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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2015 in all areas
Ordinarily I would agree that the root cause is all the talk about more gun control. But this time is different. I don't think I've ever seen this country rolled up in a ball as bad as it is right now. Our criminal justice system is coming apart at the seams, inner city riots are the order of the day, Our President, aided by his Attorney General, the Director of the FBI, and the Mayor of New York have succeeded in convincing the criminal element that the cops have no backing, race relations have taken their hardest hit in decades, cops are being slaughtered all over the country and mass murders are rearing their ugly heads again, the most prominent candidate for President in one of our political parties is being openly considered an irresponsible liar and mistrusted by both parties, we're entering into a deal with an enemy nation that half of the politicians in the country denounce as being suicidal - all at a time when our military is being downsized, and worst of all the rule of law is seen as being incinerated on the altar of prosecutorial discretion at the Presidential level............and on and on and on. I think this country is worried, really worried, and it's showing up in gun sales.5 points
4 points
Absolutely. If someone asked me why I carry a big, full sized pistol I'd tell them "because I can't find a holster for an AR 15, that's why." Ditto on the rifle behind the seat too. I'd do it if I could figure a way to keep it from being stolen. I don't think a person who sees storm clouds on our national horizon is being pessimistic, just realistic. IMHO.3 points
It would be neat to have one . As far as Glocks being ugly , my Glock and my Toyota are ugly to a lot of people yet they keep running and running :cool:3 points
Recently Dontray Mills was charged with 55 counts of purchasing guns with phony Identification and reselling them. According to all the internet resources I can find, he somehow entered into a plea deal with Federal prosecutors whereby he would plead guilty to one charge only and receive nothing more than one year of probation, which was hunky dory with the Federal judge who (mis)handled the case. The total penalties for the charges he got flushed were (10 years per charge) 550 years and 14 million dollars in fines. (Some accounts say he resold these guns to felons and others prohibited from owning guns, but I can't verify that factually. I wouldn't fall over dead to find out it's true, I just can't document it.) OK my liberal friends, go ahead and ask me why I won't support new gun legislation as being a serious effort to deter crime. I double-dog-dare you. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/09/robert-farago/why-are-gun-control-advocates-up-in-arms-about-illegal-gun-dealers-probation/2 points
Whoa...good point, mine would be out of the fight first broken nail, but I'd never call her a liability... ...to her face. :hiding:2 points
This is pretty much the same as asking if I would keep my wife. Asset or liability? What if it came down to a choice between my dog or my wife?2 points
2 points
Sounds like they got in a good bit of trigger time here. :lol:2 points
Bingo. What I carry is considered a full size duty handgun, in the past I have considered downsizing for convenience and comfort of carry but especially in the last year i've decided to keep carrying what I have with the best ammo I can load it with. I know it and shoot better with it than any other handgun I have and even though many say I don't need that caliber to do the job, as far as handguns and handgun ammo goes, there's no argument that .45 [b]"WONT"[/b] get the job done. With the environment today I would sling my MAK90 over my shoulder and carry 2 extra 30 round mags if I could without getting shot myself by someone freaking out thinking I was about to go on an active shooting spree. I would put it behind my truck seat but i'm paranoid that it would get stolen. There will likely come a time when i'll just avoid certain places all together because it's going to just get worse, I certainly don't see it getting better.2 points
It is all part of life and my struggles are not unique to me. A lot of newer members have no clue as I have not talked a lot about my family or my childhood in a while. Mostly because I severed all ties with my family, except my wife and my son and his family, six years ago. It was the hardest but the best thing I have done for myself, my wife and our life together. But I concur it seems like I have been through a lot but I am no different than a lot of members in their own struggles. Everyone has their own struggles in life, I am no different than any of them except I don't mind talking about what I have been through. And I don't talk about what I have been through looking for sympathy. I do it so hopefully others can realize they are not alone in their personal struggles. And if there is anyone, but especially veterans, that feel overwhelmed because of their struggles in life know you are not alone and that people do care.2 points
2 points
Yea, we need a special place to keep those ugly pistols from messing up the main handgun forum. :) Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk2 points
Kerry should be horse whipped. I will never submit to this crap2 points
So my wife went to the post office. And as she was walking in she heard a kitten screaming. She mentioned it and a mail worker said it was in her husbands truck somewhere under the hood. Apparently the kitten has been under the hood for two days as he went to work. They acted like the kitten would eventfully die and quit screaming. Well not with my wife around she made them pop the hood so she could find the kitten. She found it and brought it home. Not sure if we have a new family member yet but we will make sure it never suffers again. How the hell can ANYONE drive around for two days listening to a 2-3 week old kitten screaming? Takes a special kind of sicko to do that. It is safe, sound and in loving arms now.1 point
Great info, and your first post, too! Welcome to TGO! I'll take a closer look at KY lake. :up:1 point
Of course they were. I continue to be confused by the term "racist" being used against people who are outspoken against Islam. Never heard a liberal be accused of being racist for being outspoken against Christianity. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
That's what I've always called them, the VOLES. I've paid my dues, I'm entitled. Plus it's been more descriptive than not especially over the last decade or so. - OS1 point
I decided to take the risk of theft about a year ago and stashed a basic ~ $600 AR pistol in a tennis racquet case behind the seat. Would hurt if stolen of course, but the secure feeling it gives me for accurate rifle caliber firepower to 100 yards or better is worth that level of risk to me. You can of course make that (or a rifle) for even less currently -- I chose pistol cause I can legally carry on person if situation should dictate. - OS1 point
Mine too. I should have named her RADAR, because she's like an early warning system for storms. Won't leave my side during a storm.1 point
1 point
Well, 35-20 at the half ain't exactly "destruction". I'm sure final score will be more lopsided, but that will be more due to overall stamina by depth of talent of a juggernaut program. Tells me this season will be no cakewalk for the Voles. - OS edit: oopsie, 35-27 in the 3rd. Hmmm... Maybe they should have scheduled UT Nooga instead. ;)1 point
Same here. Love the selector markings. Put an older ACOG ( with scripture engraved on it ) and you are set.1 point
Yeah, you, Todd, and I were reminded of that rule today, 3 seconds at a time. Ahhaha Stupid window in the shoot house.1 point
My hound probably considers me as a liability, except during thunderstorms.1 point
1 point
When I split a case, and after I pull the bullet and save the powder and bullet, I resize the split case and save the primer. I use them in practice rounds. I have not had a misfire with any of them.1 point
I don't want to turn a $400 forum into a $200 forum by having a stippling, machining, slide cutting sub-forum though. :taunt:1 point
1 point
1 point
My hound can sleep thru anything but hear a refrigerator door open during a tornado.1 point
The way I load, the die previous to the fcd sets the crimp. The fcd is simply a QC step, really.1 point
I've got 3 or 4 of the QMS triggers in my AR's, but only just installed the ACT in my friends. That's why I ordered one today. We're going to his farm tomorrow to shoot and I'll be able to shoot his. Even the cheaper QMS is much better than milspec, so I'm sure I'll fall in love with the 4.5 lb ACT.1 point
I like to characterize it as IDPA scoring with IPSC no-rules. Generally no cover/concealment rules, reload anytime, any where, drop mags with ammo. Detailed rules are on our Facebook page.1 point
Makes you wonder if they are trying to push a competitor out or if they are trying to dump inventory for something new. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk1 point
I will also add, be meticulous. Keep everything and make copies. I just got my stamped approval yesterday (after five months!) for my suppressor. I made a copy of the stamped approval paper and put it the buttstock compartment of my rifle in case Barney Fife shows up.1 point
I had a Protech Rockeye, had being the operative word since it is missing (lost or stolen). I liked the Rockeye, but this Adamas compared to the Protech is like night and day. Benchmade just seems like a heftier build. Maybe I am comparing apples to oranges but I have to say this Benchmade would definitely be deemed as my "everyday" knife... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
Just until you and the dog are starving and you start looking like a big bag of gravytrain :yum:1 point
1 point
I do!, but if you are looking for a store front the only I know of is SMKW1 point
1 point
Seems every time we all have to move the right to pass some azzhat in the left lane they are texting or talking on the phone. If you can’t multitask; get out of that left lane.1 point
Some people don't care for cats. To be honest, I would have removed it from my vehicle, not for the cat's benefit, but to keep it from soiling or damaging my vehicle. A house cat and a mouse or rat are in about the same league to me. I find it odd that a lot of people give pets the same credence today, if not more, than they give to their fellow humans.1 point
Has Tennessee passed a law as to where the state won't prosecute, awe never mind I don't want any warning points today.1 point
The worst that can happen to a legal permit holder is an aggravation from having to show your HCP to the police, assuming you are behaving like a normal human being. There is about a 99% chance no one will notice. I make a game of looking for them when out and about for fun, but most people wouldn't notice if you were stark nekkid and on fire ... their head is jammed up a cell phone or they have the observation skills of a rock. Given cell phone, tablets, and other whatzzits people stuff in their pockets or on their belts etc, no one notices, for real, hardly ever. If you work at it, minor printing simply won't be detected. It would take a massive gun totally outlined to catch the attention of the 1% that actually is looking around and observant. And of that 1%... most are fellow carriers.1 point
Look what dad dug out of his safe today during our visit.... Pretty cool! They sure we're cheaper back then too!1 point
Windows 10? Boy you guys are really obsolete. My Windows program says Windows 95. You're 85 editions behind me. :rofl:1 point
If you just want the best 98, the 1909 Argentine is the Cadillac in my opinion. The Carl Gustav 6.5 Swedish Mausers are probably the best shooters. They are regularly found in pristine condition. I suppose the Swedish didn't do a lot of fighting. At any rate, the sure took care of their weapons.1 point
They aren't bankrupt yet? Darn. I wouldn't let cheaper than dirt ship me ammo for free. Caving to political correctness and pulling their guns from the site when the panic happened, then deciding PC be dammed and charging $80 for pmags? CTD can choke on it. Sent from the backwoods1 point
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