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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2015 in all areas

  1. "is it safe?"........ in my opinion that depends mostly on a quality holster and a personal commitment to train, but I believe that applies to all modes of carry. Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
    3 points
  2. Let me know about the production quality of the video guys!....Thanks!   -Fitty%   https://youtu.be/ReUq61aOB90
    2 points
  3. If your gun is going off when holstered, you should replace it.   Your carry gun should only fire when the trigger is pulled.  A few guns can go off without this, those are not safe to carry and usually involve antiques, home-grown-gunsmithing, worn out weapons, or other similar things none of which are safe to carry loaded in any way whatsoever.     If you gun does not fire when holstered,  you should be fine no matter what part of your body (and everyone else's) it sweeps while being worn.  I pocket carry... when I sit down, the muzzle points at other people in some places.   Its almost impossible not to have the business end point at someone (include yourself) sometimes if you are moving around being a human.   Bend over too far IWB and there it  is, near horizontal to the ground... pointing at who knows what.  Life happens.   So that means it is your responsibility to ensure the gun can't fire when holstered and in its carry location on your body.   This means working it out... practice draw / fire / reholster.   Impact test it.  Unload it and prove to yourself that it is safe.  IMHO that should be done for every gun, every holster, every change in location, etc.    You gotta know its safe.
    2 points
  4. Who knows what their motivations are.  Could be a rehearsal, could be a reconnaissance for others or general planning, or it could just be to jackasses being jackasses.  Arab kids are as immature, and prone to do dumb things as much as American kids.  The act itself certainly justifies a very thorough investigation by TBI, or even the FBI to see if there is a plan for a larger shooting, or they have any connections to something.       I had a Saudi in one of my classes last summer.  He was a smart, polite, and very well reasoned individual.  But we butted heads when discussing the Kafala System used for migrant labor when it came up in class for some reason.  He felt it was completely justified and things like the employee holding the workers passport, their work conditions, and other things that we look at as deplorable were just part of the process needed to keep their economy going.  I'd imagine it would be similar to how a slave holder might feel in America circa 1850.   A lot of these foreign students are just here for the classes and will go back home after getting a degree, not the children of immigrants who came to America to put down roots.  So, they have a lot of the home country mentalities.  As it pertains to Arab's, I've found the females are easier to socialize with as their perspectives are being opened being outside of the male dominated home, versus the males who are finding themselves in a position of having their perspectives challenged and tend to get defensive over it.
    2 points
  5. I've been carrying a pistol AIWB in a Dale Fricke Archangel since 2011ish. No issues here. Driving a car, having a surgery, taking the stairs, and AIWB carry are all safe. They each have risks that need to be addressed individually. Train more and you will be GTG.
    2 points
  6. I have certain unalienable rights endowed by The Creator!  Unfortunately, through time others do not recognize the same certain unalienable rights, because they no longer support The Creator!. 
    2 points
  7. I've watched enough "Law & Order" to know that I have a right to an attorney. :pleased:
    2 points
  8. Pretty great read here for someone looking into AIWB carry (nws)   https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?120-AIWB-%28Appendix-Carry%29    Been carrying this way for about 3 years. It does demand absolute commitment to safety and awareness, IMO.    
    2 points
  9. Professional picture sent to me by Dave of our two tone Bladed TGO TR4. I absolutely love this one, Keep in mind you have until the end of October to pay for your orders, I guarantee you this knife will never be offered again, this will be a very special blade
    2 points
  10.   A 9mm won't even hurt your nuts. A .45 will blow them plumb off
    2 points
  11. If you own one, how do you like it?  If you got rid one one, why?  I own a few of their steel guns and am looking to go plastic.   Thanks.    
    1 point
  12. Wow. I like watching funny videos before going to bed. That takes the cake tonight. Seriously, the dumbest, most dangerous, idiotic, stupidest, horrible firearm accessory ever devised. Maybe one of you will buy Voldemort one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. I think the students need to take the boys behind the woodshed, or field house in this instance, and demonstrate southern discipline.
    1 point
  14. Excellent video, probably the most concise and through I've viewd on assembling an AR lower. You;ve really got me intrested in a TA Clear lower now. :up:   Whenever you want to get together and put together a video on some old school handguns and rifles shoot me a PM and we'll see what we can work out. At the rate of progression your exhibiting you are likely to become a professional firearms videographer.
    1 point
  15. Look what dad dug out of his safe today during our visit.... Pretty cool! They sure we're cheaper back then too!
    1 point
  16. What is a "right"? A specific legal guarantee or set of legal guarantees for individuals with relation to their government.   Where do they come from? A political system that recognizes, codifies, and protects them.   How do you exercise them? By using them as they are needed or desired.  Also by accepting & protecting their use by others regardless of personal feelings, and defending them when they are threatened by any process other than the established method to change or eliminate them as part of the political process.   What are their limiting factors? Unless otherwise prescribed in the laws that establish them, when they interfere with the exercise of the rights of others is the standard default for their limits.   Do you still possess them if prevented from exercising them? If they are guaranteed under law, they you still possess them, even if you are being denied them or they are being prohibited.  An individual actions can forfeit their rights if convicted by a legal process, such as is the case with imprisonment.   Can you have a right to a thing? If prescribed by law that establishes the right, yes.   Can you have a right to a service? If prescribed by law that establishes the right, yes.
    1 point
  17. After getting several pistols it's time to feed the knife addiction again.  I'll be waiting to see what options become available.
    1 point
  18.   Bass Pro in Memphis had Easton XX75 last weekend.  I assume other Bass Pros have them, too. 
    1 point
  19. No one said the UN was taking our guns... If you read the post, you'd understand this is to block weapons trade across borders and create a global registry to track guns and gun owners. Now, if we're all students of history, we could assume that registration leads to confiscation.   I won't stick my head in the sand an hope for the best on any gun control, especially global gun control being written by the Socialists International and Communists at the UN.   Meeting of the SI Council at the United Nations in Geneva: http://www.socialistinternational.org/viewArticle.cfm?ArticleID=2326 Meeting of the SI Council at the United Nations, New York: http://www.socialistinternational.org/viewArticle.cfm?ArticleID=2388   Communist Party USA - The fight to curb gun violence is a working-class issue: http://www.cpusa.org/the-fight-to-curb-gun-violence-is-a-working-class-issue/    Democratic Socialists of America - There Is No Second Amendment Right To A Gun: http://www.dsausa.org/there_is_no_second_amendment_right_to_a_gun   United Nations Office Of Disarmament Affairs - THE ARMS TRADE TREATY: http://www.un.org/disarmament/ATT/   And Leroy....That piece of paper called the Constitution, it only has meaning and power when the Govt and the People of the USA believe in it and are correctly educated on it. So far, that isn't happening in our schools and colleges lately, nor by a lot of politicians. So that said, the second Amendment could disappear in a blink if folks are educated and propagandized to be against it. Just read that DSA article I linked above and how they view the 2A and what they're teaching the Democratic Socialists of America subscribers and card carrying members.    For now, I feel as long as we can keep the anti-2A majority of our Democratic Socialists of American aka Democrats and Progressive RINO Republicans from having a majority rule in congress, we'll be safe.    But power shifts back and forth, so anything could happen in the next few elecctions.
    1 point
  20. I just got my Salvo a few weeks ago too.   Be sure and try the winchester subsonic loads.  It's super quiet and fun although it doesn't cycle the action on my benelli.    I feel like it is too long in 12" configuration for my 24" benelli.  I plan on ordering an 8" rod kit to try.
    1 point
  21. King Biscuit Flower Hour... that brings back some memories!  Had forgot about that til you mentioned it.  Made me look on eBay to see if any records were still out there. There's a few, but not cheap.  As much as $250! :stunned:
    1 point
  22. It's hard to look like you don't have anything but I'm working on it.
    1 point
  23. It really is that good. Not a lot in there but all the love she adds gives it something you just can't buy.
    1 point
  24. They are checking response times as well as what units responded. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows you MUST know your enemy and what their capabilities are. By doing this they now know how many officers are on campus. They also know how long the response will likely be during an attack. They now know likely avenues of approach by LE as well as how many will respond. If I were a betting person I would bet that school will be involved in something a lot more serious at some point. There is absolutely no reason for a couple of middle eastern men to be actively trying to get a response from law enforcement other than preparing for a real attack. The guys who were arrested are likely clean, as far as terrorist ties and criminal record, so they will likely have the charges and bond reduced but that won't matter because they will make bond quickly and likely be involved long before they go to trial. If I had children in that school they would be starting their homeschooling Monday.
    1 point
  25. https://youtu.be/8Gv0H-vPoDc
    1 point
  26. While I was there in the '70's they always had a nice one. Neat show.
    1 point
  27.   Well the Sheriff made a comment about the "black life's matter" which ended with him saying "cop life's matter" . Needless to say said Sheriff's comment wasn't appreciated by the local spokesman for the BLM movement.  Said Sheriff's now been accused of politicizing the incident. Go figure all this talk about killing police by black agitators and what happens when a Sheriff whose had a Deputy murdered is plain spoken in his response?   
    1 point
  28. I could care less about grammer. Its less important then the messages thierself. And if u don't like your a "punk".
    1 point
  29. Part of the fun is trying new things! Go to a range that has a variety to rent, Nashville Armory is nice. Rent different ones, unless you get a super magnum revolver and don't hold it firmly you will be fine. I had always heard the .44magnum was heavy recoiling and all that. Then my buddy got one as a gift, a Ruger Super Blackhawk 7 1/2". He let me shoot it and while it did have some recoil it was VERY fun! Me personally, I don't care for shooting .22lr much anymore, part of shooting for me is the sound and recoil, 9mm minimum. Worst thing that could happen is you don't like it and go back to your .22
    1 point
  30. I've researched it and decided against that mode of carry.
    1 point
  31. I gave it a thought...(with an unloaded gun)...I decided against it.   Personally, even if I was confident that I would never holster/unholster the weapon from that position, the mere fact it is basically pointing at your femoral artery when sitting down was a big enough reason to make me decide never. Lots of people carry this way, but it isn't for me. It was unnerving even with an unloaded gun. I would not be able to be mentally comfortable knowing that I had a loaded gun pointed at my groin/artery. 
    1 point
  32. Meh. Imho, an average adult with firearms familiarity and no severe handicap should pretty much be able to shoot anything within reason. Go getcha sumthin bigger and have fun! Btw, my first gun was a 40, and I had fired precisely one round out of a shotgun 10 years prior. I had never held a handgun in my life until I bought it. No biggie.
    1 point
  33. I grant it the Grammar Nazi Seal of Approval. ;)   - OS
    1 point
  34. Windows 10? Boy you guys are really obsolete. My Windows program says Windows 95. You're 85 editions behind me. :rofl:
    1 point
  35. payment sent. going to need cargo pants to fit all these badazz knifes. :rock:
    1 point
  36.   LOL. Ain't it the truth? :pleased:       Excellent advice. Yes...and No...But there is inherent danger in carrying a firearm period. I've carried appendix daily for 15+ years. I am very cognizant of what I am am doing when reholstering. But that holds true whether appendix, strong side, or crossdraw. How does that saying go? "We should be fast to draw, but hesitant in reholstering". I've seen several gunshot wounds to lower extremities (legs) from careless reholstering....fingers on trigger, clothing caught up in the trigger guard. Inattentive "speed reholstering", no matter position carried, can lead to disastrous results. When I am reholstering my Glock 19 I tend to somewhat lean back averting the muzzle away from my manberries. It's not an exaggerated motion or anything, and is ingrained into what I do.   In my experience in ECQC, FOF, and weapon retention training and classes, I've found the appendix position to work best for me.   As far as comfort goes, I've found a purpose designed holster to work best. I am wearing a Dale Fricke Archangel at the moment and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to others. I also have a Phlster holster for my 9mm Shield. Both of these were designed with appendix carry in mind. They allow a small amount of movement laterally when sitting which helps where comfort is concerned, yet the grip remains constant and readily accessible. I carry between the 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock position. It works well for me and my body-type.   Some will argue that a double action mechanism handgun is preferred for safety reasons. I can't fault their position. It's a choice we each have to make. I'm good with mine.   btw...there's several of us in the Knoxville area that carry appendix. :cool:         http://dalefrickeholsters.com/product/archangel-appendix-carry/   http://www.phlster.com/#!store/c2271
    1 point
  37. This one was supposed to have a Black Blade and Black hardware ( Special Edition) but I like it and may keep it and get the other as well, it is a very cool knife
    1 point
  38. Sorry to hear about the Bersa. I've been a big fan of them since I bought their .380 about 10+ years ago. I know i'll likely get berated for this, but my current mouse gun is the Taurus TCP, and it's great. Never had a misfire, and it's a great size when you absolutely have to stay concealed. That being said, you might consider the Ruger LC9. Almost as small, and you get a boost in ammo size.
    1 point
  39. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMNw_-yUm_0
    1 point
  40. What's the item? If I can turn this into an all-day motorcycle ride, I might be interested. I have side bags, so something the size of a full face motorcycle helmet or smaller would fit in either of them.
    1 point
  41. But I guess Trinity has no problem with Wal-Mart selling R-rated movies, violent video games, or pornographic chick-lit paperbacks?
    1 point
  42. In my mind, that isn't trolling for a sucker.  The proper description would be dishonest scumbags looking to take advantage of folks who are less informed than them.   I like what my buddy Bill said the other day, 'Character is how you treat people that are at a lower level than you, whether lower power, a subordinate, or someone with less knowledge than you."   All of us are less informed at times.  I simply have no respect for taking advantage of others.
    1 point
  43. Yep. Currency becomes guns, ammo, food, etc. Luxury items like liquor, coffee, etc. Some people think things like gold and silver become the currency, but that doesn't come until later when some form of civilization starts to be restored.
    1 point
  44. More cowbell.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  45.     Sadly, it often comes with the territory.  Yngwie Malmsteen is one of THE greatest guitar player to ever live.  He is also one of THE biggest bags of douche to ever draw breath.  
    1 point
  46. Oh now you've gone and done it ....... How about Joe and Zakk ? http://youtu.be/uCP5t1N1D6s
    1 point
  47. That was great!       Ever hear Sungha Jung play?  You should like this little fellar.  He has hundreds of video on youtube.  I have all his albums autographed, I ordered them from Korea.   He even makes crappy songs good!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmplmxwE2WM
    1 point
  48. I'm really not a fan of stippling but what you have done looks both functional and aesthetically pleasing. I like it!
    1 point
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