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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2015 in all areas

  1. No one should pay any attention to what the Southern Poverty Law Center says anyway... They are no more trackers and objective evaluators of the beliefs of "groups" than i am a brain surgeon... They are a bunch of far left, racist jackasses formed up by a piece of lawyer trash named Morris Dees whose goal is the intimidation and smearing of people and groups they dont like (...which is most everybody who doesnt see things their way...)...    They are a smear machine for the black supremacists, the gubmt,  and the news apparatchiks who use them as handy "expert sources" to smear who and what they don't like...They evidently believe that it's still slave days and whitey is still busy persecuting the black slave population...   I say the hell with the Southern Poverty Law Center, the pimps that work there, and the trash that use them as sources...   hatin leroy
    9 points
  2. As of 10:30 last night I am now a Grandfather ! I am posting in Women And Firearms because it's a girl and I will teach her to shoot and hunt along with my son. She is 6 lbs. 4 oz and 20 inches long. Woohoo !
    6 points
  3. I am pi***ed. This punk who was born in 1969 doesn't have a clue. By the time he was old enough to form a sentence the war was over. What's next the US flag is racist because it offends someone who isn't an American. I have lost a few friends in that war both in combat and after coming home from the side effects of battle. GOD bless all our troops where ever they are, Amen.
    6 points
  4. Just completed this build and had to show it off a bit. Parts list below Remington action trued by Long Rifles Inc Bartlein barrel M24 profile chambered in 6.5 creedmoor, threaded and installed by LRI Resurfaced recoil lug Bolt fluted and knob installed by LRI SWFA 5-20 scope Seekins precision rings Seekins 20 moa base Masterpiece arms chassis Timney 510 trigger AAC 300TM suppressor with rifles only MAD cover Harris bipod Ergo grip AI magazine Cerakote by LRI [url=http://s107.photobucket.com/user/samson7x/media/DSC_0585_zpsq5a2phsp.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s107.photobucket.com/user/samson7x/media/DSC_0582_zpsjalak4rs.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s107.photobucket.com/user/samson7x/media/DSC_0588_zpsjt3enxgd.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s107.photobucket.com/user/samson7x/media/DSC_0587_zpsjy3yvtvr.jpg.html][/URL]
    4 points
  5.     Yes, I have noticed your new sig line. You need to enlarge it though.
    4 points
  6. East TN is horrible.  Don't move here.  You will hate it.   Especially the greater Knoxville area east of Knox.  Worst place in the world.   Nashville will be more to your liking.
    4 points
  7. "Too many people complained" I like that statement right there.  :up:
    4 points
  8. We had supper last night at The Corner Pub in MJ. We ended up parking at the other end near Papa Johns and we walked past the entry door I had to do a double take their posting was gone. So after after we ate we again went past tbe entry door one of the drivers was walking back in so I asked him why the posting was gone? He said too many people complained so they took it down. Kind of wondering if it was a corporate directive or a store based decision.
    3 points
  9. Journalists = liberal idiots.....no really.
    3 points
  10. Yet, these four men were not caught looting or causing other damage....interesting. Seems like there were there peacefully armed and it stayed that way. If the people of the community don't like the laws, then change them, but they were doing nothing illegal. Of course, if the people of that community focused on the fact that their little "angels" are't, the community would be in better shape.
    3 points
  11. Well, except for the whole happening in Australia thing...
    2 points
  12. I finished my 1st SBR build with my brother in law recently. Geissele combat trigger Troy alpha rail Noveske 300 BLk 8 in barrel AAC 2.0 brake AAC SR7 Bravo company BCG Magpul K grip BAD ambi safety Strategic edge light Aimpoint T1 A bunch of other ridiculously expensive things that put me in a bind with my wife. But forgiveness, not permission, right? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. I suck because I just can't shoot very well.
    2 points
  14. I wouldn't, and it was just snark at the stupidity of trying to assign a race to a silhouette type image --- which obviously can't be done.  Its like saying the black outline targets have a race (and its been claimed there too) ... its so glaringly stupid that you have to wonder how the person ever learned to read and write enough to be able to even express their stupidity in words.   Sorry if I offended .. pretty much anyone who uses the word racist amuses me with their antics ... they ARE comedians, right?
    2 points
  15. That is one bear he really shouldn't poke with a stick.
    2 points
  16. I want the government to see citizens, especially armed citizens, willing to take a stand.  We need more of that I think.  I'm fine with a group coming together to take that stand, protest, or otherwise exercise their rights, but I would like there to be some purpose and sense of thought behind it to put their actions in perspective.  I'm not seeing that from the Oath Keepers in this case.
    2 points
  17. If they are paying taxes that is great but if they are not then expect to loose 1/2-1/3 of the $44 by the time you pay your taxes, insurance and all the other "mandatory" government withholdings.   If you want to talk about overseas contracts feel free to contact me. And honestly going overseas as a contractor might be a better option, especially coming out of active duty. Now is the time to get things going before you get out. It takes 3-6 months to get the first overseas contract from the time the company says they want you because of clearances and IDs. And no, your current clearances have ZERO bearing on any future contracts. Your current clearances are with the DoD and you will get vetted by the agency issuing the clearance. And it depends on the government agency what they are looking for. I have known of people who have been in jail get contracts while others were refused a contract because they were too far in debt. BTW, grab an SF 86 fill it out and use it as a master copy for when you fill them out for other clearances.   Doing overseas contracts allowed my wife to stay home with our child. And with the rotations you will get more time home than you could ever fathom. I worked, on average, 6 months out of the year and lived it up the other 6 when I was home.   And although it is dangerous it is no where near as dangerous as being an active duty soldier.   Not sure what skills you have but if you are trained in medical or communications you could command a premium.   I will say that the pay is not what it used to be and the competition is a little tougher now than 10 years ago but for the person with the right training you can easily get a job making a good wage. I know people who bought, and paid for, their house inside of three years. I also know people who blew every red cent they made. But how much you make is up to how much time you want to be gone. I know of one guy who would only do one trip a year that would cover Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years because of the bonuses working during the holidays. If you time it right you can make between $30K and $45K in two months time during the holidays.   And if you, or anyone, is considering an overseas position only go with companies that are established and that you sign a contract with. NEVER go over on someone's word, you might end up dead or left in a hostile country trying to find your own way home. I have known a few people who went over with a fly by night company and were basically abandoned after the government paid the company. One guy turned over his passport to the country lead then the country lead flew back to the states with everyone's passports and fell off the face of the earth. My friend had to cross from Iraq into Jordan then go to a consulate to get back to the states and after all that he never received a single dime. One of the biggest indicators as to whether the company is reputable is to ask if you get paid during the training or if they are flying you to training. If they will then it is probably a decent company. If they want you to pay for flights, training and lodging then stay away from them as they likely either do not have a contract yet or they are just interested in making a bunch of money then splitting without paying you.   All the times I was paid on a 1099 the "employer" never took out taxes or anything and that was three separate companies over the course of several years. I was left hiring a CPA to go through all of my 1099's to figure out what was owed and what was exempt.   And finally, EVERYTHING is negotiable not just pay. I was on a contract when the company needed people to extend 2-3 weeks to cover a transition period. One guy said he didn't want any money but what he did want is some sort of rare 60's-70's drum set. I just laughed until a few weeks later when the company delivered on their promise to find him the drum set they promised.
    2 points
  18. I'm torn, agree Ferguson does not need anymore gasoline.  There is a time and place for the Oath Keepers and alike, this is not one of them in my opinion. 
    2 points
  19. And that is how  the iRobot Roomba came to fruition.
    2 points
  20. https://twitter.com/msn It was originally reported as "Heavily armed white civilians patrolled Ferguson, drawing criticism from police".   And this is how all this crap starts again. It gets reported one way so that a certain group will take to the streets but in the meantime they change the headlines and act like they did nothing wrong.   The media, for the most part, sickens me with how they report news here in the US. Anyone who has been overseas knows that real news is everywhere else and if you want to know what is going on here then find a news source from another country.
    2 points
  21.   "Papa Johns never intended to offend anyone when rolling out the no firearms policy. In Oct 2014, a 21 year old shift leader in Columbia, Tn was robbed at gun point of which ended fatally. At that point Papa John's decided to promote the safety of their team members in the attempt to deter theft and violence."   Maybe I'm just tired, but my brain just exploded at that attempt of logic.
    2 points
  22.   BLASPHEMY!     I love blackberries so this post makes me sad.    :cry:
    2 points
  23. Out of all the issues in the FOX GOP Debate (Can we even call it a debate? They have one minute for goodness’ sake) this week, there were a couple of Constitutional issues that came up. Rand Paul and Chris Christie got into it over the Fourth Amendment. Other candidates spoke about immigration, which is a Constitutional issue for Congress. They even spoke about spending, which is also Constitutional in limited spending, not balanced budgets. No one pointed to that though. The one thing interestingly missing from the debate was the Second Amendment and the right of the people to keep and bear arms. So, why was there no talk about the Second Amendment? After all, we know the current Marxist administration is anti-gun ownership and we know that those in the Democrat Party are for some level of gun control. But what about those who were debating and asking you for your vote for the highest office in the land? For starters, we know Chris Christie is clearly not to be trusted with the rights of the people concerning guns. Christie has signed into law all sorts of infringements upon his people in New Jersey and when called out on it at a town hall meeting earlier this year, he said, “Send me a Republican legislature. And with a Republican legislature you’ll have a governor who will respect, appropriately, the rights of law-abiding citizens to be able to protect ourselves.” At least one woman is dead in his state because of infringement upon the people’s rights and Brian Aitken was imprisoned in New Jersey for having legally purchased guns. Then there was Christie’s appointment of anti-gun Jeffrey Chisea to fill the seat in the US Senate. Ben Carson has said he believes citizens have gun rights, but then has broken that up when it comes to whether or not you live in the city or the country. Governor Mike Huckabee is pro-Second Amendment supporter without restrictions. Senator Rand Paul has been in his words and votes a pro-Second Amendment supporter without restrictions. Senator Marco Rubio opposed the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty. He opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms and was given a B+ rating by the National Rifle Association. He also claimed that the Second Amendment is the cornerstone of our democracy (It’s a republic Marco). Senator Ted Cruz has also been a pro-Second Amendment supporter in his voting, except for the claim that arms “such as Machine guns, and weapons especially attractive to criminals, such as short-barreled shotguns, are not” to be considered as protected under the Second Amendment. Governor Scott Walker opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms, has said the Second Amendment is not optional and desires to see concealed carry recognized under the Second Amendment. Donald Trump has said he is against gun control, claims Republicans and Democrats are wrong on guns, but he is for an assault weapon ban, wants a waiting period and background checks, none of which are in the Second Amendment nor a part of the federal government’s authority. He recently stated that he also supports the arming of all military personnel and repealing “gun free zones” there. Governor John Kasich opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms and believes more parenting is better than more gun laws. Florida Governor Jeb Bush advanced stand-your-ground and concealed carry during his time as governor. Matthew Speiser also deals with a few other candidates’ positions on the Second Amendment, who were not allowed to participate in the prime time event. I want to hear from presidential candidates that there is no authority given to government to restrict any arms to its citizens in any fashion. That is the law. On top of that, as I stated on Friday on the Sons of Liberty radio show, I want them to be asked to enumerate the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution and their enumerated powers should they be elected to the White House. After all, that is what they job consists of, knowing their limitations and understanding the people’s freedom that is to be preserved. If they can’t answer those few things, they have no business anywhere near the White House.
    1 point
  24.   We can argue "reasonableness" until the cows come home, but that's something that is and will continue to be defined by a judge or jury. What you don't seem to be understanding is that no jury in this state is going to disagree with ANY officer who chooses to disarm an HCP holder for the duration of a stop regardless of any other factors, including a complete lack of any aggression on the part of the stopee. In a police officer's line of work, it is reasonable to think that any encounter can go south quickly and therefore removing a firearm is always going to be considered a reasonable action by a LEO. You may not agree with that scope of "reasonable" but it doesn't matter what you think. Or what I think. Or what any of us think unless we are on a jury determining reasonableness. Good luck convincing 11 other people who have never so much as touched a gun that the officer wasn't reasonable.
    1 point
  25.   Respectfully, and in no way condescending or demeaning your thought processes here but your trying to figure out something that happened somewhere else. That you weren't there to observe and question and was posted by the person who was stopped. Is it for the sake of argumentation or curiosity? Any retired or career police officer who'll even allow themselves to be drawn into a fruitless discussion  on this is probably going to give a different opinion than another officer. Those opinions will vary by whatever region of the country the officer works, the officers level of education and experience. Yes, there are variables involved in the interpretation process. You've pretty much nitpicked this one to pieces and unless the officer in question jumps in with a response its a dead issue.
    1 point
  26. We load nosler 240 or 220 grains with h110 at bottom to middle of hodgdon recommended. You need a true magnum powder to keep it happy h110, 2400..... Accurate #9 to near max recommended with nosler 240 grains cycles fine and locks the slide most of the time. only revolver caliber I use a gauge for so if you don't have one consider picking one up. We have pretty good luck with factory ammo, but has a few rounds through it. Enjoy. It rocks with h110.
    1 point
  27. That's right, no "how are youse guys doing". Either Ya'll or youin's of which I much prefer Ya'll!!.
    1 point
  28. Haha he doesn't even know it's about him
    1 point
  29. My right lense in my glasses has a weaker prescription that the left. It's not as clear. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. Welcome Mister Jones. Here "Hi All" gets turned into "Hey Y'all."  and you're probably gonna get accused of having a "New Jersey" accent, like a good friend of mine who moved here from Boston did.   :rofl:  What part of Tennessee are you moving to, if I may ask? 
    1 point
  31. Cross-edit.   Oh Shoot, I see that TCA 39-17-1359 makes no provision for other states skipping the class, but the TDOS site still shows New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas as exempt. Do you know if those 3 are still exempt or not?   https://www.tn.gov/safety/article/hgqualifications The 3 states are listed in the paragraph with the For Persons Holding a Handgun Carry Permit from Other States and Applying for a Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit
    1 point
  32. Itchy Trigger Finger has built a nasty double swinger that's going to make an appearance tonight!
    1 point
  33. That just means no revolvers, you should be good.
    1 point
  34. You can do it yourself for a little less than paying a smith. Get a kit from http://www.cncwarrior.com/category-s/1933.htm You will need to cut the shroud off the end of the barrel. They are usually already threaded under the shroud. Just be sure not to cut too deep.
    1 point
  35. It comes down to what feels best for you that you shoot the best. Given the choice between an M&P9 or a 4th gen Glock 17 I'll go with the Glock due to familiarity with the platform.
    1 point
  36. I've owned multiple copies of both. Been to both armorer courses.  If I could cram Glock guts in the M&P that would be ideal. Since I can't I only use Glock now.  I just carve up my Glock frames to give me decent or better in my mind, ergonomics.  I like the G19 size and weight. 
    1 point
  37. I moved from 20 miles East of Rochester in early June. East TN is great. We bought a place a little South of Jonesborough. Still getting settled so haven't had the time to do a lot of shooting yet but have converted one of my 10-22s to a thumbhole stock, officially a NY assault rifle now and bought a couple of standard magazines for my Glock. I have setup some steel behind the house so I can shoot off my deck, that needs some more work and more steel but it will come with time. Was just back in NY last week to move the last of my shop out of the state.   Have you narrowed down your area of interest yet?  I have a great realtor that works out of Kingsport that spent many days with us till we found the right house. He said I could recommend him to any of my conservative Yankee friends.   Jim...
    1 point
  38. Shouldn't the Forestry Dept be in a wood structure instead of a block building? :) Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. My wife picked up a bag to shoulder carry an oxygen tank. Fits my mini Draco perfectly even with a side folder. The only issue is a 20 round mag is a little too tall. I will pick up a 10 rounder and see how it works. If it does who is going to say anything to a guy on crutches holding an oxygen bag.
    1 point
  40. The lack of thermal footprint planning is great in this one. - yoda.
    1 point
  41. Legally the cop was within his right. I just disagree with how he went about it. Grabbing a gun from someone's holster is a big no-no and could have easily resulted in a negligent discharge and got one or both of them hurt or killed. If the man had turned suddenly to react to the cop grabbing at his gun it could have went bad quickly. If the cop believed the firearm was a danger due to the man being a criminal he should have got the guy off the bike and proceeded how you would a suspected robber, etc. If he didnt, and it seems from his attitude he didn't think the guy was a felon, then he should have politely asked for the firearm. I don't understand why anyone would disarm a citizen. It seems the safest thing would be for the gun to stay in its holster, safety on with nobody handling it. Then there is no chance it could discharge in any way. The other mistake was putting a firearm in his pocket with it in an unknown condition. Why not proceed back to the cruiser with the firearm and clear it there, or clear it while you stand there and then put it away? Lots of odd stuff there, and I would be curious as to what the police chiefs reaction would be. Sent from the backwoods
    1 point
  42.     And we now just found a new place to have the next TGO meet & greet.
    1 point
  43. The point of the post about the South Carolina statute was to interject into the conversation evidence that, contrary to what a lot of people posting in this thread seem to think,  a substantial number of people in this country think carrying into a residence unnanounced is offensive, some even to a point of criminality.  I'm well aware that Tennessee has no such statute.   I really find it incongruous that the same guys who will go to hell and back to defend the rule that "a man's home is his castle" will toss that rule aside so readily when it comes to carrying their guns into that castle without permission.
    1 point
  44. I see. So we won't respect another man's home without a law saying we must, and that lack of respect becomes OK because we can't be prosecuted for it. Right. Got it.
    1 point
  45. I don't like having un-vetted armed people in my house or being in another house as a guest and encounter the same circumstances. Many years spent in police work taught me that suspicion was prudent to personal safety. If I invite you into my house I've already found out a bit about you and either been told you have a HCP or asked you if you do. I will recropricate in such informational exchanges and ensure you know I routinely carry a concealed handgun. If alcohol is being served or consumed in your home either I won't attend the get together or will simply leave my handgun in my homes gun safe. I expect you to either do the same or request I secure it in my gun safe for you to retrieve the next day. I've seen first hand incidents of what happens at parties where drinking and guns are brought together and massive group think (or lack thereof) stupidity take place. Yes I'm hard nosed and can be rude as heck about this stuff.
    1 point
  46. I'll be interested to know if you're able to get the stink out of the hide. You can usually smell a coyote before you see him.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48.   Your house your rules.... Someone else's house? Their rules! I look at it this way I would indeed be upset if someone I did NOT yet really know came into my home armed without my consent; thusly I would not do this to anyone else that I don't KNOW personally...
    1 point
  49. Honestly, I'm glad to see courtesy winning out here.  
    1 point
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