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Pisses me off that one of the soldiers had time to send his girlfriend a text that said, "ACTIVE SHOOTER." If you have enough time to send a text message, you have more than enough time to pull a gun and return fire. Sick of our government forcing the military AND civilians to be sitting ducks.6 points
That's a realtor snake. If my wife saw that in our yard, I'd be calling a realtor.5 points
I've never sold a gun to a fellow named Muhammed. Call me prejudiced but I probably never will.4 points
The goal of the build was to stay under $500 & under 7lb. Well, I got it half right. I kept it a gnat's nut hair under five bills & an equal measure over 7 pounds. It started out as a standard 30-06 Axis including the budget scope that I scored for a total of $280. I sold the scope for $50 & the stock for $60 bringing it to a total invested of $170 A friend of mine straight-fluted the bolt body. The stock is a heavily reduced Boyd's Classic (+$90 = $260) I hollowed out the butt & shortened, slimmed & lightened the front end, dropping it's total weight by 10oz. Just got it back today from having it dipped (badly :( ) in Kryptek Nomad camo. (+ $60 = $320) I turned down & threaded the bolt handle to accept a carbon bolt knob (+ $30 = $350). Incidentally, I also had to relieve the top of the bolt handle to clear the ocular bell of the Vortex Crossfire scope. Something I didn't consider when I ordered the Talley low rings (word to the wise, is all ;) ) The barrel is (I believe) an E R Shaw blank, shortened, crowned & chambered by Jim Walters at Bison Gun Works. I had it chambered in 6.5x55 with a long throat to readily accept the long Nosler 140gn Accubonds. (+$180 = $530) The trigger is stock, but polished & shimmed, with an overtravel screw & lighter spring installed. I've set it up with almost zero travel, but a break-weight of 4lb. Safe, but simple. The barrel & action I had cerakoted by Amendment2 Custom Coatings) in Magpul FDE. I had to paint the scope. Unfortunately the total loaded weight came in at 7lb 10½oz, but for my first ever attempt at a build, to say that I'm happy is a VAST understatement! Just went out for a function test & shot 5 times with no mishaps & no lost fingers (ok, so I was nervous. First build...) Oh, I sold the original barrel on eBay for $63 the total cost finalized at $467!3 points
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The model numbers make perfect sense if you know how they arrive at them. Each model number is the number of times you have to tell yourself the gun isn't ugly before you start to believe it. :rofl:3 points
Source: http://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/2015/7/17/ruger-precision-rifle/ "The Precision Rifle’s upper receiver and one-piece bolt body are CNC-machined from pre-hardened 4140 chrome/molybdenum alloy steel. The lower receiver is machined in two pieces, right and left halves, from 7075-T6 hard-coat anodized aluminum. That method simplifies manufacture, allows more precise control of machining in the magazine well and makes assembly of small components easier as they can be placed in position in one half before the other half is attached. Offered at this time in three short-action chamberings, the rifle is available in .308. Win. with a 20" barrel, 6.5 mm Creedmoor with a 24" barrel and .243 Win. with a 26" barrel. The weights vary by chambering, but with the lightest model starting at 9.7 lbs. sans optic, the Precision Rifle is not a light firearm. The evaluation gun provided by Ruger was chambered in 6.5 mm Creedmoor and—after being furnished with a scope, bipod and stock-mounted monopod—tipped the scales at just over 15 lbs." Click the link at the top (or below) for more on it from the NRA. Looks like a pretty neat way to get into precision shooting for those who don't want to or couldn't bare to spend big bucks on a custom rig. http://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/2015/7/17/ruger-precision-rifle/2 points
I'm not sure how high the violent crime rate is with our senior citizens, but I can't believe it's a big concern. :shake: :shake: Guys, our country is run by fools.2 points
Your government at work....trashing the Second Amendment any way they can. I served in the military for 26 freakin' years and stunts like this make me ashamed sometimes I spend a day defending the rights of these assholes in Congress and the damn White House.2 points
Well, the military uses civilian contractors for a lot of things, these Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen stationed at small offices and recruitment centers in cities across the country could be trained by the many civilian or police training centers for handgun defense, paid for by the government. Also, start right now with a change of military policy to increase training to include handgun training, weapons training and qualification at least once a month no matter what their MOS is weather they are a cook or clerk etc. All military personnel should be a fighting soldier first and foremost.2 points
So let 'em just have an M4 handy, so much the better. - OS2 points
My grandfather would have greeted his second call with an air horn blown into the phone speaker.2 points
And to think these Marines have likely made it safely through a few deployments only to be killed at home.2 points
http://www.amazon.com/Passion-Natural-Water-Based-Lubricant-Gallon/dp/B005MR3IVO Fun for the whole family! Be sure to read the product description.1 point
The hissing and biting when it saw you? :taunt: It's either that or the vent scale... :shrug:1 point
I don't think they are fools, they know exactly what they want. They are authoritarian socialists, they dream of a time when America has the same type of government and laws like most all of Europe, they disdain individual rights which means they disdain the Constitution, they are simple elitist control freaks.1 point
I have been completely separated from the US Armed Forces for over five years now. During the course of my eight years of service I saw more and more service members getting issued and trained on handguns. The reason is because on a deployment the POGs don't want to carry around rifles everywhere. Ironically, most of the ones who need them like the infantry and artillery don't get them. On a deployment you do not see too many Marines with handguns. I would say more than 50 % of soldiers, sailors, and airmen are walking around with handguns on deployments. While the Beretta is the most common handgun, you still see a lot of 1911's, Sigs, and Glocks. As a MP in basic training during 2002, we received about a solid 40 hours of time with the handguns. I hear they get a little more now. On active duty we averaged about 400 rounds a year through the handguns. I did a combat pistol course in 2006 that was a little over a week long with a mix of Berettas and Sigs.1 point
As I understand it the biggest use of sidearms in the military are special forces missions (unclear how often) and military police in some circumstances. And I am ok with that. What should simply be allowed is that all soldiers, after completing basic training and being moved to duty, should be allowed to carry a pistol. Their own would be fine. Issued would be fine. I don't care what it is or where it came from, but they should simply be allowed the choice of doing this. And that should over-ride 100% of all state laws until such time as their discharge.1 point
Generally, hanguns are issued to people who cannot or should not be carrying a rifle. The standard handgun of all US forces is the M9 Beretta 9mm. There are some groups which use other pistols such as an upgraded 1911A1 .45, the Sig 228, and the Glock 17, 19, and 21. Not many folks in a combat zone want to carry pistols. A pistol is a very poor weapon in a combat zone. About the best that can be said is that having a pistol is better than not having a gun.1 point
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Man that looks like fun. My work schedule is going to keep me away right now. Hopefully I can attend these events in the near future.1 point
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I'd pm one of the mods. I was a part of the group until I deactivated Facebook several months back. BCGO it's one of the only things I miss about Facebook. Really good bunch of guys and girls, their numbers are significant. They often have get togethers, which I thought was cool. I can almost guarantee that you got overlooked somehow. Can you maybe cancel your request and put in a new request? EDIT: I just noticed that you said forum, I'm not aware if they actually have their own forum. When I was active with them all of their dealings were through a Facebook group. I'll add that they don't put up with low grade people. I'd meet up with a BCGO with as much confidence as I would a TGOer.1 point
My grandfather would have had them on the phone for at least 45 minutes asking them what kind of windows they were selling, the best way to clean windows, or some other nonsense. He could really work them, everyone in the house would gather around to listen, I'd give anything to have been able to record those calls. IMO telemarketers are open game. They call us without invitation and try to get us to do things we don't want to do. I consider even the legitimate ones to be an unhonorable profession. Yeah, I understand it's a job, so it's being a crack dealer. Just because it's a job doesn't mean I'm going to give you a pass.1 point
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Give or take about 2 weeks from the day you submit fingerprints. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Not sure about the Marines, but we in the Army do not get handgun training in basic. And until I got into special ops, handguns were only assigned to the CDR, 1SG and Plt Leaders. But that does not mean that training can't be scheduled ASAP for at least those in isolated (not on a base) locations. And they could quickly just allow those that already have a CCW carry immediately, the rest once qualified.1 point
Please help me understand this. If they are Marines then they did go thru basic training and shoot both rifles and pistols correct?? I would have to argue about the no clue phrase. If they need additional training to carry then train them.1 point
??? He was a TN resident. Any other TN resident who sold him a gun would have done so within the law. Matter of fact, he had no disqualifying history that would have negated a purchase from an FFL either. Maybe he had an HCP, too. - OS1 point
SCAM without question... Looking to milk you out of some money any way they can. I simply do not answer my phone anymore at all.....1 point
Big time scam with money defrauded and computers remotely auto destructed. https://blogs.microsoft.com/cybertrust/2014/09/18/how-to-report-the-microsoft-phone-scam/1 point
Got one back a few years like that, I carried on the conversation for a little while and played with them, then I got tired of it and asked them how I could have a windows error when we only use Mac's. He hung up on me1 point
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I shoot pop cans 75 yards away with the big dot. My shooting area is 75 yards long. @50 feet I can shoot 4inch groups with my G21 off hand. Your mileage my vary.1 point
Let's not all Muslims are radical. Most are not. Nashville is home to the largest population of Kurds in the U.S. Don't think we have any problem with them.1 point
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Well with all those 55 gallon barrels of lube, they should be able to accomplish that with ease. :D1 point
So what must one be searching for to "stumble" across an ad like that?1 point
Are you saying certain symbols might repel certain unwanted Yankees, hmmm.........1 point
Just screwing around with the iPhone camera trying out some ideas before I break out the DSLR...1 point
I haven't played with the Raven's Crest, but have seen a thread or two. I really like the Dark Angel, but not sure that I will be happy with a single action.1 point
Received mine today. Immaculate! Fit and finish is superb. No problems with the ambidextrous safety. The seller included an extra recoil spring and a few mags as well. It reportedly has had a hundred or so rounds through it. You can't tell it ever had one. :) I hope to shoot it tomorrow and will take some photos later this weekend. I'm thoroughly impressed with it.1 point
My welding ain't so good. I have very light sensitive eyes and cannot watch my puddle like I need to. SO, I weld everything twice with the second weld penetrating the first. Decided to go with a pintle and lunette instead of a ball to give me more articulation. Used 2x2x 1/8" angle to make the body skeleton. Then used the aluminum roof from a M151A2 military jeep as a roof. I also got me some mud grip 265-70-17's and some aluminum toyota wheels. They aren't an exact match to my FJ but they're close. If you notice the door on the tongue, there's going to be a control panel in there to handle electrical. I'll likely have this thing lit up like a christmas tree. Redneck and all, I do love me some lights.1 point
They are petty tyrants forcing their demands on the rest of us because they think they know best. There is no reasoning with that.1 point
Concerning liberals.... We may be the first society in history to completely divorce self-esteem from actual accomplishment and self-worth. So, what happens when little Johnny, who coasted through school being told how "special" he was gets into the real world and starts getting his teeth kicked in on a regular basis because he brings nothing of value to the table? Next thing you know, he's marching at an Occupy protest, demanding government handouts and trolling the comment sections on conservative websites because he doesn't understand why he can't do anything productive with his life despite the fact he's been told that he's gifted. Instead of building a kid's self-esteem, we should be teaching him how to be good at things. Then he'll be of use to himself, his family and his society while building REAL self-esteem in the process.1 point
1 point
If you have thrown the calipers to it and the OAL is the same, mic the neck. If neck is good, check the shoulder. Its going to be in one of those two spots if OAL is good.1 point
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