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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Kentucky is where I have made my home. I don't have family outside of my wife and daughter. My wife has created a career here, and my daughter has been in the same school since kindergarten. While Tennessee will always be 'home' to me, Kentucky is home to my family.   My part time job really came through for me, the District Manager met with me tonight while I was working at another store and told me that anything I needed, to just ask. I told him all I needed was hours until I could get everything figured out. He told me that any and all available hours at any district store I wanted to be at would be mine. I am currently picking up hours at three different area locations.   So with that said, I have nothing buy great things to say about Domino's and it's people. My wife is even greatly impressed with how they have reacted. I literally told my manager on Tuesday what happened, and within an hour she had me hours for the rest of the week at another store.   That meant a lot.   I have several folks calling and emailing me, so that is good, but the main prospect right now is the job I interviewed for this afternoon. I am thinking very hard about it, it would be a good challenge and I think that I am more than capable of what they want. I am just having a little self doubt. Until this week, I had never been fired, never been formally reprimanded, never had any major failings. I am sure that is to be expected.
    3 points
  2. I just ( as of 9:30 ) built a new complete rifle from PSA for 431.46, shipping included. Damn! 
    2 points
  3. Worst case scenario I'll just pour a cup of coffee and shoot from the deck. They taste the same either way. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. The new "Ranger panties" (it had to be done) We were messing with my buddy last night who is a vet and has a tab. He was all worked up about it and I told him it's not Ranger Bat, it's a leadership school. With the fact that there is no more front line in warfare, why wouldn't you want ANY leader that could see combat to have these skills? These 2 girls were 1) an Apache pilot and 2) a MP (she was in the BN I just left when I got out, I met her once. From what my peers tell me she's a bad@$$ chica.) Both have the strong chance of needing those skills. Everyone makes Ranger school out to be like Delta force boot camp. Every one I knew that ever came back said they learned how to stay awake for ungodly amounts of time, walk for weeks on end, learned squad level dismounted tactics, use a map, and how to be ok with misery. Basically it gave everyone the confidence to face adversity. The school is a great asset to the Army, but its not churning out commandos. It strengthens leaders. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. Next week will be a fun match, so bring plenty of ammo and mags, leave your vests behind, and come hose some targets!
    2 points
  6. A month or 2 ago IT recruiters were nagging the hell out me, but I told them I'm not looking. It was true, I wasn't looking. I loved my gig and had no intention of leaving for a LONG time. This was, after all, the best job I've ever had. I was doing what I love, getting paid a fair salary for it, and the work culture was everything I could ask for.   A couple of Mondays ago, I got an email from work at 6 pm at night, but I ignored it until a co-worker texted me to ask if I got an email too. When I checked, it was a damn "it is with deep sadness that we inform you..." email saying I was fired, because the company was losing money. My security access was revoked and by 8 pm, they'd shut down our email as well. Turns out 1/3 of the company got that same email and we were all truly blindsided by the news.   Moral of the story...strike while the iron is hot. 
    2 points
  7. Best time to find a job is when you have one if you aren't satisfied with your current conditions.
    2 points
  8. Fast and the furious with surplus 1911's? I would love.a surplus 1911, but what I really want to see if M14's. Convert them to semi auto only and watch them sell like crazy. Sent from the backwoods
    2 points
  9. I hunt in arky. If that was not an option I think I would hire a guide up on reel foot.
    1 point
  10. I'm not a duck hunter and can't speak with expertise.     Through the years I've heard many folks talk about going to Arkansas to hunt ducks.  I can't remember anyone talking about duck inting in TN.
    1 point
  11. I assume this is an inside poke at some wild stages you have planned.
    1 point
  12. I've been eyeing a Pendleton safe for years,but they're so darn expensive. These seem to be about half the price, but I can't help but consider how big of a safe I could buy for the same money.   I can't wait to hear what you think of yours when you get it.   In the meantime, I love to tinker around in the garage. There may be a lazy susan build in my near future, if I can find the parts I can't make myself.
    1 point
  13.   That's taking it way too far, IMO. In fact, I'd say the way they did you is borderline defamation of character.
    1 point
  14. I saw their safes at the show, and I liked them.  I liked every safe I saw though. 
    1 point
  15.   Pretty smart, if he were chased by the cops he could just drop the box of doughnuts.   :)   Unfortunately, only the purse can be used as evidence since the box of doughnuts mysteriously disappeared.    Okay i'll stop.
    1 point
  16. I have one with over 3k rds through it. Not one single problem, and just a nice as anything else under a grand, imho. If I didn't have other purchases upcoming I'd be all over this. Get it, shoot it, love it.
    1 point
  17. PSA: Don't climb in a deer stand in flip flops. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Sorry, my SDI (Sudden Divorce Index) has already reached critical mass for this month and may melt down any minute. :surrender:  :rofl: Looks like a good buy however.
    1 point
  19. You know that's one if the nice things about the A2 stock, the storage compartment. I really like your idea though. Might have to make some for my other rifles.
    1 point
  20. Glad to see the efforts pay off. My keymod is on a CMMG MK3 CBR in 308. Trying to get a bipod to mount sturdily on that thing was a pain...but a light will be a lot easier since its not load bearing. (like mounting a mount on a mount) Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21.   Bingo.  All I ask is that businesses be up front with the costs and not give me a reason to do a double take when the bill is presented.  If they have reason to hide the true cost, it makes me wonder what else they're hiding.
    1 point
  22. I have only been a member for like a month. Since then I have figured out how I need to spend my next 15 paychecks through gun purchases, prepping needs, knives, ammo, and accessories. I didn't even entertain the idea of owning a Polaris with a turret, shooting at a drone, or filling a hot tub full of tannerite just to see what happens (the last one is a lie...it's a bucket list item). My wife is already butthurt *TM warpig enterprises* about the purchase of a flame thrower this year and YOU GUYS AREN'T HELPING! And I thank you for that. Carry on...
    1 point
  23.   I have been thinking all night about what they want, and I already have a plan in place once I get some questions answered. So I think in my mind it is already a done deal. I still have some emails and phone calls to return, but we will see. This whole thing has really surprised me. I feel like I am watching a movie. My mind has been screaming and losing it, but my body has been getting up and walking, being relaxed and calm. I didn't speak, I gathered my belongings and walked out of the building. Through the entire thing I haven't stopped doing exactly what needed to be done to move forward. Phone calls to my references, phone calls to any contact that could help me forward. Writing a resume, filling out applications, going to work at other pizza places, and being a rockstar there ("Hey, are you familiar with the area? You are doing awesome!" "No, I have never been within fifty miles of this place. I have a GPS, can read a map like a book and have been dispatching deliveries for over ten years.")   I guess the word would be surreal. Going through buying the house was the same way. Growing up how I did and being the man I am today often amazes me. There are times that my mind checks out and just stands there wondering where it all came from and how I do it, but at the end of the day, I just keep on keeping on. Even now, having a family, a wife, daughter, a house, two new cars, when I think of where I started in life and the things I have done, I feel like the richest man in the world.   That made me seriously laugh. What ever happened to that cat, didn't he come back and say that he had gotten another pizza job?
    1 point
  24. You win some and you lose some.  Last night must have been my night.  Though I'm still reeling at the fact I blasted one of the walls I worked so hard on.  :)   It was great shooting with everyone.  We had a full house!      But maybe we should tone it down for next week's shoot.  I'm envisioning targets lined up in a super hose fest!
    1 point
  25.   That's my boy! I taught him everything he knows ... well ... maybe he's picked up a few other tricks on his own ... like speed! 
    1 point
  26. Either of those work well as a brake, but will do nothing with flash. The '74 is hard to beat but it rather big and heavy but I like them. My favorite is the Manticore Nightbrake, works phenomenally well. I also really like the CNC Warrior Nightbrake. Works well as a brake and a flash hider. Here is a little comparison I did on a few I had laying around. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/79716-ak-brake-comparison-very-unscientific/?hl=%2Bmuzzle+%2Bcomparison Here are some:  http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/12/chris-dumm/ak-muzzle-device-test-part-1-recoil-reduction/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuzoiLKAFwA AR but gives you an idea about some that are similar to the AK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FD-Rou9-9A
    1 point
  27. First, C&R does indeed mean they'll ship right to your door....IF you have an FFL 03 (aka a C&R license).   Second, I agree with you about their decpetive cash vs credit pricing. They aren't the only ones who do this and it's totally avoidable. It would be nice if they all had sites like Bud's or Kentucky Gun Co. which show both cash and credit prices at the same time, side by side, for easy comparison and very clear notice that you'll pay more for using a card. Or they can do like Prepper Gun Shop and most other e-commerce sites where there's no cash discount/card fee. But short of that, it isn't hard to have some text in bold red just below the price or the Buy button stating Cash Price Shown. Credit Card purchases will add a 3% charge. This isn't hard and prevents a TON of customer dissatisfaction. It's stupid to only show that under the terms and conditions. It's very likely that they don't keep any of the 3% bump. That's used to cover their costs from the card processing company. It doesn't benefit them in any way to hide the price difference. All it does is upset the customer.
    1 point
  28. Welcome to the Hard Knocks Club and I mean that with all do respect. Like Red333 said, "it's all part of getting older". We've all had set backs, it's how you deal with those set backs that builds character. You sound like you have your act together and you will do well. Good luck, and don't beat yourself over this.
    1 point
  29. Here is a list of things I believe Obama will do before leaving office.   1. EO prohibiting the import of ALL "assault weapons" 2. EO prohibiting the import of ALL ammunition that can be used in "assault weapons" 3. EO prohibiting the import of ALL high capacity magazines 4. EO prohibiting the import of ALL gun parts for "assault weapons" 5. Presidential pardon for known terrorists (I believe this is why there was such a huge fight to have them tried as criminals in the US courts. He could not have pardoned a military combatant) 6. EO with some sort of far reaching immigration policy basically opening the flood gates for illegals to enter. Millions will enter before the EO is overturned but the damage will already be done.   These will be done in the days before he leaves office so nothing can be done BEFORE he leaves.
    1 point
  30.   45, even "target ammo", is pricey ...  you are looking at $35 for the rock bottom cheap stuff and 45 for the "usual" target brands that you would use in any other gun and it goes up from there.   I have no trouble finding it ... most big stores have a few boxes?   Its just expensive, and the "cowboy" / cheap stuff is not always in stock.  Its also heavy, so shipping can be rough for online buys.  This is the kind of ammo that can buy you a press with your savings if you shoot much of it.   454 is harder to find.  Its less mainstream and you need a very well supplied store, or a gun show, or online buys.   I highly recommend reloading.   You can produce for far, far less money ammo that is of the quality and power level you want.  I carry reloads for self defense.   Its a potential risk if I ever have to use them.  I have accepted that.
    1 point
  31. All part of getting older, we are not perfect.
    1 point
  32. BigK, sorry how that hit you as well.  I have seen people blindsided before but doing it in an email like that is really bad.     Yea, some of that came up in my last review.    I need to take some tests and get some certs this winter. They like Certs more then working knowledge or experience. I have seen people with certs I wouldn't trust to turn on a PC.
    1 point
  33. I've got that same video I use it in my carry permit classes and hunter safety both it definitely makes a point -Proverbs 22:6-
    1 point
  34.   Sounds like you think the writing is on the wall, so to speak, where you are. If so, I think your short game is spot-on. Take as much with you when you go as possible and hopefully it happens on your terms. I've heard it said that staying in one job too long in IT is the kiss of death. Promotions are harder to get than better jobs; market value pay is hard to get without switching jobs every few years; and learning/applying new skills is hard when you've only had one environment to work in for a while.
    1 point
  35. I got Day of Wrath in the mail today, and I've already read half of it. Wow! After this post, I'm off to finish Chapter 5...
    1 point
  36. I'm very sorry that happened to you, BigK. Best wishes on finding a new gig.
    1 point
  37. Murg,   I work in the supply chain and just moved back to Knoxville. If you want to move home let me know. My work is currently looking for a plant manager and I'm the assistant manager.
    1 point
  38. You have a good opportunity to drive home safety with them.  I took the Class when I was 10, 30 years ago and I still remember it. I probably remember it better then some years of School.     Just promise to not do this.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7ufT_6Kgy0
    1 point
  39. I had never heardone of it. I did find a good test of 46 different oils. Many were fun oils. And WD-40 Corrosion Specialist did great as you reported. Thanks for letting me know about it. My local Wal-Mart even has it. http://www.dayattherange.com/?page_id=3667
    1 point
  40. About cell phones.........LOL. I did take a few hours one day and sat in parking lot of neighborhood Walmart just to watch folks go in and out. It is no wonder why people get robbed and assaulted in parking lots such as Walmarts. About 90% of the folks going in and out had their faces stuck in a cell phone texting or reading and had zero clues what was going on around them. They make great targets out of themselves. I had to go to Opry Mills about a month ago to get something at the Mall. People are like Zombies walking around in the mall with their faces in their cell phones and actually bumping into each other and they would look up like hey watch were your going and then stick their nose back in the phone when it was their fault for bumping into the other person in the first place. What in the hell can be that important that people are so addicted to their Cell phones. My Daughter and Son in law come and visit and they have those hand free systems around their necks so they can answer the phone the second it rings. I told both of them to turn off their cell phones before coming into my house and let their voice mail get the calls or don't stop by. I cannot visit with cell phones ringing all the time. They didn't like it but they did it...................... :up: :up:
    1 point
  41. The truth is still working its way out. The headcount is still going up. The investigation Is still going on and is getting worse. Honestly I am glad I am gone. Obviously it will be a lot worse off a place to work when this is done. I had my first interview this morning. Less than twenty four hours after being fired. They made me a very nice offer. I already took their drug test, though I haven't accepted their offer. I told them my family is first. They want to meet my family, as they liked my honesty and candor in regards to my priorities. At the very least, I feel a thousand times better. I have also received head hunting calls from our biggest competitor. The rumor got back to me a minute ago that I had accepted that position. I liked that call, the fear in my former managers voice. I am good. Sent from my LGLS740 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. Other than the guy with the Airsoft gun, I think all the theatre shootings have been either at night or during a first weekend showing when the theatre is packed with people.   I wait until the movie has been out a couple of weeks and then attend a matinee. We arrive early and I check out the people as they come in. Usually, there's less than a half dozen people in the theatre. We only go maybe once a year, so I think the greater risk is walking to/from the car after the movie.
    1 point
  43.   Involuntarily squirt something from the lower part of their body.
    1 point
  44. Look for 45 LC cowboy loads. They are on the low end as far as power goes and make decent target loads.
    1 point
  45. Wow, that horse must be huge to make Spots look like a little kid.  :D
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. They're routinely found new for $369 and up. I've seen them used locally for $350 and that usually includes whatever type of holster the seller bought for it. The Ruger LC9s PRO is in the same price range as the Shield. The LC9S PRO has a better stock trigger than the Shield. Be sure to get the PRO version because it doesn't have the magazine disconnect saftey, or the manual safety. Id shoot them both before you decide. A good range/home defense gun in yout price range is the Ruger P95. I bought one for $289 new about 6 years ago. It's one of the most reliable and accurate firearms I own. It's a beast to carry though. OWB all the way.
    1 point
  48. It's a great idea, even if it doesn't necessarily maximize the space available in a safe.   That said, I don't see anything spectacular about the safe itself.  Their angle seems to be marketing the rotating rack.  I bet with a lazy susan base from Lowe's, a jigsaw and a sheet pieces of 1/2 plywood, you could make something similar and save yourself a couple thousand dollars.  
    1 point
  49. line x is no difference, you can match lots of colors
    1 point
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