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Makes you wanna take one of them out in public, super glue a loaded Hi-point into their right hand, and drop a snake in their pants.4 points
If anyone wants a more serious and comprehensive understanding of the Second Amendment, this document by Constitutional scholar Glenn Harlan Reynolds is a wonderful resource. It is a prodigious, scholarly treatise that answers just about every question I've ever had on the subject, but does so in common, college-level language. It was written in 1995 and originally published as 62 TENN l. REV 461-511. I'm stumbling my way through it, and although it is a colossal article, it keeps me glued down and determined to keep reading. http://www.guncite.com/journals/reycrit.html#fn* In recent years there has been a lot of discussion on internet gun forums about the American citizens' right to rise up against government tyranny. This article should be required reading to anyone and everyone who wants to understand the right to revolt against tyranny as that right is embodied in the Second Amendment, and not as it is often espoused by run of the mill uninformed blowhards on internet gun forums. This is the informed citizen's' best guide to the Second Amendment that I have ever seen. EssOne3 points
Thursday night, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that Democrats have been “exploiting misery and tragedy” to pursue their anti-gun agenda. “But here’s my challenge to the president of the United States, you think this is so easy,” he said. “Forego your Secret Service protection, for you, for the first lady, and your children, and see what it is like to have to fend yourself.” http://www.mrctv.org/videos/sheriff-david-clarke-challenges-obama-forego-your-secret-service-protection3 points
[URL=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/aep165m_460s_v1_zpsg9j3hfix.jpg.html][/URL]3 points
Not if they are telling the truth. The problem is that carrying a gun in this state is a crime. The other issue is that when cops are called; they go. I doubt they get many calls of a man with a gun that don’t involve a threat of some kind and a complainant. If there is no complainant I assume it’s up to the Officer if he stops you and checks you out or not. The only way to curb this is to have carrying a gun be a right. But I’m sure it would still happen some as some people call the cops if they see someone walking in their neighborhood they don’t recognize.3 points
People openly post on line...on Facebook and other places about killing cops and nothing happens to them. Some schmuck uses the N word in public and the SOB gets crucified.....go figure.3 points
3 points
Gentlemen, here is the proof. Share this photo with your spouse. You're welcome!3 points
I'm just about ready to start flaunting. If they are going to make us fight so hard to keep our rights, I might as well dick slap them with a stainless, cocked and locked 1911.2 points
I can tell you're a heck of a nice guy, calling Rosie a woman and all. :D2 points
Not possible. They have liberal gun control bullshit.2 points
I'll pass. Most woman look way better with clothes on than off.2 points
2 points
If this happened you'd have to have a supertanker full of Kaopectate for the Democrats. :pleased:2 points
A lot more of this goes on than folks know, mainly because the guys who do it don't talk about it. They aren't doing it for commendation. I don't know of many Highway Patrolmen of my generation who didn't at some time or another buy some meals or some gas or a tire or a cab ride or a rebuilt water pump, or.................. We just considered it a part of the job. But we got it back - I can recall a lot of Thanksgivings and Chrismas's when I got up from my table and went to pay for my meal only to be told that a family that had driven off twenty minutes earlier had paid for it.2 points
It isn't confined to the lake. People in general today are self absorbed a$$holes. My job requires me to deal with the public on a regular basis, and in the last couple of years in particular, I've grown to despise the public.2 points
2 points
The previous thread got me to thinking about this guy.I came across this guy - Selco - who survived in the Balkans during that particularly nasty war and what he offers in formation is pretty enlightening. Its less about preps and more about true survival. With all the crap going on in the country we still somehow think we won't be as bad as some third world place or worse. Check it out. I'm not suggesting you take his course. Just read his blog. Its free and it has a lot of good information on surviving. He writes in broken english but you get the picture. http://shtfschool.com/1 point
Tennessee Action Pistol's weekly match this Wednesday will be IDPA. The weekly match is located at Sumner Gun and Supply located at 526 West Main St Gallatin Tn, 37066. You may bring your open gun or pistol caliber carbine and run NFC. We offer a safe environment from new shooters to experienced. Its a great opportunity to get some trigger time even if you aren't into the competition. We host matches at Sumner Gun & Supply every Wednesday. Our schedule of events going forward are as follows: 1st Wednesday - IDPA 2nd Wednesday - Run and Gun or IDPA 3rd Wednesday - IDPA 4th Wednesday - Fun Match (mixed discipline) We will begin registration at 5pm, shooters meeting at 5:55, and first shots right at 6pm. Registration can be completed at the counter or by emailing TAPclub@tnactionpistol.com There will be stages designed for every skill level, and I can assure you the stages will be fun! For more information or to sign up for our mailing list, visit us on the web at www.tnactionpistol.com Or email us at TAPclub@tnactionpistol.com1 point
There was some confusion so let's just say there's a guest MD for Sunday's fun match! Should be a good time, so come on out.1 point
Chicken Little............... :panic: Won't police become numb to these 911 calls?1 point
I thought it was funny that they wanted to flee to the desert. If the zeds don't kill you then the dehydration will.1 point
I'm amazed they let us have 50BMG. Now where will you shoot a 20MM? WWTWD? What Would Terry Walden Do? He only outlawed 50's never said anything about 20MM now did he!!! You bring the rifle and I'll bring the Tannerite << oops outlawed, good to go >>Shock Wave exploding targets...1 point
Don't forget to mark your calendars. As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any naked woman, other than his wife, and if he does, he must commit suicide. So next Saturday at 1 P.M. Eastern Time, all American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorism effort. All patriotic men are to position themselves in lawn chairs In front of their houses to demonstrate their support for the women and to prove that they are not Muslim terrorist sympathizers. Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, a cold 6-pack of beer at your side is further proof of your patriotism. The American government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity. God Bless America!!1 point
Grace Kelly Hedy Lamar For you younger Guys who don't know what Caster was talking about1 point
So do you get foreign policy experience being a governor? BTW: The one thing that impressed me about Reagan was that he was smart enough to know that he didn't know everything, (you know, like Ben Carson smart), and surrounded himself with experts. Carson likes to learn, so I think he's less likely to go solely on the recommendations of others like Oblamo does.1 point
1 point
Kind of like California when you think about it...California actually has some really nice and pretty conservative areas outside of the major cities but they control the state.1 point
You're welcome to come check them out on my M4 in in person if you want to put your eyes on them before you buy a set.1 point
1 point
Half is Stonewashed stainless steel, the other half, thicker half is G10, the pocket clip is Titanium1 point
I approve. Oh and...nsfw. https://youtu.be/Eh2PjkzW20w1 point
I'd also add that I believe it does matter which lake your on, and when... I've been on just about every body of water in TN. There IS a different group on say Dale Hollow even than on Priest..... Priest has got to be the worst. HOWEVER, Priest is the BEST for boat ramp ridicule! I've seen pure fail so many times at the ramps there.... If the fishing is bad we sometimes go to the dock to get a beer and watch the awesomeness.1 point
Dang! Their "Bottle Shop" states ... "We apologize, however, due to individual state laws we are unable to ship to the following states: Alabama, California, Delaware, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Utah." Where have I been? Liquor can now be shipped to Tennessee?1 point
Bowhunter163 is a good guy,long ways for me to travel to hunt as much ot as I work,besides I bet they have big owl's there too lol1 point
Purchase and external hard drive and duplicate everything onto it then store it in its metalized Mylar storage bag. Afterwards whenever you accumulate data you want saved redo the data transfer.1 point
1 point
Yes there are daily reminders of kindness, however in this day and time one has to actually look for it as it is not normally in the agenda to report such acts.1 point
1 point
Stages are up, and the jailbreak stage will be interesting to say the least! Looking forward to another great match! See everyone Wednesday1 point
Two stupid things; throwing away $575K and trading S&W’s for Glock’s. That’s a whole bunch of stupid. In all seriousness though; it sounds like there were other Departments in Hawaii that wanted them.1 point
According to the left, they can round up the 250+ million guns in this country, but they can't round up 11 million illegal immigrants. :screwy:1 point
You sir hit the nail dead on the head. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk1 point
Just a punch(s) is all that was needed to remove the pins. Also, need to be careful not to lose springs ;)1 point
No one said the UN was taking our guns... If you read the post, you'd understand this is to block weapons trade across borders and create a global registry to track guns and gun owners. Now, if we're all students of history, we could assume that registration leads to confiscation. I won't stick my head in the sand an hope for the best on any gun control, especially global gun control being written by the Socialists International and Communists at the UN. Meeting of the SI Council at the United Nations in Geneva: http://www.socialistinternational.org/viewArticle.cfm?ArticleID=2326 Meeting of the SI Council at the United Nations, New York: http://www.socialistinternational.org/viewArticle.cfm?ArticleID=2388 Communist Party USA - The fight to curb gun violence is a working-class issue: http://www.cpusa.org/the-fight-to-curb-gun-violence-is-a-working-class-issue/ Democratic Socialists of America - There Is No Second Amendment Right To A Gun: http://www.dsausa.org/there_is_no_second_amendment_right_to_a_gun United Nations Office Of Disarmament Affairs - THE ARMS TRADE TREATY: http://www.un.org/disarmament/ATT/ And Leroy....That piece of paper called the Constitution, it only has meaning and power when the Govt and the People of the USA believe in it and are correctly educated on it. So far, that isn't happening in our schools and colleges lately, nor by a lot of politicians. So that said, the second Amendment could disappear in a blink if folks are educated and propagandized to be against it. Just read that DSA article I linked above and how they view the 2A and what they're teaching the Democratic Socialists of America subscribers and card carrying members. For now, I feel as long as we can keep the anti-2A majority of our Democratic Socialists of American aka Democrats and Progressive RINO Republicans from having a majority rule in congress, we'll be safe. But power shifts back and forth, so anything could happen in the next few elecctions.1 point
The use of firearms for self defense is not a basic human right, it is a privilege given to us by our fellow man and that privilege can easily be taken away by those who gave it to us. A right is something that cannot be legally taken away which firearms can and are being taken away. No one can legislate away a man's right to self defense but they can take away that man's privilege of using a firearm for self defense. Self defense is a basic human right but the tool you use is not part of it. Illegal aliens, even if they are murdering psychopaths here illegally, still have the right to self defense but their right to use a firearm in THIS country should not, and is not, allowed. When they decide to break the law by entering the country illegally they forfeit all rights afforded to citizens of this country. Now if they want to enter legally then they should have all the same rights as any other person here legally.1 point
My main issue is the step dad and mom both went to the church and saw copious amounts of blood and didn't call the cops? No drug house has that amount of blood without a mass homicide.1 point
ATF just needs to stop harassing people. Guns were all good and fun until they showed up and pooped in the punchbowl.1 point
Another round of lets not pick something and keep the Beretta M9. I really doubt anything will come of this.1 point
1 point
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