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If buying from a FFL in a store, show ID to confirm TN residency, fill out federal form 4473, pay an extra 10 clams for the background check which usually takes 10 min or less, and unless you have a disqualifying event on your record, walk out of store with gun. If buying from an individual, hand him the money and leave with gun. (seller might ask you to see TN driver's license, some won't -- some may ask you if you are legally able to own firearms, some won't - some may even want you to sign bill of sale, most won't). And don't vote for any Dems, locally or federally and don't ever tell anyone how they do things in NY. ;) - OS7 points
If anyone wants a more serious and comprehensive understanding of the Second Amendment, this document by Constitutional scholar Glenn Harlan Reynolds is a wonderful resource. It is a prodigious, scholarly treatise that answers just about every question I've ever had on the subject, but does so in common, college-level language. It was written in 1995 and originally published as 62 TENN l. REV 461-511. I'm stumbling my way through it, and although it is a colossal article, it keeps me glued down and determined to keep reading. http://www.guncite.com/journals/reycrit.html#fn* In recent years there has been a lot of discussion on internet gun forums about the American citizens' right to rise up against government tyranny. This article should be required reading to anyone and everyone who wants to understand the right to revolt against tyranny as that right is embodied in the Second Amendment, and not as it is often espoused by run of the mill uninformed blowhards on internet gun forums. This is the informed citizen's' best guide to the Second Amendment that I have ever seen. EssOne2 points
Buying a used auto rifle is OK if you know the rifle/seller and can be sure the gun hasn't had the snot shot out of it. But some guys judge their auto rifles by how well they continue to shoot after the barrel is red hot, and that shoots out a lot of barrels. I would never buy one without seeing visible evidence of little firing or knowing the rifle/seller as I said above. It's kind of like buying a racing engine with only an external examination. Caveat Emptor in spades with these guns, especially since you're talking about a defensive piece. IMHO.2 points
Me personally, and money savings and patience is in the formula, I would research and buy from someone like Optics Planet. Hard to beat their deals. http://www.opticsplanet.com/s/spotting-scopes And this weekend 10% off 10LABRD code.2 points
Book marked it also Thank you. one of the major problems we have is the talking heads in the press spewing false and inaccurate information. I am disappointed in fox news, they are just as guilty. Who ever puts their info on the teleprompter needs to do more research. And Megan Kelly and others need to question what they are being told to say.2 points
Ordinarily I would agree that the root cause is all the talk about more gun control. But this time is different. I don't think I've ever seen this country rolled up in a ball as bad as it is right now. Our criminal justice system is coming apart at the seams, inner city riots are the order of the day, Our President, aided by his Attorney General, the Director of the FBI, and the Mayor of New York have succeeded in convincing the criminal element that the cops have no backing, race relations have taken their hardest hit in decades, cops are being slaughtered all over the country and mass murders are rearing their ugly heads again, the most prominent candidate for President in one of our political parties is being openly considered an irresponsible liar and mistrusted by both parties, we're entering into a deal with an enemy nation that half of the politicians in the country denounce as being suicidal - all at a time when our military is being downsized, and worst of all the rule of law is seen as being incinerated on the altar of prosecutorial discretion at the Presidential level............and on and on and on. I think this country is worried, really worried, and it's showing up in gun sales.2 points
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Recently Dontray Mills was charged with 55 counts of purchasing guns with phony Identification and reselling them. According to all the internet resources I can find, he somehow entered into a plea deal with Federal prosecutors whereby he would plead guilty to one charge only and receive nothing more than one year of probation, which was hunky dory with the Federal judge who (mis)handled the case. The total penalties for the charges he got flushed were (10 years per charge) 550 years and 14 million dollars in fines. (Some accounts say he resold these guns to felons and others prohibited from owning guns, but I can't verify that factually. I wouldn't fall over dead to find out it's true, I just can't document it.) OK my liberal friends, go ahead and ask me why I won't support new gun legislation as being a serious effort to deter crime. I double-dog-dare you. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/09/robert-farago/why-are-gun-control-advocates-up-in-arms-about-illegal-gun-dealers-probation/1 point
I don't think this has anything to do with any proposed gun control and more to do with the shooting at the church in Charleston, The Chattanooga shooting, and The Baltimore Riots. All these added together to make people more jittery I know I am. Those of with MANY guns sitting in our safes wont run out and buy a handgun but someone who doesn't have any might think it is a good time to go buy one. Many of those people will stick it in some kind of safe and never shot it but some will go to a range and learn how to shot it and some of those people will get hooked and buy more. No mater what people having guns available to use is not a bad thing. Thanks Robert1 point
Have him start attending matches, Manchester club rules as elk river good guys willing to help w,no bs or politics cmon down!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
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And I would have sued her for every penny she could get her hands on too!! If someone hits me the first thing I will do is have the law get a printout of the persons cell phone usage and let the ambulance chasers loose!!1 point
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Correct. A new slide for a Glock costs about $175. Even through a CNC machine and programs wouldn’t be needed you would be wasting money doing that unless you found a hobbyist to do it. If you welded or build up that area to be machined, you would have to also set it up and check the inside of the slide for warpage and probably would have to address that. I was just curious as to what you used that would not pop out under use. It sounds like you were straight up with the customer and the price was certainly right.1 point
That would be Alemites. I used to work there. Many years ago, some in the company wanted to trademark the name, but got over-ruled. How'd that work out? :D1 point
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Any of you guys seen this yet? I actually really like it. Some of the comments are hilarious.. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/09/04/florida-gun-maker-produces-assault-rifle-never-to-be-used-by-muslim-terrorists/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
I personally recommend The Federalist Papers to anyone wishing to understand the intent of the Constitution. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk1 point
Wow.....just wow. 84 shots....that's crazy.1 point
Straight away yes you can.... Get that Tn drivers license and head straight on over to your local candy store post hast...\ And welcome!1 point
Whoa...good point, mine would be out of the fight first broken nail, but I'd never call her a liability... ...to her face. :hiding:1 point
Senate Bill was version that passed -- you're quoting the "preamble", the stated reason for it, not the actual change in statutory language. LexusNexis now updaed, here it is now inserted in TSA 70-8-108: "(e) (1) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and ( B ), it is not an offense for any person to disturb the habitat of, alter, take, attempt to take, possess, or transport a black vulture, also known by the name Coragyps atratus, in this state. (2) No state funds or personnel, or other state resources, may be used to enforce any prohibition against the disturbance of the habitat of, alteration, taking, attempting to take, possession, or transporting of a black vulture. (3) Nothing in this subsection (e) prohibits the agency from using state funds or personnel, or other state resources, to assist landowners in acquiring federal depredation permits for black vultures." (Point 3 was an amendment that passed before final bill passage.) - OS1 point
I like one of the suggestions in a comment below the story, incorporate pig bone in the polymer stock and grip.1 point
Same thing happened 2 years ago in front of the empire state building when they shot those pedestrians, and the thug with a 1911 was able to maintain 100% accuracy. you would think they would have learned their lesson by now.1 point
Somehow that's not out of line for Spike's or Mookie. Come to think of it, that's smart because they're going to get publicity over it.1 point
Yep! which means it's 4 times harder to pull the trigger than to pick up the gun.1 point
Speaking of trigger, don't they use Glocks with the 12 lb. "safety" trigger?1 point
Yeah, I agree, but this case was pled down darn near to the "case dismissed" level. Crap, these were felonies fer Pete's sake, not misdemeanors - and Federal felonies at that.1 point
A good dog is God's blessing to man. If dogs were not an asset Primitive people would not have domesticated them.1 point
One of our dogs is old and in terrible shape. She is out of gas after about a 1/4 mile. I would probably just put a .22 in her head if we really had to move on foot. Our other dog is young, smart, listens well, and would do anything in the world to protect my wife. He would certainly be an asset.1 point
yeah just mil spec Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
OK, I'm in. Payment sent via PayPal. My other ProTech is number 11, but if Luap really wants that number I'll take number 10. Two-tone blade, and with the Punisher logo. This knife will be a Christmas/going away present for my son, who will be leaving two weeks after his high school graduation to join the Army.1 point
I gotta go with asset.....she hears things I'd never detect. And besides....she's the best.1 point
My dog would definitely be a liability. He's a 65 lb bowling ball that can out run any human for 20 yds then he needs a nap. He snores louder than any human I have ever heard and barks at everything that moves, that includes his own shadow. Oh yeah and he was born deaf. But I will guarantee you one thing, that dog will follow me off of a cliff and I wouldn't hesitate to take him with me.1 point
Morale is worth a lot... You might die anyway. Might as well have a friend along.1 point
Hendersonville is just down the road from where we run weekly Wednesday night matches in Gallatin. We always have new shooters and are always willing to work with them and help them grow into the competitive arena if they like it. We run IDPA (defensive pistol) matches that are a whole lot of fun for all skill levels. We have a had a 15 yr old young lady come shoot with us a couple times now and she is completely new to firearms and seems to be enjoying the sport! This coming Wednesday we have another IDPA match scheduled and he and his parent/guardian are welcome to come out and watch or participate. A safe weapon, strong side holster and 3 mags are all that's needed. We generally have plenty of extras on hand, and he's welcome to shoot one of mine if need be. PM me if you want, and I'll be glad to provide them with my contact info!1 point
Yea, we need a special place to keep those ugly pistols from messing up the main handgun forum. :) Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk1 point
Seems every time we all have to move the right to pass some azzhat in the left lane they are texting or talking on the phone. If you can’t multitask; get out of that left lane.1 point
When I'm at the stop line waiting a left turn light to turn green, I run a quick count of people with their heads lowered far enough to be texting while driving. My unofficial count is about 60% of people I see passing by are probably texting as they go through an intersection.1 point
Felony stupid with a prior. Doesn't the public have anything to say about bureaucrats throwing away $575K that could have been used to purchase new equipment? Crap. This is the height of irresponsible mismanagement of public funds masquerading as public safety.1 point
Windows 10? Boy you guys are really obsolete. My Windows program says Windows 95. You're 85 editions behind me. :rofl:1 point
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For some reason I'm just now stumbling onto this thread. This is something that has been in the back of my mind for a couple of years now. Perked up ,my ears are.1 point
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