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If a member of the United States Armed Forces, especially one that is extensively trained in the use of small arms, cannot safely handle a pistol in public, then there is something radically wrong with our training establishment. I don't think for a minute that this is any more of a safety issue than for a police officer to carry one. Give them the damn guns.9 points
I've never sold a gun to a fellow named Muhammed. Call me prejudiced but I probably never will.7 points
I had heard early in some of the reports that it was an AK and he had several loaded back up 30 round mags for it and had 2 9mm hand guns with extra mags for them also. I said back when Clinton disarmed our troops on bases in country was a mistake and is has become a proven fact since Ft Hood that is is becoming fact. I read a report that the Joint Chiefs are meeting next week to discuss changing Clinton's orders and going back to former policies of all troops being able to carry their side arms while in country on base. That was always the rule before Clinton did his stupid move and there was not any incidents of anyone being killed by other soldiers in all those years prior to Clinton making our military bases soft targets. If Joint Chiefs approve it, even if Obama vetoes it Congress can override his veto. I sincerely hope they arm our troops while on base at home. I also think our military recruiting centers should also be armed and they can remove those gun buster signs that didn't stop that murderer yesterday from shooting holes in the sign. Things like this will continue as long as our bases and other military centers remain soft targets................Prayers to the fallen and wounded yesterday and congrads to the LEO's that did their job and took the Bast--d out. ..................jmho6 points
This is why I ALWAYS have a long gun with me and several handguns. Not a chance in hell I would stand by an allow people to die, especially service members. Honestly I am surprised it is not happening more often. Well maybe it is but it is being reported as something other than a terrorist attack. I am REALLY surprised we have not seen an IED yet but I bet they will be used here at some point. ISIS is going to take credit for ANY attack they can to give themselves legitimacy as the great infidel fighter. And as more are martyred it will only encourage others to do the same. Realize we are fighting people who are willing to die for their religion. We have not seen the last of these attacks. I hope I am wrong but I suspect along with the Muslims we are going to see groups like the Black Panthers, as well as other hate groups, become more brazen and randomly attacking innocents as well. As far as radicalized Muslims goes it isn't just those but the problem is also the vast majority of other moderate Muslims not speaking out against or condemning the actions of the radicals. Do not believe for a second that they would not side with fellow Muslims if they knew there would not be any ramifications for doing so. Just because they are "good" Muslims does not mean they like us or that they would not side with fellow Muslims. It just means they are tolerating us until they have the strength of their fellow Muslims. We have an estimated 2.77 million Muslims in this country. If only 10% have radical views that is still 277,000. That is a SIGNIFICANT number of people who want infidels dead. And even if only 1% of the radicalized Muslims decided to act that is still 2,770 radicals wanting non believers dead. That is 55 per state and if we divide that between our three major cities that is ~18 attackers. Imagine the carnage 18 well armed terrorists could cause in Knoxville. And that is a very, very conservative estimate of radicalized Muslims in America.6 points
5 points
Well, this ain't facebook. Tell ya' what....you love your gays, I'll love my Jesus, and we'll get along just fine here chatting about guns. Fair enough?5 points
What all did they shoot up today? I'm about sick of the comparing Christians to Muslims cr@p.5 points
To: Runco from Dec-2013, From: Runco from July-2015 just purchased this speedvault, and I must be the first here to buy one and review it, or no one else gives a flip....... Seriously, finally bought one this past week. Ebay has them now in the $120 range or less, but buyer be warned, some retailers are charging TN sales tax. Anyway installed it, and for what it is, and its main purpose I give it a :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:. Like the light feature, the mute feature, and backup key. Mounting was a piece of cake. Like it so well, I am probably going to order a 2nd one for underneath this computer desk. This kid proof safe beats the other models that I have tried by the same company. This is not intended to take place of a Fort Knox by any means, but if you have kids, and still need a piece of mind that you can get to your piece quickly, this is a excellent choice. Crowbars, flathead screwdrivers, or just women with man hands probably can still get in it, but like I said for its purpose, its a homerun. :2cents:4 points
Can someone tell me why EVERY subject always turns to gay/TG/Caitlyn Jenner bashing? We're talking about 4 lives that were taken and how to prevent it from happening again. Who someone is or who they have sex with doesn't apply.4 points
Transgendered is hot right now, you might score the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. - OS4 points
My hat's off to the officer or officers who helped arrange this clown's meeting with Allah. :cheers:4 points
Let me know when a Christian throws a gay person off a roof just for being gay...Christians spout off at the mouth a lot but how often do you see them do something like this? Its pretty much a weekly occurrence in the Middle East... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2978890/ISIS-barbarians-throw-gay-man-building-bloodthirsty-crowds-Syria.html4 points
IF ONLY, this would wake people up. If only this would open people's eyes to who our enemy is then maybe, just maybe these Marines would have lost their lives for SOMETHING. As it is, no one will see squat. These men died for nothing. What shameful waste. Meanwhile, the news anchor just said "no word on whether the weapons were obtained legally yet" Who gives a !!!!!!!!4 points
When are people gonna finally give up on their PC hopes and dreams and finally admit that Islam has declared war on the rest of the world? I keep remembering the videos of so-called "peaceful muslims" dancing in the streets and celebrating after 9/11. :censored: I'm just too pissed right now. I better shut up.4 points
The difference between Muslims and Christians? Muslims want to die for their "prophet", Christians prophet died for them.3 points
Clearly the gun buster sign did its job. It's magical powers kept the bad guy from bringing a gun into a gun free zone. Now if we can just create bullet free zones we will be even safer.3 points
Ya know, today is another example that if the government wanted to make an attempt protect our republic from foreign born Muslim terrorists that are hell bent on killing us all and destroying our country and way of life, they could make progress by simply arming the military, here. So in my mind this is where that whole "well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state" deal comes in. Because if keeping the most advanced military the world has ever known armed all the time isn't necessary to the security of a free state then I guess we're on our own. Frankly anyone that uses this terrorist attack to promote gun control is providing comfort to our enemies and they should be hung swiftly. Prayers to the families3 points
I keep my basic one behind seat in car also. However, I find 30 rounds of soft point 5.56 traveling at 2600 fps that I can quickly put into torso at point blank to 100 yards to be quite practical indeed if such situation should arise. I'm sure one of them Marines down your way today shore would have loved to have had one in hand. - OS3 points
Well I'm pretty sick of reading all the Gay bashing on Facebook too. I've blocked several so called friends over it. Personally, I'm to the point that if anyone of any faith or religion is overly zealous in their beliefs, I find them suspicious.3 points
I've seen an awful lot of radical Christians on Facebook, since the same sex marriage ruling. Muslims haven't cornered the market yet.3 points
If they don't like the publicity tied to their religion they should take the lead in denouncing and combating terrorism but we don't hear much of that. Most of what we hear is excuses and some rare past example of a terrorist attack committed by a Christian when in reality it can't compare to the shear numbers of radical Muslims and Islamic terrorist acts. That is the lame excuse they and apologists try to use all the time when it's really comparing a common cold to terminal cancer. The vast majority of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims, very few are committed by any other religious radical. That's just plain reality here in the real world.3 points
3 points
We've been saying it for how long? These rag heads are here, they've been getting set up and ready to go, all under the politically correct protection act of Hippy Skippy Amerika. This is going to a much more common place thing in the days to come.3 points
When I get a call with a # I don't recognize, I flip it to Ignore, & forget it. If it is important they will leave a voice mail. 99.9% dont leave one. Works for me.2 points
There's reports of armed citizens standing guard at some recruitment centers in GA and VA. I just went by the recruitment center in Chattanooga, and the crowd is growing. Flags, flowers and memorials are starting to fill the grass in front. Multiple news crews of course.2 points
And to think these Marines have likely made it safely through a few deployments only to be killed at home.2 points
While I know the military doesn't change according to petitions or public opinion i signed the petition anyway.2 points
What makes you think that? They did it in Iraq and Afghanistan everyday.2 points
A transgender rifle? So, set the AK up to fire 5.56 and use AR mags?2 points
I am all for arming .mil in garrison, but this is the wrong way to go about it. Arms should be issued in such a manner as is appropriate for rank/duty billets. Officers and SNCOs should be issued sidearms and worn as part of the uniform. Junior enlisted should be issued rifles or carbines and carry them Israeli style (mag out). Folks like recruiters who work off post and in the general public should be issued sidearms regardless of rank. This is supposed to be a professional effing military full of professional effing soldiers. There is no need to pussyfoot around the fact that weapons are a part of their job. As far as when folks are off duty, take the damn uniform off and carry your personal weapon. You aren't supposed to be galavanting around town in your uniform anyway.2 points
Why can't ANY soldier carry a side arm if they want to? My god, if a US Marine that passes basic isn't qualified who is?2 points
It boggles the mind that our active duty men and women aren't allowed to be armed...2 points
MLK and the civil rights movement in at the predominant used the "long push" method I mentioned, not the crisis into results. Though they did know how to pick and choose the right person as the face of a cause through the prism of political reality. That's why Rosa Parks, and not Claudette Colvin or the others in the actual Browder v. Gayle became the public face of the bus boycotts. You're right that they used hard work, but it was a long term fight and they knew the eventual turning point would be when enough of white America supported their cause. What do you think I should call them, Moral Majority, Christian Right? Labels that get your knickers in a twist aside, the fact remains religious figures and organizations engrained into right wing politics fit that title. Allen West and Ben Carson are not "black leaders" in the sense that they can move the needle of the black community. Honestly, I don't know who can be a leader of enough influence in the black community today. They're increasingly fragmented, with different goals and aims, with a lot of people unreceptive to a "collective good" type of message that isn't really about individual benefits. They are also losing what power they have left inside the Democratic party to Hispanics, who are now the parties preferred minority due to their increasing numbers and electoral importance.2 points
I don't think that (CCW) is going to work, but how about issuing handguns to NCO's for open carry?2 points
Still a politician. Notice he couldn't give a straight answer to a simple question until pressed. Even then he seemed to contradict himself. I would take a principled politician with whom I disagree over one who flaps like a flag in the wind.2 points
News conference was little more than face time for the politicians. It was a joke.2 points
Me too. I've been carrying the G19 a lot lately. I've used it extensively in 3gun, and I feel a lot more comfortable with it than my small 9's. It gets annoying wearing it sometimes though. I almost always have an AR in the truck. The scenario of being misidentified is a very real concern. If it's ever needed, I think it would be a good idea to put it away as soon as the threat is gone. Responding LEOs would probably have a strong expectation bias if they encountered anyone standing there with an AR as they roll up to a shooting call.2 points
I wish there had been someone with a concealed carry permit in the parking lot at the recruiting center this morning. They might have saved 4 Marine lives, by returning fire.2 points
Widener's in Johnson City has the Anderson Multi Caliber stripped lower receivers on sale for $37. The 5.56mm unit is $43. If you happen to be in JC on a Tuesday or Thursday afternoon between 3 and 5 PM you can go in and pick one or some up. I got a "multi" unit out the door for $51 including the background check. The darn thing is absolutely perfect. These are conventional lowers, not the ones with the built-in trigger guards. FWIW EssOne2 points
I'm a 53 year old white guy. I've been labeled that since when, 2012? I know better.2 points
pay a few hundred and get an appraiser to come out and have them legitimately evaluate your situation. They get paid for appraising not for selling you new sinks, a fresh landscaping job and some new rugs. Of course anyone selling something is going to tell you the stuff adds value, but an appraiser will shoot it to you straight. You may be better off not touching anything, or you could spend that money one one item and raise the value a lot. let an appraiser sort it out for you (get one that will sit down and discuss 'what if's' with you)2 points
I don't mean this comment to be facetious or funny but should we be calling for removal of any Muslim related symbols or flags that may offend us after this ? Is fair really fair ?2 points
Is it me, or does that mole bug you? I know what Austin felt like.......... [URL=http://s963.photobucket.com/user/runco0318/media/MOLE_zps9rk0wcd4.jpg.html][/URL]2 points
I’ve said it many times before and I’ll repeat it again... The only way to stop an active shooter is with another shooter. When will people learn? Prayers to the family’s.2 points
I remember Phil Valentine stating several years back that one day soon there will be too classes of people; those who are not politically correct, and those who are dead. I thought it was humorous at the time. Lately, it crosses my mind a lot and isn't funny anymore.2 points
Let's not all Muslims are radical. Most are not. Nashville is home to the largest population of Kurds in the U.S. Don't think we have any problem with them.2 points
Tip of the iceberg fellows, I'm sure more will talk up trying and get caught but some will find a way to act out and kill people. What I'm kind of hoping is one of these terrorist(s) try this where a bunch of folks are legally carrying concealed weapons. If said folks have a modicum of training and grit things would be interesting.2 points
2 points
Anything in that policy about drawing concealed weapon and shoot suspected gunman? Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk2 points
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