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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2015 in all areas

  1. So, some of you may know, I have been on a perpetual job hunt for 5 years now.  I have never been unemployed during that time, which I am very thankful and blessed to say.  I lived 100miles apart from wife for 4 years while she was in med school. I tried for years to find a job nearby and nothing panned out.  When she graduated we moved to Nashville, and I have been fortunate enough to have enough contract work with my previous company to sustain a full time salary on part time work.  But this required a lot of travel and out of town stay, as well as a lot of physical field work.  But thankfully today, I officially accepted an offer from the Tennessee Division of Forestry as a Program Specialist in charge of the State Forest program across the state.  Its a really great opportunity and I fell truly blessed to have been selected....FINALLY!!! A lot of prayers were answered this week.  
    13 points
  2. Im sure half the things I did when I was younger would be considered domestic terrorism now... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    5 points
  3. Time to build a net gun to catch one alive.
    5 points
  4.     I think we see eye to eye on a lot of things Hozzie, but here we will have to differ. To be honest I was creeped out within the first minute and a half of the video. Call me old fashioned, but if the homeowner wanted the world to see his backyard and property in real time, he'd probably have a website dedicated to it set up with webcams.   Now my digs are not nearly as spectacular as all that, but I just think, what it that was my house and the day you decide to just casually view other peoples private property in my neighborhood coincides with the TrickyNicky 12th Annual Naked Pudding Wrestling and Orgy Party? Maybe I do have something to hide, is it really unreasonable to be able expect to do so on PRIVATE property? Does it really matter how much detail you pick up? Who owns the rights to the arial footage? Maybe TrickyNickyNakedPuddingWrestling.com? You?   There are pretty clear cut definitions of what can and does not constitute a reasonable expectation to privacy, I would say that spending a few hundred bucks shouldn't make anyone immune or dare I say 'above' the law. (Get it, above, like a drone? :rofl: ) If you can't reasonably tell from 1.4 miles away what you might be getting yourself into, you shouldn't be flying there. Public property of course is a whole different ball game. If I rent space at the park to have the first annual TrickyNicky Fully Clothed Pudding Wrestling and Handshake Party for instance I'd be pretty foolish to start crying foul on what was easily publicly observed being filmed. Especially if I had chosen a public venue for the event. 
    4 points
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/travel/catfished-girls-scam-isis-on-social-media-for-125374397897.html    The Chechen women are under investigation for fraud after they allegedly scammed IS members into giving them money on the pretense that they would use it to travel from their homeland to Syria. The ladies got away with some $3,300    Fraud you say? I think they should get a medal!
    3 points
  6. Who would be the power that 'investigates'? They oughta be investigated by our CIA to see if they could come up with a better Ponzi scheme to boofoo them outta more money. Likewise, some young bored hacker should out there writing worm viruses to seek out Isis and other terror org. financials. Who wouldn't laugh their azzez off if someone stole Taliban identities to buy a few million dollars worth Amazon goods?
    3 points
  7. Wow, I cannot believe they didn't list the General Lee Hot Wheels car.
    3 points
  8. I made some home made water rockets by filling 2 liter bottles 1/2 way up with water then pressurizing to 125+ psi before launching. Trust me when I say those can be lethal at the end of their trajectory. Only real problem is they will sometimes do a 180 and come right back at you making all onlookers scurry like cockroaches when the lights are turned on.
    3 points
  9. The moment you strap on a weapon, you have to adopt the mindset of being the one to deescalate a situation - up to and even past the point of personal affront.     It's just not worth it.  
    3 points
  10. They learned that trick from the guy living in the WH...
    2 points
  11. I like the water-ducks-back post. When you're carrying a gun and an altercation is offered, swallow your pride and walk, run, crawl, swim, slither, meander, or fly - but evade the altercation at all costs. You'll wake up a lot happier the next day. Believe me - a LOT happier.
    2 points
  12. This is why you need to manufacture your explosives on site [emoji56] Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. When I was 16 we were using a bulldozer/front loader on a friends farm in franklin/triune to build a motocross course. Of course we hit a huge piece of limestone right where we wanted a mudpit, rather than alter the course layout we decided to move the rock. Off to the barn we went in search of chains and shovels but instead all we could find were sticks of dynamite. The friend had helped his dad blast rock to build the stables so he set it up ran the wires and we all took cover behind the equipment as instructed. Only problem is that he was apparently way off in both placement of the charge and in the amount of explosive to use. The rock moved all right, large chunks of stone and dirt rained down from the sky for what seemed like an eternity, somehow only one of us was hit by any and it only caused a gash on his arm. We didn't think much of it and went back to work on the course until it was close to dark at which point we put away the tools and loaded up to head out, as we approached the front gate we were surprised to find a deputy sitting at the locked front gate. He hassled us and lectured but we stood our ground that we had no clue what that loud noise was(it was a several hundred acre property and we were FAR from any roads or other properties where the track was being built) and somehow got away with it all, at least until his dad found the explosives inventory low a few weeks later.  :rant:  
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. if we can't shoot them down, maybe we get cheap drones and fly in to them.  I swear it was an accident.   Or we update trunk money to yard chimpanzee.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_zw8h4epQM
    2 points
  16. Chances are if you had a "dangerous toy", your Dad bought it for you and the only time you got to play with it is when he was done playing with it. :wave:
    2 points
  17. Toys back then prepared us for war. 
    2 points
  18. You don't need an expensive shotgun to be a good wingshot. Grandpa's old single-shot Ithaca will work just fine. :)
    2 points
  19. They forgot a few I had like water rockets, lawn darts and the ever popular water wiggle.
    2 points
  20.   Close enough to be shot down with a shotgun. Those pervs were spying on underage girls at their pool, probably some college age idiots, they deserved their drone destroyed.
    2 points
  21. This is your back to basics camp knife made from 5/32" 1095 carbon steel. It has spalted tamerind scales with SS pins and lanyard hole and file work on the spine. The blade is 5" long and the OAL is about 10 1/4". And yes...that's a hamon you see on the blade. This is an experimental piece on my part. I much to learn about heat treating and hamon's but am very happy with this first attempt. It will be used by me as a test blade so it will see quite a bit of use.
    2 points
  22. I am looking into having an intro to IDPA shooting class. Class would cover basics the new competition shooter needs to know. We would start with class time to cover handgun knowledge and equipment needs. Head to the range for proper holster draw and target engagement. Movement, use of cover, reloads and shooting on the move.  Lots of one on one training. Class size would be limited to 10. Location in middle Tennessee area.  I would be willing to travel to other areas of the state. Round count would be 200-300 rounds, fee in the $80-$100 for 8 hour class. Looking for feed back only at this time.   Feed back is good, taking names for class. PM me.
    1 point
  23. What would you like to see proposed and passed as a bill next year that actually has a chance of passing in Nashville?   I would like to see the no gun sign law, 39-17-1359, either modified or deleted so that someone with a handgun carry permit does not risk a fine and permit suspension for carrying past a no gun sign.  This would legalize a whole lot of places for people with handgun carry permits, such as local government offices in the Memphis area, some hospitals, and businesses.  I do think, however, that private property owners should be able to ask people to leave, but not turn it into a weapons charge fine/permit suspension issue.   I don't think we have any chance for Constitutional carry with this legislature and governor, but if we did, what good does it do us when property owners stick up 'no guns' signs that can get you fined? 
    1 point
  24. So yesterday I picked up a 500 yesterday. I do like the Magpul furniture but I do have a few issues with it. First you have to take your stock off to take the trigger out. So 5 minutes later with a dremel I fixed that. I also wished that they would have shipped the stock with all of the comb height options. I forgot that I didn't get any wrenches to take anything off the stock so I had to dig and 10 minutes later I had the stock off. I totally disassembled it and cleaned all of the grease and rust off and then I had a fine looking gun. I shot it and it goes bang. As long as I do my part it does its. I just need a either a new mount(because the forearm is too long for the ZSM) or flashlight (Inforce WML or Streamlight TRL-1). I'm going to look for a sling and the Magpul mount but I'm just rambling now.
    1 point
  25. I called and placed my order and they just held it til new ones came in. I would imagine their +2 black will be backordered on their website for a while. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Robert, I know a couple of guys looking to get involved.  I'd also be willing to help out.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Signs not to have force of law.  They can always ask you to leave but concealed is concealed so they wouldn't know.
    1 point
  29. So yesterday I finally drove out to the new Buds Gun shop and range to see what all the fuss was about. Let me say that the store was beautiful. I've been to hundreds of gun stores in my life and this was by far the largest and best laid out I've seen. I was handgun shopping and everything was set up by caliber with all the makes and models arrayed on the wall behind the counter very easily to see. Prices were not as good as Buds online but I knew that going in. That said, prices were very reasonable for handguns. I received excellent service from the staff. They brought out practically every 40 cal handgun they had for me, asked good questions and did their best to fit my requirements. The staff was fairly knowledgeable and I was also helped by the manager who was very knowledgeable , helpful and gave me excellent service.    I finally ended up buying a Steyr M40-A1 which I find to be superb piece of Austrian engineering and a wonderfully accurate pistol (but I'll do a review on that later).   Purchasing was quick and easy with no waiting, filled out my 4473, paid my money and got a free range pass and target and tried out my new purchase. The range was simply outstanding. They had a RSO on duty and the range was nothing short of spectacular. Each lane was well lit and the design of each was clearly meant to minimize sound/noise distraction (which I was thankful for) from the guy 3 lanes down firing his 308 AR.  It worked for the most part and I could blast away in relative comfort! I found the new pistol was reliable and accurate which of course made me happy.  :pleased:   Other observations:  The store over 20,000 square ft. and is a two story set up, most guns on the perimeters and accessories on the floor space (although a number of long guns on the floor to fondle). Ammo prices were higher than big box stores so I didn't buy any, and overall accessories like holsters and mags were on the high end as well. Lots of guns. (like in the matrix movie) Overall rating: Its a great store in my opinion and I'm jaded since I bought my first firearm in 1968 at a gun store in Detroit.    Final thoughts: Worth the drive from Knoxville or if you are visiting the Smokies. Its probably a good place for the wife to drop you off when she goes elsewhere to spend your money. 
    1 point
  30.   I've red the reticules on Meprolights are kinda big when compared to Eotech. I think my Eotech had a 1 moa dot, and Meprolights are several MOAs.   I'd still want a Meprolight if I had a Tavor to keep it Israeli.
    1 point
  31. I think it is funny reading how these city leaders are disturbed by people with handgun carry permits but have yet to care very much about gang members walking around these park areas with pistols and criminal records.  I also think it is funny that the Nashville city attorney is trying to change the definition of 'recreational property' and claim that people sitting around are not on recreational property because they are not participating in an activity/sport.    There was a lady robbed and kidnapped from Overton Park in Memphis last week after a concert.  The criminals put her in the trunk of her car and drove off with the car.  She was lucky that she was somehow able to get out of her car truck on Poplar.  From what I have read, the criminals have yet to be caught and that has been a week ago.  That is just one of many incidents in Overton Park.  So, it looks like to me these city leaders need to concentrate on criminals instead of trying to hassle honest people who are trying to protect themselves. 
    1 point
  32. I like them..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. Here's the AG's Opinion: http://attorneygeneral.tn.gov/op/2015/op15-063.pdf
    1 point
  34. He was moving, wouldn't wherever he was going for final destination be a reason. Of course there is something obviously wrong with him, who would move north from Tennessee? Hahahaha
    1 point
  35. Guess that depends on how good your lawyer is.
    1 point
  36. Really cool idea but it begs the question it is not NFA because it is not permanently attached. But an adjustable butt stock is not "permanently" attached either. Can I take a "pistol" and remove the part of the stock that locks into the buffer tube and be legal? After all it would just fall away from the gun like this thing.   Now don't get me wrong, I really like this idea as it is yet another way to get around the ridiculous laws regarding NFA items.   http://www.recoilweb.com/usa-1shot-non-nfa-butt-stock-for-your-handgun-69131.html
    1 point
  37.   How many of us engaged in BB gun wars?  I had several until the rich kid on the block bought a pellet rifle.  Instant armistice!
    1 point
  38. All I know is that back in the day, if you had a chemistry set and an encyclopedia, you could figure out how to blow $#i+ up.
    1 point
  39. This just occurred to me....   This is the classic case of "he who calls first, wins."   The Dad should have called 911 and reported it when his daughter first told him.  He could have even told the operator, "If this thing comes back before you get here, I'm gonna blow it out of the sky." and shot it down anyway.   But since he didn't call and the drone owner did, he's the one in jail instead of the peeping tom drone operator.    So the lesson is... call it in. 
    1 point
  40. My favorite was the Evil Knevil motorcycle toy. It had a ripcord and would fly along the ground like a rocket with so much torque it would right itself after the certain crash. My sisters didn't like the bruised ankles and of course it became one of those toys that mysteriously came up missing.
    1 point
  41. I'll be curious to see how this one shakes out in court.  I'd guess the charges are more related to shooting in proximity to other houses and the verbal threats than anything else.  I suppose the proper thing to do would be to call the cops.  Though shooting it down sure sounds like more fun. 
    1 point
  42.     Yes... the places I rode and the things I did on a bicycle wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers.  I'd get arrested if my kids did that now.      Back seat car windows that don't go all the way down are a byproduct of side impact bars and car design of the time.  Cars got smaller so the rear axle moved closer to the rear doors.  That required the big cut-outs in the lower half of the rear doors to accommodate the wheel well body structure.  There wasn't enough room in the small rear doors for the window mechanism to allow the window to go all the way down with that big steel side impact bar running the full width of the door, and with the big cut-outs in the rear doors to clear the rear wheels.  The door would need to be much thicker to make room for the window, which would have reduced already tight rear seat space.  It was a physical design limitation that the marketing folks spun as a "feature".   Marketing 101.
    1 point
  43.   Or Nielsen one either. ;)   - OS
    1 point
  44. I always wondered if one could make an attachment that goes on your shoulder and has a hole in it that conveniently fits the buffer tube of a pistol. It's not a buttstock and its not permanently attached???
    1 point
  45.   It's at Farnsworth Firearms in Vonore for $29.99/bottle, not bad if you figure in Powder Valley's price + hazmat.  He's got about 6-7 bottles as of today.  Give them a call at 423-884-6462 and ask to hold some for you.
    1 point
  46. I'd like to see people be able to get a permit and carry at 18. If you can pay taxes, vote, smoke, and go die for your country then why can you not protect yourself. I'd also like to see constitutional carry passed but I'm wish in one hand and **** in the other. I feel getting a permit at 18 would provide the state with more income (which I don't think they'd ever turn down) so would have a better shot at passing and being signed than constitutional carry.
    1 point
  47. If you are carrying you need to learn to let things like offending insults go. It's always your duty to avoid trouble the best that you can. It's not always easy I know,  I can be hot headed at times.
    1 point
  48. I went with a Kydex from Leatherneck Tactical in Murfreesboro. I love it.
    1 point
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