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I only trust news on stuff like this from places like InfoWars and PrisonPlanet, don't need to read and think for myself, thanks. - OS5 points
According to the left, they can round up the 250+ million guns in this country, but they can't round up 11 million illegal immigrants. :screwy:4 points
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/08/31/police-officer-pays-for-homeless-mother-daughter-to-stay-in-hotel-eat/?intcmp=hpbt4 Makes me fell good about people!!! Our world is not lost.3 points
Thursday night, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that Democrats have been “exploiting misery and tragedy” to pursue their anti-gun agenda. “But here’s my challenge to the president of the United States, you think this is so easy,” he said. “Forego your Secret Service protection, for you, for the first lady, and your children, and see what it is like to have to fend yourself.” http://www.mrctv.org/videos/sheriff-david-clarke-challenges-obama-forego-your-secret-service-protection3 points
Gentlemen, here is the proof. Share this photo with your spouse. You're welcome!3 points
3 points
I want to believe that people are blowing this out of proportion, but people have been underestimating Obama at every turn and look how well that has worked out.3 points
Well not exactly. I have had some pretty cool jobs that allowed me to work with some cool people. I just lead a very boring personal life, but I just found out that I used to hang out with someone most of you know. I went to Western Michigan which is right across the street from Kalamazoo college. My best friend was on their comedy troop there so I used to hang out with them A LOT. While chatting with my friend he asked me what i thought of Steven getting so famous. I was really confused and told him i had no idea what he was talking about. He described some times we all hung out, it started to come back to me. We got a good laugh about the fact i was to dumb to pick up that Glen from the Walking Dead was a college friend of mine (I knew him as Steve)2 points
2 points
Reminds me of what Jeff Foxworthy said when the Olympics came to the Ocoee.... "If Ned Beaty can't make it down that river, a Frenchman in bicycle pants hasn't got a chance." :D2 points
It isn't confined to the lake. People in general today are self absorbed a$$holes. My job requires me to deal with the public on a regular basis, and in the last couple of years in particular, I've grown to despise the public.2 points
2 points
Just get a damn holster. Spend $15 on this trash, another $22 on the kydex thing, and throw in some shipping charges. Next thing you know, you could have just bought a real holster.2 points
I continue to like David Clarke and the way he tells it like it is. My fear is one day the left will find a way to silence him. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk2 points
I thought those cry babies were always talking about tolerance? I guess tolerance means "accept everything about us and deal with it but change everything we don't like."2 points
Hornaday Critical Defense. I've seen what they do to ballistics gelatin, never was comfortable carrying a .380 until I found this ammo.2 points
No one said the UN was taking our guns... If you read the post, you'd understand this is to block weapons trade across borders and create a global registry to track guns and gun owners. Now, if we're all students of history, we could assume that registration leads to confiscation. I won't stick my head in the sand an hope for the best on any gun control, especially global gun control being written by the Socialists International and Communists at the UN. Meeting of the SI Council at the United Nations in Geneva: http://www.socialistinternational.org/viewArticle.cfm?ArticleID=2326 Meeting of the SI Council at the United Nations, New York: http://www.socialistinternational.org/viewArticle.cfm?ArticleID=2388 Communist Party USA - The fight to curb gun violence is a working-class issue: http://www.cpusa.org/the-fight-to-curb-gun-violence-is-a-working-class-issue/ Democratic Socialists of America - There Is No Second Amendment Right To A Gun: http://www.dsausa.org/there_is_no_second_amendment_right_to_a_gun United Nations Office Of Disarmament Affairs - THE ARMS TRADE TREATY: http://www.un.org/disarmament/ATT/ And Leroy....That piece of paper called the Constitution, it only has meaning and power when the Govt and the People of the USA believe in it and are correctly educated on it. So far, that isn't happening in our schools and colleges lately, nor by a lot of politicians. So that said, the second Amendment could disappear in a blink if folks are educated and propagandized to be against it. Just read that DSA article I linked above and how they view the 2A and what they're teaching the Democratic Socialists of America subscribers and card carrying members. For now, I feel as long as we can keep the anti-2A majority of our Democratic Socialists of American aka Democrats and Progressive RINO Republicans from having a majority rule in congress, we'll be safe. But power shifts back and forth, so anything could happen in the next few elecctions.2 points
I'm within 30 miles of Chattanooga and have a number of handguns from 22lr to 45 acp, both semi autos and revolvers. I have no problem letting you try some out. PM me.2 points
The previous thread got me to thinking about this guy.I came across this guy - Selco - who survived in the Balkans during that particularly nasty war and what he offers in formation is pretty enlightening. Its less about preps and more about true survival. With all the crap going on in the country we still somehow think we won't be as bad as some third world place or worse. Check it out. I'm not suggesting you take his course. Just read his blog. Its free and it has a lot of good information on surviving. He writes in broken english but you get the picture. http://shtfschool.com/1 point
UN GUN CONTROL BODY SUPPORTED BY OBAMA SETS UP VETO-PROOF FRAMEWORK Representatives attending the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in Mexico this week have set up a structure for future conferences on gun control that include a veto-proof decision making process. According to Reuters, representatives from 130 countries gathered in Mexico, although only 72 countries have fully ratified the treaty. They determined that Geneva will be “the seat of the permanent secretariat for the ATT” and they unanimously decided that unanimous agreements would not have to be reached on gun control decisions going forward. This gives the body a veto-proof process for making gun control decisions going forward. Anna McDonald, director of the international gun control group Control Arms, praised the agreed-to decision making process and the role representatives at the conference see for “civic groups.” On August 23, Breitbart News reported Gun Owners of America’s warning that officials from the Obama administration would be attending the conference, even though the U.S. Senate had not ratified the ATT. The ATT is ubiquitously aimed at stopping “small arms [and] light weapons” from crossing borders–something which cannot be done without the creation of an international registry. Moreover, framers of the ATT explicitly stated that one of the goals of the treaty is to keep track of “end users” of “small arms [and] light weapons.” To that end, a record keeping system designed to last a “minimum of ten years” is suggested. Do we really believe a record keeping system instituted for a decade or more will then simply be done away without being spread from treaty signatory to treaty signatory and beyond? Secretary of State John Kerry signed the ATT on September 25, 2013. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/27/un-gun-control-body-supported-by-obama-sets-up-veto-proof-framework/ All under the guise of world peace, yet Govts do the most killing through war and state sponsored terrorism. Hey, what could go wrong when it's all being pushed by the global socialists international and communists through a central world government. http://www.un.org/disarmament/ https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/COM.ART.HTM http://www.holodomorct.org/index.html The citizens of the world should always have access to arms for self defense and militias to defend against Govt tyranny.1 point
Tennessee Action Pistol's weekly match this Wednesday will be IDPA. The weekly match is located at Sumner Gun and Supply located at 526 West Main St Gallatin Tn, 37066. You may bring your open gun or pistol caliber carbine and run NFC. We offer a safe environment from new shooters to experienced. Its a great opportunity to get some trigger time even if you aren't into the competition. We host matches at Sumner Gun & Supply every Wednesday. Our schedule of events going forward are as follows: 1st Wednesday - IDPA 2nd Wednesday - Run and Gun or IDPA 3rd Wednesday - IDPA 4th Wednesday - Fun Match (mixed discipline) We will begin registration at 5pm, shooters meeting at 5:55, and first shots right at 6pm. Registration can be completed at the counter or by emailing TAPclub@tnactionpistol.com There will be stages designed for every skill level, and I can assure you the stages will be fun! For more information or to sign up for our mailing list, visit us on the web at www.tnactionpistol.com Or email us at TAPclub@tnactionpistol.com1 point
RE:... This... "....I won't stick my head in the sand an hope for the best on any gun control, especially global gun control being written by the Socialists International and Communists at the UN...." What are ya gonna do about it..? The Constitution is the law of the land or it aint... If they decide to usurp it; the "wild west" happens... I simply dont think that will happen... They aint gonna take your guns unless you roll over and give them away... I wouldnt advise doin that; and i aint goin to... You can wring your hands about this all ya want to; but i dont think the backbone to do this sort of thing is available to these weenies... The gubmt couldnt (...wouldn't i think, they were afraid of a shoot out polarizing folks even more than they are now...) even face Cliven Bundy down... With all due respect, i think this is still a tempest in a tea pot... Should we vote the socialists and rinos out..? Yeah we should... Should we watch 'em...? Yeah we should... Do i think they are commin to kick your door in and take your guns...? No... leroy1 point
1 point
Say it isn't so...if Snopes is in on the conspiracy, I have lost all hope...selling my mutual funds to buy stock in Reynolds. Tin foil prices will go thru the roof and I'll be rich.1 point
Purchase and external hard drive and duplicate everything onto it then store it in its metalized Mylar storage bag. Afterwards whenever you accumulate data you want saved redo the data transfer.1 point
1 point
Some are already frothing at the mouth over it in the Politics sub-forum. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/90380-tennessee-is-becoming-a-national-joke/ Never mind that it's a suggestion more than anything else: The university's Media and Internal Relations Director, Karen Ann Simsen, says there is no mandate or official policy to use the language.1 point
I spoke with them today. They're getting pics of the rifle out to me before they reship to be sure I'm OK with it. the guy I spoke with said the only damage is that bluing wear on the muzzle device, which may or may not have happened in shipping. He said that muzzle device wear is something they're seeing on some of them out of the crates. Other than that, he said it's beautiful, no other signs of any damage. I'll post back with pics when I get it.1 point
http://gun-deals.com/list/ammo/7.62x39 $240-$250 delivered. Catch a nice deal at Sportsmans Guide or AIM and maybe find it for $210-$220 delivered? Pretty much any of the Wolf or Tula is fine. Red army is also good to go. I can't tell a difference because I'm not that good of a shot, but I hear the Golden Tiger FMJ boat tail stuff is pretty accurate.1 point
It takes a little getting used to, the jaws fit in the groove of the case and if not secure it can spin off. I didn't see much wobble but if you have a used drill that part can introduce a wobble as well. With the length gauge in the primer hole though, a small wobble wont be much of an issue.1 point
I went to college with Terrell Owens. I chatted with him on a couple of occasions during basketball tournaments (I was a band geek). He is (was), by far, the most athletically talented person I've ever met. At the time, he seemed like a pretty nice guy and was relatively "normal". Funny how money/fame changes people. One of my wife's aunts went to high school with Wayne Knight (Newman, from Seinfeld).1 point
Jefferson Presidential is probably in my top 2 or 3 all time favorites when it comes to bourbon. They make some great stuff.1 point
1 point
Looks like it took place at Nightmare Range - - - I know it well.1 point
If it makes one feel better about espousing a right he can't exercise, fine with me. We have the right to opine about a right, even from prison. - OS1 point
My belly gets in the way for appendix carry. Plus I don't like it digging into my leg when sitting. I've found my favorite spot is about 3:30 or 4 o'clock, basically right behind my hip bone. Far enough back it doesn't dig in my hip, and enough forward it doesn't dig in my back when sitting in a chair.1 point
If your gun is going off when holstered, you should replace it. Your carry gun should only fire when the trigger is pulled. A few guns can go off without this, those are not safe to carry and usually involve antiques, home-grown-gunsmithing, worn out weapons, or other similar things none of which are safe to carry loaded in any way whatsoever. If you gun does not fire when holstered, you should be fine no matter what part of your body (and everyone else's) it sweeps while being worn. I pocket carry... when I sit down, the muzzle points at other people in some places. Its almost impossible not to have the business end point at someone (include yourself) sometimes if you are moving around being a human. Bend over too far IWB and there it is, near horizontal to the ground... pointing at who knows what. Life happens. So that means it is your responsibility to ensure the gun can't fire when holstered and in its carry location on your body. This means working it out... practice draw / fire / reholster. Impact test it. Unload it and prove to yourself that it is safe. IMHO that should be done for every gun, every holster, every change in location, etc. You gotta know its safe.1 point
Nope. Strong side carry. IWB in the summer, OWB in cold weather.1 point
What is a "right"? Something bestowed by your Creator that cannot be taken away. Where do they come from? God How do you exercise them? By doing what you do. What are their limiting factors? Only when they impede on the rights of others. Do you still possess them if prevented from exercising them? No. Can you have a right to a thing? No. Can you have a right to a service? No.1 point
It could be coming from the powder thru expander, sometimes when it is belling the brass it will rub some off of the inside. I wouldn't worry about it though, I don't think it will cause any harm. Kurt1 point
Bersa Thunder is nice if you can handle the reverse direction of the thumb safety. I couldn't and sold mine. It's borderline too big for me to pocket carry. The Sig P238 is a great little gun. It's a little slippery in my hand. I think I'd change the grips and add the extended magazine with the pinkie extension. I have a small hand and it still feels small in the grip. If you're a big guy, you might consider the Taurus Slim 709. Oh, and there's the Kimber Solo... And to echo nightrunner, my pocket carry is the Kahr PM9.1 point
Your choices diminish greatly only with a thumb safety. Consider a Kahr. It has a trigger very similar to a revolver in double action, long and heavy but also very smooth. It's not hard to learn to shoot it well but it will not fire unintentionally. You will most definitely be consciously pulling the trigger for it to fire1 point
Professional picture sent to me by Dave of our two tone Bladed TGO TR4. I absolutely love this one, Keep in mind you have until the end of October to pay for your orders, I guarantee you this knife will never be offered again, this will be a very special blade1 point
This is a tempest in a tea pot... Everybody knows Kerry and Obama are tyrant wannabees... It's nothin more than red meat for the children... The UN aint gonna take anyones guns and international treaties do not trump the Constitution.... leroy1 point
1 point
If you have a punch, hammer, and a vise then you're GTG. That's all I've ever used.1 point
The type he describes does not have a hole in the low point. The condensation occurs on the underside of the plastic. So rain would just collect and stay in the plastic itself, so you would have whatever that gives ya. - OS1 point
Stopped by there today. Pretty good prices on powder. Also a couple Anderson lowers for $50.1 point
1 point
They aren't bankrupt yet? Darn. I wouldn't let cheaper than dirt ship me ammo for free. Caving to political correctness and pulling their guns from the site when the panic happened, then deciding PC be dammed and charging $80 for pmags? CTD can choke on it. Sent from the backwoods1 point
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