10 clams for the background check which usually takes 10 min or less, and unless you have a disqualifying event on your record,  walk out of store with gun.   If buying from an individual, hand him the money and leave with gun. (seller might ask you to see TN driver's license, some won't -- some may ask you if you are legally able to own firearms, some won't - some may even want you to sign bill of sale, most won't).   And don't vote for any Dems, locally or federally and don't ever tell anyone how they do things in NY. ;)   - OS
    10 points
  2. My wife and me went to gatlinburg for our 18th wedding anniversary Saturday. We decided to walk up to Clingman's Dome. It was a real thing for my wife since she had her knee rebuilt two years ago. She had to take a few rest's along the way but it was worth it. I was taking her picture and we spotted a rainbow coming up through the clouds that were below us. It was really neat. It was more spectacular in person and the colors of the rainbow were brighter. My cell phone kinda dulled the colors on here but you get the idea. I just thought I'd share this picture. I tried to keep her face out of most of the picture cause she would kick my butt if she knew I put her face up here. Oh and I got to see Bud's Gun Shop and the new Glock Blue colored frames. Those were neat. [url=http://s768.photobucket.com/user/tercel89/media/tammyrainbow_zpsujq0w4hg.png.html][/URL]
    7 points
  3. Sounds like quite the ordeal.  Glad you're still among us!  Which is, indeed, the most important part!
    6 points
  4. After six months of chemo I am apparently cancer free (the same lymph nodes that have been showing up all along are still showing up but have neither grown nor shrank so have been relegated to 'keep an eye on them' status.) So, back on August 20 I went in for surgery to reverse the colostomy that I have had since having a blockage - a cancerous tumor - removed from my colon late in October of 2014. Also on the schedule was having the venus port (which was used to administer my chemo) removed. As an extra, added bonus the surgeon said he could go ahead and remove my gall bladder while he was at it. My gall bladder had acted up and I even had one pretty severe attack that lasted for a few days right before I started chemo but it wasn't removed at the time because that would have further postponed starting chemo. After I awoke in recovery and as I was being wheeled out to go to a room (in ICU), I noticed that my surgeon was making a phone call at the recovery room desk. It must have been to the other partner in his practice or at least to one of his colleagues since I heard him saying, "You just missed the worst gall bladder I have ever seen," as I was rolled past the desk. He later told me the same thing and said that he actually wouldn't doubt that it was the worst gall bladder anyone had ever seen. The anesthesiologist said it was certainly the worst one he had ever seen, as well. I guess you could say that I had a 'zombie' gall bladder because it was dead. In fact, it was rotten and still rotting - literally. It was gangrenous and had rotted to the point that it had holes all the way through it in places. The vessels and so on serving it were dead and rotten, as well. So there is the fourth thing that has tried to kill me in the last dozen or so years. The surgeon had planned to do everything in my abdomen via laparoscopic procedures. He was actually able to remove my gall bladder that way - although it apparently took two hours or more since it was so rotten that it came out in pieces (the surgeon said that such a procedure normally takes a half hour or so under normal conditions.) When it came time to reverse the colostomy, though, he ended up having to open me up, again. My colon had gotten twisted and there were several adhesions that had to be separated. He had planned on using some kind of stapling device to reconnect my colon but ended up having to stitch it back together by hand, instead. Removing the port must have been pretty straightforward because he barely even mentioned that afterward. I didn't even have stitches where it was removed - the surgeon just 'super glued' that incision closed. In the pre-surgery consultation the surgeon indicated that he expected the whole shebang to take three or four hours, tops. In all, I was in surgery for roughly ten hours. I was in the hospital until the 25th. I followed up with the surgeon on September 1 and one of his nurses removed the staples from my various incisions (well, most of them - seems she missed one that was actually in my navel and I pulled it out, myself, last Friday.) I still have steri-strips over the incisions and there is a small but deep place where the colostomy was closed that is still open and has to be packed with a strip of packing gauze which needs to be changed daily. I returned to work today (yeah, on Labor Day.) I don't necessarily feel like being here and could probably have used another few days or even another week to recuperate but between the surgeries and so on last October and all the time it took to recuperate from those and this recent surgery and time off my FMLA leave has run out so I had to come back whether I was ready or not. Mine is pretty much a desk job so at least I can manage, I guess. And that is my latest health saga.
    3 points
  5. Recently Dontray Mills was charged with 55 counts of purchasing guns with phony Identification and reselling them. According to all the internet resources I can find, he somehow entered into a plea deal with Federal prosecutors whereby he would plead guilty to one charge only and receive nothing more than one year of probation, which was hunky dory with the Federal judge who (mis)handled the case. The total penalties for the charges he got flushed were (10 years per charge) 550 years and 14 million dollars in fines.  (Some accounts say he resold these guns to felons and others prohibited from owning guns, but I can't verify that factually. I wouldn't fall over dead to find out it's true, I just can't document it.)   OK my liberal friends, go ahead and ask me why I won't support new gun legislation as being a serious effort to deter crime. I double-dog-dare you.   http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/09/robert-farago/why-are-gun-control-advocates-up-in-arms-about-illegal-gun-dealers-probation/
    3 points
  6. Bingo, soaked in PB Blaster overnight. Used a set of easy-outs. Used the smallest first and it didn't work, went up a size and it came right out. Thanks for all the tips.
    3 points
  7. Good for you Leprechaun.   Some of these guys just can't seem to extend a welcome to someone from out of state without implying they should leave their deadly contagion behind so as to not infect Paradise with it. I moved from California and got told a bunch of times to leave my liberal voting habits behind. Liberal my b___ !! I'm about five clicks to the right of Attila the Hun and consider "liberal" to be a bad word. You'd think they'd get the idea sooner or later that it isn't the liberals who are leaving the liberal states and moving to Tennessee - it's the conservatives who can't take the liberal environment any more.   Anyway, you're welcome here and I'll split a pint with you any time. Heck, I'll even buy.   EssOne
    3 points
  8. I don't even go to my mail box out by the road without a gun and my hand on it in my pocket.   I have known of folks getting robbed while out cutting their grass. There is really no where that is actually safe anymore. Robbers are getting more brave these days. I'm just glad no one was hurt in that one.............jmho
    3 points
  9. Everyone thinks you're crazy for carrying in your house until shit like this goes down. That was five miles or so from where I live. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  10.   I've never heard of ANY TN FFL that charges a transfer fee for selling a gun from his own stock, even if he has to order it for the customer. None. Zero.   - OS
    2 points
  11.   Haha. Thanks, man.  Now I have to agonize over the decision anew!
    2 points
  12. I beg to differ, my friends! :ignore: At this stage, your best bet is the secondary market (I.E. Armslist, GunBroker, etcetera.). Century Arms International (CAI) stopped importing them a few years ago. Pricing has increased rather significantly in the last year due to their rising demand. In recent months, AES10B's have cleared the $1K marker rather consistently + fetch anywhere from $1K-$1.3K on GunBroker. All the best in your search! Most excellent! I am interested in gaining your perspective on the SB47 brace after you put it through its paces!
    2 points
  13.   Another known fact if it isn't a Glock it just wont work, it will jam all the time and just break after 50 rounds.   We like our gun myths here.    Now if you ever buy a Ruger revolver you can reload your own ammo with C-4, it will handle it.
    2 points
  14. Two. Hand to power, push button.
    2 points
  15. Yeah right! I was followed the other day by a Sparta K-9 officer and looked over as he started to pass me and he was texting as he was driving. But then he is above the law!!!!!
    2 points
  16.   I'd like to have his problem. Sick bastard.     :panic:
    2 points
  17. Yeah, I agree, but this case was pled down darn near to the "case dismissed" level. Crap, these were felonies fer Pete's sake, not misdemeanors - and Federal felonies at that. 
    2 points
  18. Well, I think Lone Wolf discontinued there G21 45-10 conversion barrels. Otherwise Glock conversions are normally very reliable. You can use a factory or aftermarket conversion barrel that is 10mm though. Unlike the smaller calibers the 45 and 10mm barrel OD are the same. Only the tab or tail is smaller on the 10. Remember if it was a revolver it wouldn't even have the quivalent of the tab. Most people shoot with aftermarket 10mm barrels with no problem. How good of a deal did you find? You can get a used 21 at GT's for less than $350.
    1 point
  19. For real? If so, why? Their texting while driving is as dangerous as anyone else's.
    1 point
  20. I would add, what if a homeowner with equity, a few bucks in the bank and other attachable assets?
    1 point
  21. Hmm, I've been shooting a lot of Aguila hyper velocity .22 LR lately through my Ruger Mark II and I didnt notice a smell at all. In all fairness I was at an outdoor range AND I was too busy being amazed at the group sizes/accuracy they produced over the cheap bulk stuff that I usually shoot. :D
    1 point
  22. I considered the XDs at first but they felt a ton heavier than the Glocks.
    1 point
  23. If you're like me, once you get over starring at it for days trying to justify the cost, then order it and have buyers remorse while it's shipping (saying to yourself, you shouldn't have spent that money, shouldn't have spent that much on a trigger), get it in the gun and use it, you'll quickly forget about the cost. You'll definitely enjoy that trigger while thanking yourself you splurged and bought it! :D I've ordered 5 Geissele triggers and one Tac-Con 3MR all when they were on sale, so I've saved $379 on triggers alone. That sort of helps justify it in my head. :rofl:
    1 point
  24. Palmetto State Armory is making a competitor for the ALG ACT trigger and I think it's darn near as good for only $35. I'm very satisfied with mine. Here is the link: http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/psa-ar15-pa10-enhanced-polished-trigger.html
    1 point
  25.   Figured that's what you meant but just wanted to make sure there's not some Russian .22 to be had. :lol:
    1 point
  26. You're gonna make it...trust me on this. Anyone that can make it with a rotting organ in their system is one tough bugger. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    1 point
  27. For some reason - I think it has to do with the deep finger grooves not being placed/spaced right for my fingers - the regular line of CRKT Minimalist knives feel awkward in my hand and I don't really feel like I get a secure, solid grip on them. I find that I get a much more solid grip on the Cold Steel Mini-Tac knives (I have their Skinner and Beavertail versions.) That said, I do like the way the CRKT Minimalist S.P.E.W. (Small Pocket Everyday Wharncliffe) feels in my hand. The lack of finger grooves, in this case, actually seems to improve my abiity to grip it. I think it looks pretty nice, too - especially the handles. I am not the world's biggest fan of the modern, fighting style interpretation of the Wharncliffe blade but I do like this one and have thought about getting a CRKT Dragon, as well. The S.P,E.W. comes with a molded sheath that can be set up for neck wear (with the included cord) or used with a belt clip (also included.) One thing I like about the CRKT Minimalist knives is that the knives/sheaths generally have a much smaller 'footprint' than the Cold Steel Mini-Tacs even thought the blade sizes are generally similar. If CRKT would offer the rest of their Minimalist line with grips more like those on the S.P.E.W. then I'd likely buy a couple of them.
    1 point
  28. THE PHONE A young man wanted to get his beautiful blonde wife something nice for their first wedding anniversary. So he decided to buy her a cell phone. He showed her the phone and explained to her all of its features. Meg was excited to receive the gift and simply adored her new phone. The next day Meg went shopping. Her phone rang and, to her astonishment, it was her husband on the other end. "Hi Meg," he said, "how do you like your new phone?" Meg replied, "I just love it! It's so small and your voice is clear as a bell, but there's one thing I don't understand though..." "What's that, sweetie?" asked her husband. "How did you know I was at Wal-Mart?"
    1 point
  29. Since my nose has not worked well since smelling Napalm in the mornings back in the early 70's I guess that smell of the   AGUILA.22lr wouldn't bother me. As long as they hit where I aim with consistency I would like them.
    1 point
  30.   If I recall correctly, the slide on that PMR was pretty loose.  It's a longer barrel shooting a round with not much kick, so you can imagine that spring isn't very tight.  Certainly lighter than a charging handle.  I know it doesn't seem like much, but the tension from a buffer spring being pulled back via charging handle would be difficult for someone that old.  My grandparents are almost that age.  I can't imagine them trying to manipulate and AR style rifle.  Grandpa still rocks a .30 carbine, so maybe there's something there.
    1 point
  31.     You have to take the ASR collar into account.  From the end of the collar to front of suppressor is 8.5" and I get 1.48" diameter using calipers.
    1 point
  32. The card has no yearly charges.  It is a 19.99 APR and that is not great I have many way below that but then again I have never paid any interest on the account.  I really don't like having my Checking Account linked in any way to my Paypal account.  If you pay the card off every month then the high interest rate is a none issue.   PS.  I have seen higher interest rates then 19.99 so it isn't the worse I have ever seen.   Thanks Robert
    1 point
  33. I do as well i still have not seen another like it and that makes me like it even more
    1 point
  34.   Maybe they are making their powder the old fashion way.     Don't breath the smoke too much or you will go bat sh!t crazy.  :)
    1 point
  35. My preference is extended tubes.  Simply easier and quicker to change tubes and easy to tell at a glance what choke you are using.
    1 point
  36. my new computer is running 8.1, I keep getting pop ups saying I should load 10 but 8.1 is working fine for what I do. Any real reason I should upload 10?
    1 point
  37. it kind of has a aroma about it, not sure how to describe it. Sort of a sweet smell.  It does not smell like russian ammo
    1 point
  38. Hard to believe. I watch NYC cop dramas all the time and the cops almost never miss. The bad guys on the other hand shoot worse than Imperial Stormtroopers.
    1 point
  39. Depends on the budget, but two that jump to mind right off the bat are the Dan Wesson Guardian 9mm and Springfield Range Officer in 9mm.  Less than that cost-wise you have RIA and those are decent guns.  More than that cost-wise...the sky is the limit.
    1 point
  40. Yeah, really makes you wonder doesn't it? I've noticed that a number of judges really go off the rails once they've been on the bench a while. I've also noticed that existing gun trafficing and such like laws are generally pled down, but then so are most drug trafficing charges.
    1 point
  41. The judge that handled the case and issued the sentence seems to be a bit out there. http://www.jsonline.com/news/crime/milwaukee-man-to-be-sentenced-on-gun-fraud-charge-b99560011z1-322283481.html
    1 point
  42. Ran into this on FB last night. Totally Disgusting.   But fits right in with the Big O's policies of pardons and light sentencing.
    1 point
  43. I'm thinking I might go ahead and get the SB47 brace. :up:
    1 point
  44. Where can I find those and how much do those rifles run? AK noob here. :D Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Seems every time we all have to move the right to pass some azzhat in the left lane they are texting or talking on the phone. If you can’t multitask; get out of that left lane.
    1 point
  47. I have a hybrid style holster made locally by MTO holsters.  I wore mine yesterday evening in about the kidney position, say (4-5 o'clock), drove to Nashville and back and an hour or more at sleep number store, and hardly knew it was there.  You may need bigger pants though, and a longer belt depending on the thickness of your carry gun.  I've tried it with my regular clothes and its a tight fit, but that may be too many tacos too.  I also purchased some longer shirts by buying a size larger than normal, it covers well and does not print much if at all.
    1 point
  48. Relax. Being all fidgety making sure your gun is concealed is a dead giveaway and makes people suspicious. Here's a good summary of the laws... http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/tennessee.pdf
    1 point
  49. I have heard that different instructors teach different things, so to clear it up, you DO NOT have a duty to inform a police officer that you are carrying when they make contact with you. I do, but only because I hope it will buy me goodwill that might get me out of a speeding ticket. Success rate is around 80% so far, so I'm gonna keep doing it.   If you didn't come from another state where you had a carry permit, you will probably find yourself touching your gun a lot to make sure it's still there/in place. This will pass as you carry more.   Carry enough that get used to doing so, but never complacent. You don't want to find yourself staring down a rookie cop's AR/M16 because you carried somewhere you shouldn't. It happens.   Fly with your guns. Once you've done it a couple of times, it's no big deal. Different airports will handle it slightly differently, but within the same legal context. For example, some airports will have the TSA agent come to the ticket counter to do their thing, and others will have you escort the bag and agent to a room where they do their thing. Just budget a little extra time for it and you'll be fine.   In Tennessee, but not all states, "No guns" signs carry the weight of law, meaning don't enter while carrying. Most of the time if you do and are discovered, you'll simply be asked to leave and that will be the end of it. If the cops are called, they do have the right to cite you for something. I've never been in the situation so I don't know for what.   Practice your draw deliberately leaving your booger hook off the bang switch. Make this as natural as moving your foot from the gas to the brake pedal in your car. Don't ever, ever let yourself get into the habit of drawing with your finger on the trigger or you'll end up like ole Tex Grebner. (Search for him on YouTube if you don't know who he is.)   Above all, stay safe and keep your head on a swivel. Don't go looking for trouble, but be prepared should it come looking for you. There are surely more tips, but I don't want to hurt my puny little brain trying to think of them all.
    1 point
  50.   Ignorant knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers.
    1 point
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