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8 points
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/tenn-school-district-says-it-can%E2%80%99t-stop-students-from-displaying-confederate-flag-unless-it-causes-a-%E2%80%98disturbance%E2%80%99/ar-BBlIFZE This article doesn't pertain to our school, but it did remind me of a recent event. The first day of school, our high school has a new principal. He gathers the school together for his big speech. One of the items on his agenda was to ban the display of the confederate flag, or the wearing of apparel depicting it. Well, the next day, my kids as well as many other wore their best Dukes of Hazzard t shirts, and the superintendent's phone never quit ringing. Oddly enough, the new principal was told if he liked his job, he'd ease up a bit on the restrictions. He was good with rainbow stuff and all that entails, but the confederate flag was a no go. This makes me wonder what is now taught in history class.3 points
She has arrived ! I am not sure what these guys were thinking when they came up with this GI model idea, forged frame,no MIM.hand fitted slick looking ww2 copy for low $700s? A super tight well machined classic that has the looks of a boring GI pistol with the engine of a turbo vette under the hood,....This thing is a sleeper ! Quality is amazing and talk about tight,this thing is tighter than any 1911 I have ever picked up . Going to hit the range today and try this baby out !3 points
Think about this. These people are blaming legal handgun carry permit people for their problems in parks. They are making a bigger deal out of handgun carry permits carrying than gang bangers carrying. They think gang bangers carrying is just something that happens but throw a fit when an honest man is carrying to protect himself from the criminals. I've never seen this much effort put into deterring criminals from carrying.3 points
Had to reduce the size, tried to enter a larger one and the program said the photo was too large. She still looks pretty nice though, that's all I get to do these days is look and wish I was 25 again. :)3 points
3 points
At least you have a door. And actual walls. And a window. I've never had any of those.2 points
I missed this one but it is freeking hilarious! Thanks for sharing! The statements from the bunny lovers are great! https://libertyboy.wordpress.com/2010/01/11/peta-v-bikers-a-failure-to-communicate/2 points
not much im sure im 28 and know more about history than the average college student its really sad2 points
[URL=http://s36.photobucket.com/user/McGarrett50/media/e1b9492129273ce7c192cbfb8efbc5f889590f7082680c823acb806ec26b37cb_zpsafnw1y7y.jpg.html][/URL]2 points
Has nothing to do with revenue. It is just like everything else, control. They want to control every aspect of our lives even if it is very, very minor. Our country never repeals laws, they just choose not to enforce them. But they are still there waiting for the right person to decide to suddenly enforce them again. Jury nullification can be used to find someone innocent of an old law but most courts will not allow anyone to taint the jury with jury nullification.2 points
I've been around or owned guns all my life and there was a time when people understood criminals commit crimes, not their weapon of choice. Gun control is an "emotional issue" used by Progressives as a political tool and "gun free zones" are the best example of a dangerous and ineffective law. Liberal/Progressive politicians are a criminals best friend! I just moved to a small town in eastern Tennessee from another state. Fortunately, the town has an Ace Hardware, store which will come in handy since I'm building a cabin on the mountain and will need lots of materials. Unfortunately the owner posted a 'no gun' sign. On my first visit, my carry permit had not yet arrived in the mail so I wasn't armed and didn't look for signage. On my second visit after receiving my permit, I noticed the sign and walked back to the truck and secured my gun. I then when in the store and asked for the owner who wasn't in. I told the guy at the counter I would not patronize any business that required me to go on unarmed. The moral of the story is that I drove to the next town where there is a Lowe's hardware store and have spent a few thousand dollars in the last couple of months and there is much more to come. It requires a 14 mile round trip but which I'll gladly drive to exercise my Second Amendment rights. Posting the sign was a costly mistake that did nothing to make the store safer. I'm sure he 'felt' better though.2 points
I think this thread has far exceeded any good that may be derived from it by constantly restating the same themes and contentions. So I think I'll pursue the rarest of activities and go talk about guns. I'm done here.2 points
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2 points
2015 is officially the year of the AK for me. This year alone I have purchased two Century (CAI) "Iraqi Contractor" Romanian WASR 10's, a 2013 production Century (CAI) Romanian WASR 10, Century (CAI) Romanian RPK AES10B, + a Yugoslavian N-PAP DF. I have another Century (CAI) "Iraqi Contractor" Romanian WASR10 + a Century (CAI) Romanian Draco AK pistol en route to my FFL as I write this. As you can see, I am a fan of the weapon system through + through. At the present moment, I am debating the purchase of a Arsenal SLR107FR but I am stuck on if I should pick the variant with plum furniture or all black. Decisions, decisions! Without further ado, I present to you my humble selection of AK's. [URL=http://s640.photobucket.com/user/986S/media/87D88D49-740E-4783-B68B-8A4CA2016FE8_zpsftdi9kt5.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s640.photobucket.com/user/986S/media/BAB2AEBE-BA71-4470-A10E-71AB3A88ABB6_zpsfb6iglvc.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
I'm sorry, but there are just some people on the left, (and, granted, on the right as well), that just need to live a short life and die a horrible death! To claim that the MIA flag is racist in any way is just so outrageous as to warrant a violent response! This guy writes this drivel because of the very people that he attacks who defends his right to write said drivel. http://video.foxnews.com/v/4416803659001/controversial-column-declares-powmia-flag-racist/?intcmp=hpvid1#sp=show-clips1 point
Me likey very much. You cannot go wrong with a world class revolver. Congratulations on your new toy, sir!!!!1 point
1 point
1 point
IIRC you can post a WTB in the classifieds without being a benefactor. The fact that he is wanting opinions of guns to purchase in his price range is totally acceptable and his post is in the correct section in that regard. I saw no mention of him wanting to sell anything outside the classifieds. I may be missing something but I see no rules being broken.1 point
If the rainbow shirt caused a disturbance, the students protesting its presence would most certainly be expelled, for being intolerant, hateful,bigots!1 point
1 point
The century c39v2 is a milled in that range but I would go with a good stamped reviewer to start with.1 point
I wish I had some intelligent input for your sling conundrum...gotta say, damn gorgeous looking rifle, though...a true work of art1 point
The design of pocket holster I made for my XD-s and my Kel-Tec P-32 is identical to the Alabama Pocket Holster. The only difference is that I spent a lot of wasted time fiddling with and tweaking mine to get it perfect (for me). Wish I'd seen a pic of theirs first. It would have saved me a lot of time and Kydex, LOL. BTW...all the skinny jeans references about those not able to pocket carry always have me rolling in the floor laughing. Good stuff guys.1 point
He's not sorry for anything. He just didn't get the response he was looking for and poked a bear that shouldn't have been poked, and now he's having to back-track on it.1 point
of course... Id never buy an 80 series personally USA ! USA ! USA ! Im pretty certain DW has some sorta hand it it,it does look very much like my Valor inside1 point
A couple new ones to share. After getting down to too few AK's, finally getting built back up. Yugo N-Pap that came with the black plastic thumbhole stock. Got a good deal on this and then picked up some m70 handguards and a m76 stock. Trimmed off the nub of the stock and then Tru-oiled the furniture. Gonna leave this one pretty traditional. Pioneer Arms Polish AK. Cheaper than a WASR and built much better. Added an Ace stock I had and a TWS top cover with a Lucid red dot. Really happy with the Manticore Arms Alpha rail.1 point
1 point
Because most of my shots land in the outer borders. Also, my astigmatism. yeah. that.1 point
A lot people throwing such a fuss over Carly Fiorina laying off 30K employees think that corporations are only in business to employ people. No, they are in business to make money. If they do make money, employment will follow. I don't know of a single person that goes into business for the purpose of giving people jobs. People go into business to make money. Most can't make money without employees. The more money they make, the more they hire.1 point
No, Not Nashville or Middle Tennessee. People hate it here. I would move to Chattanooga, for sure. WAAAY nicer.1 point
Holy cow, that's tempting, even at those current market prices. Shipped directly to my door? Yes, please.1 point
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1 point
Let him or some little leftest college punk who listens to this Marxist crap try to pull one down and then I will advocate punishing violence against them.1 point
Thanks again everyone. My HCP came in the mail the other day and I took the new baby out on the town. I like the way it fits. I might look in to the 9 round mag, but for now, I like the comfort and it feels nice having a .45 on me when I am out. I will still carry the G19 from time to time, but I am really starting to like the G30.1 point
I sure hope not, she was SUPER salty before I was finally able to get out what happened. I did get a chuckle about her calling it a machine gun.1 point
I highly doubt that anything will come of sending a picture to a wrong number. Maybe if you threatened to eat her children, praise be Allah! you might be in trouble.1 point
Right on! It was difficult for me to pass up even though I have one, that is a nice specimen and a great deal.1 point
I've got the 930 SPX...cycles everything I've fed it so far with no issues, low brass to high brass.... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
I don't have much to say on the primary subject of the thread as I think that btr96, SWJewelTN and others have articulated most of my views reasonably well. I do want to address an argument that I have seen made repeatedly in this thread and elsewhere whenever the subject of interactions between the police and the public has arisen. Variations of arguments that question the standing of those critiquing cop behavior to even do so because they don't have an LE background are just plain bad argumentation. It is one thing to use your background in LE to explain why you do things a certain way. That's a valid argument, but to say that someone shouldn't question a tactic or action because they don't understand what it is like to be a cop is in no way shape or form a valid argument. It is the equivalent of feminists saying that men can't have an opinion of abortion because they lack a vagina or when SJWs say that folks can't question certain behaviors because they aren't of a particular race. It is simply a tactic to silence the other party without substantively addressing the topic actually being discussed. When you say "you need to be a ______ or you wouldn't understand what _____ go through" what you are really saying is that you can't make a strong argument to support your position would rather try to weasel out of the debate by delegitimization of your opponent.1 point
If gun throwing is part of your defensive plan, you need a Hi-Point. Those things will hurt somebody.1 point
Here are some tidbits I learned during my career. I think you can find an application to this stop for most of them, but not for #6 in this particular case. (1) Nothing about police work is easy or simple. (2) If you lose psychological control of a situation you will probably die for it. (3) .The officer must survive. When one's rights run counter to his survival, that person's rights (temporarily) lose. For the most part the courts agree. (4) If you don't see the other guy's gun until it is coming out of his holster, you're a dead man. (5) 'Tis far better to apologize for scaring hell out of a citizen than to foolishly avoid scaring hell out of him at the cost of your life. (6) Never eat barbeque in a tan uniform. :pleased:1 point
As far as being too big to pocket carry, I tried it at the gun store (with their permission :)) and it is fine. I am 6'-4" and 330 pounds...I could pocket carry a 2 liter coke :)! B1 point
I have an Alabama Pocket Holster for my XDS. Well-made, fits nicely. I'm sure the model for the Glock 43 would be as well.1 point
Not going to be a very long series. How long can some Californians last against zombies without firearms? Or worse yet, how are they able to kill zombies when the guns are all locked up in their storage containers.1 point
1 point
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