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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2015 in all areas

  1. I'm extremely disappointed in Fox News after tonight's debate... 1.) It was a circus and unorganized. 2.) They picked fights between candidates and tried to make Jeb Bush look like a knight in shining armor. 3.) They made it a point to try and bury Trump early "literally the first question" and never looked back after that. Fair and unbiased my ass...
    5 points
  2.   Still cheaper than paying for both sides of the automatic appeals.    He'll die alone, forgotten, and irrelevant.  That's not nothing. 
    4 points
  3. Gosh the Grapevine is getting about as bad as main stream media about getting the facts right.............. :rofl: :rofl:
    4 points
  4. Well, had our day in court. He was told by the judge that he is already on probation for another charge so evidently you don't learn to quick. I'm sure you might learn a lesson with 30 days in jail but because the person that you were so stupid as to threaten has requested to not want you to serve any time. He is only doing this because he has learned you have a family and a mortgage and are self employed. For this you can thank him because I was going to give you 30 days in jail. The only thing he requested was that I extend your probation for another two years. The judge added two more years to his probation and told him if he he came back up in front of him he would serve 11-29 in county jail. After court the guy made it a point to find me in the court house and thank me personally because he was really struggling to make ends meet right now and 30 days in jail would have cost him several small jobs he has scheduled that will help him dig out of the hole he is in. I had a friend in Sumner County Sheriffs look into the guys back ground and it was pretty much what I figured. Guy was just going through a few rough times and that was why he did what he did but after speaking with him for a few minutes I don't think he is the kind of guy that would smash anyone's head in. I know some folks here are not going to agree with my actions but it is hard for me to kick someone when they are already down...............jmho
    4 points
  5. Helping the truly poor should be left to the church, family, and community. Not the friggin' government.
    4 points
  6. been watching FOX and their recap.  Been hearing the whining about how Trump spoke to Kelly. So what? Who cares?  She certainly is not offended.   I give her more credit than that.   Who does not want to hear our president say that kind of stuff to some asshole world leader?    Why is his honesty and frank speaking a problem?   Why do we prefer whitewashed politicians?    WTF?   I want a guy who will call a spade a spade.
    4 points
  7. I needed a leather sheath for the camp knife I made and after some discussions back and forth I had Mark@Sea....a fellow forum member make one for me. It's absolutely stunning...it exceeded all my expectations. It's exactly what I wanted and couldn't be happier with his design and quality of work. If you're in need of a wonderful sheath or some other leather item you owe it to yourself to sent him a PM and see if he can help you. I know I plan on using him for all my leather sheaths in the future. Feast your eyes on this masterpiece he provided me.
    3 points
  8. Glock 43 significantly larger than Kahr PM/CM, which is the largest gun I myself would pocket carry: Which means IWB/OWB. Which means I'd choose something more than 6+1. - OS
    3 points
  9. IT is like witchcraft. When it works, no one acknowledges that you had anything to do with it, and when it doesn't, they want to burn you at the stake.
    3 points
  10. I can guarantee if anyone shows up at MY house threatening MY family with death they will have a very, very bad day. And who knows maybe I will notify the FBI to let them know which names can be removed from the no fly list afterwards.
    3 points
  11. I took this week off work and decided to spend my vacation in the Smokies, backpacking and fishing. I am sworn to secrecy on the backcountry fishing spots, but I also fished the middle prong of The Little Pigeon and the Pigeon below Big Creek with some success. The best fun was catching brookies in the head waters of the backcountry streams. I got into Tenkara fishing last year. It's basically a fixed line, ultralight fly fishing that works well with backpacking. I took zero fish pic due to my fear of dropping my phone in the river, but I did take some scenery shots. Weather was great and I had a wonderful 6 days in the mountains. I spent a few night backcountry and a few front country. All were great in the hammock.
    2 points
  12.   Actually, whatever the figure is, almost half of it was borrowed.   - OS
    2 points
  13. I guess most of you read the post I made about the guy blocking his number and then calling me up and threatening to beat my head into mush about week or 10 days ago. The police were actually able to do a back check with the information my phone server provided and tracking where the voice mail originated from his phone. They found out who he is and also that he has an arrest record and is on probation right now. He lives in Westmoreland. They have issued a warrant for his arrest because of the threats he made on my life. The Gallatin Police Officer told me that they will be making an arrest very soon and ask if I would be willing to testify at his trial and I assured them that I would. At the present time I cannot reveal his name and to be all honest I never thought any more about the issue until the officer just left my home a few minutes ago. I am glad for the great police work which I didn't think would happen did happen.......... :up: :up:
    2 points
  14. Their economic collapse was already well under way before Reagan got into office. Reagan didn't have great policy so much as great timing. It was eaten away by the cancer from with that will always destroy centrally planned economies. It didn't matter who was in office here, the die had been cast and the course could not be turned away from the inevitable. Stay tuned here because R or D, we will see a replay of the end of the USSR. With every passing year central planners and bureaucrats take more and more control of the economy regardless of the party currently in control. Doesn't matter who is elected, the cancer has taken hold and is going to eventually kill its host.
    2 points
  15. One of the admins  at work has a sign on their door. It's circular with arrows pointing to each phrase around the circle:               Replace User -->  Try Again  -->   I also use the (say the letters) "Eye Dee Ten Tee" code all the time for some users ===> id10t
    2 points
  16. Keep in mind that even though the G-43 is smaller than some other compact pistols is still larger than a Ruger LCP or K-T P3AT. These little .380's and a few others are true pocket sized pistols for curret pant styles and pocket sizes. Does this mean you cannot make the G-43 work as a pocket pistol? No. It means you'll need to put a little thought into which pants will work the most effectivly and perhaps have deeper pockets installed in some of your trousers.   As an aside an all kydex pocket holster can be a slippery little devil even with the designed hook intended to keep it inside the pocket when drawing the pistol. A really simple fix is a jumbo rubber band wrapped around the holsters circumfrence. Another is to rivit a band of leather roughside out across the front side of the holster. Yeah, I like to tinker around with kydex and leather...
    2 points
  17. You with the facts. Always with the facts. Y u no go wit narrative?
    2 points
  18.   The Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs cost about $25 billion, and that was in 1960's dollars.  For all that money, and a decade of work, we got a few hundred pounds of moon rocks and dust.  However, as a direct result of the research and development done to allow those journeys, we transformed the modern world in ways never imagined, to include GPS, improved satellite and land-based communications and many new materials which are in daily use today, not to mention the revolution in computing power and electronics caused by the need to miniaturize electronic instrumentation and computers on board the ships.  The total value of the spin-off technologies of our earlier endeavors in space is likely in the tens, if not hundreds of trillions of dollars, a pretty good ROI in anyone's estimation ...
    2 points
  19. Dahmer got life too.  Maybe mister orange hair will get his brains bashed in on the rim of a toilet too.  One can only hope.
    1 point
  20. Sad, but maybe living is worse for him.
    1 point
  21. I want to shoot my NAA22 but I think members of my squad would get tired of my reload times :)
    1 point
  22. Thanks. I meant to say please pay my match fee.
    1 point
  23. All Bass Pros are great for browsing.  Occasionaly the clothes will go on sale for a good price.  However for the most part the place has a price premium...
    1 point
  24. Two stroke engines are much more forgiving on fuel. A four stroke needs good clean fuel to run proper. I've tinkered with several two strokes and have run them on kerosene and diesel blended with fuel/oil premix. I used to have a weed eater that would run on straight kerosene. It required starting fluid to crank, even when hot, but it ran great on straight kerosene. My push mower is two stroke and I've fed it similar. Two strokes are extremely simple once you understand why they need.
    1 point
  25. I have not tried one with a 43, but a cut up $12 Glock Sport Combat holster works well for pocket carry.
    1 point
  26. I pocket carry my 43 with a mic trigger guard holster. But most the time it's on my ankle and a g19 on my side.
    1 point
  27.   I just saw an arrogant man who pretends to have done a complete 180 with his political views just to pander to the voters. I don't trust him at all, he's in this race purely for the title of, Donald Trump, the President of the United States and will take revenge against the GOP, and the American people if he's not elected by running as a third party candidate allowing a democrat victory.
    1 point
  28. Apple in general blows...
    1 point
  29. Well, I think you can watch The Donald's polling lead start throttling back now.   - OS
    1 point
  30. I have taken psychedelic drugs before and never went on a rampage,  err....  oh wait you said psychiatric drugs   to quote someone famous   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3FnpaWQJO0
    1 point
  31.   I don't agree with the comments I'm quoting in the context they are written.   Bersaguy is not a stockyard animal to be run through the sale barn.  The practice will make good money on his procedure.  They certainly ask his name before asking how they get paid.     As in most things, it isn't what you say, it's how you say it.  She could have asked his name nicely, then said, "before I get all your information, let's touch bases on insurance. I don't want to take your time getting information only to find that I'll need to refer you."   That would add about ten seconds to the phone call and would leave Bersaguy in a feeling valued.  People matter and how they are treated matters.  Having said that, assume that this medical practice doesn't care about that.   If he has insurance at all, there is a high probability that they take it.  So, it makes business sense to find out about a customer before pissing them off.
    1 point
  32. With my recent purchase of my LCP I got a Desantis and find it very comfortable and it doesn't slide around. My only 2cents because I'm usually don't carry in pockets but like it now that Ive tried it. Also like my ankle holster.
    1 point
  33. It's normal for a health care provider to ask that at the beginning of the conversation. If you have a carrier they don't accept, then getting all your personal information and finding out what you need done is a waste of everyone's time, unless you happen to be able to pay 100% out of pocket which is unusual these days. I'd be more upset if they took the time to get my information, get the referring doctor's information, find out a good time for me to come in, then tell me "oh, sorry. we don't take XYZ insurance."   As for the location, you do know that some people live and work in different places, right? Depending on the time of day, an office near my work may be more convenient for me than an office near my home.
    1 point
  34. I second Alabama holsters. Hickock turned me on to them a while back and I haven't looked back since then.
    1 point
  35. I have an Alabama Pocket Holster for my XDS.  Well-made, fits nicely.  I'm sure the model for the Glock 43 would be as well.
    1 point
  36. I have a Midwest Industries rail I used on my last build.  I don't remember the length, but I have been very happy with it.  I think it may be only a 12" rail.  I had read some reviews that the were not as sold as some of the other options, but mine has no play or give to it.  When the time comes for another build, I will probably buy another MI.  It may not be the last, greatest, whizbang thing out there.  However, the price is reasonable, and it gets it done. 
    1 point
  37. This show is gonna suck. Please prove me wrong.
    1 point
  38.   Wyoming is about as free a gun state as exists. Residents have total constitutional carry for one thing.   - OS
    1 point
  39. Here I am still using Linux, still not having any problems since install over a year ago even after updates. Still not worrying about future problems because it just works. But then again, I don't use my laptop for gaming.
    1 point
  40. I carried legally this weekend in a place that formerly prohibited it under 39-17-1311(e ). There must be something wrong with my gun because it didn't kill anyone's son, grandson, or uncle.
    1 point
  41. If he is on probation in Sumner County chances are he will get some time. I would go ahead and get a order of protection or restraining order along with the judge orderinghim no contact or stay away. Judge Hunter doesn't like people disobeying a court order.
    1 point
  42. Arrive to court early and note what he drives. Study his face and mannerisms and commit them to memory. Become extra vigilant in your daily activities. You never have to look over your shoulder if you have good situational awareness. You will see it coming.
    1 point
  43. El Conquistador,  That's pretty good.  About as good as Il Duce naming his the Titanic so when he plugs it up it says "The Titanic is Syncing"   
    1 point
  44. It is my understanding that in Tennessee (and Kentucky as that is where I now reside) that if you are found to be justified in a clean shoot, you are immune from civil suit. Kentucky is also a state that in order to even be arrested and charged there must be probable cause that the shooter was not acting in self defense.   IMO it should be pretty easy in a state with Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground Laws to be found justified in a home invasion situation.   Tennessee (and Kentucky) is also among the few states that allow a defendant to be reimbursed for all fees if he successfully defends himself for a justified shooting in a civil suit.   [url=http://lawofselfdefense.com/statute/ky-503-085-justification-and-criminal-and-civil-immunity-for-use-of-permitted-force-exceptions/]Kentucky's Laws.[/url]   [url=http://lawofselfdefense.com/statute/tn-39-11-622-justification-for-use-of-force-exceptions-immunity-from-civil-liability/]Tennessee's Laws.[/url]
    1 point
  45. If I choose to carry in public then I choose not to drink. I prefer to be the "designated CCW" when in places that could be dangerous like downtown Nashville on a Saturday night. No judgment, no disrespect, just my personal preference. If I have friends over to the house and alcohol is served my weapons are in the safe.
    1 point
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