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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Dave will be sending me a better picture Friday or Saturday but here is one form his Iphone
    7 points
  2. Savings on Home Security System!!!!!   The older we get the wiser we become:   We've disconnected our home alarm system and quit our candy-ass Neighborhood Watch.   I bought two Pakistani flags on eBay and raised them in the front yard; one at each corner plus a black flag of ISIS in the center.   Now, the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching the house 24/7.   I've never felt safer and we're saving $49.95 a month
    6 points
  3. I've looked all over the box and under the foam and I can't find the GM card. Do I have to call and get them to send to me because I thought it came in the box!
    3 points
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Passion-Natural-Water-Based-Lubricant-Gallon/dp/B005MR3IVO   Fun for the whole family! Be sure to read the product description.
    3 points
  5.   There is a difference between conducting war and conducting politics.  You may think you don't want rough men on the front lines doing whatever it takes to keep our country safe, but I assure you that you do.  What is truly criminal isn't that a man like Col. West would take an enemy combatant and scare him into providing valuable information that saves the lives of coalition men and women.  Valiant, honorable soldiers have done far worse than making a hadji soil his pants.  This nation was founded by men who knew how to get #### done and who did worse than that in combat.   What is truly criminal is that the media has ever been allowed to expose the dirty truth that war is Hell to a week-kneed, hand wringing public who dares to armchair quarterback what soldiers do to preserve their lives, the lives of their brothers in arm, and the lives of us back home, against an enemy who uses children to conduct suicide bombing missions, rapes women, saws the heads off of anyone who doesn't believe in their god, and throws men from rooftops to their deaths because "they might be gay".  The only effective answer to violence conducted by evil men, is violence conducted by good men.   Further, the United States did not ratify ALL the parts of the Geneva Convention and opted to reserve the right to things like capital punishment.   So yeah, I support the #### out of Col. West because he seems like a man who knows how to get #### done.   :usa:
    3 points
  6. That two tone looks great. I am now rethinking my stonewashed choice.
    3 points
  7.   Bersa, it's not about simply giving someone a false sense of security.  Anyone who believes a piece of paper will protect them is ignorant, but that isn't the issue.   It's about having a legal means to prosecute the guy again for being stupid if and when he does something he shouldn't.  Get the restraining order, it may end up alleviating more issues down the road.  And on another note, I would recommend you edit your responses.  If something should happen by some off chance, that is premeditation.
    3 points
  8. Thanks to mcordell, I got this...
    2 points
  9. Took a couple of my toys out the other day to play with. Here is some videos.   https://youtu.be/7YXVucrpvrA   Probably should have leaned into the glock a little more. Not use to a 9mm rocking me backwards. Ha.   https://youtu.be/-rhAsKy4EKI
    2 points
  10. I'm afraid this won't mesh with the synthetic snake oil wonder mix that I'm currently using on all of my weapons.  It's a good price, but I haven't seen any reviews by any real operators.  
    2 points
  11. Personally I don't like those pointy eared green blooded Romulan scumbags, they smell like copper. I can tolerate their Vulcan cousins even though they are a bunch of self-rightous smart a$$es, kinda like liberals except Vulcans are actually smart. :) and some Vulcans are pretty hot. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/T-Pol_zpshxuthzw5.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  12. So, who's talked to the owner about advertising here? Being such a nice place and in such close proximity to many of us, they really need to be a part of our community.
    2 points
  13. If he is on probation in Sumner County chances are he will get some time. I would go ahead and get a order of protection or restraining order along with the judge orderinghim no contact or stay away. Judge Hunter doesn't like people disobeying a court order.
    2 points
  14.   The Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs cost about $25 billion, and that was in 1960's dollars.  For all that money, and a decade of work, we got a few hundred pounds of moon rocks and dust.  However, as a direct result of the research and development done to allow those journeys, we transformed the modern world in ways never imagined, to include GPS, improved satellite and land-based communications and many new materials which are in daily use today, not to mention the revolution in computing power and electronics caused by the need to miniaturize electronic instrumentation and computers on board the ships.  The total value of the spin-off technologies of our earlier endeavors in space is likely in the tens, if not hundreds of trillions of dollars, a pretty good ROI in anyone's estimation ...
    2 points
  15. Despite what every tv show, basspro & guy at the gas station tells you, you don't need 70# shooting 300+ fps to kill a deer. I have killed my fair share, as have many of my friends, with recurve in the 40# range. The trick is to up your arrow weight. None of this 5gn per pound crap, whack a 500gn arrow from a 40# bow, with a sold FIXED BLADE broadhead & there isn't a deer made will stand up to it. Keep your shots to 20yds & under & don't worry one jot about her arrow speed. My 43# selfbow shoots a 530gn arrow at around 130fps. So far I've killed 2 deer & four decent hogs with it, all between 10 & 16yds. All but one hog were complete passthrough s
    2 points
  16. Not to high jack this thread, I have no problems with Yankees (shhh! I married one), but I do have problems with Yankees that try to change the way we live here, like making fun of our accents, not liking they way we run our schools, not liking our churches, not liking the way we run our politics, buying up all of the farm land which increases other land values, making fun of our rednecks, etc.  There is a reason this state is a state, and we should not be just an extension of say Ohio, Michigan, NY, IL, IN, etc.  You want to live in Tennessee, you are welcome here, be legal, and just blend in without changing the taste of Tennessee.   I think that is the problem of the U.S. in general, you want to live here, you are welcome to live here and to call it home, just do it legally, blend in without changing it!  :2cents:
    2 points
  17. My ancestors had no dog in this hunt as far as War Between The States as they never landed on American shores until 1878. I was born and raised above the Mason Dixon line until I went in the service in 1966. After I completed military service in 92 we moved to Tennessee and have been happy to call the south our home. Regardless what anyone says I see this unfortunate war caused by many reasons...not just one as so many claim. I've never felt the need to fly the Stars and Bars but on the other hand I've never been offended by it. I fly the Stars and Stripes from the front of my house and Gadsden Flag off the side of my workshop out back. With all the total nonsense lately about the Stars and Bars I now find it necessary to add it to the side of my workshop. I hope you born and bred southerners don't take offense by that. If you do then tough toenails. I'll be adding a small flag to my sig line here if I can find one I feel is appropriate in size. God Bless the United States of America and God Bless Dixie.
    2 points
  18. Are you saying certain symbols might repel certain unwanted Yankees, hmmm.........
    2 points
  19. I guess most of you read the post I made about the guy blocking his number and then calling me up and threatening to beat my head into mush about week or 10 days ago. The police were actually able to do a back check with the information my phone server provided and tracking where the voice mail originated from his phone. They found out who he is and also that he has an arrest record and is on probation right now. He lives in Westmoreland. They have issued a warrant for his arrest because of the threats he made on my life. The Gallatin Police Officer told me that they will be making an arrest very soon and ask if I would be willing to testify at his trial and I assured them that I would. At the present time I cannot reveal his name and to be all honest I never thought any more about the issue until the officer just left my home a few minutes ago. I am glad for the great police work which I didn't think would happen did happen.......... :up: :up:
    1 point
  20. You know, willis...I think I'm beginning to dislike you. lol
    1 point
  21. Only shot wolf out of it, i think you get resistance from steel on steel,,,,you know me i takes longer to load it then to unload it
    1 point
  22. I keep coming back to this thread so you might as well put me down for one, please. Only been a member for a short time, but wouldn't mind #69 if possible, otherwise any number works.
    1 point
  23.   Same here no issues to speak of; price was slightly higher than the likes of Bud's Gun Shop but they didn't have and DGG did.....
    1 point
  24. The person in question here will need an attorney to petition the court for the firearms to be released to either said attorney for sale or in exchange for legal services. It is also entirely possible this is all pointless because if this person was placed on probation then some form of conviction was rendered against them. My suspicions are the firearms and such have either been destroyed, sold at auction or traded in exchange for police equipment. I'm also going to say that without the court papers and police reports this things a crap shoot as to what really happened. Glenn's friend need to have an attorney review this stuff.
    1 point
  25. Don't be so anal about it. Man stuff like that just "pops up" remember?
    1 point
  26. Oh. Snap. That larger two tone looks incredible!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I've used them as well. No issues and been happy with pricing that I got. But that's been a year or so ago. Maybe things have changed?
    1 point
  29. and consumer reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Passion-Natural-Water-Based-Lubricant-Gallon/product-reviews/B005MR3IVO/ref=dp_db_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1
    1 point
  30. No, they wouldn't. If the world was nothing but whites then we'd discriminate against those with blue eyes. Look at Africa's tribal wars, for instance.
    1 point
  31. Well...I guess we shouldn't expect to see any video from a prone position :)   We are expecting video, though.
    1 point
  32. I would like one in two tone please. I'm not sure what the numbers people are choosing mean, but if the number gets put on the knife I'd like #18 if available please.
    1 point
  33. I worked a part time job in a friends gun store, long since closed now, were we occasionally used Davidson's and known other gun shops do the same. As best I recall  they were ok, not the best prices but good service and turn around time.
    1 point
  34. After moving to East Tennessee from California nineteen years ago, I realized that I had finally made the grade when my wife and I were driving home from a Saturday morning shopping trip this morning. Our shopping trip took us to a gas station, a gun shop, and a grocery store. As we drove along on the way home she suddenly snickered and said:   "You realize you're finally a real Tennessean, don't you?"   I asked: "Howzat?"   She replied: "All you bought this morning was gas, guns, groceries and beer."   :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:  :usa:   The devil made me post this.
    1 point
  35. If "getting shit done" means that violating the Geneva Conventions, The Hague accords, the UCMJ, and federal law, maybe the shit he gets done isn't the shit we should want him to be getting done. Maybe we should also be cautious about putting him in a position to really get a lot of shit done if that's the way he does shit. If you are given a small amount of authority and power and you abuse it, how can we trust you with the immense amounts of power and authority of high elected office?
    1 point
  36. Have you thought about building a stand for the tote so you could gravity feed if necessary?
    1 point
  37.   I wish I could tell how many times I have seen this. One thing I have learned is that no amount of jail time, punishment, threats of life in prison, etc. will make a damn bit of difference until a person decides for themselves that they need to change their behavior. Then, and only then, will they begin to act like an adult.
    1 point
  38. Danger Rane, mine is the wood buttstock. I have not heard of any problems with the synthetic stock set. I'm just partial to wood on guns, even though it is much more fragile. Just old fashioned I guess... but I like the composite stuff on my Bushmaster AR.
    1 point
  39.   It sounds to me like he's capable of getting shit done.
    1 point
  40. I've bought from them at least twice and there were no surprises, no hidden fees.  All went smoothly and I'd do it again.  I haven't had to use their warranty.
    1 point
  41. Back when I was bow hunting before this was just how I did it, I could draw 65-70 pounds but I kept my bow set at 55 and slung about 100 arrows per day. I figured shot placement was more important than power.
    1 point
  42. Sample knife is built. Dave will send me pictures tomorrow, I will post them this knife is going to be Bad-ass!
    1 point
  43. If a man ain't proud of where he lives, why don't he move to where he would be?     Segregation works, I just don't believe it should be forced.  If everyone lived with their own 'KIND' everyone could get along a lot better.  It would require a LOT of neutral zones in this day and age but it's doable and would work great.  Don't like what we're doing?  GTFO.     BTW, 'kind' is NOT racial but political and personal.
    1 point
  44. Q - Where'd you catch all them fish? A - Out in the lake.
    1 point
  45. Could it be that someone at the Dept. made a mistake?    Nahh!  No way.
    1 point
  46. The attitude of Microtech toward their customers is the reason I will never own another product from them.
    1 point
  47.    The worst losers of all were the nine people whose murders were immediately forgotten in the headlong rush to get rid of the flag.
    1 point
  48. I saw an article this morning on The Firearm Blog about a device called a Grip-Key for holding your keys. It's kind of cool, especially since it has a belt clip and you can customize the kydex colors and add logos. However, they are not cheap ($25-35). It reminded me of some similar devices for sale a few years ago, but not made out of kydex, Since I'm a cheapskate and like tinkering anyway, I made my own. This article got me thinking, I've been carrying these for around a year or 2 like this and don't recall having posted about it yet. Here's some pics: The green one is made from a [url="http://www.harborfreight.com/7-pc-mni-star-tamper-proof-key-set-97469.html"]torx bit set I picked up at Harbor Freight[/url] for around $5. I just took the screws out, removed the torx bits, retained the plastic spacers to put between the keys, and stacked them on each end in the order I wanted. The black one is made from some scrap kydex I had leftover from a holster. I just molded it around the fob of my truck key, cut out a hole to push it open, added some chicago screws of varying length to hold keys to my toolbox and a small storage box and drilled a hole for a keyring. Neither is much help for reducing bulk in your pocket but I never put my keys in my pockets anyway, but I like the way it keeps them from jingling.
    1 point
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