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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2015 in all areas

  1. They aren't bankrupt yet? Darn. I wouldn't let cheaper than dirt ship me ammo for free. Caving to political correctness and pulling their guns from the site when the panic happened, then deciding PC be dammed and charging $80 for pmags? CTD can choke on it. Sent from the backwoods
    4 points
  2. Navy vet died at a VA hospital in KY on 7/29, no one came forward to claim his remains.  His name was Don Kaas.  Funeral home director sent out a message on FB Tuesday afternoon saying it's a shame no one was with him when he passed, and that he wished people would attend the burial today to pay respects that the vet deserved.  In less than 48 hours people put together a burial with full honors & a chinook flyover, not just a couple, but multiple hundreds of people dropped what they were doing in the middle of the work week to show up.   http://www.wlky.com/news/hundreds-gather-to-remember-fallen-veteran/34695344   https://www.facebook.com/lex18/videos/10153589715568447/?pnref=story
    3 points
  3. Here's a biggun' headed to a TGO member via the leather sheath maker.
    2 points
  4. Yesterday I went and splurged a little on a couple guns. I picked up an 870 Police Magnum and bought all the Magpul furniture which I'll post some pics of later. I was in the market for a good ol' bolt action .22. I found a Savage Mark II FV-SR. It has a 16.5" threaded barrel which I plan to suppress one day. I matched It with a Nikon ProStaff 3-9x40 Rimfire scope with a BDC reticle. It is meant for a 50 yard zero and drops 75, 100, 125 and 150 yards. I took it out on the "back forty" this morning along with my saw horse bench and sandbags. I started shooting federal bulk through it at 50 yards and worked it in to a closer group and then switched to 36 grain HP Mini Mags to close in my group. The pic below is 4 shots all connected at 50 yards from the bench and the top is a shot from 75 yards through the first reticle below 50 which I squeezed a little high. I could not be more impressed with this rifle and scope. It only came with the 5 round mag which did get a little annoying while on the bench but I have 3 10 rounders on the way. I am glad to add it to the family.
    2 points
  5. She has arrived ! I am not sure what these guys were thinking when they came up with this GI model idea, forged frame,no MIM.hand fitted slick looking ww2 copy for low $700s? A super tight well machined classic that has the looks of a boring GI pistol with the engine of a turbo vette under the hood,....This thing is a sleeper ! Quality is amazing and talk about tight,this thing is tighter than any 1911 I have ever picked up . Going to hit the range today and try this baby out !
    2 points
  6. I don't shoot 22 that much and a box of 500 will last me awhile or it used to.  I don't shoot much paper either, but this seems like a cheaper alternative then 9mm or something. Most of my shooting is at deer and pigs but this just seemed like something everyone could enjoy. Friends, family etc.    If this is the last box of 22 on the planet then I'll have fun shooting it with my new pistol. 
    2 points
  7. Yep pmags were $80, and went as high as $99. Surplus 5.56 went from $400 a case to $1000 overnight. They instantly pulled all their firearms, then added them back with some bullshit excuse. There was a lot of noise around the forums when it was all going down about how nobody would ever buy from them again. It was forgotten very quickly by most. I just dont like doing some business with those who don't support my hobbies and take huge advantage of a crisis. Sent from the backwoods
    2 points
  8. Damnit, now I want one, and I didn't even know they existed til just a few minutes ago...
    2 points
  9.   For repacked, surplus ammo were it is known some rounds might be a little sketchy, yes.   Regardless, for Enfield shooters it's worth the risk.  Surplus .303 is pretty much gone.
    2 points
  10.   Comrade Kalashnikov designed it that way. Otherwise, one might eventually have to clean it.   - OS
    2 points
  11. Thank you. I may be young but my father was born in 44. He raised me the way I think all kids should be raised. And there are way to many now a days that dont care about this country only what they can suckle from the teet. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  12.   You mean your EX girlfriend, she's just one of mine now.  :)
    2 points
  13. My grandfather would have greeted his second call with an air horn blown into the phone speaker.
    2 points
  14. Mods include: Geissele Super Sabre Trigger Pack Geissele Lightning Bow Trigger Gear Head Works Short Razorback Rail Gear Head Works Front site for short Razorback rail Gear Head Works Fulcrom Flex swival Eotech XPS3 Transverse Red Dot Holosight, EOTech G33 3x Magnifier Surefire M600 Scout Light Talon Grips X14 Gen 2 Magpul windowed 30 round Pmags with Ranger Plates Magpul Sling I just need to site it in for the elevated rail and i AM DONE WITH HER!!!!
    1 point
  15.   I've bought 2 or 3 times from CTD since their Big Gouge Period, including an AK pistol, cheapest anywhere at the time. It got a bit confused because the FFL I had it sent to, 6 or 8 showed up same day, as he'd bought the others to sell retail, were cheaper than he could get from any of his distributors.   Anyway, I don't care what CTD's biz model is ... it must work for them when they gouge, they're still in same biz, but that doesn't for me. Works for me when it's the cheapest, though. I do believe that's the 'Mericun Capitalism thang in which most folks here seem to believe?   - OS
    1 point
  16. You know guys, there have been plenty of threads in the past trashing and bashing CTD, and I participated in the trashing and bashing. I stated my position on dealing with CTD above. There are lengthy threads on Surplus Rifle Forum and Gun Boards about this ammo, but I didn't see anything on this forum and I wanted to make sure anyone here that might be interested wouldn't miss out. If all you have to say is more CTD bashing...it's been done enough already and I get it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. I got the same call this evening.  I let the guy talk for a while and was sort of jabbing at him...I knew it was a scam as soon as the caller ID showed the number.  He kept saying he wasn't going to sell me anything and he worked for Microsoft and he got a warning about my computer, yada, yada.  I finally asked for his phone number and told him I would call him back and he immediately hung up :).  One more reason I'm thinking of deleting my home phone and only having cell phones.  Best Wishes, B
    1 point
  18.   Probably just a bogus ad spam site to begin with.   To close a locked up app right click in empty part of task bar and Start Task Manager. Under Apps choose the browser and End Task.   If you can't get to task bar with mouse, use Ctrl+Alt+Del, choose Task Manager from there.   - OS
    1 point
  19. Ditch McAfee and get something decent. Malwarebytes is great and will clean up anything on there. Never trust just one program, especially if that one is Norton or McAfee.
    1 point
  20. LMAO, that's hilarious. Glad to hear it went over your ear, and not in it!
    1 point
  21. Well went by everything weapons this am to get a new bolt catch for an AR build and walked out with a black Ruger 22/45 lite.  Looks like I'm going to be forced to buy a suppressor for it 
    1 point
  22. Good luck with that...just had a huge Confederate Flag Support Event in Williamson County not even 3 weeks ago and you know if a county like Williamson supports it then a county like Rutherford is probably just as supportive if not more. I dont see that flag going anywhere anytime soon.
    1 point
  23. Welcome to the group. Tgo David will let you know how many members there are so we all can get some of that tree gold just consider it a moving tax haha
    1 point
  24. To be honest a lot of my family went to Vietnam. Most didn't come home right and it wasn't till I returned from Afghanistan that I realized any of the reasons why. With that said I to this day don't feel like I fought a war. You my brother did. I make it a point to thank those that didn't get thanked when they should have. For them not getting thanked for fighting for rights of everyone. I have thanked a Korean War vet in walmart just shook my hand said thank you told me it was nice to have a young man thank him. There were some younger kids standing around pants hanging low, wife beater, hate backwards asked why I did that. My response was because he had the job of protecting your right to look the way you do and not have me tell you otherwise. I know this is long winded but I try to make a point to thank all service members if that makes me wrong that is fine with me. I don't know how to answer when someone tells me thank you cause I don't really feel like I did much. I have lost friends but they are the ones that need to thanked and remembered not me. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25.  Its the 686 plus. So 7 rounds.
    1 point
  26. I'm assuming that's a 686-5?  IS it 6 or 7 rounds?  I have the 686-4P and it is my favorite gun of all time.  Beautiful...
    1 point
  27. I have the Glock 19 and 43.  Way over 1000 rounds in the 19 and it has been absolutely perfect and no issues.  Around 350 - 400 rounds in the 43 and it has been absolutely perfect and no issues.  I have had numerous other guns and most of them jammed from time to time.  For that reason I didn't feel comfortable carrying them or depending on them and sold them all.  Once a gun shuts down I don't want it.  I love revolvers because of their reliability and thought I would always be carrying a revolver...until I bought a Glock.  I have come to trust Glocks...they are not pretty guns to me...just a chunk of plastic and not much to look at.  But if I want a gun to reliably and accurately shoot all the rounds and function 100% it's gotta be a Glock.  In my book, if you want reliability you get a revolver or a Glock.  B
    1 point
  28. Only certain parts are counted too. For example you cannot add a US made sight and have it count towards compliance. This only matters for rifles, even SBRs, originally made overseas. And the parts cannot be made overseas even if the company selling them is a US company. The only guns 922r does not apply to is pistols.   Here is a good place to understand, and verify, your gun's compliance part count. http://thegunwiki.com/Gunwiki/BuildSaigaVerifyCompliance   As far as 922r goes yes it is a law but no one has ever got in trouble for breaking it. It is one of those things that they could use it if they wanted to but so far they have not. I know some do not worry about while others, like me, try to follow the law the best I can.   Yours should already be 922r compliant but be careful if you start swapping parts out. Just make sure what ever part you swap is US made and you won't have any issues.   This is good example of more unnecessary regulations by our government. You can buy scrap parts kits to build your own gun but now those kits cannot include the original barrel. So you have to find, and install, a US made barrel to build your gun now which makes it infinitely more difficult for the home builder.
    1 point
  29. My Dad was spit on upon his arrival back from his second tour in 68-69'. He said it was the worst feeling of his life.   365 over there...counting down the days to return to the land of "Milk and Honey" and to be greeted by that? I can't imagine the mind####.   I was in the military during the 1st Desert Storm.  I had mixed emotions about the "hero's welcome home" back then. A lot of it was fueled by American guilt over Vietnam.
    1 point
  30. Hard for me to say no to a pretty revolver.
    1 point
  31. Since the POW/MIA flag is warmongering. I suppose that we also need to get rid of the US flag. Those stars have changed a time or two via war.   By that regard I know that LGBT has been "fighting" for their rights as well. Since fighting isn't allowed and I'm offended by racist anti-hetero activists, we should get rid of that too.   While we're on the topic, triangles represent pyramids and pyramids mean slave labor. So no more golf flags.   They're also making a movie adaptation of The Dark Tower, which features Randall Flagg... so it's gotta go.   Even the military agrees that flagging is bad! :D
    1 point
  32. Your first AK?  I would advise you to go grab a new Wasr 10 and a fist full of mags.
    1 point
  33. I heard someone say the grip safety and mag release might be cast but the hammer and ignition parts are tool steel as well as the rest..even the sales guy does not know..LOL   Without a doubt,,,,,,Its a GI DW ...    FYI they are only making 1000 units ......after that  its over .. I am considering not even shooting mine now  LOL
    1 point
  34. I can answer that question of why now? Many of the punk hippie protestors that were doing the spitting and other things at the airports are now the parents and grandparents of the men and women in the theaters of battle and coming home maimed, or in drape cover coffins and they have learned what it feels like to have loved ones wounded or dead.  They have grown up with all new views now that it is them with family members in Harms Way.........jmho
    1 point
  35. Has nothing to do with revenue. It is just like everything else, control. They want to control every aspect of our lives even if it is very, very minor. Our country never repeals laws, they just choose not to enforce them. But they are still there waiting for the right person to decide to suddenly enforce them again. Jury nullification can be used to find someone innocent of an old law but most courts will not allow anyone to taint the jury with jury nullification.
    1 point
  36.       It's a sticky trap. The exterminators use em to catch spiders, usually brown recluses - they build their webs in low corners and retreat into them after hunting at night. Usually they catch lots of other bugs too. We've got em all over our building. The spiders.
    1 point
  37. Think about this.  These people are blaming legal handgun carry permit people for their problems in parks.  They are making a bigger deal out of handgun carry permits carrying than gang bangers carrying.  They think gang bangers carrying is just something that happens but throw a fit when an honest man is carrying to protect himself from the criminals.  I've never seen this much effort put into deterring criminals from carrying.
    1 point
  38. I was about to say "have you tried Numrich?"  :)
    1 point
  39. I've been around or owned guns all my life and there was a time when people understood criminals commit crimes, not their weapon of choice. Gun control is an "emotional issue" used by Progressives as a political tool and "gun free zones" are the best example of a dangerous and ineffective law. Liberal/Progressive politicians are a criminals best friend! I just moved to a small town in eastern Tennessee from another state. Fortunately, the town has an Ace Hardware, store which will come in handy since I'm building a cabin on the mountain and will need lots of materials. Unfortunately the owner posted a 'no gun' sign. On my first visit, my carry permit had not yet arrived in the mail so I wasn't armed and didn't look for signage. On my second visit after receiving my permit, I noticed the sign and walked back to the truck and secured my gun. I then when in the store and asked for the owner who wasn't in. I told the guy at the counter I would not patronize any business that required me to go on unarmed. The moral of the story is that I drove to the next town where there is a Lowe's hardware store and have spent a few thousand dollars in the last couple of months and there is much more to come. It requires a 14 mile round trip but which I'll gladly drive to exercise my Second Amendment rights. Posting the sign was a costly mistake that did nothing to make the store safer. I'm sure he 'felt' better though.
    1 point
  40. Found another possible and scientific SHTF scenario:
    1 point
  41. I'm ugly. I'm fat. I have no personality. I'm boring. Edit: Oh yeah. Should have read the OP. Unfortunately, that's one reason I don't like to go out in public. Word of advice, never trust a fart.
    1 point
  42. I am pi***ed. This punk who was born in 1969 doesn't have a clue. By the time he was old enough to form a sentence the war was over. What's next the US flag is racist because it offends someone who isn't an American. I have lost a few friends in that war both in combat and after coming home from the side effects of battle. GOD bless all our troops where ever they are, Amen.
    1 point
  43. https://twitter.com/msn It was originally reported as "Heavily armed white civilians patrolled Ferguson, drawing criticism from police".   And this is how all this crap starts again. It gets reported one way so that a certain group will take to the streets but in the meantime they change the headlines and act like they did nothing wrong.   The media, for the most part, sickens me with how they report news here in the US. Anyone who has been overseas knows that real news is everywhere else and if you want to know what is going on here then find a news source from another country.
    1 point
  44. The death penalty is nothing more than state-sponsored murder and even when I really want to, I cannot morally be OK with condoning that.
    1 point
  45. Not going to be a very long series. How long can some Californians last against zombies without firearms? Or worse yet, how are they able to kill zombies when the guns are all locked up in their storage containers.
    1 point
  46.   A significant part of good manners is tactful discreetness. :)   - OS
    1 point
  47. Drinking and even having it in the car is illegal. You of course can do it, but realize the consequences if you do and get caught.
    1 point
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