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I guess most of you read the post I made about the guy blocking his number and then calling me up and threatening to beat my head into mush about week or 10 days ago. The police were actually able to do a back check with the information my phone server provided and tracking where the voice mail originated from his phone. They found out who he is and also that he has an arrest record and is on probation right now. He lives in Westmoreland. They have issued a warrant for his arrest because of the threats he made on my life. The Gallatin Police Officer told me that they will be making an arrest very soon and ask if I would be willing to testify at his trial and I assured them that I would. At the present time I cannot reveal his name and to be all honest I never thought any more about the issue until the officer just left my home a few minutes ago. I am glad for the great police work which I didn't think would happen did happen.......... :up: :up:14 points
Who knew TGO would be a hot bed for astronomy talk today. First Dolomite watching out for Uranus and now this :)4 points
This is made from 1/4" thick 1095 carbon steel. The blade is 9 1/4" and AOL of 14 1/2". It has a matte finish and walnut scales. I guess you could call it a small chopper or large camp knife. I may just send this out for a nice leather sheath. [url=https://flic.kr/p/vCeZA7][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/vVfcCH][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/vURy1X][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/uXQzDY][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/vCnbJK][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/vCf11L][/url]3 points
I'm happy for you but advertising it ain't doing you no favors. Broadcast an edible carcass and ALL the buzzards will show up. The range may even see the value in it and put a stop to it all together. Charlie Haffner got smart and if you didn't shoot it, you can't pick it up. He sells it and makes a good little chunk of change from it. I don't blame him at all. I would do the same. In a few words, ALWAYS keep a good thing under your hat. Just my opinion which ain't worth much.3 points
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1st pictures coming in already. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Pluto_zpsmfht9ykz.jpg.html][/URL]2 points
I think it's important to look at Allen West in light of where he exists. The comparison with Sharpton, though harsh - is not as far off as it may sound. West is no longer a "public servant" - though he remains in the public sphere. This alone is probably illustrative of his intent and ambitions. Upon losing the election in 18th district of Florida, he accepted a handsome salary to be a pundit at Fox News. As such - his job as it exists today - isn't to serve a constituency, it's not to move the dialog on a given issue forward. Rather, it's to sell the message that his bosses - in this case Murdoch's 21st Century Fox want him to deliver to the public. Sure, he has a say in that dialog, but he makes a handsome salary delivering it. He is in essence a foil to the likes of Sharpton, but he's a salesman all the same. This is the light within which I primarily view him as a politician. Beyond that, I've a great deal of respect for anyone who willingly signs a contract to put on the uniform of the United States military and defend our country. I can even understand the circumstances and the logic that led to his decisions in Taji. Those decisions however, probably ought to disqualify him for any higher office. I know there's a great clammer in certain circles to get him to throw his hat in the ring for president. I just can't see a Commander in Chief who's held a mock execution for a prisoner that was under his control.2 points
The worst losers of all were the nine people whose murders were immediately forgotten in the headlong rush to get rid of the flag.2 points
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http://www.foxnews.com/science/2015/07/13/it-showtime-for-pluto-prepare-to-be-amazed-by-nasa-flyby/ This will be cool, it flys by Tuesday but i heard it takes 14 hours at the speed of light to get the pics back to earth, that's a loooong way away. Even if it's just a round rock at least we will know.1 point
Outlaw steel in Dickson this Saturday. I am still working on the stages but I can assure you they will be awesome. Shooters Meeting at 8:45 and shots by 9:00.1 point
Lt. Colonel Allen West posted these comments on his timeline on Facebook 9 hours ago. "Yippee, the Confederate battle flag has now been removed from the grounds of the South Carolina State Capitol. And, just like that, it solves the problem of black-on-black crime and killings. Now we’ll see the out-of-wedlock birthrate in the black community drop from 75%. There will be better educational opportunities and schools in South Carolina’s black communities and all across America. The black unemployment rate will drop —especially the almost 40% black teenage unemployment rate. We’ll now see an economic entrepreneurial boon in the inner cities because the Confederate battle flag’s been lowered. And there’ll be no more gangs of blacks beating on whites — as we saw in Ohio recently. Yep, the liberal progressive media shouted "squirrel" and an entire nation went a running. All the yelling and shouting by the crowds was evidence of those who lack grace, respect and dignity. Former South Carolina Gamecocks football coach Lou Holtz remarked that when you get to the end zone, you should act like you’ve been there before. So what does the lowering of the Confederate battle flag have to do with the killing of little seven-year-old Amari Brown in Chicago — anyone know when his funeral is?" For those who aren't familiar with Colonel West, he is a black retired Army officer and former member of the U.S. House of Representatives.1 point
Took a couple of my toys out the other day to play with. Here is some videos. https://youtu.be/7YXVucrpvrA Probably should have leaned into the glock a little more. Not use to a 9mm rocking me backwards. Ha. https://youtu.be/-rhAsKy4EKI1 point
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The temptation to chime in is strong. I'm going to keep my mouth shut and sit here in the corner and wait for the fascinating pictures to come in...1 point
Do you not know about David? He's just outside Ashland City and supplies MANY reloaders on here.1 point
The same advancements came from orbital missions. The driver for going to the moon was to one up the Russians, nothing more.1 point
You do incredible work my friend. Very nice. I'm gathering mug penny's for one soon.1 point
That's Ranger-ific :knifehand: Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk1 point
But if we drove to Pluto at the speed of light, at night and turned our headlights on. Could we see or would we have to wait for daybreak.1 point
I've shot coyote out to around 150 yd.with a H&R Hornet. When I was stationed in Germany it was a fairly popular round amongst the local jaegers for Roe deer. Use the soft point vs. the hollow point, and RWS ammo if you can find it. My 2 cents.1 point
This is only about 2 weeks out! This is an excellent opportunity to get some reps in of skills that you can't easily practice at most ranges....and it is certainly priced right for a day of training. So come on out ! And just so you know.....if you bring some extra 9mm (brass cased please) I might have some cool toys there to play with when we are done.....1 point
Sidewinder, I've noticed your evolution in thinking over the last couple of weeks from .17HMR to 22WMR to .22 Hornet now. Now that you're in centerfire calibers, your options open up a lot. I don't remember if you have other constraints affecting your decision, but why not go with a more common, more available caliber like .223? You can download rounds into the above caliber energies if you like, but you can also load some real hot ones. Likewise, the ammo available off the shelf probably makes it pretty easy to stock and consume.1 point
One thing about OTF knives, they will collect lint,use lighter fluid in the Microtechs, this will not stick to Lint and pocket debres like oil will. The last few Microtech OTF knives I have owned were extremely hard to open and close, to a point that I sold them off Again oil will cause crap to stick inside where Lighter fluid will clean and not stick, so flush them with it, also if the blade ever comes off track, (which they will at some point) a strong flick of the wrist flicking it outward will reset it on the track I have owned over 20 OTF Microtechs over the years and have never had to open one1 point
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Yep, I will never speak a word of it but there is a reason why I no longer beg you for lead. I can get as much lead as often as I like now. Took me close to a year of handing out $10 bills even if there wasn't any lead in their buckets for them to realize I was serious. Funny part is after I handed out money for nearly empty buckets of lead I guess they had a change of heart because now it costs me nothing to stop in a grab a bucket or two. They also know I am actually using it and not just selling it like the guy who got two 55 gallon drums of scrap lead from them a week or so before I started getting lead from them. At this point I have more than enough lead to last me years.1 point
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There is no "owner" of the CRC (Chattanooga Rifle Club) so no one can really lay claim to the brass other than the shooter. The club etiquette on brass is that you clean up after your self. Sweep nonreloadable .22/steel/aluminum off the pad and pick up reloadable brass. If you reload take it with you if you do not leave it on the bench or counter for someone who does.1 point
You can also add a credit card to a PayPal account for payments. I use it for all my purchases, but you have to manually select it for each purchase, only a bank can be the default payment mode.1 point
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I have mine linked to my checking account. When I buy w/PayPal it just takes it right out. If someone pays to your account it can stay there to use later or get them to put it into your bank account. If you buy from a business, the fees will be on them, if private sale one or the other pays the fee depending on the agreement. Sending to friends or family is no fee.1 point
Yep. It's a small little 22 CF that's good for short range varmiting, people tried to gild the lily by blowing out the case neck into a K-Hornet. It's a fun cartridge but the 222 Remington was much nicer now it's all about the .223. If you have a Contender rifle barrel then that's all you need. If you have the contender pistol barrel it'll do a credible job as I successfully hunted groundhogs for a couple of years with a Contender that had a .218 Bee barrel.1 point
I stopped by last Friday. It is very nice. I bought some specialty rimfire ammo at a decent price. Extremely friendly people.1 point
Sample knife is built. Dave will send me pictures tomorrow, I will post them this knife is going to be Bad-ass!1 point
If a man ain't proud of where he lives, why don't he move to where he would be? Segregation works, I just don't believe it should be forced. If everyone lived with their own 'KIND' everyone could get along a lot better. It would require a LOT of neutral zones in this day and age but it's doable and would work great. Don't like what we're doing? GTFO. BTW, 'kind' is NOT racial but political and personal.1 point
Damn good post. I didn't realize he was paid by Fox. Now I understand where link was going even if I don't agree with the comparison.1 point
El Conquistador, That's pretty good. About as good as Il Duce naming his the Titanic so when he plugs it up it says "The Titanic is Syncing"1 point
Not to high jack this thread, I have no problems with Yankees (shhh! I married one), but I do have problems with Yankees that try to change the way we live here, like making fun of our accents, not liking they way we run our schools, not liking our churches, not liking the way we run our politics, buying up all of the farm land which increases other land values, making fun of our rednecks, etc. There is a reason this state is a state, and we should not be just an extension of say Ohio, Michigan, NY, IL, IN, etc. You want to live in Tennessee, you are welcome here, be legal, and just blend in without changing the taste of Tennessee. I think that is the problem of the U.S. in general, you want to live here, you are welcome to live here and to call it home, just do it legally, blend in without changing it! :2cents:1 point
My ancestors had no dog in this hunt as far as War Between The States as they never landed on American shores until 1878. I was born and raised above the Mason Dixon line until I went in the service in 1966. After I completed military service in 92 we moved to Tennessee and have been happy to call the south our home. Regardless what anyone says I see this unfortunate war caused by many reasons...not just one as so many claim. I've never felt the need to fly the Stars and Bars but on the other hand I've never been offended by it. I fly the Stars and Stripes from the front of my house and Gadsden Flag off the side of my workshop out back. With all the total nonsense lately about the Stars and Bars I now find it necessary to add it to the side of my workshop. I hope you born and bred southerners don't take offense by that. If you do then tough toenails. I'll be adding a small flag to my sig line here if I can find one I feel is appropriate in size. God Bless the United States of America and God Bless Dixie.1 point
Are you saying certain symbols might repel certain unwanted Yankees, hmmm.........1 point
Sorry for the hijack, but West's reputation that took him to Congress and made him a conservative talking head is based on his military service to a large extent. Even on his own webpage, he has "Steadfast and Loyal," the 4th Infantry Division motto, as his own. So, I think what he did in that service is relevant. He's also off topic as far as the flag goes. Removing it won't solve any of the problems in the black community, but that's not the point. The point is that government use of racist, and rebellious symbology is wrong and shouldn't be.1 point
Window Units were meant to be hung out the window... Barring that break out a saw and hammer and frame out a hole in the wall that you can slide it through....1 point
Same person told me the same thing. And because Romney didn't win the last four years are probably our fault. It wouldn't have mattered who won we would still be where we are today with the races at odds with each other, the economy still in the dumps and several wars going on. Romney was not the savior, he is just like all other politicians in Washington right now.1 point
Link, I'm just curious, is there anyone you actually do like? Over the years I've watched you bitch about every political figure that is mentioned on this forum. You've complained about liberals, conservatives and everyone in between. I just reread West's post and I don't see any mention of blaming blacks for the flag coming down. He actually said the liberal media got the ball rolling. I think his post has a lot of valid points personally.1 point
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It will be used to water my garden, wash the vehicles, etc...I plan on putting one of them high dollar ceramic filters inline when i can afford it lol :) I just shut it off a few minutes ago, it took about an hour to pump 250 gallons up the hill into the tote..Good enough for me :D1 point
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