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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2015 in all areas

  1.   It will change the crime rates in Detroit. What will be interesting to see is how the left spins it when the crime rate drops from the Chief's urging for all of Detroit's citizens to carry. There will be a overall decrease in crimes but mostly violent ones because citizens will fight back, they will kill some criminals and then the criminals will begin to realize that their free for all heyday has come to a screeching halt.   I honestly wish there was a legal requirement for every single citizen to own at least one firearm, doesn't mean you have to carry it, use it or even take it out of storage because knowing that everyone you come in contact owns a gun would make a lot of bad guys think twice about committing crimes, especially violent ones. Or better yet take all the old surplus firearms and reissue them to the citizens of the country. Make it a lot like a civilian version of the 1033 program for LE except for civilians and call it the "militia program". Use the Second amendment as the justification to create a militia, arm the members of the militia and train those who agree to join a militia. Send a militia, not military, ID card with every gun letting the owner know that along with the gun comes the responsibility to protect the nation, themselves and their loved ones with their newly acquired firearm. Let active duty military train the small groups of militia members in basic firearms, survival and fighting skills. The active duty military can use it as an exercise in training indigenous people.   So many things I would change about this country if I could.
    3 points
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HePqZGfVqRI I haven't seen one, but after your post, I went to youtube and enjoyed Ray Barone's review on the Zipgun. :rofl:     ***WARNING!!!!!!! Language NOT safe for work!!!!!!!!!****
    2 points
  3. All of our grandkids will probably be lucky to be able to own a home, let alone all the toys and comforts we have enjoyed over the years. I will however be able to look my grandchildren in the eye and explain to them how this happened and that I tried my very best to not be a part of it when they ask “How could you do this to us?” I hold out great hope though that the younger generations will see the mistakes of the generations before them that have turned their backs on their family, friends and county, and will bring this country back to where it belongs.
    2 points
  4. Things can't continue as they have. And yes...I do feel uneasy about what's going on at the moment and my gut tells me this could be the beginning of an existence I won't be happy with. I don't know what's going to happen...if I did I would have been totally prepared years ago. But I feel pretty confident if something doesn't happen soon at a minimum my kids and grandkids will never know the country and world I grew up in.
    2 points
  5. I made a second video for a class final project. Let me know what you think.   https://youtu.be/WrVAAfmYF3g
    2 points
  6. Ever hear of Lafayette? What about French blood shed on American soil during our Revolution so that republicanism could triumph in a world of aristocracy. We should have a kindred spirit with the French...except for those haughty waiters. ..
    2 points
  7. Part of the reason that I'm not interested on open carrying in public is that I won't have to spend massive amounts of money to prove my innocence when one of those authorities that wants to resist the state law decides to make an example out of me.  I hope this does happen and I hope that the open carrier wins his case and then sues the pants out of everything he can afterwards but it won't be me.
    2 points
  8. Premiers August 23rd. It's time to start a thread for this show too. 
    1 point
  9. I just picked this up for a song (OOOOOklahoma....ok too much coffee this morning) and its sweet. It is a F.E.G. P9RK in 9mm. All metal pistol, SA/DA with decocker/safety, finger grips, crappy sights and 2 15rd factory metal mags. I have already replaced some missing springs (maybe why I got it so cheap) and have not yet fired it. There is just something about an all metal pistol....vintage, sexy...I think I'll call her Zsa Zsa. http:// http://
    1 point
  10. Just picked up a Dillon 550b from a member on here, some dies and powder from another TGO member and I can barely sit still with exictement  :rock: I have some of my Dad's old shell holder trays, powder funnels, 30-30 dies, and some odds and ends that I have to dig out and go through.   LukeE has been helping me along the way with decision making and every time I started straying towards something else, he steered me back. I'm so glad he did. I've got it started pretty well but going to wait for assistance setting the dies so I don't have to fix it later.   I've never reloaded before even though I spent many a night watching my Dad reload in his shop for 30-30, 30-06, .357 and .44 mag. What I did learn has long been forgotten since over 20 years have passed and I was mostly the case lube technician  :yuck: But I am so eager to get started and learn this process that I should have stuck with out of high school but didn't.   I picked up some primers and some .223 bullets today just because I'll need them but have several things left that I'll have to have.   Reloading manual  Caliper  Case lube media tumbler/ultrasonic cleaner or both Primer tray (may have one of my Dad's old ones) Electronic powder scale Case trimmer/deburring tool and primer pocket cleaner Hand primer (not necessary but a want more than need) Bullet puller 50 count ammo boxes and labels for data on each   Feel free to add anything I might have left off. I'm really excited about getting this press! 
    1 point
  11. Somehow missed the renewal notice for renewal and was playing for free the last two months. If not currently a benefactor, consider it...I get more than $35/year of information, debate and laughs galore. Membership does have its advantages...full access to the trading post where an occasional BTT for a seller is always appreciated. So, with that being said, I just ponied up for the next year.
    1 point
  12. I don't buy into the notion that just because it's a violent movie it will make someone come in the theater and shoot you. If that were the case I would go to a lot of lesbian porn movies.  HAAAAAA.
    1 point
  13. This one is definitely just a talking piece. It's one of the first models that requires an update, and the company is so cheap they just put the parts in a bag in the box and you have to do the upgrade yourself. This thing is comical. They even make a silencer kit so you can mount one on it.
    1 point
  14. They're keeping the system of freedom suppression alive and well.  :usa:
    1 point
  15. Yep. Currency becomes guns, ammo, food, etc. Luxury items like liquor, coffee, etc. Some people think things like gold and silver become the currency, but that doesn't come until later when some form of civilization starts to be restored.
    1 point
  16. There's never been a shortage in the excuse department on why we shot like Sh@t but it sure seems like it's getting to an all time high lately. So tell me some of your best excuses, I'll start. As I rounded the corner I noticed I had too fart, but with the hardees biscuit I had for breakfast I wasn't sure if it could be trusted. Then like clockwork I felt that pain, and had to finish the stage with a clenched ass and stiff legs.
    1 point
  17. As fate would have it, I traded my Raptor off and picked up one of the new Scat Pack edition 392 Hemi R/T Chargers this past week. Really love the car!
    1 point
  18. Harry Truman once said that a recession is when your neighbor loses his job, and a Depression is when you lose yours. I think ol' Harry would wink at the term SHTF. :pleased:
    1 point
  19. It is safe to trim dead wood any time, but live wood is best cut during winter or after the blooms die depending on the bush. For example, Azaleas are best pruned after the blooms die.
    1 point
  20. Fun match today. Great stages John. Very fun and challenging.
    1 point
  21.   Since Kwik doesn't have a carry permit, it wouldn't even be a 1311 test.   - OS
    1 point
  22. You've got to be ready for that. I took my Dodge Power Wagon to the top of lbl, of course I got some racing stripes along the way. But thats just a part of it. I took that Dodge up a lot of jeep trails, and it weighs about 2,000 pounds more than a raptor.... got a lot of funny looks at the top of those hills! Haha
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Its a San Tan Tactical receiver set with Lancer Systems carbon fiber handrail and A2 stock. I have a Proof Research carbon fiber barrel that will be going on it very soon too!    Yeah my next short instructional video will be on sight picture. I plan to use a shallow depth of field to show what should and shouldn't be in focus.
    1 point
  25. Im hearing that they were USAF, not Marines...
    1 point
  26. The holster is just one part of the "concealed carry" equation. You must have a GOOD belt to go with it. I opted for the Ares Gear Aegis belt and love it, so much that it's replaced my other belts as my every day wear.   http://www.aresgear.com/   I paired the belt with a custom made AIWB-CDAII holster (can be worn appendix or crossdraw) from JRC Customs. Not cheap, but when teamed with the Ares belt it totally hides my H&K P30, even under a t-shirt, and is very comfortable. I currently have Jim making me a OWB SSA holster so I'll have to option of carrying either way. Jim's holsters are not cheap, but for the quality and performance you can't beat them IMO.   http://www.jrcholsters.com/   Just my thoughts.... wish you luck in your quest.
    1 point
  27. I wont be offended if you tell me this is a dumb idea or not. Back in basic in the early 80's before we went to the range we were made to dry fire our M16-A1's while balancing a big metal washer on the barrell, the trick was to hold the weapon steady and learn to pull the trigger without dropping the washer. The idea was to practice enough to where it becomes natural without thinking about it. I saw a video where this guy instructed concentrating on the front site of your handgun, he suggested if you have white 3 dot sights to take a fine line Sharpie and make a black line or mark on the big white dot of the front sight, just a little "trick" to help and it seems to help a little. Just a practice trick until it becomes natural. What if someone who has a bad habit of engaging the trigger with the bend of their finger wraps some tape just at the bend so they will notice and feel where their finger placement is? [b]Just for dry fire and some range practice[/b] until it comes natural to keep proper finger placement, a finger stop so to speak. It's natural to me now to keep the pad of my finger on the trigger but like your video shows it's not natural to some shooters, as a matter of fact it feels natural to engage the trigger with the knuckle bend at first, it takes practice to change that habit. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Tape%20trick_zpss4jmnluz.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  28. That's pretty funny that you never realized I was missing my arm lol I guess that means I'm doing something right lol
    1 point
  29. In my experience I will have to agree with bersaguy, been there and while in uniform I was pretty much looked down upon.  Once we switched to civies it was like night and day.  Same experience in Italy, 180 once in civies, in Germany and Japan not so much treated the same, decent, in both while in uniform and civies.  One thing I did notice is that much of the attitude came from the younger generations, older folks were much nicer.  I don't know what it is, maybe they have had bad experiences with Americans in the past but I definitely noticed a difference.
    1 point
  30. This is such bs. Go over there and talk to some of them. The ones that were there have never forgotten what the Americans did for them. What I would get sick of too is an American always having to bring that up after 70 years. I spend a lot of time over there and have never once been treated rudely by anyone. I also don't act like a know it all American, may have something to do with it. Sorry if I come across strong, but I find this to be a completely ignorant statement (in the literal sense of the term).
    1 point
  31. The MS is a sometimes very dangerous river. And most 16 foot boats won't handle it. You need to work on some W TN contacts. Most prime duck hunting has long been spoken for. May be able to find a lease. Very hard to free lance on Reelfoot. Best advice is a guide and this will increase your safety and bag.
    1 point
  32. Badges?  We dont need no stinkin' badges!
    1 point
  33. "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits." Albert Einstein. 
    1 point
  34.   I'm disappointed no hand grenades.. When I seen you recharge it, I said to myself POS beta mag, then seen your comment "Stupid Korean Beta mag"  that explained everything..
    1 point
  35. LMFAO!.......that was funny.   Yeah the nickname "Fitty%" I got in Afghanaland in 04 because a friend finally realized I was half black & half white so instead of 50cent the rapper he called me Fitty% and it stuck.   When I lost the arm they made the joke that I could only be Fitty% as tactical as I used to be and that became the name of the YouTube channel lol.   I think the term "tactical" has been way overused and I find it funny when someone thinks that I actually consider myself to be a "tactical operator"....Thats why my friend and I created the satire character "Opr8rERROR"
    1 point
  36.   Bingo.  All I ask is that businesses be up front with the costs and not give me a reason to do a double take when the bill is presented.  If they have reason to hide the true cost, it makes me wonder what else they're hiding.
    1 point
  37.   That's my boy! I taught him everything he knows ... well ... maybe he's picked up a few other tricks on his own ... like speed! 
    1 point
  38. While they should have been nicer, I don't really think any of it was their fault either though. I do agree that it never helps to blame the customer. At least you got what you ordered.
    1 point
  39. Ha! that's why I sold it.
    1 point
  40. Think about this.  These people are blaming legal handgun carry permit people for their problems in parks.  They are making a bigger deal out of handgun carry permits carrying than gang bangers carrying.  They think gang bangers carrying is just something that happens but throw a fit when an honest man is carrying to protect himself from the criminals.  I've never seen this much effort put into deterring criminals from carrying.
    1 point
  41. Because I shoot Jcoop's old gun.
    1 point
  42. If its made in Alabama why would you want one? Kidding! Only kidding!
    1 point
  43. My experience with USPS is that I receive the package before the tracking updates. :shrug:
    1 point
  44. This belongs to a friend. I believe it's called "toxic orange".
    1 point
  45.   That's definitely a problem.  Hopefully you get everything worked out and stop buying Glocks soon.
    1 point
  46. I've always believed that you can't have too many guns, knives or dogs. :rofl:
    1 point
  47.   While I can't speak for JayC, I believe you are misinterpreting what he is saying.  I don't think he is anti-LEO or anti-government.  I do, however,  think he is for limited amount of both entities, which I agree with.  What we have now just isn't working, and it will never work because the model has been proven to be a failure.  The question now becomes, do we want to continue down the same path where government incessantly grows, puts each and everyone of us further in debt with no means to repay, and have our liberties slowly stripped from us, etc...?  The obvious answer should be a resounding, hell no.  If we are to change, why not change to a model that did work for this country?
    1 point
  48. Don't worry......if you can't pass the shooting exam you wouldn't have made it to the right place to take the test.
    1 point
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