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I have found that the best steaks are prepared at home! Once I learned to sear correctly, even low quality steaks are delish! It is too easy to be let down at a restaurant these days inmo.6 points
6 points
OK, Richard Nixon's missing 18 minutes made me forever suspicious. :rofl: Boy, guess I really dated m'self on that one, didn't I?5 points
Gun gets snatched open carrying in an unsecured holster; what a surprise. Goes to show how easily someone could disarm him. He should have had a secure holster; especially riding a motorcycle.4 points
Yep. I hear lots of older guys who know a whole lot about guns use the word clips. It's pretty common slang. Just like a ccw. Most states issue a ccw, with open carry either being permitted by all or completely illegal. So the gentleman in question could have easily moved here from a state that uses a ccw. I try not to judge others intelligence on a matter by the slang they use. Sometimes they still know a whole hell of a lot on the subject they are speaking about. Sent from the backwoods4 points
A properly cooked rare steak the way I like it at home is a Cast iron Skillet, about an inch of olive oil, bring the skillet heat to the range of smoke just barely beginning to rise off the skillet, add a Nice 2 inch + thick Ribeye to the skillet over medium high heat cook for 3 minutes turn 1 time and cook for 2 minutes and put it on a plate. I watched my Mother cook steaks like that for many years as she was professional cook in some very high class restaurants. She said the biggest secret to a good steak is only turning it once. Any more than that will make it tough. My Mother had 5 sons and no daughters and she taught every one of her sons to cook in case we married a woman that could boil water without burning it............... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:3 points
3 points
Concur. Imagine how upset he's going to be if he ever gets to the White House, and then has to deal with an uncooperative Congress. One thing to remember is that his company, The Trump Organization, isn't a publicly traded company, it's structured as an LLC. So Trump doesn't have a board of directors or shareholders to worry about or keep him in check. That gives him a lot of latitude in how he runs things and has to have fed into his personality. He won't get the same operating standards with Congress.3 points
3 points
Not going to be a very long series. How long can some Californians last against zombies without firearms? Or worse yet, how are they able to kill zombies when the guns are all locked up in their storage containers.3 points
So I just picked this up. *I haven't fired it yet.* Overall, I think I'll like it, especially with the KAK Industries Arm Stabilizer. A few gripes...some minor, some not. 1. What everyone talks about with this gun...the Ambi-Safety. CZ has been making great guns for a long time. How this part made it from Design to Production is beyond me. Anyway, easily fixable. 2. Trigger. Not great. Maybe it will get better with use. Nothing I can't work around, I guess. 3. Mag Release. A couple of things here. One, I REALLY wish they had went with something closer to the AR design, but OK, I'll run it like an AK. Two (and my more serious gripe), the mags will not reliably drop free when the bolt is locked back. They will on a closed bolt, but not locked back. So, traditional Emergency / Combat / Slide Lock-Back Reloads are out the window. This is my biggest gripe about the gun. If the mags dropped free when at lock-back, I could come up with a fresh mag, thumb (or trigger finger) the mag release, insert the fresh mag, run the bolt and press on. Alas, no. Anyway, the gun feels good, the sights are great, mags are cheap, and who doesn't like the "MP5 charging handle slap?" :) This setup (minus the optic) cost me $999.99 OTD locally. UPDATE: Altered the safety...perfectly fine now...took 15 minutes. Trigger? No, it doesn't break like glass, but it has gotten better with use and proper lubrication.2 points
There's a surplus of dead chickens available for sale now that they have culled so many? :)2 points
Making a screw-up while doing something mechanical, electrical, etc. requires a certain amount of swear words / phrases. To do otherwise is un-American. :)2 points
What part of that is not clear? “Reasonably believes”? A cop says the guy was acting suspicious; who is the world is going to say “No, he wasn’t”? That makes no more sense than you implying that a Police Officer is required to subject himself to some higher degree of danger simply because he has a job where people may try to kill him. The only way that could come up is in a trial or citizen’s complaint. I’m not aware of anything that stops this guy from making a citizens complaint if he thinks the Officer was out of line. Yes, he has a dangerous job and it is beat into his head from the day he starts that if he is killed it will more than likely be because he didn’t have control of the situation. You watch enough videos and read enough training reports of cops being killed because they missed the smallest details and you quickly learn to control the situation. And unless someone is standing beside that cop when he disarms someone, and they see what he sees; they don’t have squat to say about and never will. (Hopefully)2 points
You have to many kids cooking today and less adults. I like my steak very rare which I can seldom ever get. When a waitress or waiter asks me how I want my steak cooked my reply is.........Cut off the horns and hoofs, wash it's butt and chase it through the kitchen RARE!!! I have only found one place I can get that done properly and that is Outback Steak Houses. They know how to cook a steak. If it does not Moo when I put a fork in it, it's too well done...................jmho2 points
You follow your instincts. We can’t tell from that video what that Officer saw or why he did what he did. And the law doesn’t require him to explain it. Being concerned about it is certainly your right; staying alive is his right, and his duty to his family. A Memphis Police Officer was just shot to death because he walked up on a convicted felon that was in possession of a minor amount of pot. You never know what people will do. An Ohio (I think) Police Officer was shot to death while testing a DUI suspect that was armed and had a carry permit. When he tried to cuff the suspect a fight ensued and he was shot. The Carry Permit holder then stood over him and shot him two more times. Hindsight is 20/20. Maybe if that Officer had disarmed him the moment they made contact; he would be alive today. Maybe not; who knows. Cops are shot all the time and many times it’s not a hardened criminal but someone that is emotionally upset, drunk, or on drugs. Even though I am not required to do so; I will notify the Officer that I have a HCP and I am armed. Then there will be no surprises and he can let me know how we will proceed.2 points
On the same day this happened, some guy thought it would be a good idea to attack someone, in the police department's parking lot, with an ax. No one was hurt or shot, but I'm told :) , that it was an exciting couple of minutes. Oh, and SPD also had a pursuit that ended in a crash too. All these separate incidents happened within about 5 hours of each other. And people think Smyrna is just a sleepy little town where the police do nothing but write tickets... Kudos to the Officers of SPD!2 points
I agree 100%. Trump is use to getting his way and I think if he does make it to the Oval office he is going to learn what a real reality is and his fit throwing in Congress won't fly or get him his way. He better learn how to play nice if he is to succeed with Congress because there are a lot of Female Senators and Congresswomen he will have to deal with..........jmho2 points
Gabe booted me. For stating some legal facts that differed from a couple of his avowals. Fortunately Will Rogers never got a chance to meet him. - OS2 points
If they're not agin' you, they're for you. But how long will they be "for" you if you go around calling them "idiots" on nationwide internet gun forums because they slipped up and said CCW? I lived in a CCW state for 54 years and even after being given a Tennessee State Certified Handgun Instructor rating.....even after having taught the course, I slipped up once and said "CCW" instead of "HCP" just from force of habit. And just for the record I don't think that makes me an idiot and I really don't like being called one.2 points
If they are dropped, either store by store, or overall, it's because Bentonville spread sheets say they are currently no longer a worthwhile profit center there. - OS2 points
Wally's inventory decisions are always determined by spread sheets in Bentonville. If public perception or political pressure could have affected them, it would most certainly have happened back around Sandy Hook span. - OS2 points
Always amazed how many TGOers seem to get stopped as a matter of routine. :) - OS2 points
Glad this went smoothly. There are several different outcomes of grabbing for someone's carry gun that come to mind and none of them turn out good. Officer or not I don't think it's wise to go grabbing for a loaded weapon during what appears to be a routine traffic stop. If he had just robbed the Weigels or committed some crime he was really taking his time leaving, putting on gloves, getting things situated in his bag, etc. and none other other customers were alarmed or running around. From the video I fail to see any threatening behavior from the motorcycle rider and the tag thing seems like a joke. Had this been an actual robbery by a motorcycle rider the robber would have been long gone by the time this officer even got his blue lights turned on. Seems like the officer could have just pulled up and asked to see id and hcp before he even got on the bike instead of watching him the whole time and them pulling him over as he leaves. Just my 2 cents.2 points
If I recall correctly, as of Sept. 2013, the NFL policy does prohibit off-duty LEO from carrying at games. That being said, the state of Texas has told the NFL to go pound sand, and allows off-duty LEOS to carry at Cowboys and Texans games. Also a Minnesota Police association has/had a suit pending against the NFL regarding this rule, but I do not know the status of that suit. The NFL's weapons policies are the precise reason that they do not get a dime of my money-- not tickets, not merchandise, nothing.2 points
Premiers August 23rd. It's time to start a thread for this show too.1 point
Was watch the deer come in this morning and they spooked big time and took off, less than 10 secs later I see this guy come over the hill. 123yds. with rem 700 300blk. Im going to try to tan the hide but really have no clue what i'm doing there. Got a diy kit from gander mtn. a few years back so hopefully it will turn out well. Too nice of a coat to let go to waste.1 point
I haven't looked at the entire thread. Having said that, I want to remind everyone the we have law enforcement officers on this board for the same reason we are all here - to enjoy a hobby we all have in common. Several months ago there were a bunch of postings about law enforcement shootings, several of which I took part in. Someone posted a comment similar to mine here. It came out that several of our law enforcement members were feeling alienated and began leaving TGO. I just read where two LEO'S responded to a call and were shot. They got shot protecting American citizens. These men and women have a very tough job, where they make split second decisions under stress in a job that doesn't pay that well. I'm not sure I could make the right call in some of the split second decisions I've seen on news websites. The small percentage of controversial situations make the news while the very vast majority of police activity, which is positive, never gets mentioned.1 point
I don’t mind discussing it with you at all as long as it stays courteous. As I said before; go do it for a while and then give us your observations. Until that happens you are making statements you know nothing about. Follow the law; Tennessee law. You live in a state that does not recognize your right to bear arms. They can do that because they, not the Federal government, are responsible for law enforcement and the safety of its citizens. If you want a “Right” to carry then get the state to recognize that right. But until that happens our state legislature and our courts and calling the shots; it’s called States Rights; we fought a war over it. Court isn’t held on the street and it never will be. If someone thinks their rights have been violated they have recourse. Just like me you have no idea what was there. I didn’t see the guy come out of the store, I didn’t see if he was acting suspiciously or not; and neither did you. What you and I saw was what the bike rider wanted us to see on an edited video. Was the cop dispatched there because of a suspicious person? Was he dispatched there because of a person carrying a gun? We don’t know. But I do know this: I have stopped plenty of people that had committed no crimes. I also did it without violating their rights. When a citizen called; we responded. Like most departments we were very busy and counted on citizens a lot to be our eyes and ears. If a person calls in a suspicious person that is carrying a gun, you don’t know that is the only reason they are suspicious. You go find out. Someone is always going to be upset when someone gets disarmed. I’m not and I wouldn’t be upset if he happened to me. I’ve disarmed people standing in their own homes and had a lot of drama when doing it. I could explain why if I needed to, but I never was asked to; our Command Officers came from the streets they know why it happened. I have absolutely no contempt for anyone carrying a gun. If you want to call it fear; so be it. You obviously saw more than I saw. But then I have been in that situation and you never have. I ride a motorcycle. I don’t open carry but on the bike it sometimes shows, especially when getting on or off. The Officer would have had to ask me to put my hands on the bike when he disarmed me because my weapon is secured. My privilege to carry a gun comes from the state; not a right guaranteed by the Constitution. I’m pretty sure that is a fact because I was arrested for having a gun in my car. See that's how it always ends up.1 point
Cops generally ask you to turn off your engine. Is that some sort of civil rights violation too, even though you've shown no inclination to run him over or flee? - OS1 point
Sad thing is, there is a lot of good info at WarriorTalk (and I recommend a lot of Suarez's books, videos, and training), but the "Cult of Personality" is over the top. It's probably some of the worst I've seen in the internet gun world.1 point
1 point
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that no one on here would be shooting willy nilly especially at 4am. Don't know where you live but there are obviously irresponsible people with guns. It's never happened where I am in east TN. Personally I wouldn't spend the money on an extra layer of plywood. If it happened again I would move! Welcome back to America! Hawaii is over rated inmo. Good luck with the crazies where you are and stay safe!1 point
If I had a stainless or any MKIII I would buy and install these parts. Why? Because you will enjoy shooting your MKIII or 22/45 all the more when it has as a great trigger and you eliminate the crazy mag disconnect safety. The bare minimums are in bold. You can save some money I suppose by going to other vendors or by using the black aluminum VQ trigger which saves you $7.00. But for about $75.00 you will be thunderstruck at how much better your trigger will be. Once these mods are made I can't think of any other .22lr handgun this side of the cost of a S&W 41 that is as pleasurable to shoot. That also includes the S&W Mdl 17s and Buckmarks I used to own. VQ extractor $11.95 can help with extraction http://www.rimfiresports.com/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RSC&Product_Code=VC10EE%2FVC2EE&Category_Code=VC2 VQ stainless trigger $37.95 allows external pre and over travel adjustment http://www.rimfiresports.com/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RSC&Product_Code=VC2TT-ST&Category_Code=VC2 VQ Sear $26.95 works well with stock hammer to produce a nice clean break http://www.rimfiresports.com/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RSC&Product_Code=VC2TS&Category_Code=VC2 4 choices to replace the mag disconnect safety which lowers the pull weight once it is disgarded and replaced. Also eliminates a step or two in assembly and reassembly, plus the mags will fall freely. TK replacement bushing for the MKIII mag disconnect apparatus $9.95 http://www.rimfiresports.com/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RSC&Product_Code=TK-MKIIIBUSHING&Category_Code=VC2 or use the original Bam Bushing: http://bushing.webs.com/ $15.00 or you can simply use a a Ruger OEM MKII bushing to replace the MKIII mag disconnect apparatus $7.95 http://www.rimfiresports.com/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RSC&Product_Code=VC2HB&Category_Code=VC2 or a Majestic Arms 3.2 Bushing to replace the MKIII mag disconnect apparatus $14.95 http://www.rimfiresports.com/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RSC&Product_Code=MA32B&Category_Code=VC21 point
"I did not swear. But I did get frustrated and read the manual. But that was only after I admitted to my self I didn't know what I was doing. Hey, I did it years ago. I thought I could "remember" on my own. Not so...lol " RED ALERT RED ALERT MAN CARD VIOLATION IN PROGRESS!!! Swearing is the mystical incantation that is necessary when involved in the reassembly of favored weapons using archival memories. Additional violations include READING INSTRUCTION MANUAL and ADMISSION OF FAILURE. Punishment to include no sports for 1 weekend, no coffee for 1 weekend and 1 hour of Yanni in a closed room. Redemption of said MAN CARD to be achieved only after Group Therapy of 1MOA or less from said weapon, that caused violation, is achieved. Range time to be determined at a later date. MAN CARD WATCHDOG SOCIETY :usa: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:1 point
I used to be into a lot of forums. Warrior talk being one of them. I just got sick of the tinfoil, the mall ninjas, the operators and the unarmed self defense experts. Now TGO and one other local forum are the only ones I even visit, mostly because I know a lot of the guys here personally. Hell both of the posters above me have shot at my house and been to my blacksmith shop lol. Not sure what to tell you abiut being approved, but be careful about joining some places. You will burn yourself out on forums really quick. Sent from the backwoods1 point
Yep, information is power and wealth. Any of us could do it if we had insider pre-knowledge of big company changes, zoning especially affecting real estate, pending FDA authorization of a new drug, whatever. There are a thousand ways one could safely invest money for big scores if you knew certain things beforehand that the general public doesn't, especially when some of them depend on legislation that you're already a part of formulating. - OS1 point
1 point
That's my closet, I hate cleaning guns!!! No really its a company call ratworx, there a colt distributer in Illinois..1 point
1 point
Guy on the bike got hassled. He most likely is from out of state as evidenced by the "ccw" comment. Sent using wizardry.1 point
And again im frustrated with the ignorant idiots calling it a CCW, it is NOT a CCW it is a HCP. a CCW is a CONCEALED carry license, which is not what Tennessee has and confuses people that we must carry concealed like other states have to, and can cause problems with uneducated people.1 point
The only thing that bothered me was that the officer didn't even clear the gun before sticking it in his back pocket which could have easily ended badly. My friend works for LCPD so I'm going to send it to him and ask what he thinks. And yes, this was Lenoir City PD, not Loudon County.1 point
1 point
Well I am about as technologically adept as a monkey trying to blow a bubble with their first piece of bubble gum. If I push a button and it does not come on I call my 10 year old grandson to come and fix it for me. So far he has every bit of my technology up and operational..................... :up: :up:1 point
1 point
I'm really looking forward to this series. Lo-Cap mags and bullet buttons to the rescue!!!!1 point
What would you like to see proposed and passed as a bill next year that actually has a chance of passing in Nashville? I would like to see the no gun sign law, 39-17-1359, either modified or deleted so that someone with a handgun carry permit does not risk a fine and permit suspension for carrying past a no gun sign. This would legalize a whole lot of places for people with handgun carry permits, such as local government offices in the Memphis area, some hospitals, and businesses. I do think, however, that private property owners should be able to ask people to leave, but not turn it into a weapons charge fine/permit suspension issue. I don't think we have any chance for Constitutional carry with this legislature and governor, but if we did, what good does it do us when property owners stick up 'no guns' signs that can get you fined?1 point
1 point
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