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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2015 in all areas

  1. Nowhere is even close. I'll ride out the storm. Or fight it out if need be.
    8 points
  2. I ain't going nowhere. I'll fight to save this country.
    6 points
  3. I just picked this up for a song (OOOOOklahoma....ok too much coffee this morning) and its sweet. It is a F.E.G. P9RK in 9mm. All metal pistol, SA/DA with decocker/safety, finger grips, crappy sights and 2 15rd factory metal mags. I have already replaced some missing springs (maybe why I got it so cheap) and have not yet fired it. There is just something about an all metal pistol....vintage, sexy...I think I'll call her Zsa Zsa. http:// http://
    4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. I'm with you...too many patriots have given the ultimate sacrifice to make this the land of the free and home of the brave - the only place I'm going is to the front lines. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  6. This aint got a damn thing to do with public safety, or money...     The powers that be, do not want the minions(us) to have guns...It's just that simple...They are afraid of the populous, because we outnumber them greatly, and it's not very smart for a few thousand ultra rich people to piss off 300 million people with guns...Hence the nonstop efforts by them to disarm the people...Once we are disarmed, then they basically do whatever the hell they want to do to us without fear of reprisal...   Resistance is crucial....
    3 points
  7.   There are rumors that Idaho will become part of the USA soon.   - OS
    2 points
  8. No way am I leaving, this is the greatest country in the world. Besides I dont speak any other languages.
    2 points
  9. For town carry, if the snubby is on me then I keep an HK speedloader in my front pocket and another in the console in the car.  Never had a single problem with them.  Like MattCarry and oldman, I also have a full box in the trunk, and a speed strip or two with it - 158 gr. .357 mag hollowpoint.  When I'm in dress clothes that cause a speedloader to stand out I carry speed strips instead.   For knocking around in the woods I normally carry a larger gun crossdraw, with an HK speedloader or two full of Buffalo Bore 180 gr. .357 mag on my belt, strong side.   At the farm predator animals are more of a concern than bad guys, and slower reloading is fine.  There, I'll often just keep a speed strip on my belt in a carrier from Simply Rugged.  With a good belt carrier, a speed strip stays out of the way during chores but is always within easy, quick reach.   You often hear people say that revolvers will fire any kind of ammo.  But ammo selection is still worth considering, and especially for snubbies.  For example, much of the added power of really hot premium magnum ammo is lost when those rounds are fired from barrels under 3", so it's probably not worth the extra recoil in a belly gun.
    2 points
  10.   Hard to beat a piston AR for under $700 shipped
    2 points
  11. Not so fast.   CAI is importing a lot of milspec guns that are some of the best on the market. Dare I say it but CAI is the top importer of top quality guns. In the past there have been issues but I have not heard of any widespread problems from CAI imported or built guns in the last 3 years. The only exception to that is the PAP. It had some issues with the bolt carrier being too soft but CAI did not produce those but they are making it right for any owner who complains. And it only applies to certain PAPs. Nothing wrong with the N-PAP DF as it is a current production, 100% foreign made, AK built by the Zastava corporation that would be the AK I would pick if I had to have an under folder.   And every single time I have contacted CAI they have been wanting to help. I called in with a simple question and one of the tech guys spent 45 minutes on the phone. I have never been placed on hold, they have always been extremely nice and helpful. I can say that there are plenty of other firearm manufacturers that are way, way worse as far as customer service and quality of their firearms.   WASRs, for example, are probably the best milspec AK on the market right now. The older WASRs had issues but the current production Romanian guns are 100% foreign made using 100% brand new parts. No more WASRs are being made using older parts from demilled guns. And so far the six or seven Romanian AKs I have bought in the last two years have been PERFECT. And if I had to grab just one gun today to trust my life to it would be a current production WASR regardless of price.   Cold hammer forged barrels, that are chrome lined, will last several lifetimes and everything else that makes up a current production WASR is as good as anything I have ever shot, used or owned. Not a single Romanian gun I have owned, or shot, has EVER had a malfunction. They are as accurate as any AK I have ever shot and it seems like the current production is a lot more accurate. Reports are coming in that they are shooting under 2 MOA using cheap ammunition which is better than most ARs, or other AKs, using milspec ammunition. But realistically as long as it can reliably shoot minute of bad guy inside of 200 yards it is acceptable for me.   And the guns they are currently manufacturing are a lot better than in the past and definitely better than anyone else in the same price range. No other manufacturer or importer can compare to CAI when price and quality are the major deciding factor. You won't find another manufacturer's gun that is as good as the WASR for the same price or even within a few hundred dollars of the WASR price.   I would like to know about another manufacturer selling a foreign made milspec AK with a forged barrel for under $600 shipped. The US is great at making ARs, it is "our" gun but we are decades behind even the most rudimentary foreign AK manufacturer. We see it over and over again, US manufacturers trying to duplicate the durability, reliability and accuracy of a foreign made AK only to fail unless it costs 2x more than the gun they are competing with. So why spend 2x as much to get a gun that is probably not as good as the gun that costs 1/2 as much.   Most of the "custom" AK builders out there are not builders. They are assemblers at best because all that most of them do is swap out parts, much like assembling an AR, then charge thousands more for the parts and labor that anyone can install themselves. They claim that when they "smooth" the action it is an added bonus but in reality anyone can do it in 20 minutes using 600 grit sandpaper to smooth the rails, bolt and carrier so the gun feels smoother. And the go to starting platform for all these "custom" builders has been the Saiga because it was so cheap to begin with. So, as you can imagine, these "custom" builders are now using the WASRs instead of the Saigas because of the ban. They take a $500 WASR, apply a few hours worth of labor installing parts and sanding the internal surfaces then charge the end user $2,500+ dollars for a gun the manufacturer probably has less than $1,000 in. And the absolutely worse part of the who thing is anything these modification do can be done by anyone with half a brain.
    2 points
  12. I carry the +P 158 gr lead semi-wadcutter hollow points. BTW, I've had the opposite experience with Safariland loaders. It was the HK loaders that were dumping in my pocket.
    2 points
  13. I go back and forth on which I prefer the most. I think I prefer the HKS over the Safairland when comparing speedloaders; I have never had the HKS open in the pocket like the Safariland has, but the safariland comp1 is bit faster. The speeds trips give the advantage if you are carrying different models of revolvers and you don't have to worry about clearing oversized grips. You can also easily top off unlike with a speedloader. I often switch between a k frame and a j frame so the speed strip has an advantage, and they are not much slower.
    2 points
  14. Because I believe that bullets to any part of this paper are good shots on target :) A lot to the everywhere aproach.
    2 points
  15.   Yeah, less than a mile across the state line.  Hosts IDPA every fourth Saturday, USPSA every third Saturday, ATA 300-bird every fourth Saturday, ATA Big 50 every Thursday, skeet and 5-stand leagues on Tuesday, and a ton of rimfire and IR 50/50 matches, including an indoor .22 leagues throughout the winter.  300 yd centerfire range (approx 50 stations), 12 plinking ranges, 4 trap/skeet fields (all are lit for night shooting), 100 bird sporting clays course, 5-stand course open 24/7, a 25 & 50 yard pistol target range (approx 25 stations), 50 yd/50 meter rimfire range (60 stations), and an archery range.  All ranges are available for members' use anytime during the week unless there is a scheduled event/match occurring on that field.  Come up sometime - you'll be glad you did!
    1 point
  16. Woahhh. So much stupid! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Now where exactly are your game camera's? GPS coordinates will be fine. Thanks. :rofl:
    1 point
  18. In this particular case, it doesn't matter since the smell is the same...
    1 point
  19. Shooting at a drone is as stupid as shooting a suspicious vehicle because it's parked on the side of the road. Easiest way to deter or stop one is to call the cops and TN has an excellent lawns regard to drones and filming unknowing citizens.
    1 point
  20.   I can give you a good example, which is my own situation.  I am sure someone will want to argue that a person should keep a car forever, or pay cash up front, or one of many other reasons, but that isn't my criteria.  If that is how you like to do it, good on you, but that isn't me.  As long as everyone understands that my criteria is I prefer to have a new car every few years and this is a second car so the mileage is not an issue, then at least for me, this makes sense to lease.  I probably could use it for my business, but that isn't my main intention.   So to compare (the payments are based on deals I am negotiating and are pretty close to final numbers).  I am not going into Net Cap Cost, MF's or Residuals for the lease.  Lease is 36 Months/12,000 miles.   Lease: 2016 Audi A6 - ~MSRP 63k. - 3k down - Payment $630 month  (all Maintenance included) - Total 3 year cost:  $25,680   Purchase: Used 2014 BMW 535i (35k miles), ~ $40k.  7k down - Payment $606 month.  (Maintenance to 50k) - Total 3 Year cost: $28,816.  After 3 years, I would still owe $14,544.  Car would be worth ~ $16k.     I could put more or less down on the BMW, but it comes out to about the same amount after 3 years.  If I am only planning to keep the car for three years, then in my case, a lease makes more sense.
    1 point
  21. If you are a business man and can use a car in your business, lease is a better way to go on taxes, vs. the depreciation route method. 
    1 point
  22. Good info Dolo. Not only is that important but look at the 'chicken little' reaction of 'blood in the streets' with any pro-gun legislation. It didn't happen with initial permits, Nat'l parks, State parks, guns-in-bars, guns-in-trunks, etc.,etc. As pointed out,fear mongering and control....NOT facts!
    1 point
  23. For most everyday situations it's more of, not which dangerous places am I going to choose to go into, it's a matter of which dangerous persons might interject themselves into the normally safe environments I choose to go into.
    1 point
  24. I found some numbers.   In 2014 there were 623 people killed at the hands of approximately 900,000 police officers in the US. It does not say whether these shoots were good or bad. That works out to .00069 deaths per officer.   There is an estimated 11.1 million people who carry a firearm for self defense in the US. That is ~11,100,000. And those 11.1 million people killed, on average, 76 people a year. That works out to .00000685 deaths per person carrying a firearm for self defense.    You are 100x more likely to be killed by a LE officer than by someone who carries a firearm for self defense. Even if these number are off by 50% you are more likely to be wrongfully killed by a LE officer than a person carrying a gun for self defense. So those "experts" are full of it.   But if you don't compare the numbers to each other and actually look at the percentages you realize that the actual chance of being killed by a person carrying a gun for self defense is nearly a statistical improbability. You are probably more likely to be killed by fireworks, drowning, car accident, stroke or heart disease than by LE or a person carrying a gun for self defense.   references: http://crimepreventionresearchcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Concealed-Carry-Permit-Holders-Across-the-United-States.pdf http://www.nleomf.org/facts/enforcement/ http://www.gunfacts.info/gun-control-myths/concealed-carry/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States,_2014   But even if my numbers are off by 50% your are still more likely to die at the hands of LE than at the hand of a person who carries a firearm for self defense.
    1 point
  25.   Yes it was Cirillo. Unfortunately he died in an auto accident in 2007 iirc. What a loss to the firearms and self defense community. And then Gomez in 2012...a huge loss...Great guy and one of the most firearm/self defense knowledgeable people I've known.   I can certainly appreciate what you are saying, and we all have to live by our decisions in life...but I carry my own version of the Safe Stop loads (I knew Fuzzy) and I'm comfortable with it. I know others caution against it, for the very reasons you mentioned...and that's sound advice... But I'm good with my choice...I would never recommend another do so, just mentioning it's an option...
    1 point
  26. When I carry my J-frames or K-frames I carry a speed strip. You can’t carry speed loaders without them being in a pouch; they will get twisted or punched. When carrying revolvers I do so knowing that if I need more than a cylinder full; I’m in trouble. The chances of that happening though are probably about same as winning the lottery. If I’m going to be someone where I believe the chances are greater I carry a gun with more capacity or one that uses magazines.
    1 point
  27. That's OK OS, the government is caving to the "Black Lives Matter" crowd, so shortly the cops will be disarmed as well. Just wait till the general public gets a dose of that...
    1 point
  28. Leases can be very good options in some cases. Won't get into a big argument over it as there are merits to both. Now to answer your question, both is the answer. To understand a lease, you need to understand some primary terms. Net Cap Cost - price of vehicle after all incentives, discounts, taxes, etc Money Factor - interest rate paid on the lease. This is a decimal value, not apr. Residual - % of car value after the lease period. This is based on msrp. Lease term, and miles. - this affects residual value Without getting into the math and to keep it simple, generally, the MF and Residual are calculated by the Manufacturer. The Net Cap cost is based on how much the dealer wants to deal. It also includes any down payment from the buyer that decreases net cap cost. There is also something called Multiple Security Deposits (MSD's) that can lower a money factor. Plug these numbers into a lease calculator and you can determine where the difference is coming from. Assuming the cars are the exact same, it would either be that they are having the customer pay more down, using a higher residual, or using a lower MF. Probably all three. Dealers make money on the MF, so know what it should be by checking somewhere like Edmunds. I am considering leasing a new Audi A6 and have done a ton of research on this. Edmunds has some good info if you really want to understand all of it. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  29. Piston Adams Arms $629   http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/837/products_id/411555894/Reserve+Order+Guns/Adams+Arms+16%22+Carbine+5.56+30%2B1+Piston+Blem?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=AR7-31-15
    1 point
  30. can find links to almost anything you want at gunbot.net…   Same with me.  I've had a 5 star and a HKS accidentally empty.  Safariland seem to be stable and don't empty without that button between all the rounds being pushed.  If you throw it in your pocket with other things like keys, I guess it could happen, but I'd never carry that way.  They have a dedicated pocket, or a belt pouch.
    1 point
  31. Do you handload Moped?   Jim Cirillo recommended non-plus P wadcutters with a sharp ogive for snubby use. He collaborated with Fuzzy Fletcher to produce them under the brand of "Safe Stop" ammo for awhile.  Those were 148 gr plated bullets at about 710-720 fps...at least that's what I chronoed out of my J Frame.   Cirillo, in his book "Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights", said he preferred full wadcutters with that sharp ogive as they tended to "bite" into an object vs glancing off as many HP's did. He was discussing headshots and his experience with various rounds.   Expansion out of a snub nose revolver is iffy at best.And penetration is needed to reach the vitals. The GD's are probably the best of the HP designs currently available, but I've seen a number of .38 HP's not expand and penetrate just like their FMJ/RN counterparts. But I've seen that with 9mm, 40 S&W, and 45 acp too...it happens... The sharp ogive on a plated full WC should, hopefully, cut tissue vs pushing it aside as non-expanding HP and FMJ tend to do.   But face it...all handgun rounds are anemic. Reliability and good accurate rounds with fast followup shots are my personal preference...   I carry some of the Safe Stop rounds in my J Frame fwiw. I carry the 158 gr LSCW-HP in my speed strips and speed loaders because they are markedly faster and easier to use (rounded profile) that trying to reload quickly with full wadcutters.       link to some wadcutters below: http://www.ammunitiontogo.com/index.php/cName/38-special-wadcutter
    1 point
  32. It does seem as if wadcutters are harder to find than people imply. I think the few times I have seen them it was at smaller gun stores. I think they are a little over rated for defense though. Every gel test I have seen it does the exact same as round nose ammunition with the exception of over penetrating. If I had a j frame not rated for plus p like a S&W 36, 40, 60, or a 39 I would probably still carry with the Speer GD. The lighter recoil of the Speers, especially the 125, steer me to believe that they are not under as much pressure. I may still do the same for an early airweight like the 37, 42, or 38 even though they are extremely delicate.
    1 point
  33. I find wadcutters "out of stock" at Midway or CTD and get put on the notification list. When it comes in, I get several boxes. Starting in about 1996, all S&W j-frames are rated for +P.
    1 point
  34.   But the cops may make poor decisions, despite their training, so they may shoot you too.   - OS
    1 point
  35. I generally carry two speed strips in a fabric pouch my MIL sewed for me. The tabs stick out the top and there is a divider in the middle. The rounds of one strip nest between the other strip so the thickness is less than two.
    1 point
  36. After taking a combat handgun course for snubbies the instructor asked me, "Craig, what do you think?"  I told him, "As much as I like revolvers I am going to sell my two snubbies and stick with a Glock for self defense."  If you need more than 5 shots you need to practice and practice and practice.  Drop a 15 rd mag and reload another in Glock practical terms is  so much faster than any revolver - Jerry Miculek excluded.
    1 point
  37. Here is my set up. I may continue to carry the HKS for a while yet. I also have an old dump pouch. I think I will practice loading with a dump pouch, just see how it well it works. Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38.   That circumstance/condition no longer exists in TCA, just to be perfectly clear.   The statute allows a "firearm". A NFA firearm is a "firearm".  Anything illegal about it would be regarding NFA specific provisions of Federal or TN law, but not the fact that you possessed it in your vehicle in this state.   TN has no NFA related requirements beyond the Federal standards -- nearly the opposite actually since it has recently passed "innocent by default" regarding their possession and further,  that TN will basically expend no fiscal effort to help in Federal firearms enforcement, which includes state personnel or property.   Of course there is nothing in Federal law regarding possession of them in vehicle, except the state line thing.   edit: btmatto, you don't have to "own" the vehicle, just be in "legal possession" of it, so includes others' cars and rentals too. Does not include gummit or private vehicle supplied by employer who has written policy against possession.   - OS
    1 point
  39. Nice shop!  They had a very good selection of .22 ammo at reasonable prices.  Yesterday I stopped to get ammo and left with a DW Guardian.
    1 point
  40. Savage 10/110 series are WAY cheaper. You can find an accutrigger model Savage, with a scope, for under $400. That is not the Axis or Edge but a really Savage.
    1 point
  41. I finished my 1st SBR build with my brother in law recently. Geissele combat trigger Troy alpha rail Noveske 300 BLk 8 in barrel AAC 2.0 brake AAC SR7 Bravo company BCG Magpul K grip BAD ambi safety Strategic edge light Aimpoint T1 A bunch of other ridiculously expensive things that put me in a bind with my wife. But forgiveness, not permission, right? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. I suck because I just can't shoot very well.
    1 point
  43. Ana Popovic has become one of my new favorites. She plays a mean guitar and has that raspy, bluesy voice.    https://youtu.be/GHIEpKopqWk?list=RDj5CLzJcfDss    
    1 point
  44. Heading to the lease this weekend to pull sd cards. Gonna plant 2 food plots, hang a couple new stands and fill the feeders for the last time before the season. Hope I have some good bucks to share with y'all.
    1 point
  45. If Ponch & Jon would have been on their toes they would have stopped these 2 suspicious motorcycle riders that went into the store with their helmets on.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP005cw2jIk
    1 point
  46. Before you buy, look at Ruger's new precision rifle.  It's the cats meow!  Multi magazine capable to boot!
    1 point
  47. Heck I flew over all my neighbors' property today checking out damage from the high winds. Saved one neighbor across the street from having to drag a ladder out to check his roof for damage. Granted I started from 300 feet up circling a radius of 500 feet, before dropping to the deck at the neighbor's request for his personal fly by.
    1 point
  48. I don't reload as it would take too much time away from posting on TGO. However, I do have friends who do... I believes battleop captures the essence and zen of Reloading.
    1 point
  49. Any report of child abuse should be taken seriously and investigated. On the other hand if the allegations are proven false those who filed the false report should be charged criminal as well as be forced to pay restitution for the damaged reputation.   Because he is a celebrity of sorts within the gun community they are going to run with this and shut him down.
    1 point
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