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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2015 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. Gonna be some sh*t when they approach a woman thinking she's the wife and it turns out she's the marine of the house.......................I have one in my family and she is not to be messed with  :rofl:
    6 points
  3.   Yeah, I bet "he" does. Why don't you get us some pictures of "his" vehicle.
    5 points
  4. Yawn. For as militant as they like to posture themselves to be, the NoI has never done ####, isn't going to do #### now and won't ever do ####. I refuse to allow myself to be baited into exactly what these assholes want to portray me as by their ignorant rhetoric. I decline to play their game and demonize whole swaths of the population or make offhandedly racist comments. The NoI are a bunch of idiots who are on the same moral and intellectual level as the Klan. #### 'em. Ain't nobody got time for that.
    5 points
  5. 4 points
  6. You with the facts. Always with the facts. Y u no go wit narrative?
    4 points
  7.   Wyoming is about as free a gun state as exists. Residents have total constitutional carry for one thing.   - OS
    4 points
  8. Awesome. Now, paint it orange, put "01" and a battle flag on it, and you'll be good to go!   Yeeeeeeeee-HAAAAAAAAWWWW!!!! :rofl:
    4 points
  9. I don't even have to look at it to say leave it as is.  The only thing I would do is stop and remove any rust that may of developed.  What you are passing along are memories.
    3 points
  10. What it is today is the history that you are wanting to pass to the future generations.  Sure it looks, and probably is, a little rough but every ding and dent is a story and a part of your family's experiences.  Personally I'd keep it as is with just enough maintenance to keep it preserved. Just my 2 cents.
    3 points
  11. Thinking of getting a late model charger myself, as my '88 van and '95 toy truck get ever older: But seriously, nice ride! - OS
    3 points
  12. Not going to be a very long series. How long can some Californians last against zombies without firearms? Or worse yet, how are they able to kill zombies when the guns are all locked up in their storage containers.
    3 points
  13. I can guarantee if anyone shows up at MY house threatening MY family with death they will have a very, very bad day. And who knows maybe I will notify the FBI to let them know which names can be removed from the no fly list afterwards.
    3 points
  14. If he's got spies after him I'm afraid the standard HCP course will not suffice.
    3 points
  15. I beat the demons out of mine with a hammer.  It turned off OK, but now I can't find the power button to get it back on.
    3 points
  16. If you buy bottled water for your drinking water..look into a Berkey filter. We are on well water and 99% of the time it either reeks of donkey arse or like a stale sewer plant...it has always been ok to drink but since it also had a iron content..we add bleac h to the well periodicaly...to keep stains to a minimum.Also... City water has added Fluoride to the water...So if you are concerned about that..Berkey will filter that too...It will pay for itself in less than 3 months.. This Berkey filter is da bomb..I highly recomend it..And I drink over a gallon of water now a day..
    2 points
  17. I've been wanting one of these cars ever since they come out, so we finally bit the bullet last night and picked up a 2013 Charger SXT....292 hp 3.6 liter, with all kinds of buttons..Drives like a dream, this is our first true "late model" vehicle purchase..We are very happy with the car so far :) Some pics... [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150805_070020491_HDR_zpsvv9e38o6.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150805_060208075_zpsaavdb3ly.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150805_053720212_zpstvx85fjw.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150805_062409022_zpska7jpfqv.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150805_062346664_zpsxjs5uevg.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150805_062318718_zpsuhtab3uo.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150805_063128920_zpsupzizygw.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  18. I stopped in to the Guns and Leather Glock Days event this weekend and walked out with a new G30SF.  This was exciting because it was my first gun purchase since moving to TN from California!  Felt awesome paying for the gun and walking out the door with it the same day and not having to wait a week and a half to take it home!   I went with the G30SF because I have a G21SF, but it is just too big to carry every day.  I like carrying my G19, but I really like having the .45 carry option.  Also, the 30 fits the same IWB holster as the 21 and I can use the 21 mags as well, so there was a lot of cost savings in my choice.   Can't wait to get my new baby out to the range today to break it in.   On a side note, I can't say enough about Guns and Leather.  Mark at the Hendersonville location is one of the nicest and coolest dudes you will meet.
    2 points
  19. Leave her be... great old Mauser with character
    2 points
  20.   Yep, indeed I think it only fair for folks to go after bear with a .25 mouse gun.   - OS
    2 points
  21. There is nothing wrong with that rifle. Leave it be....and go shoot it! She's got a lot of life left in her. What year and make is it? Are all the numbers matching?
    2 points
  22. I've dinked around with Mausers since buying my first one in 1967, and I'd definitely treasure that one as is.
    2 points
  23. Post up some pics!   I'm the sort that would say leave it alone.  If you refurbish it I'm of the camp that it will blow the value, not only because it may cost nearly what it's worth to have it done correctly and you will never recoup the investment, but sometimes it's just not needed (or right).  There are far too many people today who think old guns need to be refurbished when they simply do not.  That's why some pics would help.
    2 points
  24. LOL   The Pinto probably reduced tailgating more than anything else before or since.
    2 points
  25. I bet his gas mileage is being seriously affected with that flag holding car back.................. :up: 
    2 points
  26. Amendment 2 is a good guy.
    2 points
  27.   Seems large proportion of my rebuttals over time are to Bersa's posts for some reason or other. ;)   - OS
    2 points
  28. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  29. I'm seeing a whole lotta this right now.
    2 points
  30. Let me figure out how my schedule is going to be at school and I'll get a date.
    2 points
  31. Officer Sean Michael Bolton, 33, USMC, GWOT - LEO(AD) / Cordova, Memphis, TN, 05, 06 AUG 15  
    2 points
  32. Bledsoe State forest. Right across the road(ish) from Fall Creek Falls, without any of the amenities. Or people. There's some great fishing, especially if you have a canoe/kayak. It's a 5 minute drive to FCF for the hiking trails & if you're so inclined, the breakfast at the 3-way gas station headed in toward Pikeville, is excellent!
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. "I'm touching myself tonight."
    2 points
  35.     Yep, already emailed the design to my screen printer. I will be running a TGO special buy if anyone is interested. 
    2 points
  36. Man, I was hoping this thread was one of our old members coming back around. There are some voices that I really miss these days...
    2 points
  37.   Never would have guessed .. thanx for the info. ;)   - OS
    2 points
  38. Perhaps Louis Eugene Wolcott should be charged with something or other under the Patriot Act?   Seems that an influential public figure fomenting mass murder on our nation's LEOs ought to fit in there somewhere?   - OS   edit: I forgot, we have BHO's Muslim-weighted and racist Department of "Justice". Hell, a Black Muslim can do anything he wants.
    2 points
  39. I'd ask him to lead by example and see how it works out for him.   Imagine the stink that would come were a white guy to say something similar.
    2 points
  40. Someone was gonna post it eventually Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. Open Invitation:  Come get some.  
    2 points
  43. I like the USG Pro line. I have one in 15" and the price is certainly right for a nicely made piece of gear. It's slim though so double check the dimensions for you're gas block. I'd recommend getting one of the ones you can adjust at the front.   I also like the MI SS rail. I have a shorter one, but it lines up with the vent perfectly on a BTE gas block set screw on a carbine length barrel.    I like the look of the YHM stuff that came out awhile ago, but my experience is limited to some of their more 'archaic' models. I like them for what it's worth.
    1 point
  44. Well put Dolomite. I'll add EVERYONE is prejudice to some degree but not necesarily racist. I happen to be EXTREMELY prejudice. I hate all stupid people of every race, color and creed. I think that's something we can all agree on too.
    1 point
  45. I don't ever recall buying Small Pistol Magnum primers so I wasn't looking for that.  I've got a system for powder that I'll just adapt for primers.   I've got a small ledge on my reloading bench and there is a sticker that says "Current Powder".   When I put powder in the hopper the powder goes on that ledge and a card goes in the hopper with the powder's name as well.   All other powders are on a shelf on the opposite side of the room so I don't end up with the wrong powder on the bench.     When I'm done with a session I recheck my recipe against what's on the bench (that's how I found this) to make sure the components on the bench match up.   I don't throw away primer trays until I'm completely finished.   Once I'm done I through them in a bucket that I dump in the trash at work.  I won't dump anything gun related in the trash at home.  Some criminals are smart so why give them any clues.
    1 point
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