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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2015 in all areas

  1. So, some of you may know, I have been on a perpetual job hunt for 5 years now.  I have never been unemployed during that time, which I am very thankful and blessed to say.  I lived 100miles apart from wife for 4 years while she was in med school. I tried for years to find a job nearby and nothing panned out.  When she graduated we moved to Nashville, and I have been fortunate enough to have enough contract work with my previous company to sustain a full time salary on part time work.  But this required a lot of travel and out of town stay, as well as a lot of physical field work.  But thankfully today, I officially accepted an offer from the Tennessee Division of Forestry as a Program Specialist in charge of the State Forest program across the state.  Its a really great opportunity and I fell truly blessed to have been selected....FINALLY!!! A lot of prayers were answered this week.  
    6 points
  2. As we were having a dinner for two of my friends/ co workers today for their retirement, it was pointed out to me that except for one older fella, whose only there because no one has taken the time and trouble to get rid of him, it was pointed out to me that I've now been there longer than anyone else.   It seems like just a few days ago, I showed up one February morning. Looking around, most of the guys reminded me of my grandfather.   Man, life sure sneaks upon ya.   I'll certainly miss these guys, and the knowledge they'd amassed, along with the many that have left before them. I don't think I'll be able to fill their shoes.
    4 points
  3. Order from them?  Nah, I just like to give 1/4 of may salary to them every once and awhile.    No risk!
    3 points
  4. I've already did this a couple of times, if I walk up and see a gunbuster sign on a restaurant i'm turning back around and going somewhere else. If they don't want me there, I don't want to spend money there.
    3 points
  5. To his credit, even in a time where none of us even knew what a helmet was - much less owned one - the kid did put on an old Army issued M1 helmet that somebody had for his inaugural trip down the hill.   The funny part of this story was that someone played a joke on him and put a pair of underwear around the headliner on the inside.  So, after the wreck he was left lying in a neighbors yard bleeding and hurt.  The helmet had of course gone flying in the crash, but he was left with a pair of underwear on his head.  So, all us kids came running up to see how bad he was hurt, only to find him lying semi-conscious with a pair of underwear on his head.   I haven't thought about that in years.  People are looking at me like I'm nuts as a sit here laughing as I type it.
    3 points
  6. I like the water-ducks-back post. When you're carrying a gun and an altercation is offered, swallow your pride and walk, run, crawl, swim, slither, meander, or fly - but evade the altercation at all costs. You'll wake up a lot happier the next day. Believe me - a LOT happier.
    3 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Raoul and Trekbike it ain't the milage it's all that cheap gas.
    2 points
  9. For literally decades now. Top rate company and quality gear.
    2 points
  10. It'd be even cooler if they made clear barrels.
    2 points
  11. But you can't change the video, which he released.  The video backs up his statements.
    2 points
  12. I waited until Jan 2013 to go from XP to 7, skipping Vista entirely.  I'm comfortable waiting for 10 to work itself out and see what it can and can't do.  Between having a dual boot with Win7 and Linux Zorin, I can afford to wait.  
    2 points
  13. Who would be the power that 'investigates'? They oughta be investigated by our CIA to see if they could come up with a better Ponzi scheme to boofoo them outta more money. Likewise, some young bored hacker should out there writing worm viruses to seek out Isis and other terror org. financials. Who wouldn't laugh their azzez off if someone stole Taliban identities to buy a few million dollars worth Amazon goods?
    2 points
  14.   Excellent. I doubt seriously that Cooper would have been that clear cut about it. Slatery has clearly delineated the intent and wording of the statutes involved without bending over backward to find gray areas as Cooper would likely have done.   Who says elections don't matter, even when your goobernator is a RINO?   - OS
    2 points
  15. Time to build a net gun to catch one alive.
    2 points
  16. I am looking into having an intro to IDPA shooting class. Class would cover basics the new competition shooter needs to know. We would start with class time to cover handgun knowledge and equipment needs. Head to the range for proper holster draw and target engagement. Movement, use of cover, reloads and shooting on the move.  Lots of one on one training. Class size would be limited to 10. Location in middle Tennessee area.  I would be willing to travel to other areas of the state. Round count would be 200-300 rounds, fee in the $80-$100 for 8 hour class. Looking for feed back only at this time.   Feed back is good, taking names for class. PM me.
    1 point
  17. What would you like to see proposed and passed as a bill next year that actually has a chance of passing in Nashville?   I would like to see the no gun sign law, 39-17-1359, either modified or deleted so that someone with a handgun carry permit does not risk a fine and permit suspension for carrying past a no gun sign.  This would legalize a whole lot of places for people with handgun carry permits, such as local government offices in the Memphis area, some hospitals, and businesses.  I do think, however, that private property owners should be able to ask people to leave, but not turn it into a weapons charge fine/permit suspension issue.   I don't think we have any chance for Constitutional carry with this legislature and governor, but if we did, what good does it do us when property owners stick up 'no guns' signs that can get you fined? 
    1 point
  18. I don't think open carry is all that good of an idea but I don't like to see a citizen get his second amendment rights violated.   http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2015/07/open-carry_christmas_eve_gun_s.html
    1 point
  19. A multi tool. Good list so far.
    1 point
  20. Oh yea, that reminds me, a P51, too! And I am impressed at your dedication to carry a chainsaw with you at all times, haha!
    1 point
  21. http://www.amazon.com/Duck-888789-Metallic-Colored-1-88-Inch/dp/B000NHYVEQ/ref=sr_1_36?ie=UTF8&qid=1438402074&sr=8-36&keywords=Duck+tape
    1 point
  22. A lot of the profiles have to do with weight, gas port length, and heat dissipation. I'm sure you can get a guru on here to talk about barrel harmonics, but I don't know much about music.
    1 point
  23. Well, the pros are good, and the cons are bad. Other than that I'll just sit back and watch and learn something myself. :stalk:
    1 point
  24. Lower made in TN too yeah? I know the boys down in Dyersburg are making some clear ones. Pretty cool
    1 point
  25. 10 minutes with a Swiss file followed up with a black sharpie.
    1 point
  26.   I agree, this video must be fraudulent.
    1 point
  27. I disagree! That's not how any of it works. Its done automagically, duh.... :)  (insert the meme about that's not how it works ladies here as I am too lazy to find it and post it)
    1 point
  28. I commenced the upgrade this morning on a Toshiba Satellite C55 using the iso downloaded and burned to disk.  Took just under 2 hours.  Uninstalled Symantec Endpoint Protection as the process recommended.  Did not need any 3rd party drivers.   So now my much hated laptop with Windows 8.1 is running Windows 10.  I already like it better but there were several things I immediately turned off...too much location information, share your info with Microsoft, etc. stuff that is completely unnecessary.  Only spent a few minutes on it since but Windows Update sucks with no obvious setting for it to not automatically runs whenever it wants.  Have not decided what I think about Edge, Internet Explorer's replacement.....Firefox still works just fine.   Things are easier to get to but this version of Windows, just like 8/8.1, assumes you want to be online all the time and is tailored for the lowest common denominator when it comes to users.   I cannot tolerate background processes or random applications running and constantly beaming information over the internet.  As I continue to find apps and setting in 10 that do so I'll post here.  Please share any setting you uncover that relate to constant connections and information "sharing".
    1 point
  29. I gotta say this is an awesome video for the engineer in me.
    1 point
  30. Is it possible to replace the backer with more leather? Removing material from the sight isn't that big of a deal. If you are ever in my area I can help you or you can use my tools to do it yourself.
    1 point
  31. We had one of these in our basement as a kid. To my knowledge, it's probably still there. How you can have a 'Most Dangerous Toys" list without including this thing, I have no idea. That's a Flexy Racer. A sled on wheels - with bearings and all. As close as I can tell, it killed just about every other kid who ever so much as touched it. My sister and I were under strict orders that if we got on that thing and it didn't kill us, our mother would certainly finish the job. I only ever saw one kid ride it. When I was 6 or 7 an older kid in the neighborhood got on it and proceeded down the hill on our street. He was likely going about 40 when he suffered a rollover crash on the curb - and that was actually a far sight better than the 64 Buick he would have hit otherwise. It returned to the wall of our basement only to be spoken about in whispers by the children of the neighborhood after that.
    1 point
  32. They talked to the drone pilot last night and he refutes everything the guy is claiming. He also has flight log data to show he was at approx 200ft when it was shot and it wasn't just hovering. He even stated that if someone was looking under his porch he would shoot it too. He basically said the guy is lying and it appears he may have enough info to prove it. I am not saying this should make a difference if facts prove otherwise, but the pilot looked and sounded very reasonable. The guy who shot it looked a little more red neck. I think this may be a case of a good old boy getting a little carried away. The quad in question is exactly like mine so I know exactly what data is available. He has the flight path, speed , height, and GPS to show exactly what happened. In fact, I would say the guy that shot it was extremely lucky to hit it. It looked to me like he broke a propeller with a lucky shot if the guy was at 200ft. Looks like the damage was from the fall. I think the shooter may be in a lot more trouble than he knows if all proves to be true.
    1 point
  33. Between competing addictions it's a challenge to feed both!
    1 point
  34. E-filed two forms for two SBR builds. Approved today. Filed April 18.... Approved 7/30. Both same day. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35.   Plenty of Jr. shooters have shot a lot more than you, but that doesn't mean they can carry a handgun.  Soldiers learn responsibility and accountability.  Don't confuse that with rounds down range.  I'm glad you shoot and like clays.  I have worn out two shotguns and thought I could shoot a pistol until I did some formal training with pistols.  Whole different ballgame, let alone the responsibility carrying one around most of the time.  By the way, plenty of folks beyond the 'arbitrary age' are still not responsible and for that matter probably shouldn't even vote.
    1 point
  36. They learned that trick from the guy living in the WH...
    1 point
  37.  I'd like to see speed and red light cameras banned. 
    1 point
  38. I think I've about convinced myself to buy the tools to finish mine. So if anyone wants to get together for a build party I would be down for that.
    1 point
  39. So really.......?  Slapping a car makes it stop? How?  I would definitely spend my time and energy removing myself and child out of the way.  Remember an armed society is a polite society and we are surrounded by idiots.  If you carry, it is assumed you have the brains and maturity to avoid confrontation.  The OP made a mistake by not being apologetic as others have suggested.  Brief and get the heck away.  If the pedestrian was 'drunk' call 911 and let the LEO have the extended conversation.
    1 point
  40. When I was 16 we were using a bulldozer/front loader on a friends farm in franklin/triune to build a motocross course. Of course we hit a huge piece of limestone right where we wanted a mudpit, rather than alter the course layout we decided to move the rock. Off to the barn we went in search of chains and shovels but instead all we could find were sticks of dynamite. The friend had helped his dad blast rock to build the stables so he set it up ran the wires and we all took cover behind the equipment as instructed. Only problem is that he was apparently way off in both placement of the charge and in the amount of explosive to use. The rock moved all right, large chunks of stone and dirt rained down from the sky for what seemed like an eternity, somehow only one of us was hit by any and it only caused a gash on his arm. We didn't think much of it and went back to work on the course until it was close to dark at which point we put away the tools and loaded up to head out, as we approached the front gate we were surprised to find a deputy sitting at the locked front gate. He hassled us and lectured but we stood our ground that we had no clue what that loud noise was(it was a several hundred acre property and we were FAR from any roads or other properties where the track was being built) and somehow got away with it all, at least until his dad found the explosives inventory low a few weeks later.  :rant:  
    1 point
  41. Well, the would-be superspys must have seen things in pretty good detail as they saw enough detail to know who shot their drone down as they later came to his house, calling him an 'S.O.B.' and so on.  Personally, I would have blasted the thing out of the sky and then practiced the three 'S's (shoot, shovel and stfu.)  "Drone?  What drone?  I have no idea what you are talking about.  Surely you weren't using a drone to invade my family's privacy."
    1 point
  42. Toys back then prepared us for war. 
    1 point
  43. Folks used to have more kids back then because odds were you were going to lose a couple of the weaker specimens during the raising process. This was not a bug, but a feature.
    1 point
  44. its pretty much varget made at the imr plant
    1 point
  45. There should definitely be some rules of "trespass" that have to be observed by drone pilots.  And thats not just a height restriction, anyone deliberately filming others private fenced yards should be illegal.   If it doesn't have a reasonable view from public property you shouldn't be able to film it with a drone.  
    1 point
  46. I've worn a Crossbreed Supertuck for a number of years.  I wear it at about 4:00.
    1 point
  47. Best? A Hendsoldt 6-24x72 maybe?
    1 point
  48. 5 grains of Bullseye behind a 230 grain fmj projectile. If it was good enough for Uncle Sam, it's good enough for me.
    1 point
  49. I cant wait for these knifes, they are going to be Badass!!!!!!!
    1 point
  50. The man fled?  Maybe they should pass the offering plate around again and get the good pastor some training????
    1 point
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